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Chemosphere 288 (2022) 132589

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Impact of light on microalgal photosynthetic microbial fuel cells and

removal of pollutants by nanoadsorbent biopolymers: Updates, challenges
and innovations
Mohd Jahir Khan a, 1, Nikhil Singh a, 1, Sudhanshu Mishra a, 1, Ankesh Ahirwar a, 1, Felix Bast b,
Sunita Varjani c, **, Benoit Schoefs d, Justine Marchand d, Karthik Rajendran e, J. Rajesh Banu f,
Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale g, Rijuta Ganesh Saratale h, Vandana Vinayak a, *
Diatom Nanoengineering and Metabolism Laboratory (DNM), School of Applied Science, Dr. HarisinghGour Central University, Sagar, MP, 470003, India
Department of Botany, Central University of Punjab, Ghudda-VPO, Bathinda, 151401, Punjab, 151001, India
Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 382010, India
Metabolism, Bioengineering of Microalgal Metabolism and Applications (MIMMA), Mer Molecules Santé, Le Mans University, IUML - FR 3473 CNRS, Le Mans, France
Department of Environmental Science, SRM University-AP, Neerukonda, Andhra Pradesh, India
Department of Life Science, Central University of Tamilnadu, Thiruvar, 610005, India
Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Dongguk University-Seoul, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggido, 10326, Republic of Korea
Research Institute of Biotechnology and Medical Converged Science, Dongguk University-Seoul, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggido, 10326, Republic of Korea


• High light intensities increase the effi­

ciency of Photosynthetic microbial fuel
cells (PMFC).
• High efficiency of PMFC results in in­
crease in biomass and cleaning of
• Biomass rich in biopolymers acts as
nanoabsorbents to remove pollutants
from wastewater.
• PMFC is economical way of producing
bioelectricity and other value-added


Handling editor. Derek Muir Photosynthetic microbial fuel cells (PMFCs) with microalgae have huge potential for treating wastewater while
simultaneously converting light energy into electrical energy. The efficiency of such cells directly depends on
algal growth, which depends on light intensity. Higher light intensity results in increased potential as well as
Keywords: enhancement in generation of biomass rich in biopolymers. Such biopolymers are produced either by microbes at
anode and algae at cathode or vice versa. The biopolymers recovered from these biological sources can be added
in wastewater alone or in combination with nanomaterials to act as nanoadsorbents. These nanoadsorbents
Photosynthetic microbial fuel cells further increase the efficiency of PMFC by removing the pollutants like metals and dyes. In this review firstly the

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Varjani), (V. Vinayak).
Authors contributed equally.
Received 9 June 2021; Received in revised form 9 September 2021; Accepted 14 October 2021
Available online 19 October 2021
0045-6535/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.J. Khan et al. Chemosphere 288 (2022) 132589

Power density effect of different light intensities on the growth of microalgae, importance of diatoms in a PMFC and their
Pollutants impact on PMFCs efficiencies have been narrated. Secondly recovery of biopolymers from different biological
sources and their role in removal of metals, dyes along with their impact on circular bioeconomy have been
discussed. Thereafter bottlenecks and future perspectives in this field of research have been narrated.

