Topic 1

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Topic 1: Should examinations be replaced with other forms

of assessment?

Phương Anh Tests can lead to student stress before and during the exam.

To complete a test, students have to spend a lot of time preparing and

reviewing, and need to concentrate on the learning process. As a result, many
students suffer from depression, which leads to poor test results. Besides, if
students spend a lot of time on that test and the results are not as expected, it
will make them depressed and lack of will.


I don't completely agree with that opinion. Tests may be stressful for
students, but they are indicative of student learning. while assessment types
cannot assess work progress. When taking assessments, students only
present their results at the end when submitting them to the teacher. And
they take less time to complete the assigned task. Therefore, the knowledge
may not be remembered for long, and does not apply to other situations.


3. (Phương Anh) Examinations are a Fair Way of Testing Our Knowledge

Assessment is being discredited as a way of demonstrating

knowledge as it is becoming plagiarized or even buying
coursework over the internet. So, this leaves exams as the only
obvious choice. We need divisions between ability levels and the
amount of experience and knowledge students actually possess.
There is no other way to divide them than by testing them in a
fair. Exams are good at this because they are not vague - they
have clear, measurable guidelines.

In fact, the media exams have become unfair. In particular, many students
who when taking traditional exams have had difficulties in many different
ways such as copying your papers, bringing paper into the exam room. In
many cases, the teachers did not detect it, so they had successfully cheated
and achieved very high scores compared to those who had studied that
lesson before..
Topic 2: Are selective schools better for children?

3. (Phương Anh) Have a good team of teachers

Because it is a selective school, the tuition fee will be somewhat higher than
other schools. But those fees will give the school more money to attract high-
quality teachers. Not only do students have standards to enter a school, but
teachers also have certain standards to be taught in such an environment,
such as qualifications, experience, passion, and talent; etc. These will enable
the school to select the best teachers for its students, so that they can receive
the best educational resources.

REFUTATION: (Vanh cua)

The idea that colleges have good teachers is not true. Because, in public
schools, they were built a long time ago and the teachers here have many
years of experience in teaching. Moreover, there are many excellent students
from local schools. And setting standards for selecting students at a young
age also makes them pressured and self-deprecating.

3.  (Phương Anh) Subjects will not in be balanced because

each student takes a different gifted class
Selective schools will stream students into different gifted classes. This
plan is flawed in that not all children who are good at English are good
at Math. That's why in each class there will be more focus on the subject
they are good at. This will upset the balance in learning the remaining
subjects. That education needs to be comprehensive, children need to
be educated in a balance of subjects, which is the student's right.


Dividing students into specialties will only make students good at one
aspect. Therefore, the school needs to have a teaching plan suitable for
each class that has divided students according to their ability and avoids
learning deviation because students have been balanced according to their
academic ability. Besides, when students participate in the level transfer
exam, it will have exams that combine many subjects together. Therefore,
if a student specializes in only one subject, it will lead to a low total score.
 Topic3: Should healthcare be free for all residents of the
1. ( Phương Anh ) Free healthcare improves child health

For children, proper health care is vital as they’re at a higher risk of

developing complications and diseases. When financial incentives are
provided to parents, children from any economic background gain access
to health facilities. As a result, they don’t suffer from numerous diseases,
engaging them to lead a healthier life and contribute to the development
of society. The impact of health on the socio-economic system of a country
is clear. Countries, where people can afford healthcare, have stronger
economies and vice versa. Free healthcare allows every citizen access to
health treatments. Subsequently, increasing the productivity of people
and having a direct effect on the nation’s economy.
•  Refutation: (Vanh Cua)
Not every country has a large budget like Sweden, so it has either enough
capital ability or medical resources to provide/ meet the needs of their
residents. Funds devoted to free healthcare make up a large portion of the
national budget. Consequently, the country gets into debt very fast. In
addition, though the free healthcare service is funded through taxes, the
healthcare system is remarkably expensive. Free healthcare services can
take up to 40% of their budget. They might have to cut off the budget
separated from other government services such as education.


1. (Phương Anh)Free healthcare pull up high taxes

Nothing in life is free. Some vulnerable people don’t need to pay for health
services; it doesn't mean it is free.

Universal health care costs which are paid through taxes make up a
significant portion of government budgets. For example, some Canadian
provinces spend almost 40% of their budgets on health care. This can raise
concerns about tax rates.


