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Q1: Do you think a promotion video is essential for the school advertisement and why?

Yes, I believe a promotional video can be essential for school advertisement. Here are a few reasons why:
1. Visual Appeal: A promotional video allows schools to showcase their campus, facilities,
classrooms, and activities in a visually engaging way. It provides a dynamic and immersive
experience that can captivate the audience's attention and leave a lasting impression.
2. Effective Communication: Videos have the power to convey information quickly and effectively.
A well-crafted promotional video can effectively communicate the school's values, educational
philosophy, unique features, and academic programs. It enables schools to highlight their
strengths and differentiate themselves from other institutions.
3. Emotional Connection: Videos have the ability to evoke emotions and create a connection with
the viewers. A promotional video can showcase the school's vibrant community, enthusiastic
students, and dedicated faculty, fostering a sense of belonging and inspiring prospective students
and their families.
4. Reach and Shareability: In today's digital age, videos are highly shareable on various online
platforms and social media channels. A compelling promotional video can be easily shared by
current students, parents, and alumni, extending the reach of the school's message to a wider
5. Competitive Edge: With the increasing competition among educational institutions, a well-
produced promotional video can give a school a competitive edge. It can help attract prospective
students, enhance enrollment numbers, and contribute to a positive perception of the school in the
While a promotional video can be a valuable tool for school advertisement, it's important to consider the
target audience, budget constraints, and the overall marketing strategy. A well-planned and executed
video can effectively communicate the school's unique attributes and create a positive image, contributing
to the overall success of the advertising campaign.

Q2: What aspect(s) of a school should be highlighted in the video? Or as a parent, what things do
you pay attention to when you research a school for your child?

When creating a promotional video for a school, it is important to highlight aspects that are likely to be of
interest to potential students and their parents. Here are some key aspects that could be highlighted in a
promotional video:
1. Academic Excellence: Showcase the school's strong academic programs, innovative teaching
methods, and any unique curriculum offerings. Highlight achievements such as academic
competitions, college placements, or notable alumni.
2. Faculty and Staff: Introduce the experienced and dedicated teachers and staff who play a vital
role in students' education and well-being. Emphasize their qualifications, expertise, and
commitment to student success.
3. Facilities and Resources: Highlight the school's modern facilities, well-equipped classrooms,
science labs, libraries, sports facilities, technology resources, and any specialized areas such as art
studios or music rooms. This showcases the school's commitment to providing a conducive
learning environment.
4. Extracurricular Activities: Demonstrate the school's vibrant extracurricular programs, clubs,
sports teams, and arts offerings. Showcase activities that promote teamwork, creativity,
leadership, and personal growth. This highlights the holistic development opportunities available
to students.
5. Student Life and Community: Showcase the school's diverse and inclusive community. Highlight
student testimonials, social events, community service projects, and opportunities for students to
engage in extracurricular activities and develop lifelong friendships.
6. Parent Involvement and Support: Highlight the school's efforts to involve parents in their child's
education through regular communication, parent-teacher associations, workshops, and parent
engagement programs. Emphasize the school's commitment to fostering a strong partnership
between parents and the school.

As a parent researching a school for your child, you may pay attention to:
● Academic programs and curriculum: Ensure that the school offers a strong academic foundation
and aligns with your child's educational needs and aspirations.
● Safety and Security: Consider the school's safety measures, student supervision, and policies
regarding student well-being.
● Teacher qualifications and support: Look for information on the qualifications and experience of
the teaching staff, as well as the school's commitment to professional development and ongoing
support for teachers.
● Extracurricular and enrichment opportunities: Consider the availability of diverse extracurricular
activities, clubs, sports teams, and opportunities for your child to explore their interests outside
the classroom.
● School culture and values: Assess the school's values, discipline policies, and overall atmosphere
to ensure they align with your family's values and expectations.
● Parent-teacher communication: Look for information on how the school facilitates
communication between parents and teachers, such as parent-teacher conferences, newsletters,
and online platforms.

