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The Journal of Nutrition

Community and International Nutrition

A More Diversified Diet among Mexican Men

May Also Be More Atherogenic1,2
Xochitl Ponce,3 Estanislao Ramirez,3,4 and Hélène Delisle3*
WHO Collaborating Centre on Nutrition Changes and Development, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Université
de Montréal, Montreal, Canada and 4Hospital General de Zona No.1, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Oaxaca, México

The objective of this study was to assess the nutritional quality of Mexican men’s diet and its relation to socio-economic
status (SES) and BMI. A random sample of 325 Mexican men, aged 35–65 y and stratified by SES and urban or rural
residence, took part in the study. Two nonconsecutive 24-h dietary recalls were conducted in person. Dietary diversity was
based on the consumption of 24 food groups. The micronutrient adequacy score that was used as a cut off was 75% of the
U.S. RDA (Institute of Medicine) for 13 vitamins and minerals. A prevention score assessed subjects’ adherence to 8 WHO
dietary recommendations for the prevention of chronic diseases. Dietary diversity and micronutrient adequacy increased

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with SES status of urban subjects; these indices were also significantly higher among urban poor than among rural poor. In
contrast, the prevention score tended to be higher among the poorer urban and rural respondents. Dietary diversity was
significantly higher but the preventive score was significantly lower in obese subjects than in normal BMI subjects. There
was a positive correlation between diet diversity and micronutrient adequacy (r ¼ 0.34, P , 0.01), whereas dietary diversity
and the prevention score were inversely correlated (r ¼ 20.21, P , 0.01). The inverse association of dietary diversity and the
prevention score was stronger in rural than in urban subjects. Dietary diversity was positively and significantly correlated with
fruit and vegetable intake (r ¼ 0.295, P , 0.001). It was, however, also positively correlated with the percent of energy from
total and saturated fat, and cholesterol intake. Therefore, in some settings, higher food diversity may not predict a healthier
diet from the standpoint of the prevention of chronic diseases. J. Nutr. 136: 2921–2927, 2006.

weight, obesity, and NCCD increase as socio-economic condi-
In populations undergoing nutritional transition, common shifts tions improve in developing countries (9).
in dietary patterns involve increases in intakes of fats and refined The importance of overall diet quality for health is well
sugars (1). Rapid economic development and urbanization in the established. Indices based on nutrients (10), foods (11), and on
developing world have made such foods more accessible even in both nutrients and foods (12,13) have been developed to eval-
low-income countries (2). These shifts, coupled with a more sed- uate diet quality. Dietary guidelines usually recommend increas-
entary lifestyle, contribute to the rapid increase in rates of obe- ing the diversity of foods across and within foods groups (14–16)
sity and other chronic diseases in developing countries, including to ensure micronutrient adequacy. Accordingly, dietary variety
Mexico (1,3–5). or diversity and various indices of micronutrient adequacy have
In 1960, the most common causes of death in Mexico were been used to reflect dietary quality (17–20). Diet quality can also
related to infection. However, in the last decade, the principal be assessed based on compliance with dietary guidelines or
causes of death in the Mexican population were those related to recommendations for health, such as those formulated by WHO
noncommunicable chronic diseases (NCCD) such as cardiovas- for the prevention of diet-related chronic diseases (21,22). As
cular disease (CVD),5 cancer, and diabetes (6). Concurrent changes suggested by Kim et al. (23), the assessment of diet quality in pop-
in dietary patterns in Mexico are higher intakes of fat and refined ulations at different stages of nutrition transition is an important
carbohydrates (7,8). Recent research also indicates that over- source of information for dietary issues related to that transition.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relation be-
tween socio-economic and anthropometric status of Mexican
Supported by TRANSNUT, WHO Collaborating Centre on Nutrition Changes
men and the nutritional quality of their diet. We used 3 diet-
and Development, Department of Nutrition, Université de Montréal, Canada,
and Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Oaxaca, Mexico. quality indices: dietary diversity, micronutrient adequacy, and ad-
Supplemental Table 1 is available with the online posting of this paper at herence to WHO recommendations for the prevention of CVD. Our hypothesis was that urban subjects enjoying a higher socio-
Abbreviations used: CVD, cardiovascular diseases; DDS, dietary diversity economic status (SES) would have a more diversified and ade-
score; DRI, dietary reference intake; SES, socio-economic status; RDA,
recommended dietary allowances.
quate diet but also a more atherogenic diet, whereas the rural
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: helene.delisle@ group would have a low-diversity diet and possibly micro- nutrient inadequacies.
0022-3166/06 $8.00 ª 2006 American Society for Nutrition. Supplemental Material can be found at: 2921
Manuscript received 12 May 2006. Initial review completed 13 June 2006. Revision accepted 14
August 2006.
TABLE 1 Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the study subjects

