The Choro Monkey Appearance

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APPEARANCE : The yellow-tailed woolly wool (also known
as Oreonax Flavicauda) is the largest of the endemic mammals of
Peru. Adults reach 54 cm in length (head/body), with tails longer
than the body (up to 63 cm). Their fur is woolly, dense and
copper-colored. Males are recognized by their impressive golden
pubic hair and females by their smaller and more delicate hair.
Its name refers to the yellow color of the hair on its genitals and
the terminal part of its tail with which it clings to tree branches.
It is characterized by dense, thick, deep mahogany-colored fur,
which is particularly long on the chest, and striking golden
yellow hairs on the genital area and tail, which is more abundant
and dense in males than in females. This monkey is very hairy, its
fur is water resistant, which helps it a lot when it rains.
The yellow-tailed choro monkey feeds on fruits,
insects and leaves of fig trees, lianas, chontillas and
other plants. Being arboreal (living in the trees), it
requires large extensions of forest to survive. A very
curious fact is that in the year 1812, Alexander von
Humboldt found some of this species, was excited to
see them, bought them and took them to Germany.
He thought that the yellow hairs belonged to the tail,
hence the name yellow-tailed choro monkey. Well,
climate change is a big problem for the choro
monkeys, because when the temperature of the
planet increases, the clouds go higher, changing the
ecosystem where this species lives. Since they live in
cloud forests, they have to move up with the clouds,
until they run out of room to move up.
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