Etiology of PMDD 2017

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etiology of

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Dr. Raffi discusses treatment of menstrual
cycle–related mood and anxiety disorders

dysphoric disorder:
5 interwoven pieces
A better understanding of the causes of PMDD
can lead to improved diagnosis and treatment
Edwin R. Raffi, MD, MPH
Instructor in Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School
Center for Women’s Mental Health
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
I n an age when psychiatry strives to identify the biologic causes of
disease, studying endocrine-related mood disorders is particularly
intriguing. DSM-5 defines premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
as a depressive disorder, with a 12-month prevalence ranging from 1.8% to
5.8% among women who menstruate.1-3 Factors that differentiate PMDD
Marlene P. Freeman, MD from other affective disorders include etiology, duration, and temporal
Associate Professor in Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School relationship with the menstrual cycle.
Associate Director PMDD is a disorder of consistent yet intermittent change in mental
Center for Women’s Mental Health health and functionality. Therefore, it may be underdiagnosed and con-
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts sequently undertreated if a psychiatric evaluation does not coincide with
symptom occurrence or if patients do not understand that intermittent
Dr. Raffi reports no financial relationships with any company symptoms are treatable.
whose products are mentioned in this article or with
This article summarizes what is known about the etiology of PMDD.
manufacturers of competing products. Dr. Freeman has
received research support from JayMac, Sage, and Takeda; and Although there are several treatments for PMDD, many women experi-
has served on advisory boards for Janssen, JDS Therapeutics, ence adverse effects or incomplete effectiveness. Further understanding
and Sage. Dr. Freeman is an employee of Massachusetts
General Hospital (MGH) and works with the MGH Pregnancy of this disorder may lead to more efficacious treatments. Additionally,
Registry; this registry is sponsored by Alkermes, Forest/Actavis, understanding the pathophysiology of PMDD might shed a light on the
Otsuka, and Sunovion. As an employee of MGH, Dr. Freeman
works with the MGH Clinical Trials Network and Institute, which etiology of other disorders that are temporally related to reproductive life
has received research funding from multiple pharmaceutical changes, such as pregnancy-, postpartum-, or menopause-related affec-
companies and the National Institute of Mental Health.
tive dysregulation.

Making the diagnosis

The diagnosis of PMDD is made when a patient has at least 5 of 11 spe-
cific symptoms (page 22) that occur during the week before onset of men-
ses, improve within a few days after the onset of menses (shown as the
“PMDD Hazard Zone” in Figure 1, page 22), and are minimal or absent

Current Psychiatry
Vol. 16, No. 9 21
Figure 1

The menstrual cycle and the ‘PMDD Hazard Zone’


of PMDD Estrogen

Uterine wall changes

Uterine cycle phase Menses Proliferative phase Luteal (secretory) phase

Days 0 7 14 21 28

PMDD Hazard Zone PMDD Hazard Zone

Clinical Point
Perhaps the most The diagnosis of PMDD is made when a patient has at least 5 of 11 specific symptoms that occur
during the week before onset of menses, improve within a few days after the onset of menses
common cause (indicated here as the “PMDD Hazard Zone”), and are minimal or absent post-menses.
for misdiagnosis PMDD: premenstrual dysphoric disorder
of PMDD is failing
to rule out PME of
another underlying or post-menses.3 Symptoms should be tracked misdiagnosis of PMDD is failing to rule out
comorbid condition prospectively for at least 2 menstrual cycles PME of another underlying or comorbid con-
in order to confirm the diagnosis (one must dition (Figure 2, page 23). In many women who
be an affective symptom and another must be a have a primary mood or anxiety disorder,
behavioral/cognitive symptom).3 the late luteal phase is a vulnerable time. A
The affective symptoms are: patient might be coping with untreated anxi-
• lability of affect (eg, sudden sadness, ety, for example, but the symptoms become
tearfulness, or sensitivity to rejection) unbearable the week before menstruation
• irritability, anger, or increased inter­ begins, which is likely when she seeks help.
personal conflicts At this stage, a diagnosis of PMDD should be
• depressed mood, hopelessness, or self- provisional at best. Often, PME is treated by
deprecating thoughts treating the underlying condition. Therefore,
• anxiety or tension, feeling “keyed up” or a full diagnostic psychiatric interview is
“on edge.” important to first rule out other underlying
The behavioral/cognitive symptoms are: psychiatric disorders. PMDD is diagnosed if
• decreased interest in usual activities (eg, the premenstrual symptoms persist for 2 con-
work, hobbies, friends, school) secutive months after treating the suspected
• difficulty concentrating mood or anxiety disorder. Patients can use
• lethargy, low energy, easy fatigability one of many PMDD daily symptom charts
• change in appetite, overeating, food available online. Alternatively, they can use
cravings a cycle-tracking mobile phone application to
Discuss this article at • hypersomnia or insomnia correlate their symptoms with their cycle and • feeling overwhelmed or out of control share this information with their providers.
• physical symptoms (breast tenderness
or swelling, headache, joint or muscle
pain, bloating, weight gain). Consider these 5 interwoven
Current Psychiatry
Ruling out premenstrual exacerbation The many variables that contribute to the
22 September 2017 (PME). Perhaps the most common cause for pathophysiology of PMDD overlap and
Figure 2