Urban Rural poor

Subjects Total High SES Middle SES Low SES P-value1 Total P-value2

n 249 68 118 63 76
Age,3 y 48.3 6 8.9 48 6 7.8 48 6 9.2 48.9 6 9.8 0.806 52.2 6 9.9 0.50
Job category, %
Manual 39.7 8.8 37.1 77.8 ,0.0001 95 0.003
Nonmanual 59.9 91.2 62 22.2 5
Education level, %
None 2.8 0 0 11.1 23.8
Primary school 24.1 1.5 22 52.4 ,0.0001 69.7 ,0.0001
Secondary school 17.3 7.4 22 19 6.5
Postsecondary 55.8 91.2 55.9 17.5 0
P-value for comparison between urban groups, 1-way ANOVA and x2.
P-value for comparison between low SES urban vs. rural group, t test and x 2.
Age values are means 6 SD.

Materials and Methods The rural area was comprised of 3 randomly selected towns in the
central valley of Oaxaca with a population ,2500 (27). Rich farm
Subjects and study design proprietors were excluded, so that overall, the whole rural group
As part of a larger research project on nutrition transition and CVD risk, could be considered poor.

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this cross-sectional study was conducted in Oaxaca, one of the poorer This study was approved by the Committee of Investigation and
states of Mexico with marked socio-economic disparities. A total of 325 Ethics of the Oaxaca Delegation of the Mexican Institute of the Social
Mexican men, 35–65 y of age and apparently in good health, were Security (IMSS) and by the Hospital Center of the Université de Montréal
randomly selected after stratification for residential area (n ¼ 76 in rural, (CHUM). After participants were given an explanation of the nature of
n ¼ 249 in urban poor, middle, or well-off neighborhoods). We included the study, informed consent was obtained in writing.
only men because they appear more susceptible to CVD and because of the
confounding effect of menopause in women. The 35–65 y-old age range Data collection
includes the age strata where CVD risks are increased. All subjects with a A questionnaire was administered, in person, to urban subjects to obtain
medical diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension, or CVD were excluded, as well demographic information and to confirm SES based on area of residence.
as severely ill or incapacitated subjects, insofar as these conditions might A SES score was built and education level, occupational status, and type
modify lifestyle and therefore alter the results. Full-blood aboriginals were of health services were used as indicators. A score of 0 was given if the
also excluded because they can have a higher genetic predisposition to the subject had no schooling, 1 if he had reached the primary level, 2 for the
metabolic syndrome and diabetes (24). Studies also suggest that a lower secondary level, 3 for achieving a technical education, and 4 for uni-
resting metabolic rate can contribute to a higher risk of excess weight or versity level. For occupational status, 1 point was given for a manual job,
obesity in Indians compared with non-Indians (25). Sample size was based 2 and 3 for a service and technical job, respectively, and 4 for a pro-
on an estimated prevalence of 15% of the metabolic syndrome (26) and a fessional job (Table 1). Regarding health services, a 1-point score was
precision of 4%, with a confidence level of 95%. given if the participant used the free public medical services, 2 if he used

TABLE 2 Proportion of subjects meeting 75% of the RDA according to SES and area of residence

Rural poor
Total, High SES, Middle SES, Low SES,
Food components 75% of RDA Intake1 n ¼ 249 n ¼ 68 n ¼ 118 n ¼ 63 P-value1 n ¼ 76 P-value2