1. Introduction very high (Sindhu et al., 2020). Notably photosynthetic bacteria and
microalgae produce PHA’s at narrow cost and accompanied with
Wastewaters are one of the emerging menaces with growing indus­ simultaneous production of bioelectricity in a photosynthetic microbial
trialization and populations in every part of the globe (Anwar et al., fuel cell (Kartik et al., 2021). They are one such group of bioplastics
2021; Rathi et al., 2021). These wastewater rich in pollutants are unsafe which are environmental friendly as they are biodegradable, don’t leach
when they blend in clean water of rivers, oceans and lakes. This can be harmful chemicals and acts as adsorbents for various metal pollutants
hazardous to aquatic as well as human life via ecological life cycle (Jamil and Ahmed, 2008; Bilal and Iqbal, 2018; Kwok et al., 2021).
(Alvarado et al., 2021). Thus it is very necessary to phycoremediate the Photosynthetic microorganisms produce these biopolymers by using
wastewater pollutants (Bui et al., 2019; Bose et al., 2021; Kumar et al., sun’s energy, CO2 and act as miniature microbial factories for recovery
2021b; Sridharan et al., 2021). There are various technologies to recycle of PHA’s and other valuable resources. Many studies have shown the
the wastewater like chemical treatment, UV treatments, photolysis, production of PHA’s by purple bacteria as well as cyanobacteria (Lie­
activated carbon, metal oxides and even pervoskites (Cai et al., 2018; bergesell et al., 1991; Abed et al., 2009; Fradinho et al., 2021). There are
Zhu et al., 2020). However, microbial fuel cells are the most efficient and bioengineered microbes like heterotrophic Pseudomonas putida, Cupria­
sensitive ones (Cheng et al., 2020). vidus necator H16, Escherichia coli and Azohydromona slata, which are the
On the offset, microbial fuel cells owing to constant requirement of main bootstrapper for large scale PHA production (Argiz et al., 2020;
oxygen have not boosted the upscaling productivity (Do et al., 2020). Fradinho et al., 2021). However, these heterotrophic bacteria require
Addition of live microalgae generally at cathode in a MFC also known as carbon, external carbon supplies for PHA production and also their
photosynthetic microbial fuel cells (PMFC) has emerged out as more growth. On the offset purple phototrophic bacteria like Rhodovulum
promising with regard to efficiency and cost of MFC (Logroño et al., sulfidophilum well known for PHA production can be metabolically
2017; Vinayak et al., 2021). They like conventional microbial fuel cells engineered for PHA production (Banu et al., 2019). R. sulfidophilun is a
produce bioelectricity whereas the oxygen released by them fulfills the marine anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria that produces PHA or bio­
requirement of chemical mediators which are more efficient in removing plastics by utilizing marine sea water as its media. The molecular
the pollutants from wastewater (Li et al., 2021). It is seen that high light biology studies have shown that R. sulfidophilun has immense properties
results in high amount of biomass, value added products (Ahirwar et al., to produce spidroins which are natures tough and strong materials
2021), along with high efficiency of MFC from microalgae (Li et al., produced by spiders popularly known as spider silk. It has high demand
2017a). High light stimulates photosynthesis for manufacture of more in the biomaterial as well in the nanotechnology industry (Foong et al.,
cell growth and hence its accompanied biomass. To achieve this, choice 2020a). On the offset the high cost prohibits its use in many applications.
of microalgae is very important and of many microalgae used till date, The expression of gene sequences in the bacteria R. sulfidophilun has
diatoms are most efficient (Khan et al., 2021b). They fix about 25% reduced the cost of spidrion to 70% and could be used in biomaterial as
atmospheric CO2 and are accountable for 30% of the global crude oil well in the environmental cleaning as adsorbents (Foong et al., 2020a).
(Ramachandra et al., 2009). Besides this they are affluent in various high The present review discusses about the photosynthetic microbial fuel
and low value metabolites of importance (Vinayak et al., 2015; Nagar­ cells, the photosynthetic microbes which includes bacteria as well as
ajan et al., 2021). Furthermore, efficiency of MFC is further increased if algae and their capability to produce biopolymers, the effect of nutrient
target pollutants are specifically removed. Since the major pollutants (s) as well as light stress on the microalgae for functioning of PMFC. The
present in wastewater include pesticides, herbicides, drugs especially lights of different wavelength and intensities especially light emitting
antibodies, analgesics, β drugs etc. and dyes rich in metals as well as diodes (LED) and their role in growth of microalgae in a PMFC are
micro and nanoparticles (Varjani et al., 2020a; Chen et al., 2021; Pandey discussed. Since light stress has varying effect on microalgae it is one of
et al., 2021b). Among these major problem lies in metal pollutants like the very important factors to influence the efficiency of PMFC. Besides
arsenic, lead mercury and cadmium since they are not degraded (Renu this the types of biopolymers produced and added in a PMFC along with
et al., 2021; Yan et al., 2021). They are discharged or transported in the the metal pollutants recovered by them are discussed in depth. The re­
environment causing unpredictable changes in the environment (Bhar­ view also highlights the impact on circular bioeconomy and future
athiraja et al., 2019; Varjani et al., 2020b, 2021a). perspectives taking diatoms as microalgae of choice in the PMFC for
There have been many techniques for remediation of these metal ion biopolymers and other value-added products.
like polymer filtration which opted poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (poly-
NIPAM) for insitu extraction of heavy metals from soil or wastewater 2. Photosynthetic microbial fuel cell (PMFC)
(Heskins 1968; Galaev et al., 1999; (Neha et al., 2021; Paria et al., 2021;
Wang et al., 2021). Conversely artificial biopolymers genetically and Since basic principle of any Microbial fuel cells (MFC) is redox re­
protein engineered using molecular biology tools have emerged out as action being carried out by bacteria. It offers various opportunities for
promising adsorbents at nanoscale to adsorb nanoparticles and micro­ wastewater treatment in terms of environmental protection, energy and
particles especially metals (Cheng et al., 2021; Duraj-Thatte et al., treating wastewater and recovery of valuable metals (Logan et al., 2006;
2021). On the other hand, the artificial polymers have high cost and are Mishra et al., 2020; Shah et al., 2021). Numerous waste may be used as
economically not sustainable for large scale remediation of wastewater feedstock for the MFCs during which the exo-electrogenic microor­
pollutants (El-Sheekh et al., 2021). Therefore biopolymers recovered ganism turn out electrons under anaerobic conditions (Schröder, 2018).
from microalgae are not only economically viable but also robust way to Still the basic limitations of MFC’s remain the same like it requires a
treat wastewater pollutants (Kumar et al., 2021c; Kwok et al., 2021; constant furnishing of oxygen in the cathode cell so biocatalyst is
Silambarasan et al., 2021). required for increased oxygen production. This problem can be solved
One of the most common biopolymers is polyhydroxyalkonates by using O2 producing microorganisms i.e. microalga (He et al., 2007;
(PHA) (Kumar et al., 2021a). Most of the commonly occurring PHA’s are Elshobary et al., 2021). However, if microalgae are used in the MFC at
heterotrophs and need constant feeding thus making the cost of PHA’s cathode or anode there is no need to supply external agents or