Flow chart for the diagnosis of PMDD vs PMS or PME

Full psychiatric history

Not menstrual-related No Primary mood and/or anxiety

Symptoms worse disorder beyond late luteal
premenstrually? phase/early menstruation
PME (Treat primary disorder) Yes

>5 symptoms present and severe?

No (1 affective and 1 behavioral/cognitive)


PMS Provisional diagnosis of PMDD

If premenstrual
symptoms persist Treatment Track symptoms prospectively for
optional 2 months for definitive diagnosis Clinical Point
The involvement
of genetics means
an underlying
PMDD: premenstrual dysphoric disorder; PME: premenstrual exacerbation of an underlying condition;
PMS: premenstrual syndrome
is in place

should be considered connecting pieces in in women with PMDD compared with con-
the puzzle that is the etiology of this disor- trols. They speculated that because ESR1 is
der (Figure 3, page 24). In reviewing the litera- important for arousal, if dysfunctional, this
ture, we have identified 5 topics likely to be gene could be implicated in somatic as well
major contributors to this disorder: as affective and cognitive deficits in PMDD
1. genetic susceptibility patients. In another study, investigators
2. progesterone and allopregnanolone reported a relationship between PMDD and
(ALLO) heritable personality traits, as well as a link
3. estrogen, serotonin, and brain-derived between these traits and ESR1 polymorphic
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) variants.1 They suggested that personality
4. putative brain structural and functional traits (independent of affective state) might
differences be used to distinguish patients with PMDD
5. further involvement of the hypotha- from controls.1
lamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and Studies on serotonin gene polymorphism and
hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) serotonin transporter genotype. Although a
axis: trauma, resiliency, and inflammation. study of serotonin gene polymorphism did
not find an association between serotonin1A
Genetic susceptibility. PMDD is thought gene polymorphism and PMDD, it did
to have a heritability range between 30% to show that the presence of at least 1 C allele
80%.3 This is demonstrated by family and was associated with a 2.5-fold increased
twin studies4-7 and specific genetic stud- risk of PMDD.9 Another study did not find
ies.8 The involvement of genetics means an an association between the serotonin trans-
underlying neurobiologic pathophysiology porter genotype 5-HTTLPR and PMDD.10
is in place. However, it showed lower frontocingulate
Estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) gene. Huo cortex activation during the luteal phase of Current Psychiatry
et al8 found an associated variation in ESR1 PMDD patients compared with controls, Vol. 16, No. 9 23
Figure 3 However, in women with PMDD, this typi-
cal ALLO increase might not occur.14
The 5 interwoven pieces
Patients with PMDD have been reported
of the PMDD puzzle
to have decreased levels of ALLO in the
luteal phase.15-17 In one study, women with
highly symptomatic PMDD had lower lev-
els of ALLO compared with women with
Etiology Brain structure Genetics and less symptomatic PMDD.14 A gonadotropin-
of PMDD and function heritability
releasing hormone challenge study showed
the increase in ALLO response was less in
HPA and HPG axis:
PMDD patients compared with controls.17
Trauma, resiliency, and metabolites: Luteal-phase ALLO concentrations are
inflammation ALLO
reported to be lower in women with pre-
Estrogen menstrual syndrome (PMS), a milder form
BDNF of PMDD.14,17
The efficacy of selective serotonin reup-
Clinical Point take inhibitors (SSRIs) for treating PMDD
could be the result of the interaction of these
Patients with PMDD The 5 topics likely to be major contributors
medications with neuroactive steroids,18 pos-
have been reported to the etiology of PMDD disorder are:
sibly because SSRIs enhance the sensitivity
(1) genetic susceptibility; (2) progesterone and
to have decreased ALLO; (3) estrogen, serotonin, and BDNF; of GABAA receptors or promote the forma-
(4) putative brain structural and functional
levels of ALLO in differences; and (5) involvement of the HPA and
tion of more ALLO (Figure 4, page 25).19-21
the luteal phase HPG axis. Each of the 5 factors is influenced
by the other 4, either directly or indirectly, as it Estrogen, serotonin, and BDNF. Estrogen
contributes to the pathophysiology of PMDD. affects multiple neurotransmitter systems
ALLO: allopregnanolone; BDNF: brain-derived neurotrophic that regulate mood, cognition, sleep, and
factor; HPA: hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal; eating.22 Studying estrogen in context of
HPG: hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal; PMDD: premenstrual
dysphoric disorder PMDD is important because women with
PMDD can have low mood, specific food
cravings, and impaired cognitive function.
Estrogen–serotonin interactions are
suggesting that PMDD is linked to impaired thought to be involved in hormone-related
frontocingulate cortex activation induced by mood disorders such as perimenopausal
emotions during the luteal phase.10 depression and PMDD.23,24 However, the
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and PMDD nature of their relationship is not yet fully
have shared clinical features. A polymorphism understood. Ovariectomized animals have
in the serotonin transporter promoter gene shown estrogen-induced changes related to
5-HTTLPR has been associated with SAD. serotonin metabolism, binding, and trans-
One study found that patients with comorbid mission in the regions of the brain involved
SAD and PMDD are genetically more vul- in regulation of affect and cognition.
nerable to comorbid affective disorders com- Research in menopausal women also has
pared with patients who have SAD only.11 provided some support for this interaction.24
Positron emission tomography studies
Progesterone and ALLO. Chronic exposure in humans have found increased cortical
to progesterone and ALLO (a main proges- serotonin binding modulated by levels of
terone metabolite) and rapid withdrawal estrogen, similar to those previously seen
from ovarian hormones may play a role in in rat studies.24-27 One study showed an
the etiology of PMDD. Much like alcohol or increased binding potential of serotonin in
benzodiazepines, ALLO is a potent positive the cerebral cortex with estrogen treatment.
allosteric modulator of GABAA receptors This study further showed an even greater
and has sedative, anesthetic, and anxiolytic binding potential with estrogen plus proges-
Current Psychiatry
properties. In times of acute stress, increased terone, signaling a synergistic effect of the
24 September 2017 ALLO is known to provide relief.12,13 2 hormones.28
Figure 4