unit/d % %
Calcium 900 mg 1119.7 6 301.3 79.5 82.4 79.7 76.2 0.682 71.1 0.494
Iron 6 mg 16.4 6 4.5 100 100 100 100 0 97.4 0.195
Magnesium 315 mg 464.2 6 121.8 92.8 95.6 90.7 93.7 0.439 90.8 0.534
Zinc 8.25 mg 14.8 6 6.3 96 98.5 97.5 90.5 0.034 89.5 0.845
Vitamin A 675 mg 933.25 6 1.58 84.3 86.8 83.1 84.1 0.797 67.1 0.021
a-Tocopherol equivalents 11.25 mg 3.37 6 1.41 0.4 0 0.8 0 0.573 0 0
Vitamin C 67.5 mg 122.3 6 70.8 83.1 91.2 83.1 74.6 0.041 57.9 0.039
Thiamin 0.90 mg 1.8 6 0.6 99.6 100 100 98.4 0.227 94.7 0.247
Riboflavin 975 mg 1741.5 6 467.6 98.8 100 100 95.2 0.011 88.2 0.139
Niacin 12 mg 17.8 6 5.3 91.2 94.1 89.8 90.5 0.596 76.3 0.028
Vitamin B-6 975 mg (,50 y) 2108.6 6 512.9 99.6 100 100 98.4 0.227 94.7 0.247
1275 mg ($50 y)
Vitamin B-12 1.8 mg 3.09 6 1.7 92.8 97.1 93.2 87.3 0.095 64.5 0.002
Folate 300 mg 441 6 141.6 85.5 88.2 83.1 87.3 0.563 84.2 0.605
Values are means 6 SD.
P-value for comparison between low SES urban vs. rural group, x2.
P-value for comparison between urban groups, x2.

2922 Ponce et al.

TABLE 3 Proportion of subjects meeting WHO recommendations to prevent diet-related chronic diseases according to SES and
residence area

Rural poor
Food WHO recommendation/d Total, High SES, Middle SES, Low SES,
1 3
components intake Intake n ¼ 249 n ¼ 68 n ¼ 118 n ¼ 63 P-value n ¼ 76 P-value4

unit/d % %
Fruits and vegetables $400 g 323.7 6 242 36.9 47.1 38.1 23.8 0.021 9.2 .019
Protein $10% energy intake 14.87 6 1.9 99.6 100 100 98.4 0.227 100.0 0.27
Total fat ,30% energy intake 31.8 6 5.8 32.1 23.5 33.1 39.7 0.135 57.9 .033
SFA ,10% energy intake 9.5 6 2.1 55.4 45.6 55.1 66.7 0.053 69.7 .698
PUFA 6–10% energy intake 8.9 6 2.2 63.9 58.8 68.6 60.3 0.323 71.1 0.183
Cholesterol ,300 mg 350.7 6 115.1 27.7 23.5 26.3 34.9 0.309 51.3 0.052
Sucrose ,10% energy intake 7.5 6 2.7 83.9 89.7 80.5 84.1 0.258 93.4 0.079
Fiber $25 g 39.3 6 11.26 94.0 97.1 93.2 92.1 0.434 93.4 0.758
Values are means 6 SD.
P-value for comparison between urban groups, x 2.
P-value for comparison between low SES urban vs. rural group, x2.

the employer’s insurance program, and 3 if he used private health Dietary intakes were assessed from 2 nonconsecutive 24-h dietary
services. After summing the points, the 3 SES levels were confirmed in the recalls conducted by a trained research assistant. The interval between
urban sample: low for a score #3, middle for a score ranging between 4 the first and the second 24-h recall was ;14 d. Cups, spoons, plates, and

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and 8, and high for scores $9. glasses were used to help respondents estimate the size of servings. Nu-
Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from height and weight trient intakes were computed using the food composition table for
measurements. A BMI ,18.5 was defined as underweight, 18.5–24.9 as Mexico from the World Food Dietary Assessments Systems (29). The
normal weight, 25–29.9 as overweight, and $30 as obese (28). Table of Mexican Nutritional Values of Food (30) was used for food
items not found in WorldFood. We calculated mean daily intakes of en-
ergy, macronutrients, and 13 micronutrients.

Diet quality scores

Dietary diversity. In this study, 24 food groups were identified on the
basis of local dietary habits and subjects’ food consumption patterns
(Supplemental Table 1). Dietary diversity was defined as the total num-
ber of different food groups consumed over the 2 food-recall days (20,31).
Dietary diversity was divided into quartiles for analyses (scores 1–4).

Micronutrient adequacy score. The micronutrient adequacy score

was computed based on 75% of the U. S. recommended dietary allow-
ances (RDA) (32–34) for the 13 micronutrients (Table 2). The selected
micronutrients were those that could be in short supply or that showed
high variability among socio-economic groups. For a-tocopherol, values
of the WorldFood table, given in tocopherol equivalents, were multiplied
by 0.80 as recommended (32). If a subject met $75% of the dietary
reference intake (DRI), 1 point was given, and 0 if he did not, for a pos-
sible maximum score of 13.