M.J. Khan et al. Chemosphere 288 (2022) 132589

biocatalyst to enhance O2 production since they produce the same via better choice in a living form and also advantageous as they besides
photosynthesis (Faaij, 2006; Logan and Regan, 2006). Thus, microalgae producing bioelectricity, they also synthesize value added metabolites.
would not only generate bioelectricity utilizing CO2 for photosynthesis They also produce methane and hydrogen (He et al., 2007; Li and Fang,
but also produce free oxygen and valuable byproducts such as carot­ 2007; Khudzari et al., 2019; Enamala et al., 2020; Sudheer et al., 2020).
enoids and biofuel (McCarty et al., 2011; Heydarizadeh et al., 2013; However, the electricity produced in PMFC is dependent on the source
Zhang et al., 2016). and intensity of light being utilized by living algae (Abazarian et al.,
During last decade, researchers used cyanobacterial species as bio­ 2020; Xu et al., 2021). The effect of light/dark cycles on sediment mi­
catalysts for eg. Anabaena and Synechocystis with 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphto­ crobial fuel cell using Chlorella sp. At catholyte showed that light: dark
quinone (HNQ) (Indrama et al., 2019). This acts as artificial redox of 12:12 h produced maximum power density of 19.6 mWm− 2 and an
mediator to commute electrons from the microbes towards anode open circuit voltage of 442.3 mV (Abazarian et al., 2020).
(Rosenbaum et al., 2010). It was observed that power generation
enhanced throughout the dark period when intracellular carbon stor­ 3. Light therapy and its effect on PMFC
ages (glycogen) get oxidized and electrons recuperate with bio­
electrochemical systems (BESs) (Elshobary et al., 2021). This was 3.1. Outcome of light intensity on microalgae growth in a PMFC
followed with constriction in oxygen supply and power during those
light phases when the carbon storages at intracellular regions were Since light is important factor to control photosynthesis high as well
replenished (Fischer, 2018). as low light can alter the logarithm of algal growth. Illumination of light
Thus unlike the conventional MFC’s, PMFC’s employ photosynthetic affected the overall potential in a PMFC in Desmodesmus sp. (strain A8) at
bacteria or microalgae generally at the cathode with light being the cathode as shown by Wu et al., (2014) (Wu et al., 2014) (Fig. 1A–B). It
essential source for it to run efficiently (Rosenbaum et al., 2010; Hwang was demonstrated that biocathode showed decrease in its performance
et al., 2021; Li et al., 2021). Powell in 2009 (Powell and Hill, 2009) during dark from 368.9 to 526.8 mV resulting into decrease in its voltage
made a MFC with Saccharomyces cervisae at anode and Chlorella vulgaris from 185.7 to 54.7 mV. Simultaneously anode also showed decrement in
microalgae at cathode generated a power density of 2.7 mWm− 2. The its potential by 26.9 mV. Further on illumination to light there was in­
microalgae at cathode acts as electron acceptor thereby reducing the crease in the maximum power density from 11.3 to 64.2mWm2 as shown
mediator at its oxidized state present at cathode. The mediator enters the in Fig. 1A–B. Such light dependence performance of PMFC have been
cell wall becomes oxidized and releases the electron thereby generating observed for cyanobacteria as well as in other microalgae (Xiao et al.,
the electron. Henceforth the cells accept the electron which enters the 2012). In yet another work by (Bazdar et al., 2018), it has been shown
metabolic pathway thus converting CO2 to oxygen and resulting biomass that efficiency of PMFC with Chlorella vulgaris showed production of
rich in biopolymers. biomass, bioelectricity with simultaneous treatment of wastewater. The
Furthermore, microalgae can act as electron acceptor as well as performance of PMFC at different light intensities 3500, 5000, 7000 and
donor either at the anode or at the cathode. To be at anode it needs to be 10,000lx at photoperiod of 24/00, 12/12, 16/8 h was observed and it
electrogenic, eg. Chlorella pyrenoidosa was used at anode in place of was found that at high light intensity of 10,000lx, maximum biomass
bacteria produced bioelectricity (Cai et al., 2016). The electrogenic was produced (0.44 g l− 1 day− 1) (Fig. 1C–D). This led to maximum
character of algae is primarily due to NADPH oxidase (NOX) which power density of 126 mWm− 3 with COD removal 5.47% and maximum
converts O2 present extracellularly to superoxide ions which accepts columbic efficiency of 78%. On the offset, the performance PMFC with
electron from the NADPH from the cells metabolic machinery (Laoha­ air cathode MFC was 13% higher than the PMFC with abiotic cathode.
visit et al., 2015). Besides generating bioelectricity and cleaning the wastewater the
Even though activators are required at anode end, however cathode biomass from microalgae is superabundant source of high value prod­
requires light as one of the essential components for microalgae at the ucts potentially used in food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and nutra­
cathode. Also, the CO2 produced at the anode end is utilized by the algae ceuticals industries (Nguyen et al., 2021). Additionally they produce
at cathode for photosynthesis thus converting it into essential food and crude oils and biofuels (Vinayak et al., 2014; Khan et al., 2021a). It has
biomass thereby maintaining the CO2 reflux. Hence the most admired been shown in studies that the growth of microalgae and production of
phototrophic microorganisms of merchant interest are cyanobacteria value-added products by microalgae is affected by different intensities
(better known as blue-green algae) and microalgae. Since their growth and ranges of light. Light is one of the major factors to determine
needs light energy and an inorganic carbon origin (usually CO2) (Gon­ biomass productivity and its applications for value-added products by
zalez-Esquer et al., 2015). On the offset, diatoms are one of the most microalgae (Fig. 2).
emerging microalgae of interest in algal photosynthetic microbial fuel Growth of microalgae has been tested in photobioreactors (PBR)
cells to be used at cathode (Commault et al., 2014; Khan et al., 2021b; using different light therapies. Khoeyi et al. (Amini Khoeyi et al., 2012)
Vinayak et al., 2021). However, their electrogenic properties need to be reported that light intensity and duration remarkably effect the algal
tested so as to use them at anode too. biomass production which was maximum when algal culture exposed to
In both bacteria based MFC and algae based PMFC, electron trans­ 62.5 μmol photons m− 1s− 1 for a photoperiod of 16:8 h light/dark
portation is extracellular to the cathode and proton is exchanged via the duration (Amini Khoeyi et al., 2012). Beside light intensities duration of
plasma exchange membrane (Semenec et al., 2017; Prathiba et al., light also effected the growth of algae. Jacob-Iopes et al. (Jacob-Lopes
2021). However, PMFC operate without requiring externally added et al., 2009) showed the effect of light duration on microalgal growth
substrates whereas MFC operates in the presence of added substrates to and demonstrated that the increment of biomass production is parallel
be decomposed or degraded by microbes to produce bioelectricity to increasing the light period duration. Kitaya et al. (2005) grew Euglena
(Semenec et al., 2017). Besides bioelectricity generation another gracilis in six intensities of photosynthetic photon flux ranges from 20 to
advantage of PMFC is that it removes carbon dioxide from the atmo­ 200 μmol m− 2s− 1 along with different parameters (temperature, O2 and
sphere. PMFC is a confident apparatus in biotechnology plan for the CO2 concentrations). The result revealed that the highest rate of cell
creation of power in great manner (Elshobary et al., 2021). multiplication of microalgal occurred at light flux of about 100 μmol
Even though plants can be equally used in a PMFC since all photo­ m− 2s− 1 (Kitaya et al., 2005).
synthetic organism utilize solar radiation at 400–700 nm wavelength Chlorella sp. and Nannochloropsissp were cultured by Cheirsilp et al.
range (Chukwujindu, 2018). However, the mean efficiency of photo­ (Cheirsilp and Torpee, 2012) in different light intensities. They found
synthesis for land plants is around 5%, and, that for microalgae is 9% of that the growth of both Chlorella sp. and Nannochloropsissp increased
total solar radiations utilized, they are efficient if used in a MFC (Zhu with increasing light intensities from 2000 to 8000 lx. After 800 lx,
et al., 2008; Elshobary et al., 2021). Hence microalgae in a PMFC are growth of Chlorella sp. starts decreasing while decline in growth of

M.J. Khan et al. Chemosphere 288 (2022) 132589

Fig. 1. Effect of light A: power output; B: electrode potential as a function of light and dark, Reproduced with permissions from (Wu et al., 2014) and effect of
different light intensities on C: polarization and power density; D: biomass concentration of microalgae under continuous light regime, Reproduced with permissions
from (Bazdar et al., 2018).