It is true that nothing in life is truly free, the provision of

healthcare to vulnerable individuals without direct payment does
not equate to the entire system being free. Universal healthcare,
financed through taxes, indeed constitutes a considerable portion
of government budgets. However, it is important to recognize the
long-term benefits and cost- effectiveness of such a system. By
providing healthcare to all citizens, preventive measures can be
prioritized, leading to better overall public health and potentially
reducing the burden on healthcare expenses in the future.
Additionally, the argument about high taxes overlooks the
potential economic advantages of a healthier population,
including increased productivity and reduced healthcare
disparities. Ultimately, the benefits of accessible and inclusive
healthcare should be considered alongside the potential impact on
tax rates.

Topic 4: Are beauty contests harmful?

1. estment purposes. 
 It is expensive and a waste of money. Normally, to organize a
beauty contest, it wastes much money for hiring Master of
Ceremonies (MC), preparing events and so on. Besides,
candidates also have to spend an amount of money for dresses,
makeup, etc. We can use money in order to solve current
problems, such as poverty, pandemics, pollution... which is more
than necessary.

It is true that preparing for a beauty pageant is expensive. 
However, it is a worthwhile investment because it will benefit
society through charitable projects. Candidates took part in
projects to assist the underprivileged both during and after the
-For example, Luong thuy linh created a project - building road
connecting dreams- aiming to build a proper road for people living
in remote areas to access education and healthcare …...
3. (Phương Anh)
          Through charitable activities, beauty pageants may help to enhance
society.  Encourage people to take part in voluntary activities. Beauty
pageants provide an opportunity for candidates to become renowned and
powerful. Many of them may go on to become role models who inspire
Ex: Nguyen Huong Giang’s win in Miss International Queen 2018 in
Thailand becomes a motivating force for transgender people to raise their
voices for the LGBT community's equality.

Many charitable projects are supported directly by funds donated by
residents. We are not dependent on choosing a few beautiful women in
the contest to do volunteer work. In addition, we have many other ways to
raise people's awareness about charity, such as through the media or
education. Only a few beauty contestants can be famous. And very few
transgender people dare to participate in beauty pageants because there
are still many negative views about them.

Topic 5: Mother should stay at home to raise their children

3. (Phương Anh) Children will feel safe and protected when mom is at
When moms stay at home, kids won't have to do dangerous kitchen chores
or be lonely. Because mom will do all this, will act as a playmate with
them, and they just have to learn. For example, although services in Japan
for childcare are becoming very developed, many parents do not choose it
and they want to take care of their children because they feel unsafe.

REFUTATION: ( Vanh cua)

If parents stay at home and do housework for their children, they will not
be able to grow up and be independent. In my opinion, parents should
work part-time so that their children can experience the life of doing
things on their own without the help of their parents. Then they will
become more mature and self-aware. Moreoverover, they will love their
parents more because they worked hard to feed them.

1. (Phương Anh) The adult children of working mothers have many

welcome opportunities. The mother is the ideal role model for her
children, so they will follow her and the  foundation that she has built
for them. Research shows that adult children whose mothers work
outside are more likely to work on their own, hold more
responsibilities, and earn higher wages than children whose mothers
stay home full-time.

This is not true children of stay-at-home mothers can still achieve success
and still have the same opportunities and earn higher wages as children of
working mothers. This completely depends on the determination and
efforts of the children. If a child is playful, even if the mother is at home or
at work, they will not achieve success in life. 
If the child has worked hard in school and is independent, the mother's role
will be reduced. And without their mother at home, they still grow and
succeed as usual.

Topic 6: Should governments control the influence on and

the reach of media to the society?
3.(Phanh) Media can lead to online bullying in the workplace.
Many people think cyberbullying is a problem for young people.
Unfortunately, adults can also bully each other online, and sometimes
their target is peers. Typical types of bullying include aggressive emails,
private messages and public comments, and postings of sensitive photos.
Victims of cyberbullying experience extreme stress that can affect their

•  Refutation:(Vanh cua)
Recognize that online bullying is very common on social networking sites.
On the other hand, those who do not follow the foregoing will be severely
punished by the government. As we all know, the media allows us to
communicate with distant relatives and friends, as well as individuals
around the world. Keeping in touch is fundamental in everyone's life.
Therefore, the media needs to be strictly controlled.
3. (Phương Anh) Mass media provides educational opportunities

Teachers and learners may take advantage of social media in a number of

different ways. It is incredibly simple to learn from other professionals
through online platforms. You may learn from anybody and broaden your
knowledge in any subject by following them. You can educate yourself for
free, regardless of your location or educational background.

