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145  Mineral Deficiencies

Anuraj H. Shankar

4% of the total body mass.2,3 They are classified as major minerals

KEY FEATURES (daily requirement of at least 100 mg), trace minerals (daily
requirement of less than 100 mg), and ultra-trace minerals (typically
• The human body requires 17 essential minerals that 1 µg or less). Minerals are naturally present in food or may be
must be obtained through diet or supplementation. added through food fortification or dietary supplements.
• Deficiencies are widespread, especially in low- and Minerals play a variety of crucial biologic roles, including
middle-income countries, and with the greatest disease maintenance of proper electrolyte balance and conductivity func-
burden among young children and pregnant women. tions for muscle and nerve excitation, acid–base balance, as cofactors
• From a public health perspective, the most important in enzymes required for metabolism, in forming and stabilizing
mineral deficiencies are of iron, zinc, and iodine. proteins, and in the crystalline structure of bones and teeth, as
well as other functions.2,3 It is important to note that many minerals
• Iron deficiency affects ≈18% of children under age 5 interact with each other and with vitamins; for example, healthy
(U5) and pregnant women, causing 45 million bones require a balance between vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus,
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) annually from magnesium, zinc, fluorine, chlorine, manganese, copper, and sulfur.
anemia and decreased work capacity and possibly Deficiency in any of these would influence skeletal health. Interac-
cognition. Improved iron intake with dietary tions in absorption may also be important; for example, high
diversification and supplements, and decreased losses intakes of iron may decrease zinc absorption, or high intake of
from hookworm and malaria, are effective interventions. zinc may result in copper deficiency. A balanced diet provides all
• Zinc deficiency affects ≈17% of people globally, causing required minerals and in the proper quantities and ratios.
16 million DALYs from reduced linear growth and Unfortunately, mineral deficiencies are widespread, particularly
infections due to reduced immunity and epithelial for persons residing in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs),
integrity. The human body does not store zinc at and have a large impact on global health and tropical medicine.4–6
appreciable quantities, and sufficient daily intake is For some minerals, requirements are sufficiently low that even
needed. The World Health Organization (WHO) poor diets provide the needed amounts, or reserves or nutrient
recommends zinc as adjunct treatment for diarrhea, and recycling may mitigate the effects of chronically low intakes. In
routine U5 supplementation improves linear growth and some cases, loss of mineral-dependent functions may be partially
reduces diarrheal disease. Fortification and dietary compensated for by alternative biologic pathways. Under these
diversification are needed along with supplementation scenarios, clinical manifestations of deficiency may be absent or
programs. mild and recognized only in rare cases of severe chronic deficiency.
• Iodine deficiency affects ≈28% of people globally, However, for some minerals, reserves are limited and their physi-
causing 4 million DALYs from infant mortality and child ologic roles are such that even mild deficiencies have adverse
brain damage and thyroid hormone–related health effects. From a public health perspective, based on the
abnormalities. The most effective intervention at scale is prevalence and impact on morbidity, mortality, and quality of life,
salt iodization. deficiencies of the trace minerals iron, zinc, and iodine have the
greatest burden on health and are reviewed in detail next.5,6 The
• Other mineral deficiencies of significant public health
roles of other minerals are briefly discussed.
importance include selenium and its effects on chronic
inflammation with non-communicable diseases and
possible effects on HIV disease progression; calcium and IRON
magnesium and their effects on pre-eclampsia and
eclampsia and birth outcomes; and fluorine with respect Global Burden of Iron Deficiency
to dental caries.
Iron deficiency is widespread and affects ≈18% of all children
• The mineral lead (Pb) is a ubiquitous environmental under 5 years of age (U5) and pregnant women, and is associated
contaminant from paint, pipes, fuels, and improper with 45 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs).4,6,7 Chronic
disposal of batteries and electronic hardware, causing 9.3 anemia associated with iron deficiency results in impaired work
million DALYs due to neurologic damage, especially in capacity, reduced cognitive performance, and increased susceptibility
children. Decontamination and reduced exposure are a to infection.4,7–9
high priority.