Fig. 2. Schematics relating light source and value-added products obtained from algae.

M.J. Khan et al. Chemosphere 288 (2022) 132589

Nannochloropsis sp starts after 1000 lx light intensity. Chen et al. (2011) LED light was due to the fact that chlorophyll pigments of C. reinhardtii
cultivated Chlorella sp. in draft-tube photobioreactor in different light transformation F5 have poor absorption range in blue light thus a
intensities of 82 lmol/m2s, 260 μmol/m2s, 368 μmol/m2s, and 590 fraction of its energy is lost when shifted from carotenoids to chlorophyll
μmol/m2s. The microalgae growth in terms maximum biomass dry pigments (Lan et al., 2013). In yet another PMFC Chlorella vulgaris was
weight was reported at 82 μmol/m2s and increased with increasing light used for the generation of bioelectricity and value added pigments under
intensities. The maximum biomass dry weight reached a maximum at the influence of different wavelength of lights (Gouveia et al., 2014). In
590 μmol/m2s. In yet another case where an open transparent rectan­ yet another study when algal cells were added in cathode equipped with
gular chamber photobioreactor was developed and used for cultivation different florescent lights and bacterial consortium kept at the anode it
of microalgae. The biomass produced was 56% higher than the normal was seen that the output power voltage increased with higher light in­
reactor without transparent rectangular chamber because of light is tensity as the power output at steady state was 10 mW m− 2 for 4 day at
effectively utilized by this design thus growth of microalgae increased 26μE/(m2s). Thereafter it got decreased due to depletion of substrates in
significantly (Hsieh and Wu, 2009). Apart from these microalgae diatom the medium (Gouveia et al., 2014). The value-added products like the
has a future in upcoming efficient PMFC’s since their production of pigment content increased to 0.6% w/w at 26 μE/(m2s) in higher light
value added metabolites controlled by light has yielded significant re­ intensity (96 μE/(m2s). These data showed that the production of both
sults (Jayakumar et al., 2021). The oil and biodiesel yield in Amphiphora energy and value added products increased when light intensity is
sp. were 52.94 ± 0.42% and 81.47 ± 1.59% respectively at 24 μmol m− 2 higher in cathode chamber of PMFC (Gouveia et al., 2014). Many earlier
s− 1 of light intensity compared to lesser yields in Amphora sp. and reported studies have shown that the enhancement of bioelectricity and
Pleurosigma sp. microalgal biomass production when algae were grown under defined
intensity and wavelength of light. Thus production of bioelectrical
3.2. Effect of different wavelengths of lights on microalgae growth in a power in PMFC and biomass/value added products is straightway
PMFC affected by light intensity conditions of the microalgal culture (Zou
et al., 2009; Strik et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2011; Pandit et al., 2012;
Normally, microalgae make use of light of wavelength from 400 to Xiao et al., 2012).
700 nm for photosynthesis which varies in the different species. This is
due to the fact that photosynthetic pigments in microalgae are different 4. Removal of pollutants (metals and dyes) by biopolymers
and they thus absorb light differentially at various wavelengths (Rich­
mond, 2004). Kim et al. (2013)showed the effect of white, blue and red Biopolymers are biobased materials obtained from microorganisms
LED lights individually and mixed LED lights on the growth and and are cheap biodegradable components. They are important re­
CO2fixation of microalgae. They reported higher microalgae production placements for the petroleum-based plastics because of biodegrad­
rate in white light (400–700 nm) as compared to growth rate in indi­ ability, biocompatibility and environment friendly manufacturing. The
vidual red or blue lights. Further studies showed that the effects of natural and synthetic polymers have numerous industrial and biomed­
mixing wavelengths in different ratio and their effect on microalgae ical applications (Birajdar et al., 2021). The renewable substrate used in
growth. It was revealed that a mixture of red light and blue light gave MFC operation is biomass which comprises of polysaccharide bio­
higher microalgae density (almost 50%) than using monochromatic polymers such as starch, cellulose, chitosan etc. These polymers are
wavelength of light, disregarding the mixing ratio (Kim et al., 2013). energetic content and can be hydrolyzed. Although, MFC is clean
Outcome of different wavelength of light on the production of biomass bioelectricity production and wastewater treatment technology, it pro­
and lipid content was also studied in Nannochloropsis sp., grown in duces less power density which restricts the practical use of MFCs. There
phototrophic as well as mixotrophic culture conditions (Das et al., are abundant factors which determine the efficiency of MFCs but the
2011). Studies showed that maximum specific growth rate was reported materials used in anode preparations play a vibrant role in improving
in blue LED light followed by white and then in green and least growth in the output of power density. Numerous anode materials are used in MFC
red LED light (Das et al., 2011). It was observed that the absolute fatty to enhance power efficiency such as carbon materials, conductive
acid content did not differ much compared to the intracellular fatty acid polymers and composites etc. using different substrates, microbes and
compositions on cultures irradiated with different wavelengths of light. inoculum to produce polymers at anode in a MFC as shown in Table 1.
The maximum fatty acid methyl ester yield in Nannochloropsis sp. Yet the polymers are used in MFC, for eg. chitosan-nitrogen coated
occurred for cultures irradiated to green LED light at almost 550 nm (Das carbon nanotubes-polyaniline (CNCNP) as anode materials gave
et al., 2011). It has already been documented that the absorption range maximum power density of 4.2 W m− 3 compared to 1.4 W m− 3
of chlorophyll ‘a’ is 450–475 nm while chlorophyll ‘b’ in 630–675 nm. maximum power density with anode material made up of nitrogen
Therefore the photosynthetic efficiency of Scenedesmus sp. enhanced doped carbon nanotubes (Xu et al., 2019). In another study Gurav et al.
selectively and simultaneously on irradiating red as well as blue light (2019a) used chitin as a substrate for bacterium Bacillus circulans BBL03
necessary for photosynthesis (Ruyters, 1984). to produce electrical energy in MFC. The output power density was re­
On the other hand the performance of PMFCs using Chlamydomonas ported 1.742 mWcm2 with 1% chitin as a substrate (Gurav et al., 2019a).
reinhardtii transformation F5 grown under different monochromatic In MFC, Gluconobacter oxydans VKM-1280 bacterial cells was immobi­
lights (red and blue LEDs) was studied by Lan et al. in (Lan et al., 2013). lized on graphite electrode with the help of chitosan, poly (vinyl
They applied monochromatic blue and red LEDs with light intensities of alcohol) (Plekhanova et al., 2018). This chitosan based MFC produced
100, 300, 600 and 900 lx. They reported that the with the increasing maximum power characteristics of 8.3 μWcm− 2. The power density was
monochromatic blue and red LED light intensities the maximum power further increased (10.6 μWcm− 2) when multi walled carbon nanotube
density of PMFC increased. The maximum power density was found was used as anode as it decreased internal resistance of the MFC (Ple­
higher on irradiation to red LED light as in contrast to blue LED light. khanova et al., 2018). Besides in cathode different polymers are also
The reported maximum power density was 4.741 mWm− 2 with blue LED used in proton exchange membrane. The polymer materials used in the
light at 900 lx, while with red LED light at same intensity maximum preparations of membrane effectively alter the power output efficiency
power density was 12.947 mWm− 2. Thus, maximum power density of MFC. A biodegradable and economical polymer material, poly (vinyl
produced by MFC in red light was almost 61% higher than with blue LED alcohol), chitosan and poly (vinyl alcohol): chitosan was also used in
light at same intensities. The explanation for high maximum power membrane preparation. It has been reported that the performance of
density in red LED light is because of fewer obstacles in the movement of poly (vinyl alcohol): chitosan composite membranes were 4 times higher
electrons from the cell through the electrolyte to the electrode in red than the performance of Nafion® membrane (Robinson et al., 2010).
LED light. However, low power density of PMFC on irradiation to blue Table 2 shows maximum power density in a MFC using different