Conversion of progesterone to ALLO and the SSRI influence



Progesterone 5α-dihydroprogesterone Allopregnanolone

5α-reductase 3α-hydroxysteroid
type I dehydrogenase

SSRIs enhance the sensitivity of GABAA receptors or promote the formation of more ALLO as shown
here. This is one possible mechanism by which they could be helping to alleviate PMDD symptoms.

ALLO: allopregnanolone; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid; PMDD: premenstrual dysphoric disorder;

SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

Clinical Point
Prefrontal cortex
SSRIs are an effective treatment for the the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex.
irritability, anxiety, and mood swings of Women with PMDD have greater gray mat-
dysfunction may
PMDD.29-30 Although the exact mechanism ter volume in the posterior cerebellum,36 be a risk factor for
of action is unknown, the serotonergic prop- greater gray matter density of hippocampal PMDD
erties are certainly of primary attention. For cortex, and lower gray matter density in the
some PMDD patients, SSRIs work within parahippocampal cortex.37
hours to days, as opposed to days or weeks Some studies have shown a functional
for patients with depression or anxiety, variability of the amygdala’s response to
which suggests a separate or co-occurring stress in women with PMDD vs healthy con-
mechanism of action is in place. In a double- trols.38,39 A proton magnetic resonance spec-
blind, placebo-controlled crossover study, troscopy (1H-MRS) study of the displays
researchers administered the serotonin the possibility of an altered GABAergic
receptor antagonist  metergoline to women function in patients with PMDD.40
with PMDD whose  symptoms  had remit- Patients will PMDD have enhanced dor-
ted during treatment with fluoxetine and solateral prefrontal cortex reactivity when
a group of healthy controls who were not anticipating negative stimuli (but not to the
receiving any medication.31 The women with actual exposure) during the luteal phase.
PMDD experienced a return of symptoms 24 A positive correlation between this reac-
hours after treatment with metergoline but tivity and progesterone levels also was
not with placebo; the controls  experienced observed.41 Some researchers have sug-
no mood changes.31 gested that prefrontal cortex dysfunction
BDNF is a neurotransmitter linked may be a risk factor for PMDD.42
to estrogen and likely related to PMDD.
BDNF is critical for neurogenesis and is HPA axis and HPG axis: Trauma, resil-
expressed in brain regions involved in iency, inflammation. Altered cortisol lev-
learning and memory and also affects els (higher during the luteal phase43 and
regulation.32 BDNF levels are increased by lower during times of stress14,44) suggest a
serotonergic antidepressants, affected by possibly altered HPA axis in some women
estradiol, and have cyclicity throughout with PMDD. However, studies on this topic
the menstrual cycle.33-35 have been few and inconsistent.
Dysregulation of the HPG axis could
Putative brain structural and functional cause vasomotor symptoms, sleep dys-
differences. Imaging studies have sug- regulation, and mood symptoms during
gested differences in brain structure in menopause; women with PMDD can also Current Psychiatry
women with PMDD, with a focus on experience these symptoms. The influence Vol. 16, No. 9 25
of estrogen and progesterone on mood is lite is a topic of interest in current research.
also highly dependent on this axis. Similarly, the role of estrogen and its connec-
Ultimately, the interplay between the tion to serotonin and other neurotransmit-
HPA axis and the HPG axis is important. ters such as BDNF have been implicated.
One study found that women with PMDD The link between a history of stress,
who had high serum ALLO levels (HPG- trauma, and PMDD raises the question
related) had blunted nocturnal cortisol lev- of biologic resiliency and illness in these
Etiology els (HPA-related) compared with healthy patients, as it connects to the HPA and HPG
of PMDD controls who had low ALLO levels.45 axis and production of inflammatory stress
Significant stress and trauma exposure hormones and steroid hormones and their
have been associated with PMDD. A study metabolites. PMDD can be conceptualized
of 3,968 women found a history of trauma as variable sensitivity to hormonal response