Overview of Iron Biology
Iron has multiple physiologic roles, among the most crucial being
the primary functional element of hemoglobin.10 The ferrous ion
INTRODUCTION (Fe+2) combined with the protoporphyrin IX ring structure forms
Minerals are essential elements required for human life, and heme, the oxygen-carrying component of hemoglobin and myo-
typically exclude the organic elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, globin. Iron deficiency leads to lower heme levels and reduced
and oxygen.1 They cannot be made by the body and must be erythropoiesis, resulting in hypochromic microcytic anemia. Iron
obtained in adequate dietary amounts required for proper health. also has a crucial role in the electron transport chain in mito-
Minerals are distinct from vitamins in that they are not organic chondria through the family of cytochromes, with the iron–
molecules composed of multiple atoms. The human body requires porphyrin ring functioning to reduce ferrous to ferric iron. The
17 different minerals, as indicated in Table 145.1, and these comprise iron sulfur family of enzymes also acts as electron carriers in the
CHAPTER 145  Mineral Deficiencies 1049

TABLE 145.1  Essential Minerals in Descending Order by Recommended Daily Intake Levels for Adult Men and Women (Non-Pregnant, Non-Lactating)
Age 19 to 50 and Key Biologic Functions and Dietary Sources 145
Mineral RDA/AI Functional Significance Dietary Sources
Potassium 4700 mg Systemic electrolyte needed to maintain membrane action Legumes, potato skin, tomatoes, and bananas.
potentials; essential for ATP regulation.
Chlorine 2300 mg Production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and in cellular Table salt (sodium chloride) is the main dietary source.
pump functions.
Sodium 1500 mg Systemic electrolyte needed to maintain membrane potential Table salt (sodium chloride, the main source), sea
and action potentials; essential in coregulating ATP with vegetables, milk, and spinach.
Calcium 1200 mg Needed for muscle contractility, heart and digestive system Dairy products, canned fish with bones such as
health, builds bone, supports synthesis and function of salmon or sardines, green leafy vegetables, nuts
blood cells. and seeds.
Sulfur 850 mg Critical in tertiary protein structure, including connective tissue Mustard, egg, seafood, beans, milk, milk products,
and skin, e.g., collagen and keratin. A component of bile nuts, and meat. Sulfur in proteins is the main
acids for fat absorption and in B vitamins, thereby dietary source, followed by sulfates in water, fruits,
facilitating energy production. Needed for several enzymes and vegetables.
and antioxidant molecules, including glutathione and
coenzyme A.
Phosphorus 700 mg Key component of bones and energy processing via ATP and Meat, yeast, wheat germ, soybean flour, meat, poultry,
related molecules. cheese, milk, canned fish, nuts and cereals.
Magnesium 420 mg Required for processing ATP and for bones. Nuts, soy beans, and cocoa mass.
Zinc 11 mg Required for production of immune cells and their function, is Liver, shellfish, oysters, meat, canned fish, hard
an antioxidant, is co-factor in nearly 300 enzymes, including cheese, whole grains, nuts, eggs, and pulses.
carboxypeptidase, alcohol dehydrogenase, and carbonic Vegetables and cereals may also contain phytates
anhydrase. and oxalates that reduce zinc absorption.
Iron 8 mg Required for oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin and Red meat, leafy green vegetables, fish (tuna, salmon),
myoglobin, and as co-factor for several other enzymes. eggs, dried fruits, beans, whole grains, and
enriched grains.
Fluorine 3.8 mg Forms compounds with calcium and phosphorus that are Tea, meat, fish, cereals, and fruit.
stronger and less soluble than other calcium salts, leading
to stronger teeth and bones.
Manganese 2.3 mg Needed co-factor for enzymes of energy production and Cereals, spinach, whole-meal bread, nuts, pulses,
synthesis of DNA and RNA. Key component of potent fruit, dark-green leafy vegetables, root vegetables,
antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. tea, and liver.
Copper 900 µg Needed for connective tissue formation and release of iron Liver, shellfish, brewer’s yeast, olives, nuts, whole
from storage sites and maturation of red blood cells. grains, beans, and chocolate.
Crucial for function of antioxidant enzyme superoxide
dismutase. Needed for T-cell function and maturation.