M.J. Khan et al. Chemosphere 288 (2022) 132589

Table 1
Production of biopolymers in various bioelectrochemical systems.
Bioelectochemical system Type of substrates used Type of inoculum/culture used Type of biopolymer produced at anode References

Microbial fuel cell Synthetic wastewater Anaerobic and Aerobic consortia Polyhydroxyalkanoates Srikanth et al. (2012)
Microbial electro synthesis Fresh water Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 Polyhydroxybutyrate Rengasamy et al. (2017)
Microbial fuel cell N-acetylglucosamine RalstoniaeutrophaH16 and YHY2 Polyhydroxyalkanoates Gurav et al. (2019b)
Microbial fuel cell Distillery wastewater Mixed anaerobic consortia Chitosan Ghosh Ray and Ghangrekar
Microbial electro synthesis Fresh water medium Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 Polyhydroxybutyrate Rengasamy et al. (2017)
Photosynthetic microbial cell – Rhodovulumsulfidophilum Spider dragline silk Foong et al. (2020b)
MSC Synthetic wastewater R. palustris G11 Polyphosphate Lai et al. (2017)
Microbial fuel cell Crab shell chitin A. palladensis YHY2 and R. eutropha Polyhydroxybutyrate, and Gurav et al. (2019b)
H16 Polyhydroxyvalerate
Microbial electro synthesis Formate containing synthetic Cupriavidis necator H16 Polyhydroxybutyrate Al Rowaihi et al. (2018)
Photo- Microbial fuel cell Domestic wastewater Rhodopseudomonas palustris G11 Polyphosphate Lai et al. (2017)

biopolymers for preparing proton exchange membrane, substrate and carbon (Jagmann et al., 2010; Rout et al., 2021). Anaerobic bacterium
electrode. Aeromonas hydrophila is a popular electroactive bacterium having chi­
Although there are several research studies in which starch is used as tinolytic activities thus potentially applied in MFC to generate
carbon source for microbes in microbial fuel cell systems (Niessen et al., bioelectricity (Pham et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2014a). The concentra­
2004; Vijay et al., 2018; Jenol et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021b). Cellulose tion of metabolites from chitin degradation in MFCs was seven-fold
(C6H10O5)n is however, yet another abundant natural biopolymer, more than the fermentation system. Additional advantage of chitin
degraded into butyrate, propionate and acetate etc. (Klemm et al., 2005; degradation in MFC is the generation of bioelectricity. It has been shown
Du et al., 2019). The degraded product of cellulose can be thus utilized that degradation of chitin in MFC was faster compared to that in a
for energy carriers in fuel cell to produce bioelectricity. Cellulose can be fermentation systems suggesting that extracellular hydrolysis of chitin
used as substrate in MFC because electrochemically active bacteria have had been the rate-limiting step (Rezaei et al., 2009; Li et al., 2017b).
ability to degrade cellulose base bio-materials from waste and produce
bioelectricity (Rismani-Yazdi et al., 2007). The obtained result revealed 5. Removal of biopolymers in an MFC
that the concentration of powdered giant reed significantly affects the
maximum power generation and chemical oxygen demand (COD) One of the major environmental issues fronting the world today is the
removal. The concentration of powdered giant reed in wastewater was pollution of soil, water and air by hazardous chemicals. Certain haz­
0, 50, 75, and 100 gL− 1displayed maximum power density of 162, 195, ardous compounds, such as aromatic amines, benzidine, dioxane,
233, 392 mWm− 2, with COD removal efficiencies of 67, 79, 82, and 85% polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), bisphenol A, pentachloro­
respectively (Ismail et al., 2019). phenol, polychlorinated biphenyl and 2.4,6 trinitrotoluene are persis­
In another study, sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC) was used to tent in the environment and are known to have carcinogenic and/or
reduce organic load in aquatic system through bioremediations of cel­ mutagenic effects (Reddy and Mathew, 2001; Sharma et al., 2021).
lulose. The power density generated in SMFC increased from 4 mWm− 2 These have become a threat to our aquatic system. These toxic com­
to 8.47 mWm− 2 when 2% cellulose was added (Sajana et al., 2014). Also pounds are released, into the aquatic system thus affecting the whole
a significant increase in maximum power density (55 mWm− 2) was re­ aquatic as well as terrestrial ecosystem (Bolong et al., 2009; Liu et al.,
ported using rumen microorganisms as inoculums and cellulose as 2021a).
substrates (Rismani-Yazdi et al., 2007). Further studies demonstrated PMFC can be applied for the treatment of several anthropogenic
power density of 153 mWm− 2 using carboxymethyl cellulose (Ren et al., pollutants like benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), azo
2009) and that of 190.2 mWm− 2 using cellulose as a substrate catalysed dyes, and sulphide containing pollutants present in wastewater are re­
by cellulose degrading bacteria (Hassan et al., 2012). Further the effi­ ported to be removed significantly during the treatment (Feng et al.,
ciency of PMFC is also affected by the solubility of the cellulose. Zhang 2021; Pandey et al., 2021a; Shindhal et al., 2021). Besides treatment of
et al. (Percival Zhang et al., 2006) reported current density of 586 these harmful anthropogenic pollutants, PMFC produced several valu­
mAm− 2 with soluble pure carboxymethyl cellulose while 124-359 able products and generating bioelectricity. Microalgae present in the
mAm-2 with insoluble cellulose like substrates (Percival Zhang et al., cathodes of PMFC synthesize lipid, carotenoids and proteins etc. which
2006). Chitosan is another biopolymer found in the hyphae cell wall of have enormous market value. Removal of harmful materials by PMFC
filamentous fungi. It is a biodegradable natural polymer used as emul­ require lesser energy with high output (Rhoads et al., 2005; Zhou et al.,
sifying agent, food additives, packaging. Ray et al. (Ray and Ghangrekar, 2013). It generates electricity along with purifying wastewater (Catal
2015) reported that fungal treatment using Aspergillus awamori reduced et al., 2008). Beside municipal waste, PMFC technology can be applied
almost 70% of COD and up to 98% reduction in suspended solids (SS) in to treat industrial and agricultural wastes (Han et al., 2015; Raschitor
cereal-based distillery stillage while of distillery wastewater treatment et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2016). The fundamental removal mechanism
resulted in complete removal of SS and overall. Besides this process of pollutants majority of which are pharmaceutical drugs and metals
generated an important biopolymer chitosan as by product from fungal released via chemical leaching and disintegration of various personal
mycelia during fermentation (Ray and Ghangrekar, 2015). care and food products including plastic and metal trash materials is via
Chitin is yet another second most abundant natural polymer after adsorbents (Pavithra et al., 2021). These may be nanomaterials like
cellulose composed of N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) (Yang et al., carbon and graphene nanotubes are not extensively used due to high
2006). Marine biomass is composed of chitin as it is present in the cost. Moreover, the conventional adsorbents like zeolites, clays, poly­
shrimps and crabs shell thus considered as food wastes (Yoshitomi and meric adsorbents, AC and bentonites used extensively for removal of
Nagano, 2012). It supplies carbon, energy and nitrogen to the variety of carbamazepine, ibuprofen and diclofenac have low adsorption capac­
organisms (Zhang et al., 2014b). In aquatic environments under nutrient ities. However, the biopolymer like cellulose, starch, alginate, poly­
limited conditions, some bacterial species are using chitin as a source of saccharides, chitosans to name a few are naturally produced