By highlighting these aspects in a promotional video, schools can address the key factors that parents
often consider when researching a school for their child, helping them make an informed decision.

Q3: Particularly for a private boarding school?

When creating a promotional video for a private boarding school, in addition to the aspects mentioned
earlier, there are some specific elements that can be highlighted to cater to the interests and concerns of
parents considering a boarding school for their child. Here are a few key aspects to include:
1. Boarding Facilities: Showcase the boarding facilities, including dormitories, common areas, study
spaces, and recreational amenities. Highlight the comfortable and secure environment that
ensures the well-being of boarding students.
2. Residential Life: Emphasize the supportive and nurturing community that exists within the
boarding school. Showcase the opportunities for building lifelong friendships, engaging in
communal activities, and experiencing a sense of belonging.
3. Boarding Staff and Support: Introduce the residential staff who are responsible for the well-being
of boarding students. Highlight their training, experience, and commitment to providing a safe
and caring environment. Showcase the support systems in place to help students adjust to
boarding life and thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
4. Weekend and Evening Activities: Highlight the variety of weekend and evening activities
available to boarding students, such as clubs, outings, sports events, cultural activities, and
community service opportunities. Showcase the school's efforts to provide a balanced and
enriching experience beyond academics.
5. Parent Communication and Involvement: Highlight the school's efforts to keep parents informed
about their child's progress and well-being through regular communication channels, parent
portals, and designated points of contact. Showcase how the school encourages parental
involvement and participation in school events, visits, and parent-student weekends.
6. College Preparation and Guidance: Highlight the school's track record of college placements,
academic counseling, and college preparation programs. Emphasize the support provided to
boarding students throughout the college application process, including SAT/ACT preparation,
essay writing assistance, and guidance on selecting suitable colleges.
Additionally, for a private boarding school, parents may pay attention to:
● Boarding Policies and Supervision: Look for information on the school's policies regarding
supervision, student safety, and health care. Highlight the measures taken to ensure a secure and
supportive environment for boarding students.
● Boarding School Community: Showcase the inclusive and diverse nature of the boarding school
community. Highlight opportunities for cultural exchange, global perspectives, and the fostering
of lifelong friendships among students from different backgrounds.
● Weekend and Holiday Breaks: Provide information on how the school supports boarding students
during weekends, holidays, and vacation breaks. Highlight any organized trips, activities, or
support services available during these times.
● Boarding School Philosophy: Highlight the unique aspects of the boarding school's educational
philosophy and how it contributes to the development of well-rounded individuals. Showcase any
distinctive programs or initiatives that set the boarding school apart from others.
By addressing these specific aspects in the promotional video, a private boarding school can effectively
showcase the benefits and features that appeal to parents considering a boarding education for their child.

Q4: What is the acceptable length of a video that you are willing to watch without skipping?

The acceptable length of a video that someone is willing to watch without skipping can vary depending
on several factors, such as if the school is my first choice, or if the content I am already familiar with. I
would say, I would give it up to an hour for my first choice school on contents that I am not familiar with.

Q5: What is your workflow when you make a video (can be any type of video)?

