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Poems Of Love! A Jean Marie Proud Presentation ! Love Made Me a Poet I am not a born Poet...

My Poems are not Poetry, When I am Learning Literature... Shakespeare shrined me Love, Shelly baptized my Love, Keats bonded to Love, Wordsworth metaphor in Love... And above all Thirukkural's Virtue of Love kindled in Me, Perpetual proposition to Love ! They wrote Platonic Love... We are writing Romantic Love, Future world may write... Unrequited materialistic Love ! But I will go on composing poems Of Love with joy and gay, Because Love Made Me a Poet ! Philosophy of Love Love makers not be Love breakers! Love is new Birth, born on Earth... Love is Oxy breath, breathe in Air, Love is Age of growth, grows on Cosmos, Love is Soul of Life, live of Water, Love is End in death, burn in Fire ! Love Roots of all Existence... Feelings are Teeming with Love, While there is Love there is Life ! What is Love Love is Meaningful Life, Be not Hateful; If

Poems Of Love! not be Lovable. - Jean ! Is it Life ? Something more than that ! From Nothing to Anything... Everything to Eternal, Hurts No More to All Living Beings ! When I Think to Ink... Need not Pen to Paper, Thoughtful Mind is Sharper... Words Flow out of Wrapper ! Yes, from Womb to Tomb, It is an Endless Beginnning... But a Deathless Living, Live not Dying in Living... While Divinity is Loving in Living, Long Live Love ! Only Love Makes Universe Sublime. Falling in Love To my Mother ever with Love ! Gone are the Days... Happy days full of Love ! I rewind Lovable Memories... On Six, I felt Mother's Love, Of her Wisdom, Father's Love... With them a Good Family Love ! On School, Love to Education, In College, Knowledge Experiments Love, Yes, Self-Love ! On Sweet-Sixteen Budding Love, Love of Everything, in and out... Understood Taste Differed ! Love taught, One Man Food

Poems Of Love! Another Man Poison... On Twenty-six Love of RealLife begins Deeper, Smoother, If not Harder ! Love guided, We are Walking Where Others Walked... On Thirty-six Parents Love No More ! When World seems Darkened... Love Lighted my Family LifeWith Wife, It seemed bed of Roses ! On Arriving Fifty-six, Its my Wife's Love still very Dear and Near... Leads me to Everlasting Destiny ! Where there is Wife's Love, ThereThere is Life, Enlightened Living ! My Love I Love a Love... A Beautiful Love, Love I Wonderfully ! If You Love the Love I Love, You Love more than I Love... My Love is Heaven on Earth, Since it makes all Humain... Both men and women in common ! Love so long until you live long, Love to Live, If not Live to Love ! Lost in Love Many told I am madly in Love, Some will say, infatuated in Love... A few still agree, deeply in Love. But only You know I am even now, Head over heels in Love, my Love !

Poems Of Love! By You I always Feel Love... Its You Taught Me to Learn Love, By Reflection, which is Noblest... By Imitation, which is Easiest... By Experience, which is Bitterest ! Eventhough everything is Lost in Love, Yet that Love Makes the Impossible, Possible. Stop Love Parting To be ones Love, and unafraid whether right or wrong, is more admirable than the uneasy cowardice of Parting to conformity. - Jean ! Your Heart is yours alone... But why not my Heart be all my Own ? Tell me not you are not in Love... Parting of the Hearts Love Sick ! Your sight itself was always pleasing, Why Fear, my Dear, Near to Embrace. On Whom Shall I lay my Trust ? She Parts whose Love told Me... Tear not is my Faith in Her ! Stop Her Parting... My Life to Save Meeting. Is Rare If She would Leave ! Her Hardness Says... She Leave me Now, Is there Hope of Her renewed Love ! Real Love never Die You know who you are... I know not who am I ? Have I a place within your Heart ? Ah from mine You will never Depart ! Pains are off at your sight...

Poems Of Love! Shame ! My Heart often You Enters, What will happen if I forget ? Beyond the thought is Life with You, What else of Love can I Presume ? Dear Love Ebbs away by thought ! I bring You to Ceaseless Memory... Yes, I finally Have my Love, No, the World has not Ended ! Nothing delights like Love The moment I met... I fell in Love with Her, The most effective way to Love is to Love ! I captivated by her Eyes, Bewitched by her Smile, Enthralled by her Speech; Entranced by her Walk... Love between Me and Her, Like bonded Soul and Body ! She abides happy in my Heart, But people mistakes she is Apart ! Love must be paid back with Love, And so Mighty Love is atlast rewarded with My Love... Nothing delights like Infinite Love ! Love is God Love is the Worlds Finest Treasure The Best of You is the One who is Best towards Love... We are for our Love, Our Love longing are for Us, Only for Us ! Love is as Powerful as any Being On the Planet...