M.J. Khan et al. Chemosphere 288 (2022) 132589

Table 2 biopolymers which adsorbs the metals and other pollutants forming a
Power density produced in a Microbial Fuel cell using biopolymers. complex hybrid while simultaneously cleaning the wastewater in a
Polymer used in Type of wastewater Power References PMFC.
proton density Electrolytes rich in polymers are important component in microbial
exchange fuel cells. In order to enhance the efficiency of fuel cells polymer elec­
membrane in
trolytes are one of the cheapest and cost-effective techniques. Of the
existing synthetic polymers, biopolymers are from natural resources are
Chitosan/ Brewery wastewater 3022.39 Harewood et al. biodegradable, cheap and are ecofriendly and are effective in cleaning
biodegradable mW m− 2 (2017)
copolymer 3486.73
wastewater rich in metal pollutants, dyes, drugs etc. in a MFC (Table 3).
Membrane mW m− 2 The biopolymers form nanocomposites or hybrid structures with
Nafion 117 different nanomaterials and are effective in removing various toxic
membrane metals and dyes as shown in Table 3.
Starch Swine house effluent 945.69 Obasi et al.
Among the biopolymers polysaccharides, starch and chitosan have
mWm− 2 (2012)
Starch treated with Swine house effluent 1068.54 Obasi et al. attracted much interest to be used in a MFC to clean wastewater at cost
5.9% sodium mWm− 2 (2012) effective ways. Even though in a MFC biopolymers need to be added
chloride since microbes produce biopolymers not very efficiently, however in a
Poly (ether ether Dairy and domestic 670 Ayyaru and PMFC with microalgae at anode or cathode produce biomass rich in
ketone) wastewater mWm− Dharmalingam
polysaccharides, starch, cellulose, carrageen and sometimes alginate.
Starch modified Swine house effluent 570.83 Obasi et al. However, in a PMFC with microalgae at cathode the biopolymers are
with sodium mWm− 2 (2012) extracted or harvested to be used externally to clean wastewater at
alginate (a gum) anode as shown in Fig. 3. However, in a PMFC with microalgae at anode
and activated
the biopolymers are synthesized and keep on cleaning the wastewater by
Poly (vinylidene Domestic wastewater 15.8 Kim et al. adsorption as well as generating bioelectricity and manufacturing value
fluoride) mWm− 2
(2014) added products like carotenoids and lipids. As earlier mentioned that
sulfonated future research in MFC should be focused on to test diatoms in PMFC,
Chitosan:Alginate Local municipal wastewater 115 Lee et al. since diatoms are great sensors of metal pollution since they not only
(1:1) mWm− (2019)
change their valve morphology but also produce more lipid bodies under
Poly-(R)-3- Food wastewater 601 (Olayiwola
hydroxybutyrate mWm− 2
Sirajudeen stress (Gautam et al., 2017). However, due to its silica wall diatoms
et al., 2021) don’t ooze crude oil and pigments easily (Vinayak et al., 2014, 2015),
Polybenzimidazole Domestic wastewater 400 Angioni et al. therefore many studies have been done to let them ooze oil variety of
mWm− (2018)
fuel cells in quest of designing a diatom solar panel. On the offset the
Polymer used as Power/ References diatoms in PMFC may not only act as diatom PMFC but a hybrid diatom
substrate in Current solar panel for Diafuel™ (biofuel from diatoms) (Vinayak et al., 2018),
MFC density
biomass rich in biopolymers, pigments (fucoxanthins) and a clean at­
Powdered giant Reed-loaded wastewater 162, 195, Ismail et al. mosphere as the end products (Gautam et al., 2016). Besides this the
reed (cellulose) 233 and (2019)
beautiful nanoarchitecture of silicaceous diatom frustules acts as ad­
0, 50, 75 and 100 392
gL-1 mWm− 2 sorbents for a variety of metals, plastics and NP (Kumar et al., 2016;
Poly (lactic) acid Textile wastewater 4.4 ± 0.2 Qi et al. (2018) Vinayak et al., 2017; Gupta et al., 2018; Ghobara et al., 2019; Khan
mAcm− 2 et al., 2020).
Acetate Wolfe’s trace mineral and 2720 Xing et al. Some commonly occurring biopolymers and role they play in
vitamins mWm− 2 (2008)
Chitin (1%) Soil sediment into 50 mL 1.742 Gurav et al.
removal of pollutants from wastewater are as following.
seawater containing chitin mWcm− 2 (2019a)
(1%) (i) Chitosan
Cellulose Clarified rumen fluid 55 Rismani-Yazdi
mWm− et al. (2007)
Chitosan a polysaccharide biosource is one of the naturally occurring
Polymer used in Power/ References biodegradable biopolymer having amide and hydroxyl group of
anode Current glucosamine. It is one of the cheaply occurring biopolymer which is
produced to remove industrial effluents. It is mainly composed of N-
Polyaniline Bacteria suspension 388.6 Liu et al. (2017) deacetylated chitin found in the insect cuticles and shells of crustacean
mW m−
animals. It is widely used as biocatalyst to treat the wastewaters having
Chitosan-nitrogen Sodium dihydrogen 1891.5 Xu et al. (2019)
doped carbon phosphate, disodium mW m− 2 capability to adsorb the effluents. Chitosan based adsorbents are
nanotubes- hydrogen phosphate, essentially used to remove the dye and metal ions from wastewaters. On
polyaniline (CS- ammonium chloride, the other end chitosan and cellulose have together been found most
NCNT-PANI) calcium chloride, abundant biopolymers in nature. The most suitable example being cel­
magnesium sulphate,
ammonium sulphate,
lulose nanofibrils decorated with chitosans nanocrystals used as nano­
potassium chloride and adsorbents to clean wastewater removing metals (CNC) (Liu et al., 2014;
manganese sulphate Gopi et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017a).
Graphite + 2,6- 8.3 Plekhanova On the other hand, chitosan nanocomposites are effective in removal
chitosan, poly dichlorophenolindophenol μWcm− et al. (2018)
of methyl orange (MO) dye. Additionally chitosan doped magnetic
(vinyl alcohol) (DCPIP) 10.6
Multiwalled μWcm− 2 nanoparticles with glutaraldehyde as a crosslinker have been used to
carbon eliminate acid red − 2 from textile wastewaters (Kadam and Lee, 2015).
nanotubes Also Au/TiO2 on a chitosan fiber are used for the degradation of various
water pollutants like methyl blue (MB) while simultaneously reducing
Cr (IV) (Shoueir et al., 2019). The magnetic chitosans crosslinked with
kappa-carrageenan also act as bioadsorbent in removal of metal pol­
lutants and dyes. Besides this chitosan showed removal of more than