Chromium 200 µg Needed for normal sugar metabolism via glucose tolerance Meat and whole-grain products, as well as some
factor (GTF) that enhances glucose utilization. Roles in fat fruits, vegetables, and spices.
and protein metabolism, and maintaining healthy cholesterol
Iodine 150 µg Required for synthesis of thyroid hormones, thyroxine and Sodium or potassium iodide added to table salt,
triiodothyronine to prevent goiter, may function as an vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil, kelp, onions,
antioxidant for organs such as mammary and salivary milk, milk products, salt water fish and seafood.
glands, gastric mucosa, and the thymus.
Selenium 55 µg A cofactor essential to activity of antioxidant enzymes like Organ meats, fish and shellfish, muscle meats, whole
glutathione peroxidase. grains, cereals, dairy products and vegetables such
as broccoli, mushrooms, cabbage, and celery.
Molybdenum 45 µg Key component of oxidases, including xanthine oxidase, Milk, beans, bread, liver, and cereals.
aldehyde oxidase, and sulfite oxidase.
Cobalt 5 µg Critical component of vitamin B12, and thereby influences DNA Green leafy vegetables, some fish, liver, kidney, and
synthesis, production of red blood cells, and nerve function. milk.
AI, Adequate intake; RDA, recommended daily allowance.
Some sources further consider the trace minerals boron, nickel, silicon, strontium, tin, and vanadium to be essential, but consensus is pending.

respiratory chain involving nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Fetal and infant neurologic development and brain function are
(NADH) and oxygen. Iron is a critical component of enzymes also affected by iron deficiency due to changes in neurotransmitter
that produce peroxide and nitrous oxide, and microbicidal reactions regulation, myelin formation, and energy metabolism.12 Overall,
critical for immune function, and may be involved in the regulation ≈60% of total body iron exists within red blood cells, with the
of cytokine production and second-messenger cascade systems.11 remainder complexed with ferritin in all cells, but more so in bone
1050 PART 8  Nutritional Problems and Deficiency Diseases

marrow and spleen, and especially the liver, which is the primary (IPT) for malaria and use of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITN),
physiologic iron reserve. and preventive anti-helminthics in areas endemic for soil-transmitted
helminths.4,5,17 Reduction of malaria transmission has also reduced
iron deficiency. Improved iron intake through counseling and
Causes of Iron Deficiency promotion of consumption of iron-rich foods has met with limited
Iron deficiency occurs when loss outstrips intake to the degree success.4,5,17 However, supplementation and food fortification have
that reserves are depleted. This can occur due to chronic low been successful in reducing iron deficiency in some areas.5 Routine
intake of iron-rich foods, or from increased demand due to blood iron supplementation of infants 6 to 23 months of age reduced
loss from parasitic helminth infections such as hookworm and the risk of anemia by 40% but without other clear benefits.18
schistosomiasis, disrupted iron metabolism from malaria and other Recently control of iron deficiency in adolescence and the peri-
infections, or impaired absorption due to gut inflammation from conceptional period has become a priority.
infectious diseases or other conditions.4,10,11 Prevention and treat- Over the last 50 years some studies reported iron supplementa-
ment of iron deficiency and its consequences typically require tion increased the risk of developing or reactivating malarial illness,
actions to both improve intake and reduce losses. Iron absorption especially in those who are iron replete. However, a systematic
from the intestine and mobilization from iron stores in macrophages review and meta-analysis of 35 trials enrolling 31,955 children
and hepatocytes are tightly controlled processes regulated by concluded that routine oral iron supplementation in children (i.e.,
hepcidin, a small polypeptide hormone, and its receptor known <18 years of age) did not increase the risk of clinical malaria when
as ferroportin, an iron export protein.10 regular malaria prevention or management services are provided
and that under such conditions iron can be administered without
screening for anemia or for iron deficiency.19 These findings might
Assessment of Iron Status extend to iron-fortified foods or food additives for improving iron
Anemia is the clinical condition most commonly associated with status, and co-implementation with malaria control activities would
iron deficiency. It is assessed by measuring hemoglobin levels, be prudent.