When creating a promotional video for a private boarding school's admissions office, here's a suggested
workflow that can help you plan, produce, and edit the video effectively:
1. Define Objectives and Target Audience: Begin by clearly defining the objectives of the
promotional video. What message do you want to convey? Who is your target audience?
Understanding your goals and audience will guide the entire video creation process.
2. Develop a Concept and Script: Based on the objectives, develop a concept for the video that
aligns with the school's brand and values. Create a compelling script that outlines the key points,
narrative flow, and desired visuals. Ensure the script highlights the unique aspects and benefits of
the school.
3. Plan Shots and Locations: Make a shot list that details the specific shots and sequences you need
to capture. Identify the locations on the school campus that best represent the various aspects you
want to showcase. Consider any additional locations, such as classrooms, sports fields, or
boarding facilities, that may enhance the video.
4. Gather Equipment and Resources: Ensure you have the necessary equipment for capturing high-
quality video and audio, such as cameras, tripods, microphones, and lighting equipment.
Determine if you need any additional resources like props, wardrobe, or visual aids to enhance
the video.
5. Schedule Shoots and Interviews: Plan the shooting schedule, including the dates, times, and
availability of students, teachers, and staff who will be featured in the video. Coordinate with
relevant stakeholders to ensure a smooth production process.
6. Capture Footage: Execute the planned shoots, following the script and shot list. Pay attention to
composition, lighting, and sound quality during filming. Capture a mix of wide shots, close-ups,
and dynamic footage to provide visual variety.
7. Conduct Interviews and Testimonials: Film interviews with students, teachers, and staff to gather
their perspectives and experiences. Prepare a set of interview questions that will elicit meaningful
responses highlighting the school's strengths.
8. Capture B-roll and Campus Activities: Capture additional footage, known as B-roll, that
complements the main shots and helps tell the story visually. Focus on showcasing campus
activities, classroom interactions, extracurriculars, and student life.
9. Edit and Post-Production: Transfer the captured footage to a video editing software. Review the
footage, select the best shots, and assemble them according to the script. Trim, rearrange, and add
transitions as needed. Enhance the video with graphics, text overlays, and music to create a
polished final product.
10. Review and Refine: Share the draft video with relevant stakeholders, such as the admissions
team, school administrators, and marketing professionals. Gather feedback and make necessary
revisions to ensure the video aligns with the school's brand and effectively conveys the desired
11. Finalize and Distribute: Make any final edits based on feedback and finalize the video. Choose
appropriate video formats and resolutions for various platforms and devices. Develop a
distribution plan, which may include sharing the video on the school's website, social media
channels, email newsletters, and during admissions events.
Remember to stay organized, communicate effectively with the team involved, and allocate sufficient
time for each step of the workflow. Collaboration and attention to detail will contribute to the successful
creation of a compelling promotional video for your private boarding school.

Q6: Any suggestions about filming?

Certainly! Here are some suggestions to consider when filming your promotional video for a private
boarding school:
1. Plan Shots and Sequences: Create a detailed shot list and storyboard to plan the specific shots and
sequences you want to capture. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you cover all
the necessary visuals to tell your story effectively.
2. Showcase Diversity and Inclusion: Highlight the diverse student body and inclusive community
of your boarding school. Capture footage that reflects different backgrounds, cultures, and
perspectives to emphasize the welcoming and inclusive environment of the school.
3. Capture Authentic Moments: Aim for genuine and authentic moments during filming. Encourage
students, teachers, and staff to act naturally and be themselves, allowing their true personalities
and interactions to shine through in the footage.
4. Utilize Dynamic Camera Movements: Experiment with camera movements to add visual interest
and dynamic energy to your shots. Use techniques such as panning, tracking, or handheld shots to
create a sense of movement and immersion.
5. Take Advantage of Natural Lighting: Whenever possible, utilize natural lighting to capture your
footage. Outdoor shots during the golden hour (early morning or late afternoon) can provide
warm and flattering lighting. Indoors, position subjects near windows to take advantage of natural
light sources.
6. Consider Sound Quality: Good audio is essential for a professional-looking video. Use external
microphones to capture clear and high-quality sound. Minimize background noise and ensure that
dialogue is audible and distinct.
7. Capture a Variety of Perspectives: Vary your camera angles and perspectives to provide visual
variety and depth to your video. Incorporate wide shots to establish context, medium shots for
interviews or interactions, and close-ups to emphasize emotions or important details.
8. Film Engaging Activities and Interactions: Showcase students and teachers engaged in various
activities, such as classroom discussions, laboratory experiments, sports, arts performances, or
collaborative projects. Capture interactions between students and teachers to highlight the
positive relationships and supportive learning environment.
9. Include Testimonials and Interviews: Conduct interviews with students, teachers, and staff to
gather their testimonials and perspectives on the school. Capture sincere and compelling
responses that showcase the unique experiences and benefits of being part of the boarding school
10. Use B-roll Footage: In addition to the main shots, capture supplementary B-roll footage that helps
tell the story visually. This can include shots of campus landmarks, students studying,
extracurricular activities, and scenic views. B-roll footage enhances the overall visual appeal and
adds depth to the video.
Remember to communicate with your subjects, make them feel comfortable in front of the camera, and
maintain a positive and collaborative atmosphere throughout the filming process. Be open to capturing
spontaneous moments and be flexible in adapting your plans as needed. These suggestions should help
you create a visually captivating and engaging promotional video for your private boarding school.

