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Additional Readings for Final Examination

Litr 102 – ASEAN Literature

• Read facts about Laos and Singapore

• Read the Poem “There is Not Only You, p. 133
This poem used second person point of view
• Paraphrasing - restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form
while keeping the same essential meaning.
- means putting someone else’s ideas into your own words. Paraphrasing a source
involves changing the wording while preserving the original meaning.
• Read the poen The Exile, p. 158
This talks about about the life and experiences of Tan Jing Quee during his exile.
• Read the poem Sun Flower, p. 162
This talks about the verbal abuse experienced by children.
• Read The Birth of Poem, p.146
Personification is used by the author to illustrate human characteristics
• Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir is the father of modern Malay literature.
• Please read , Friends (Sahabat) by Anwar Ridhwan pp. 167-172
In the story, Anwar and his friends experienced delayed allowance and insufficient funds

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