hematocrit, mean red blood cell volume, or blood reticulocyte
counts. In some cases, palm, nail bed, or conjunctival pallor have
been used. Because anemia may have other etiologies, confirmation
of iron deficiency as a cause requires an indicator of iron status; Iron deficiency remains a serious problem, especially for pregnant
these include serum ferritin, transferrin saturation, soluble transfer- women and children. The primary impact is on hemoglobin levels
rin receptor, erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin levels, serum iron, with some limited evidence indicating adverse effects on child
and bone marrow biopsy iron content.10,13 Serum ferritin in conjunc- cognition. There is urgent need to scale up effective prevention
tion with soluble transferrin receptor has been used to accurately and treatment programs with a focus on improved implementation.
estimate total body iron store consistent with bone marrow iron,
considered the gold standard.
Persons Affected and Consequences Global Burden of Zinc Deficiency
of Iron Deficiency Zinc is the second most abundant trace mineral in the body after
Women and children are most affected by iron deficiency and iron. Approximately 17% of the population is at risk for zinc
related anemia as the demands of rapid growth and pregnancy deficiency, and it is associated with 16 million DALYs.20,21 Because
make them vulnerable.4 For women of reproductive age, menstrual zinc and iron share similar dietary sources, deficiencies tend to
iron loss accounts for approximately 0.5 mg/day.14 During preg- co-exist. In contrast to iron, the body does not maintain zinc
nancy the iron demands for maternal and fetal growth increase reserves, and when daily intake falls below requirements, the onset
from 0.8 mg/day in the first trimester to 7.5 mg/day in the third of adverse effects is relatively rapid. Deficiency affects predomi-
trimester.14 Blood loss at delivery further depletes iron stores. nantly children and pregnant women in LMICs due to their growth
These factors are exacerbated by early onset of childbearing, greater needs and exposure to poor diets and diseases.4,5,20,21
number of births, limited birth spacing, and poor access to antenatal
care including dietary iron supplements. Currently, for pregnant
women the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends
Overview of Zinc Biology
daily oral iron (30 mg or 60 mg where prevalence of maternal Zinc is a co-factor in more than 200 enzymes with myriad roles
anemia exceeds 40%) and folic acid (400 mcg) supplementation in basic cellular functions such as division, programmed cell death,
to prevent maternal anemia, puerperal sepsis, low birth weight, DNA replication, and RNA transcription; as an antioxidant; and
and preterm birth. in stabilization of membranes.22–24 Multiple physiologic functions
Infants are at risk for developing iron deficiency and anemia, are therefore affected by zinc deficiency, including linear growth,
especially low-birth-weight and preterm infants who are born sexual maturation, neurodevelopment, and resistance to infectious
with reduced iron stores. For all infants, delayed cord clamping diseases. Zinc is particularly important for tissues with rapid cell
at delivery is important to optimize transfer of as much iron-rich turnover such as epithelial linings of the gut and respiratory tract
blood to the newborn.15 The iron content of breast milk is low and the immune system. Zinc affects multiple aspects of immunity,
but highly bioavailable, and exclusive breastfeeding for the first from the barrier of the skin to gene regulation within lymphocytes.
6 months of life is advocated,4,5,16 followed by use of iron-fortified Zinc deficiency impairs the function of cells mediating non-specific
complementary foods for weaning, along with prevention and immunity such as neutrophils and macrophages, and specific
rapid detection and treatment of infectious diseases.4,5 In addition immunity mediated by T and B lymphocytes is more strongly
to anemia and associated effects, iron deficiency in young children affected as growth and maturation of these cells are impaired,
may compromise cognitive development.12 leading to dysregulated antibody and cytokine production, especially
reduced Th1-type cytokines.
Clinically, even moderate zinc deficiency reduces linear growth
Control of Iron Deficiency and immunity. Moderate to severe deficiency can cause hair loss,
Current control measures other than supplementation during skin lesions, diarrhea, and tissue wasting. Sensory functions may
pregnancy and childhood include intermittent preventive treatment be affected, including eyesight, taste, and smell. In severe zinc
CHAPTER 145  Mineral Deficiencies 1051

deficiency, a wide range of disturbances occur, including severe requirement through breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life.
growth retardation and impaired bone development, along with After this age, infants must consume complementary foods contain- 145
delayed sexual maturation, frequent dermatitis, impaired taste ing sufficient absorbable zinc. In many LMICs, neither of these
acuity, and behavioral changes.23,24 requisites is satisfied.
