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English School-Based Assignment Based On Drug Use In Sports

English A

School Base Assessment

Done By: D'andre Allen

Candidate Number:

Centre Number: 100131

School: York Castle High School

Year : 2023

Territory: Jamaica

Teacher: Ms. Miller

Topic: The effect of drug use in Sports

Table of Content

Plan of Investigation 3

Reflection #1 4-5

Reflection #2 6

Reflection #3 7

Written Report 8-9

Oral Presentation 10-11

Reference 10

Appendix 13

Plan of Investigation

I chose the topic "The Effect Of Drug Use in Sport" from the group theme of Sports. I chose

this topic due to the high number of athletes using Performance Enhancing drugs(PEDs)

portrayed in the media. This information is hardly investigated or made known to the public

unless an athlete is caught. This research will widen my knowledge of the seriousness of

using PEDs in sports. As an English learner, this research will benefit me in writing better

summaries, since summary writing has always been a challenge for me. Again this research

will build my vocabulary as it will equip me with knowledge of literary devices and their


In completing this research, I intend to gather information for my topic by visiting the library

and browsing the internet for articles, videos, and poems. I will utilize a YouTube video, an

online article, and a picture that diversely depicts information related to my topic; these will

be used to grasp the concept of my research.

Reflection #1

The article I read From the website National Library Of Medicine entitled "Drug Abuse In

Athletes" Written by Dr. Readon and Dr. Creado (2013), stated that athletic life may lead to

drug use for several reasons, including self-improvement, self-treat underline mental issues

and to relieve oneself of life issues, such as general performance and retirement (since they

retire at an earlier age than other careers). After reading the article I realized that drug abuse

in athletes is a significant problem that began in ancient days before the development of

organized sports but due to the advance in technology with testing devices, it is easier to

detect banned substances. I must note that dopping occurs among any age group or gender for

various reasons. After reading this, I was dumbfounded at how an athlete could risk his life to

have an edge over his or her teammates in such an unconventional way.

After watching the video titled"Doping for gold: Performance-enhancing drugs" I was

frightened and saddened at the fact that athletes would go so far knowing the risk involved in

doping. The reporter said, “athletes caught are immediately stripped of their titles and

achievement and forced to forfeit their medals.” I keep seeing in my mind’s eye how an

athlete training for years just to be outdone by someone who cheated by using steroids, it

disgusts me thinking about it, and I'm more motivated than ever to encourage athletes to

avoid PEDs, as the fame will only be for awhile until they are caught.

The poem titled "I'm In Love With Drugs" by Elizabeth Squires had me thinking about a

specific line that the author used multiple times “I'm in love With Drugs” the way it was used

throughout the poem highlights its addictive nature it's heartbreaking with the author stating

PEDs are illegal but not being able to stop. It's saddening that people all over go through this

in and out of sports. As a person who knew someone who was addicted to drugs, it hits close

to home, luckily he is a part of the few who are able to escape the jaws of addiction. I'm now

encouraged to help athletes who are addicted to PEDs and get the help they need to get on to

the road of recovery or recuperate.


While analyzing my three artifacts I noted several languages which I will examine.

In my first article "Drug Abuse In Athletes" the author used formal and Standard English

language and they most times go together in professional settings. The grammar is clear and

precise. It is captivating as it draws its readers’ attention from the first line of the article to the

end and it was easy to comprehend.

In the Video" Doping for gold: Performance-enhancing drugs" the use of language was

informal. Viewers could easily grasp the information and the message’s overall intent. The

video was engaging. After watching it I was fearful for the athletes who used PEDs because

of the extreme side effects of these illegal drugs. Even I who is not an athlete after watching

the video am afraid of steroids.

In the poem "I'm in Love With Drugs" the use of language was informal with the use of

slang. The writers used the line I'm in love with drugs several times, highlighting its addictive

nature. It is a lyrical poem, as it express the thoughts and feelings of the of the speaker and its

an expression of emotion. It is also gives a fast rhythm. The use of metaphor was seen in the

line “I can sprint faster than a frightened deer”. The language also used is figurative, as it

creates a special effect in feeling.

All three had a different tone. The authors of the article gave me a sense of concern as they

highlighted the causes of drugs used in sports and the effects of PEDs on their victims. The

tone in the video was one of fear. It makes one fearful of taking PEDs and lastly, in the poem,

the tone was one of helplessness. The user knows that PEDs are wrong but cannot help

themselves because of the benefits.


With the completion of this S.B.A. my group members and I was thoroughly informed about

the effects of PEDs. With this new knowledge, we will be able to encourage athletes in our

school about the dangers and lasting effects of PEDs.

This S.B.A. process was long and challenging but manageable if one is focused. It allowed

me to participate in a group and allows me to respect others’ opinions. During the process of

writing my S.B.A. My ability as a writer has improved significantly, although I found it hard

to express myself sometimes, with the completion of the S.B.A a weight was lifted from my

shoulders. This SBA has increased my knowledge and skills in summary writing. I am better

able to summarise articles. Additionally, I am better able to identify different techniques and

tones in written documents.