Poems Of Love! We are Entering a New Era, It Will be the Resurgence of the Divine Love Spirit, We Must Honour that Spirit... In Ourselves and in Others ! There is No Substitute for Love ! Love is a Ray of God... One could Say that, Love is Creator, Not Created ! The Eternal Love Draws us To the Immortal Heavenward ! Love is Light of One's Life The Light of Life is Love alone Or Beings are but skin and bone... Away It burns and cools anear , Where from did Love get this Fire ? To the Light alone is Fire delight, Nothing delights like Love at sight! Fire delights as fuel flows, Love delights as meeting grows... Body is encased in frame of bone, To taste the Life of Love alone! World awake with pleasing Sunlight, Its Humain Life flourish of Lovers delight ! Kill not Love Eat food to digestive measure, Love in body lasts with pleasure... The pleasure in Love is Oceanful, But its pangs are more painful ! The pride of living is for those, Whose Love is returned by Love so close... Love destroying deadly evils !

Poems Of Love! Kill not Love that others cherish, Even when your Love must perish... The Love berthed in this body shows, A fixed home it never knows ! This Love on earth and Life the next... Who does not know to Love in bounds, His Love seems rich but thins and ends ! Love Mission You can not deny Love, when it comes, it plops down in your favorite Life and stays as long as it wants.- Jean ! They are proud of their Love reserve Low lust betrays what they preserve, Offence of Lovers feel it easy As folly or close intimacy... Seedless fruit of Love they have Who are beloved by those they Love, The Lover and Beloveds Self givings... Are like Rains to Living Beings, How shall I feast this Dream Vision? That brings the Beloveds Love Mission ! Impossible There is Nothing In order to understand Life, One must first understand Love.- Jean ! Many are poor and few are rich For they Care not for Love much, The base seem richer than the good For no Love enters their heart or head... Everyone should treat these two as eyes, The Code of Love and Careful spies! No gains with Love measure...

Poems Of Love! Guard with Care this great treasure, With cautious Love pursue a thing, Impossible There is Nothing ! Love is Truth Calm Face Sweet Look Kind Words from Heart... Such is the gracious Loves Part ! In Heaven and Earth, Its hard to find... A greater Love than being kind ! The Love that wise and kind do make... Is like Water that fills a lake, Love is Truth of things to find... In every case of every kind , Is that Legacy can It Leave Behind ! Like Love or How to name it ? Like poor before rich they yearn For Life the Love ever learn, Like balance holding equal scales A well poised Love often prosperity prevails, Like Truth twisted by confused mind, Life is vain in Loves unkind... Like soul from body flies away The Love from cruel any day, Like living at times a slumber deep And Love like waking from that sleep... Like Loves that block rebirth and pain, Are doing Good and Good again ! Love Of Sex Love Of Sex an Unending Joy Of Give and Take.- Jean !

Poems Of Love! To meet with Sex and part with Love, Of Earthly Lovers this is the Move... Sex is Love none could destroy, Nothing else gives genuine joy ! Sweet kisses from smiling lips dispense, More glees than hearts beneficence... With rejoice the hearts of lovers swell, To see their pleasure themselves excel... For sexual bliss who long, Mating fun commit no wrong ! Love of Sex enhances joy and gain, Forsaking It, is fall and pain... Give up All to gain the True, And Endless Love shall hence seek You ! My Heart Living in Love of Her Asleep She embraces me fast, Awake She enters quickly my heart... Take my Soul to meet Her, Humble Heart, Or Love Hunger Will eat me Out ! My heart in rapture heaves to see, Her return with Love to uphold Me... Laugh the whole world pleased to laugh with you, But weep alone, frustrated, only weep you ! Why wonder as if strangers disown, When mine Heart is not my own ? Who support me in grief, If my Heart denies relief ? Think of, anybody, some remedy... To Cure this chronic malady ! Love is the Heart of Life There are two major artifacts that come out of Love,

Poems Of Love! Heart and Soul... We do not believe this to be a coincidence. Jean ! The pure by Love mean pain to none Though sensual sentiments by that is won, As pure hearted get good progeny, Pure Love acts with victory... To doubtless Love whose Heart is clear, More than earth heaven is near ! Love is the Heart which organs must Move, Or vain the outer parts Will prove... Waters up and down, hills and streams, With strong Hearts as limbs Love beams ! Lovers Love Love is blind say know nots... It helps us against this evil plots, Life yields commitment and thence Love springs up in excellence ! In charm and gain the Lovers excels, Where Love with Life sweetly dwells... Love and generosity are only their worth, Who cares not for perishing wealth ! The crowning joy of Lovers Life flows... From peaceful psychical Love always, Love, Noble Life, Good Courtesy... Pleasing Lovers Mark True Embassy! May the Lovers fight and win and Give ... And with my Love I Will feast this Eve !

All for Good All for always Good, If you be Good and do Good ! Empty minds are Plenty...

Poems Of Love! Haste makes waste, No Birth No Death, No Pain No Gain, No Money No Honey, So turn your back to the Humbug World ! No Love no Life, That is Love is Life... Though its Blind, If Sex not in mind, All begins well in Love, Will ends Well in Life ! May the Good Prevail !! Long Live as Good Man and Woman !!! By Syamasundar... Still a Student of English Literature !

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