and PTSD were independently associated to stress,58 thus contextualizing biochemical
with PMDD.46 Another study of approxi- and psychological resiliency.
mately 3,000 women found a strong corre- Further research is needed to clarify the
lation between abuse and PMS.47 However, possibility of a shared pathophysiology
Clinical Point a third study found no correlations between between endocrine-related mood disorders
PMDD and trauma.48 such as postpartum depression (PPD) and
One study found
Patients with a predisposition to PMDD PMDD because current research is contro-
increased levels of may be more vulnerable to develop a versial.59,60 In PPD, women who are exposed
proinflammatory posttraumatic stress-related disorder, per- to high levels of progesterone and estrogen
markers in women haps due to decreased biologic resiliency. during pregnancy (just like in the mid-
with PMDD For example, the startle response (hyper­ luteal phase) have a sudden drop in these
vigilance) has been shown to be different in hormones postpartum.
compared with women with PMDD. One study suggested
controls that suboptimal production of premen- The ‘withdrawal theory.’ The affective
strual ALLO may lead to increased arousal symptoms of PMDD resolve almost instan-
and increased stress reactivity to psycho­ taneously after the start of menstruation.
social or environmental triggers.49 Perhaps this type of immediate relief is akin
The possible role of inflammation in to substance use disorders and symptoms of
PMDD deserves further investigation. withdrawal. It could be that reinstatement
The luteal phase entails an increase in the of a certain amount of gonadal steroids in
production of proinflammatory mark- the follicular phase of the cycle diminishes a
ers.50,51 A 10-fold increase in progesterone withdrawal-like response to these steroids.
is correlated with a 20% to 23% increase in Currently, the main leading theory is that
C-reactive protein levels.52,53 Women with PMDD is a result of “an abnormal response
inflammatory diseases (eg, gingivitis or to normal hormonal changes.”61 A new
irritable bowel syndrome) show worsening study also has shown that the change in
of symptoms prior to menstruation.54-56 One estradiol/progesterone levels (vs the steady
study found increased levels of proinflam- state) was associated with PMDD symp-
matory markers in women with PMDD toms.62 Thinking of PMDD as a disorder of
compared with controls.57 withdrawal offers an alternative (yet com-
plementary) perspective to the current the-
ory: PMDD may be caused by the absence or
Putting together the 5 pieces diminishing of the above-named hormones
of the puzzle and their metabolites in the late luteal phase
Because PMDD is heritable, it must have (in the context of developed “tolerance” dur-
an underlying neurobiologic pathophysi- ing the early- to mid-luteal phase).
ology. Brain imaging studies show differ- Considering the interplay between
ences in structure and function in women neuro­transmitters and neurosteroids, both
with PMDD across the menstrual cycle. a “serotonin withdrawal theory” (caused
Current Psychiatry
Conversion of progesterone to ALLO and by a drop in steroid hormones) and a
26 September 2017 the GABAergic influence of this metabo- “GABAergic withdrawal theory” (due to
the decline in progesterone) could be pro-
posed. This theory would be supported Related Resources
by the fact that SSRIs seem to mitigate • Lanza di Scalea T, Pearlstein T. Premenstrual dysphoric
disorder. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2017;40(2):201-216.
symptoms of PMDD as well as the genetic
• Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Women’s Mental
association between PMDD and ESR1. It Health.
is more than likely that the “withdrawal” Drug Brand Name
is caused by the interactions between Fluoxetine • Prozac
estrogen-serotonin, progesterone-ALLO,
and GABA receptors, and the complemen-
tary fashion in which progesterone and
estrogen influence each other. what is the current state of knowledge in humans?
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2014;231(17):3619-3634.
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Bottom Line
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Current Psychiatry
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Current Psychiatry
28 September 2017

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