M.J. Khan et al. Chemosphere 288 (2022) 132589

Table 3
Different biopolymers produced by organisms and their target pollutant removal.
Type of organism Biopolymer Biopolymer Composite Pollutant Reference
produced removed

Brown algae, Alginate Nanocomposite alginate-based electrospun membranes; Nanocomposite Metal (Kuang et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2017b;
crustacean alginate-based electrospun membranes; Dodero et al., 2020)
shells Calcium alginate encapsulated Ni/Fe nanoparticles beads
Alginate-coated perlite beads; Alginate-Based Hydrogel Beads Dyes (Asadi et al., 2018; Parlayici, 2019)
Red seaweed Carrageen Iota-carrageenan based magnetic aerogels Metal Abdellatif et al. (2020)
kappacarrageenan/poly (glycidyl methacrylate) hydrogel beads; Dyes (Lapwanit et al., 2018; Lv et al., 2020;
κ-carrageenan-poly (acrylamide-comethacrylic acid)/AQSOA-Z05 zeolite Mittal et al., 2020; Prasannan et al., 2020)
hydrogel composites; carrageenan/laponite multilayers; sodium lignin
sulfonate embedded in carrageenan
Plants, algae Starch Crosslinked porous sorbents Dyes (Guo et al., 2019; Nasrollahzadeh et al.,
Crosslinked copolymers Metals Grząbka-Zasadzińska et al. (2021)
Plants, algae, Cellulose Fe3O4/bacterial cellulose nanocomposite; Fe2O3 nanomaterial; Metals (Donia et al., 2012; Luther et al., 2012;
Bacteria Nano–magnetic cellulose; APTES modified cellulose Hokkanen et al., 2014; Luo et al., 2020)
Surface quaternized cellulose nanofibrils Dyes Pei,
Berglund &
Zhou, 2013
Plants, insects, Chitosans Chitosan-TiO2; polypyrrole/chitosan/carbon nanotube composite; Metal (Abdi et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2019;
algae polypyrrole Anaya-Esparza et al., 2020)
chitin nanocrystals decorated on 3D cellulose aerogels; Au@TiO2 Dye (Gopi et al., 2017; Shoueir et al., 2019)
photocatalyst bio-based chitosan fiber

Fig. 3. Recovery of biopolymers from microalgae A: in photosynthetic microbial fuel cell with microalgae at cathode and B: algal microbial fuel cell at anode.