Zinc supplementation during acute diarrhea reduces duration Infants and young children are at greater risk of zinc deficiency
by 10% to 50% (i.e., 12–24 hours), along with ≈30% reduction because of the increased requirements during linear growth.
of diarrhea of a week or more.25 The WHO recommends adjunct Low-birth-weight (<2500 gm) and preterm infants have lower
zinc therapy for diarrhea in children at two times the age-specific zinc status as zinc from the mother is transferred mostly during
recommended daily allowance (RDA) per day for 10 to 14 days. the last trimester of pregnancy, and the immature gastrointestinal
Zinc treatment together oral rehydration therapy (ORT) is sig- tract of preterm infants does not absorb zinc proficiently.32 Infants
nificantly more effective than ORT alone in reducing the duration in LMICs may experience sub-optimal complementary feeding
and severity of diarrheal episodes, decreasing stool output, and practices such as delayed introduction of foods and use of foods
lessening the need for hospitalization and may prevent future with low total and absorbable zinc due to high phytate content.
diarrhea episodes.25 Preventive or routine zinc supplementation In adolescence, zinc deficiency occurs due to increased physiologic
of children significantly reduces diarrheal incidence by 13% and requirements at the time of the pubertal growth spurt. For the
improves linear growth.26 Neither adjunctive nor routine zinc elderly, in addition to poor zinc intake, there is some evidence
supplementation had consistent effects on pneumonia or malaria, that the efficiency of zinc absorption may decrease with age.33
although benefits in some settings were observed.
Control of Zinc Deficiency
Causes of Zinc Deficiency The major interventions to address zinc deficiency are supplementa-
Zinc deficiency is generally caused by low dietary intake. Persons tion, fortification, and dietary diversification. Supplementation is
in LMICs tend to consume predominantly plant-based diets further divided into preventive supplementation and therapeutic
low in both total zinc and bioavailable zinc due to high levels supplementation. The choice of interventions depends on the
of tannins and phytates that reduce absorption.27 Deficiency available resources and technical feasibility.4,5,20 Although the health
can also be precipitated and/or exacerbated by infectious dis- benefits of zinc supplementation are well established, well-
eases such as acute or chronic diarrhea that affect absorption implemented programs specifically targeted at high-risk populations
and/or loss of zinc in the feces. Viral, bacterial, and protozoan are rare and urgently needed at scale.
pathogens, including rotavirus, shigella, and cryptosporidium, Dietary diversification and modification represent a sustainable
have been linked to fecal zinc loss and subsequent deficiency.23,24 long-term approach to improving the intakes of several nutrients
Non-infectious chronic diseases, including diabetes, and liver and simultaneously, including zinc. Homestead food production and
kidney diseases of multiple etiologies also compromise zinc status.24 education interventions may be effective food-based strategies to
Lastly, certain genetic conditions can perturb zinc metabolism address zinc along with multiple micronutrients. Information on
or limit absorption, such as sickle cell disease and acrodermatitis the locally available, low-cost, culturally acceptable zinc-rich foods
enteropathica. is needed. Likewise, information is needed on the best ways of
implementing both large-scale and home-based food processing
interventions, such as fermentation, to enhance zinc absorption
Assessment of Zinc Status from the usual diet.
Diagnosis of zinc deficiency is not as clear as for iron.28 For In populations where zinc deficiency is widespread and food
individuals, levels of plasma zinc <70 µg/dL (with age, pregnancy, distribution channels are established, food fortification is generally
and sex-specific cutoffs), along with low intake based on dietary the more cost-effective and sustainable strategy. Success has been
assessment and/or presence of repeated bouts of infectious disease seen in fortification programs targeted to specific high-risk groups,
or presence of clinical signs such as loss of taste, all contribute to such as infants and young children, in the form of complementary
diagnosis. Because homeostatic control and infections influence foods. Further research on improved agricultural practices, including
plasma zinc levels, documented changes in plasma zinc and clinical plant breeding, to enhance dietary zinc content is required.34
signs of deficiency after supplementation are recommended to
confirm the diagnosis.