Prevention score. The prevention score was based on 8 WHO dietary

guidelines for preventing diet-related chronic diseases (21) (Table 3). If
the subject was compliant with the recommendation, 1 point was given,
and 0 if he was not, for a possible maximum score of 8. We did not in-
clude sodium because added salt is difficult to assess. We also did not in-
clude the recommendations relative to (n-3) and (n-6) fatty acids for lack
of adequate food composition data.

Statistical analysis
Nutrient intake data were adjusted for the day of the dietary recall
(week-day or weekend day), and for the time interval between the first
and second recalls, to reduce the day-to-day within-person variation of
intake (35), using SIDE software (Iowa State University, 2002). Urban
subjects were compared according to SES level. The rural poor group
was compared only with the poorer urban group. For continuous var-
Figure 1 BMI (A), and dietary diversity score (B) in Mexican men according to
SES and residence area, n ¼ 68 (High SES urban), 118 (Middle SES urban), 63
iables, differences between the urban poor and the rural poor were anal-
(low SES urban), and 76 (rural poor). Underweight: BMI ,18.5; normal weight: yzed using Student’s t test. Differences between urban SES groups and
BMI 18.5–24.9; overweight: BMI: 25–29.9; obese: BMI $30. Dietary diversity between BMI categories were analyzed using 1-way ANOVA with
quartile 1: #11 different food groups consumed; quartile 2: 12 food groups; Bonferroni post-hoc test. The x 2 test was used to compare proportions
quartile 3: 13–14 food groups; quartile 4: $15 food groups. of subjects. Pearson’s correlation coefficient tested the relation among

Diet quality in Mexican men 2923

TABLE 4 Diet quality indices according to subjects’ SES and residence area1

Urban Rural poor

Indices Total, n ¼ 249 High SES, n ¼ 68 Middle SES, n ¼ 118 Low SES, n ¼ 63 P-value2 n ¼ 76 P-value3

Dietary diversity score (maximum: 4) 2.5 6 1.1 2.9 6 1.06a 2.5 6 1.1b 2.1 6 1.1c ,0.001 1.4 6 0.7 0.001
Micronutrient adequacy score (maximum: 13) 10.9 6 1.2 11.3 6 1.1 10.9 6 1.1 10.6 6 1.2 0.052 9.7 6 1.3 0.039
Prevention score (maximum: 8) 4.9 6 1.4 4.8 6 1.5 4.9 6 1.3 5 6 1.5 0.827 5.5 6 1.4 0.061
Values are means 6 SD. Urban means in a row with superscripts without a common letter differ, P # 0.05.
P-value for comparison between urban groups, ANOVA.
P-value for comparison between low SES urban vs. rural group, t test.

diet-quality indices according to SES and area of residence. The level overall low (,40%), and there was a progressive decline from
of significance was set at P , 0.05 in all analyses. We used SPSS for the urban rich to the urban poor (P ¼ 0.02) and to the rural poor
Windows, version 11.0 (36) for data processing and analysis. (P ¼ 0.02). Less than 25% of the urban poor and ,10% of the
rural poor ate at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day.
Compliance was also low for the percentage of energy from total
Results fat (,35%), saturated fat (55%), and polyunsaturated fat
(,65%), and for cholesterol (,30%). There was no difference
Subject characteristics. Age did not differ among urban SES
among the urban SES groups, except that compliance with the
groups (P ¼ 0.81) or between urban and rural poor subjects (P ¼
consumption of limited saturated fatty acids tended to be better
0.50). The lower SES urban group had a higher proportion of
in the lower SES group (P ¼ 0.05). A higher proportion of rural
subjects with manual work and limited formal education than
than urban poor complied with the recommendation for total fat
the other urban groups (P , 0.001). In the rural group, nearly all