Q7: Any suggestions about editing?

Certainly! Here are some suggestions to consider when editing your promotional video for a private
boarding school:
1. Organize and Review Footage: Before you start editing, organize your footage into folders based
on scenes or categories. Review all the footage to familiarize yourself with the content and make
note of the best shots and moments you want to include in the final video.
2. Create a Clear Narrative Flow: Develop a clear and logical structure for your video. Ensure that
the scenes and shots flow smoothly from one to another, creating a cohesive and engaging
narrative. Arrange the footage in a way that effectively conveys the story you want to tell.
3. Trim and Remove Unnecessary Footage: Eliminate any unnecessary or repetitive footage that
doesn't contribute to the overall message or pacing of the video. Keep the editing tight and
focused, removing any sections that may cause viewer attention to waver.
4. Pay Attention to Timing and Pacing: Consider the pacing of your video. Adjust the timing of
shots and transitions to maintain a dynamic and engaging rhythm. Be mindful of the overall video
length, keeping it concise while allowing sufficient time for each scene to make an impact.
5. Enhance Visual Appeal: Use color correction, grading, and other visual effects to enhance the
overall look and feel of your video. Ensure that the color and brightness levels are consistent
throughout the footage to create a visually pleasing and professional result.
6. Incorporate Graphics and Text: Add text overlays, titles, and graphics to reinforce key messages,
introduce sections, or highlight important information. Use tasteful and visually appealing
designs that align with the branding and style of the school.
7. Include Relevant Music and Sound Effects: Choose background music that sets the tone and
enhances the emotional impact of your video. Ensure the music is appropriate and complements
the visuals without overpowering the dialogue or narration. Consider adding sound effects to
enhance specific moments or actions in the video.
8. Smooth Transitions: Use a variety of transitions, such as cuts, fades, dissolves, or creative
transitions, to smoothly transition between shots and scenes. Choose transitions that suit the tone
and style of your video, ensuring they enhance the visual flow rather than distract from it.
9. Incorporate Testimonials and Interviews: Integrate the testimonials and interviews you captured
during filming into the video. Select the most compelling and relevant sound bites that support
the message you want to convey. Ensure that the audio is clear and easily understandable.
10. Add Captions or Subtitles: Consider adding captions or subtitles to your video, especially if you
plan to share it on platforms where viewers may watch without sound. This improves
accessibility and ensures that your message is conveyed effectively to a wider audience.
11. Seek Feedback and Iterate: Once you have a draft of your edited video, share it with a select
group of individuals who can provide constructive feedback. Consider the viewpoints of
colleagues, stakeholders, or even potential parents and students to gather insights and make any
necessary refinements before finalizing the video.
Remember to save multiple versions of your project and regularly back up your files to avoid any loss of
progress. Take breaks during the editing process to maintain a fresh perspective. By following these
suggestions, you can create a polished and impactful promotional video for your private boarding school.

Q8: Any last sentence of advice for our senior project?

Not really, I am not familiar with high school senior projects unless I have detailed project requirements.

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