At the population level, determining zinc deficiency relies on
several criteria,28 including population prevalence of 25% or more Zinc deficiency is a serious public health problem causing restricted
of zinc intakes below the estimated average requirement, 20% or linear growth, increased infections and diarrhea, and mortality.
more with low serum zinc concentrations (based on age and Zinc supplements are critical in treating and preventing diarrheal
sex-specific cutoffs), or 20% or more of children U5 with WHO disease, and possibly other infections, and to reduce mortality,
height-for-age z-score < −2. Moreover, changes in the prevalence especially among children with low birth weight or stunted growth.
of low plasma zinc and mean population plasma zinc levels after Increased zinc intake in pregnancy may have an impact on preterm
intervention further confirm zinc deficiency. Because enhanced birth. Numerous strategies to address zinc deficiency exists;
zinc intake increases even adequate plasma zinc levels, the best however, assessment of the acceptability, costs, scalability, and
evidence for zinc deficiency is clinical improvements in population- impact of programs is needed.
based health such as reduced incidence or severity of diarrhea.
Persons Affected and Consequences
of Zinc Deficiency Global Burden of Iodine Deficiency
The increased nutritional demands of pregnancy and lactation Approximately 28% of the global population has inadequate iodine
predispose women to zinc deficiency. Several studies indicate that intake, and this accounts for 4 million DALYs,4,5,35 with South
maternal zinc supplementation may reduce preterm births.4,29 Asia and sub-Saharan Africa being most affected. However, about
Enhanced gut zinc absorption helps meet needs for pregnancy 50% of Europe remains mildly iodine deficient, and iodine intake
and for breastmilk30,31 but cannot overcome generally poor-quality in other industrialized countries, including the United States and
diets. Mothers without zinc deficiency can satisfy a newborn’s zinc Australia, has fallen in recent years. Iodine deficiency has multiple
1052 PART 8  Nutritional Problems and Deficiency Diseases

adverse effects, termed iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs), mediated preventable brain damage in childhood. Iodine deficiency during
by inadequate thyroid hormone production. IDDs increase infant pregnancy up to the third month after birth, when much of the
mortality, miscarriage, and stillbirth, and are the main cause of brain development occurs, results in thyroid failure and irreversible
preventable mental retardation and brain damage. brain damage. The most serious outcomes of IDD are increased
perinatal mortality, severe mental retardation, and cretinism. In
severely endemic areas, cretinism may affect up to 5% to 15% of
Overview of Iodine Biology the population.
Iodine is an essential component of thyroxine (T4) and triiodo-
thyronine (T3) produced by the thyroid gland. These are required
for normal neuronal migration and myelination of the brain during
Control of Iodine Deficiency
fetal and early postnatal life. Hypothyroxinemia during these critical The most effective means to control deficiency is universal salt
periods causes irreversible brain damage.36 Gestational iodine iodization. It is among the most cost-effective interventions to
deficiency impairs fetal growth and neurodevelopment and increases promote economic and social development in areas of iodine
mortality. Deficiency during infancy and childhood reduces growth, deficiency and has resulted in declining prevalence of IDD
motor function, and cognitive development. Absorption of iodide, worldwide.4,35 Efforts are needed to identify alternative approaches
the most readily absorbed dietary form, involves a specialized where conditions may limit consumption of iodized salt (e.g., risks
sodium/iodine symporter (NIS) expressed on enterocytes and cells of hypertension) or to increase the bioavailability for high-risk
of the thyroid. A healthy adult maintains approximately 20 mg of groups such as infants and pregnant women.