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(58% vs. 40%; P ¼ 0.03). The rural poor diets also tended to be
subjects had a manual job and only 6.5% had reached secondary
more consistent than the urban poor diets with the cholesterol
school (Table 1).
(P ¼ 0.05) and sucrose recommendations (P ¼ 0.08). Diets of
The proportion of overweight and obese subjects was 71.5%
nearly all subjects met the protein recommendation. Compliance
among urban subjects and this proportion did not differ due to
for sucrose was .80% in all groups and that for fiber, .90%
SES (P ¼ 0.18). The proportion of obese and overweight subjects
(Table 3).
was higher among urban poor (61.5%) than rural poor (46.1%,
P ¼ 0.01). Only 4 subjects were underweight (3 in the rural Quality of the diet according to SES, residence area, and
group) (Fig. 1A). BMI status. DDS decreased from the upper to the lower SES
urban group and to the rural poor (P , 0.001). Micronutrient
Dietary diversity score. Dietary diversity score (DDS) in- adequacy score showed the same pattern, although the only dif-
creased with SES level of urban subjects (P , 0.001), and it ference was between the urban and rural poor (P ¼ 0.04). The
was higher in urban than rural poor (P ¼ 0.001) (Table 4). rural group tended to have a more preventive diet than the urban
The proportion of individuals consuming a low-diversity diet poor (P ¼ 0.06) (Table 4). Whereas micronutrient adequacy and
(,11 different food groups) was lower in the upper SES DDSs increased from underweight (P , 0.001) to obese (P ¼
urbanites (P , 0.001) compared with other urban groups, 0.007), the prevention score was higher in normal weight than in
and in the low SES urban group compared with rural poor obese subjects (P ¼ 0.009) (Table 5). Total (P ¼ 0.01) and sat-
(P , 0.001) (Fig. 1B). urated fat (P ¼ 0.007) as a percentage of total energy intake
increased with BMI, and so did cholesterol intake (P , 0.001)
Micronutrient adequacy score. The proportion of subjects (data not shown). However, the variance of BMI explained by
meeting 75% of the U.S. RDA declined from the upper to the diet quality scores was low, ranging from 3% for the micro-
lower SES urban groups for zinc (P ¼ 0.03), vitamin C (P ¼ nutrient adequacy score (P ¼ 0.001), to 4% for the prevention
0.04), and riboflavin (P ¼ 0.01). A higher proportion of urban score (P , 0.001), and 6% for the DDS (P , 0.001).
poor than rural poor reached 75% of the U.S. RDA for vitamin
A (P ¼ 0.02), vitamin B-12 (P ¼ 0.002), vitamin C (P ¼ 0.04), Associations among dietary quality scores. A higher DDS
and niacin (P ¼ 0.03). Only one subject met 75% of the DRI for was associated with a higher micronutrient adequacy score in all
a-tocopherol in the whole sample (Table 2). groups except for the highest SES urban group (r ¼ 0.231; P ¼
0.058). In contrast, the prevention score was negatively related
Prevention score. Among urban subjects, compliance with the to the DDS, the association being stronger in the rural group (r ¼
recommended level of consumption of fruits and vegetables was 20.282; P , 0.05) (Table 6).

TABLE 5 Diet quality indices according to subjects’ BMI1

Total, Underweight, Normal weight, Overweight, Obesity,

Indices n ¼ 325 BMI ,18.5, n ¼ 4 BMI 18.5–24.9, n ¼ 108 BMI 25–29.9, n ¼ 159 BMI $30, n ¼ 54 P-value2

Dietary diversity score (maximum: 4) 2.3 6 1.1 1.8 6 1.5 1.9 6 1.0a 2.3 6 1.15 2.6 6 1.1b 0.007
Micronutrient adequacy score (maximum: 13) 11.1 6 1.6 5.3 6 5.4a 10.9 6 1.5b 11.2 6 1.4b 11.6 6 1.0b ,0.001
Prevention score (maximum: 8) 5.1 6 1.4 5.8 6 0.5 5.4 6 1.5a 4.9 6 1.4 4.7 6 1.3b 0.009
Values are means 6 SD. Means in a row with superscripts without a common letter differ, P # 0.05.
P-value for comparison between groups, 1-way ANOVA.