M.J. Khan et al. Chemosphere 288 (2022) 132589

90% of herbicides (oxadiazon) from wastewater (Arvand et al., 2009). sulphur polysaccharides. They mainly occur in three forms viz; kappa,
Yet another work demonstrated that a nanoelectrode prepared by iota and lambda carrageenans depending upon the degree of sulpho­
polymerization of polypyrrole (PPy)/CS/CNT showed adsorption of nation. Of these kappa carrageenans coated with supramagnetic ferric
copper ions from the wastewater (Zhang et al., 2019). oxide NP are excellent adsorbents to remove dyes eg. MB from aqueous
or wastewater (Salgueiro et al., 2013). Besides this a zeolite hydrogel
(ii). Alginates composite (ZHC) of kappa carrageenans has effectively removed MB
from aqueous solutions. ZHC is an excellent choice for removal of
Alginate is yet another biopolymer which is stable, nontoxic, for cationic dyes in wastewaters. Additionally the kappa carrageenans form
adsorption of contaminants from wastewater. Alginates are made up of the seaweeds form a composite with nanoclaylapnoite and are effective
two uronic acids β –D mannuronic acid and α-L-guluronic acid linked via in organic pollutants from the wastewater as well as dyes (Mittal et al.,
β-1,4-glycosidic bonds. Due to its high surface area, network structure 2020). On the other hand a dendrimer of iota carrageenans and poly­
Core/shell Fe/Ag NPs from calcium alginates modified by amino­ amidoamine are excellently used in removal of Co+2, Cu+2, Mn+7, Cr
thiophenol have been extensively used for the removal of 2-NP and 4-NP (IV), Cd+2 and Alphanol fast blue in the presence of different concen­
(Gupta et al., 2014). Also hybrid structures of calcium alginate and tration of nanoparticles (Abdellatif et al., 2020).
titania are used to remove Cu+2, Cr+3, Cr+6, Co+2 and Cd+2 from the
wastewater (Wu et al., 2012). On the offset the 3D network structure of 6. Bottlenecks and future perspectives
alginate biosorbents effectively remove Ag+, Al+3, Ba+2, Fe+3, Ca+2 etc.
(Cheng et al., 2012; Topuz et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2013; Dodero et al., Upscaling the MFC to PMFC is definitely advantageous since
2020). Calcium alginate hydrogel beads are also used to remove methyl microalgae can be easily procured from the environment and require
violet (MV) from wastewater or aqueous solutions (Asadi et al., 2018). basic nutrients and components like H2O, light and CO2 to grow.
Such hydrogels for example alginate coated perlite beads are also used to However, selection of microalgae species is important in order to build a
remove other possible dyes found in the wastewater like methyl violet, PMFC which is efficient, cheap and yields good amount of biomass rich
methylene blue, malachite green to name a few (Parlayici, 2019). Yet in biopolymers, pigments and crude oil. Though there are many
another composite of sodium alginate and TiO2 NP are effective adsor­ microalgae species which are rich producers of value-added metabolites,
bents to remove dyes (Mahmoodi et al., 2011). however future perspectives of PMFC needs length study using micro­
algae like diatoms. The reason being diatoms are robust microalgae
(iii). Cellulose which can not only survive in robust environmental conditions but serve
as sensors of many kinds of wastewater pollutants. They grow efficiently
Cellulose based biopolymers are widely used in treatment of waste­ in wastewater, are primary producers and major producers of available
water. The cellulose exists in different structures like as nanofibrils and crude oil on the globe. On the offset PMFC’s with microalgae have great
nanocrystals. These are turning to effective nanoadsorbents not only due future not only for the production of biofuel and carotenoids but also for
to their efficiency in removal of pollutants from wastewater but being their ability to produce biopolymers. These biopolymers can be immo­
biodegradable and environmentally friendly (Janani et al., 2021; Var­ bilized at different components of MFC to develop circular economy for
jani et al., 2021b). Cellulose composites with various polymer matrix not generation of electricity at a cost-effective way. MFC’s are basically
only enhance its strength but also resistance to biofouling and being meant to clean wastewater on the offset, more studies and research need
specific for adsorption to specific pollutants. The surface moieties of to be done to increase the power output which has been the major
cellulose nanomaterials are further enhanced to remove hydrophobic roadblock in either kind of MFC.
components too. Khan et al. (2019)showed how cellulose fibres from
Luffa cylindrica doped with TiO2 and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) are 7. Conclusions
efficient in adsorbing hydrophobic lipid droplets that oozed out from
diatoms. Further cellulose from microbes doped with TiO2 is effective Photosynthetic microalgal fuel cells with microalgae tend to increase
against removal of toluene on irradiation of UV(Rezaee et al., 2016). their power density with increase in light intensity or use of mono­
Another work by Wang et al. (2014)showed that nanocellulose hydro­ chromatic blue and red light. The increased growth thus simultaneously
gels crosslinked with graphene oxide helped in removal of cyclohexane results in increase in biomass and hence increases biopolymers and
and dimethylformamide (DMF). The cellulose nanofibrils can thus be value-added products. The biopolymers can essentially be used as
surface modified for selective adsorption of metal ions, dyes and other nanoadsorbents in wastewater in PMFC’s to remove metals and dyes.
pollutants by modifying their functional group. However, if microalgae are used at anode in live state, the efficiency of
removal of pollutants tend to increase due to biopolymers being directly
(iv) Starch produced in wastewater. Therefore, more studies need to be done to
explore the study of microalgae which are electrogenic at anode and also
Starch is the most commonly found biopolymer not only from mi­ check the possibility of diatoms in such PMFC. The state-of the-art in­
crobes, microalgae but higher plants. They are biomacromolecules formation on microalgae and processes narrated in this paper would
which are amylopectins branched having 1 → 6 and 1 → 4 linkage. help researchers and academicians design better experimental setups to
Different methods to obtain starch nanocrystals have been synthesized refine existing protocols and meet the future demands of commercial
to adsorb the pollutants as well as chemical moieties of interest. Cross­ production.
linking the cornstarch with epichlorohydrin in the presence of enzyme α
amylase helps in removal of MB and golden yellow dye from water (Guo Credit author statement
et al., 2013, 2019). Magnetic nanoparticles (MNP/starch-g-poly (vinyl
sulphate) nanocomposites were effective in removing various dyes like Mohd Jahir Khan: Literature review; Writing - original draft; Data
MB and malachite green (MG) from aqueous solutions. Furthermore it curation; Funding acquisition, Nikhil Singh: Literature review; Writing -
has been seen that crosslinked starch with amide groups are effective in original draft; Data curation, Sudhanshu Mishra: Literature review;
removal of Pb+2 and Cu+2 ions (Zhang and Chen, 2002). Writing - original draft; Data curation, Ankesh Ahirwar: Literature re­
view; Writing - original draft; Data curation; Funding acquisition, Felix
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