iodine reserves with 70% in the thyroid.37 Adaptations to low
intake include elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels
leading to an enlarged thyroid gland, or goiter, reduced T3 and
T4 production, and enhanced NIS expression for greater iodine Iodine is crucial for health and brain development in children,
uptake.38 The effects of iodine deficiency on development of goiter and deficiency during pregnancy is especially harmful for the
and other adverse effects vary considerably between populations fetus. Salt iodization remains the most cost-effective way of
and individuals due to environmental, genetic, and other poorly delivering iodine. Worldwide, the annual costs of salt iodization
understood factors. are estimated at US$0.02 to 0.05 per child covered; the costs per
child death averted are US$1000, and per DALY gained are US$34
to 36.4,18 This intervention must be sustained, and continued
Causes of Iodine Deficiency advocacy and investments must be made to continue these successes
The iodine content of most foods is low, with typical servings and to reach the remaining populations with complementary
containing less than 5% of daily needs.39 Their iodine content is approaches.
strongly influenced by iodine in the soil, fertilizers, irrigation
water, and livestock feeds. Marine plants, particularly seaweed,
and animals concentrate iodine from seawater and tend to be
good dietary sources. Other primary sources include bread and Selenium is essential for growth and reproduction. Its functions
dairy products, and particularly iodized table and cooking salt. are mediated by 25 selenoproteins, of which glutathione peroxidase
Certain dietary substances, termed goiterogens, can interfere with is particularly important and protects cells against oxidative
thyroid metabolism and exacerbate iodine deficiency.38 These damage.41,42 Selenium intake worldwide ranges from deficient to
include cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, or toxic levels, and its association with health effects is U-shaped.
broccoli and rapeseed oil, all of which contain glucosinolates, and Additional intake benefits those with low status but may adversely
cassava, sorghum, and sweet potatoes, which contain cyanogenic affect those with adequate or high status. Severe deficiency is
glucosides. Their metabolites can compete with iodine for uptake associated with cardiomyopathy, especially in children and women
by the thyroid. In many low-income countries, particularly in of childbearing age.41 Selenium is critical for the proper functioning
sub-Saharan Africa, cassava is widely consumed and if not properly of the immune system and regulation of inflammation. Deficiency
prepared, can exacerbate IDD. Cigarette smoking is also associated is associated with increased mortality, decreased immune cell counts,
with higher serum levels of thiocyanate that may limit iodine cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, and higher risk of death
uptake by the thyroid.40 Deficiencies of selenium, iron, and vitamin in the HIV/AIDS population, and high intakes are associated with
A exacerbate the effects of iodine deficiency. increased risk of type 2 diabetes and disorders of the nervous
system and skin.
The relationship between selenium and HIV/AIDS is of
Assessment of Iodine Status particular interest, and several trials have indicated beneficial effects
Methods recommended for assessment of iodine in populations of supplementation on disease progression, including hospitaliza-
include urinary iodine concentration (UI), goiter rate, serum TSH, tions, diarrheal morbidity, and improved CD4 cell counts. Labora-
and serum thyroglobulin (Tg). These are complementary, in that tory experiments indicate selenium has an inhibitory effect on
UI is a sensitive indicator of recent iodine intake (days) and Tg HIV through antioxidant effects of glutathione peroxidase and
shows an intermediate response (weeks to months), whereas changes other selenoproteins.41,42 Selenium supplementation has also been
in the goiter rate reflect long-term iodine nutrition (months to shown to reduce systemic inflammation associated with cardio-
years).36 But assessment of iodine status in pregnancy is difficult, vascular disease, although other disease markers are unaffected.43
and it remains unclear whether iodine intakes are sufficient in Continued research is needed on the effects of selenium.
this group, leading to increased interest in iodine supplementation
during pregnancy.36
Persons Affected and Consequences Calcium and magnesium deficiencies for both adults and children
are widespread in LMICs. Calcium plays an important role in
of Iodine Deficiency muscle contraction and regulation of water balance in cells, and
Globally, more than one-third of school-age children are iodine modification of plasma calcium concentration can lead to the
deficient, the majority of whom live in Southeast Asia, Africa, and alteration of blood pressure.2 Deficiency results in rickets and a
the Western Pacific.35 Iodine deficiency is the greatest cause of risk of osteoporosis, as well as hypertension and stroke. Magnesium
CHAPTER 145  Mineral Deficiencies 1053

is an essential co-factor for many enzyme systems and plays an REFERENCES

important role in neurochemical transmission and peripheral 1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Depart- 145
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