2924 Ponce et al.

TABLE 6 Correlation between dietary diversity score preventive score was stronger in rural than urban subjects, which
and other indices of diet quality in Mexican men suggests that rural people may be more vulnerable to the im-
according to SES and area of residence provement of SES, as dietary diversification would mean a less
healthy diet. Our results are similar to observations made in
Subjects n Prevention score Micronutrient adequacy score China (42), which showed that improvement of income leads to
Total 325 20.207** 0.335**
more detrimental effects on diet and body composition in the
Rural poor 76 20.282* 0.348**
poorest groups.
Total urban 249 20.137* 0.310**
We found a significantly higher rate of overweight and
Low SES 63 20.092 0.304*
obesity in the upper SES urban group, who had a more di-
Middle SES 118 20.190* 0.181*
versified diet and tended to have a less preventive diet. Further-
High SES 68 20.078 0.231
more, overweight or obese subjects had a higher intake of total
fat and saturated fat (as percentage of total energy), as well as a
* P , 0.05, **P , 0.001. higher intake of cholesterol, compared with normal weight or
underweight subjects. The low variance of BMI explained by
diet quality, however, indicates that other determinants of obesity
DDS was positively associated with the percentage of energy play an important role. The inverse relation between physical
intake from total and saturated fat (r ¼ 0.28; P , 0.001, r ¼ activity and obesity has been amply emphasized (43). Whereas
0.29; P , 0.001, respectively), with cholesterol intake (r ¼ 0.28; physical activity was significantly higher in rural than urban
P , 0.001), as well as with fruit and vegetable intake (r ¼ 0.30; subjects it did not vary significantly according to SES level in the
P , 0.001), in the total sample. When the urban data were city, however (unpublished data).
stratified by SES level, only the positive correlation between diet The prevention score included foods and nutrients related to
diversity and cholesterol intake remained significant, and only in CVD risk (44,45) as well as to the nutrition transition (46). The
the middle SES group. Dietary diversity and other prevention- prevention score may therefore give an idea of the dietary tran-
score components (protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sucrose sition stage, with declining values associated with urbanization

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and fiber) were not correlated (Table 7). and growing income. In developing countries such as Mexico, it
appears that the last stage of dietary transition, that is, shifting to
more prudent and therefore healthier diets is not attained as yet,
at least in poorer states such as Oaxaca. The higher SES group
In our study, like in several others, a higher SES was associated did not have a more preventive diet than the other groups.
with higher dietary diversity and better micronutrient adequacy. Kim et al. (23) developed a tool to compare diet quality across
It is of note that only one subject met 75% of the DRI for countries at different stages of nutrition transition, known as the
a-tocopherol (none reached 100%). However, a-tocopherol in- Diet Quality Index-International (DQI-I), which includes die-
take is reportedly low even in the U.S. population, with only 8% tary diversity, adequacy, moderation, and balance. Although we
of men and 2.4% of women reaching the reference intake (37). recognized the value of the DQI-I, we did not use it primarily
Dietary diversity appears strongly related to household socio- because it is totally based on U.S. guidelines, and our aim was to
economic characteristics (31,38) in both urban and rural areas design a more international instrument. For instance, in the
(39). As income increases, people tend to diversify their diet so DQI-I, dietary diversity is based on the 5 food groups of the U.S.
that dietary diversity may be a useful indicator of household food pyramid and on variety of protein sources, whereas we
food security (40). They increase their consumption of highly de- used 24 food groups based on the Mexican food culture. As a
sirable foods that are primarily high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar, basis for the micronutrient adequacy score, we used the U.S. DRI
and low in fiber (8,41). This could explain the negative associa- because these are also used in Mexico, but we referred to the
tion found between dietary diversity and the prevention score: a WHO recommendations to build the prevention score.
more diversified diet was associated with a significantly higher Dietary diversity is a key requirement for healthy diets (31)
percentage of total energy from fat and saturated fat and with a and, historically, it has referred to nutrient adequacy (47). In the
higher intake of cholesterol, particularly among rural poor realm of nutrition transition in developing countries, dietary qual-
subjects. Therefore, highly diversified diets were less in accor- ity also has to encompass prudence and moderation, with the
dance with the recommendations for the prevention of chronic limited consumption of fat, salt, and refined sugars (48). Our
diseases. The negative association between diet diversity and the results showed that both dietary diversity and micronutrient

TABLE 7 Correlation between dietary diversity and components of the prevention score in Mexican men according to SES
and area of residence

Subjects n Fruits and vegetables, g Protein, % TE1 Total fat, % TE SFA, % TE PUFA, % TE Cholesterol, mg Sucrose, % TE Fiber, g

Total 325 0.295** 0.035 0.282** 0.292** 0.146 0.280** 0.044 20.032
Rural poor 76 0.229* 0.128 0.326** 0.346** 0.213 0.286* 0.153 0.054
Total 249 0.180** 20.004 0.165** 0.184** 0.055 0.197** 0.010 0.031
Low SES 63 0.185 0.061 0.123 0.174 0.013 0.086 20.082 20.082
Middle SES 118 0.099 20.018 0.070 0.142 20.055 0.198* 0.056 0.042
High SES 68 0.098 20.167 0.186 0.135 0.123 0.209 20.009 0.053
TE, total energy.
* P , 0.05, ** P , 0.001.

Diet quality in Mexican men 2925

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