Finally, this SBA has allowed me to do much introspection. I realized that we all need others

and everyone is important regardless of who they are.

Written Report

Group members: D’Andre Allen, Norven Dacosta and Sezaun Scarlett

Topic: Sports

The shared theme of Sports, with three topics, were explored by our group “The Effect of

Drug Use In Sports”,“The influence of Tourism on sports” and “The Influence of Technology

on Football.”

We proceeded by choosing our best artefacts. We discussed and spent ample time on each

artefact, based on the reason for selecting each artefact along with the and content. The first

artefact is a three-minute youtube video, entitled “Sports tourism Economic Impact.” which

speaks about River City Sportsplex; a sports club that benefits both young and old tourists,

coming from different parts of the world to play different types of sports at different times.

The coordinator of this club states that their business benefits enormously from tournaments

that are held annually. We met as a group and eliminated all biases attached to this artefact by

the group member who selected it and decided to include this artefact on the basis of its rich,

diverse content.

The second artefact taken from the website National Library Of Medicine was also selected

and considered most notable; based on its source which we considered reliable and the

second-best source for providing credible information and evidence for any research. This

article entitled "Drug Abuse In Athletes" Written by Dr. Readon and Dr. Creado (2013),

explains how an athletic life may lead to drug use for several reasons, including self-

improvement, self-treat underlying mental issues. Our third artefact was image that showed a

picture of a ball that had not fully crossed the goal line and was given as a no-goal. This

image was selected by the group by an anonymous vote with a written reason, which

ultimately aligned with its simplicity and uniqueness. The group decided that this third

artefact beautifully outlined an amazeming aspect of the central Sports theme.

After expressing our reasons for selecting the three said artefacts, the group met online via

Whatsapp call and decided to conduct a cross analysis of the three pieces.We highlighted

how the impact of sports on tourism and its economic gain aligned with the athletes’ desire

to use dope in sports for financial gain. Sports is a business and so is tourism both must be

handled well to get maximum gain. as such our group recognized the similarity in sports

being used to attract tourists for financial gain and doping being advertised and used for a

financial gain, despite its unfair, immoral aspect. gain. The group argued that the inclusion of

the third artefact directly focusing on football but not the other sporting events shared an

interesting viewpoint of how the highlighted improvement in sports technology will not only

boost other sporting activities but attract tourists in the country to grow the economy and

invite new participants and sustain a high level of enjoyment and interest.

In concluding, we all came to the conclusion and decided that the views of these three

artefacts concretize the topic of Sports.

Oral Presentation

Good afternoon Ms. Miller

My name is D’andre Allen, and I will be presenting a speech on doping in sports the topic I

chose was “Performance Enhancing Drugs in sports”.

Sports is a business, and its integrity must be protected. It is a major form of entertainment,

with athletes who are role models that the younger generation look up to, but doping has

caused much disgrace in the arena.

According to the Oxford online dictionary, “doping is the unlawful use of drugs to enhance or

inhibit the performance of an athlete”.

According to the anti-doping convention of the European council doping in sports mean, “the

administration or use of doping agents or methods by athletes”. It is the use of these athletic

performance-enhancing drugs by athletic competitors that has tarnished the fairness and trust

in sports and some of the substances frequently used are narcotics, analgesics, anabolic

steroids, and hormones.

But the thing is doping isn’t a modern-day problem it goes back to Ancient Greece where

athletes were given performance-enhancing drugs In the Roman Empire where racing horses

were doped with various blends of substances to increase stamina and speed so how will we

combat a problem that has outlived many of us.

An athlete is a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise and

participates in organized sports activity in modern-day sports many athletes have tested

positive for doping and this is ruining the sacred arena of sports. Let’s talk about Ben

Johnson the famous 100-meter runner who was responsible for the first doping scandal in the

history of the Olympics. Due to the pressure, sports is no longer only for entertainment it is a

business with financial gain athletes are being pressured to obtain better results and the

pressure of the media and the ego-centric nature of humans causing the doping phenomenon

in sports to rise uncontrollable heights and our athletes are putting their selves in danger but

this can all come to an end fair play be restored throughout the industry and the only way this

can be fixed is educating the younger athletes of the danger of doping and the effects of it

and the ethical consideration surrounding it.

Doping compromise the credibility of one’s performance in any sport it is forbidden ethically

and medically. Say no to doping. I thank you.


Reardon, C. L., & Creado, S. (2013). Drug abuse in athletes. Substance Abuse and
Rehabilitation, 5, 95-105.

YouTube Video: Doping for gold: Performance-enhancing drugs - YouTube


I’m in love with drugs by Elizabeth Sequires

I'm in love with drugs

I'm in love with drugs

they lift me into the stratosphere

with their aid and bolstering qualities

I can sprint faster than a frightened deer

I'm in love with drugs

I'm in love with drugs

they enhance my every muscle

they've got the effectiveness

of an express train in full bustle

I'm in love with drugs

I'm in love with drugs

I'm the new breed

of sports star

and my daily dose

of illegals helps me well beyond par

I'm in love with drugs

I'm in love with drugs


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