Ex: When Covid-19 happens,  schools have to close their doors, causing
significant disruptions in traditional teaching. As a result, for both
professors and students, online learning is the most convenient option.


Because online learning is completely dependent on technological devices

and the internet, teachers and learners with poor internet connections
may be refused access. Online learning's reliance on technological
equipment, as well as the availability of such equipment, presents a
significant problem for schools, teachers, and students.

Topic 7: Is artificial intelligence dangerous to human life?

3. ( Phương Anh) Artificial intelligence can be the cause of invasion and
leakage of personal privacy.
Because cameras are installed everywhere and facial recognition algorithms
know who you are and what mistakes you have made. And especially, the
information you provide on the pages will be stolen and sold to bad actors.
For example, the traffic system in Vietnam uses cameras to punish people
who break the law. At the end of 2022, a newspaper page issued a warning
about 30 million Vietnamese users' information being leaked.
Artificial intelligence is very useful in today's society. They help in the
identification and storage of human behavior in a major way. This has made
it easier for the police to find the killer. And when our information is leaked,
the government should improve security, there are penalties for those who
violate the privacy of others. The complete information on the web also
makes it more convenient in the daily life of people and the government to
manage the population.

3. (Phương Anh)
AI is considered dangerous or independent of human action. Because,
humans build and operate AI so that it helps them in their daily tasks. For
example, some countries use AI for economic development, while others use
it for military purposes.
So AI is not harmful because AI is still developed and regulated by
technologists, or humanity.
I do not agree with your point of view. You said that AI is not dangerous.
However, Humans using it for malicious purposes is dangerous. For example,
in practice AI is used to help people doing
mission harmful to humanity and
environment. What's more, without AI, those bad guys wouldn't have such
dangerous weapons and the level of danger would be reduced.

Topic 8: Is tourism beneficial to the environment? Should

tourism be banned in order to protect the environment?
 3. (Phương Anh) Tourism helps preserve and promote historical sites and
cultural heritage.

Tourism encourages outsiders to visit and possibly experience a culture or

locality that is different from their own. This is very helpful in preserving
culture and heritage. Because tourism is closely associated with promoting
culture, raising cultural awareness and accumulating resources to use for
cultural preservation. When tourism is done properly, the vision it can bring
to a culture is far from shallow.

•      Refutation):
I do not completely agree with the idea that tourists to historical sites can
preserve those monuments. This also depends on the consciousness of each
person. There are people who go to tourist attractions but don't have a
general sense of protection. They blatantly throw garbage indiscriminately,
deliberately destroying the natural landscape. They even decided to carve
names on unauthorized areas just for the purpose of leaving a mark. They
even bring things home from the resort without the permission of the
management and those items are not allowed to go out. Therefore, whether
or not the preservation of historical sites is possible requires the self-
discipline and high consciousness of the people, combined with the strict
management of the management board.

3. (Phương Anh) Tourism contributes to many types of environmental

pollution. Because tourism behaviors have had a negative impact on
destinations over time, they have caused different types of environmental
pollution, such as air, soil, water, and soil pollution. For example, some
visitors will litter in the surroundings, such as with plastic packaging and
household garbage, causing soil pollution, plastic pollution, and so on.
Some other tourists with poor awareness also draw graffiti on historical
sites, destroying historical elements.

While it is true that tourism can contribute to certain types of environmental pollution, it is
important to recognize that not all tourists engage in such behaviors. Generalizing the
negative impact of tourism on destinations oversimplifies the complex relationship between
tourism and the environment. Furthermore, it is crucial to distinguish between responsible
and irresponsible tourism practices. Many destinations have implemented sustainable
tourism initiatives to minimize environmental harm and promote conservation efforts.
Additionally, it is unfair to solely blame tourists for all instances of pollution, as local
communities and infrastructure also play a role. By focusing on educating and raising
awareness among both tourists and locals, we can encourage more responsible and
sustainable tourism practices that mize environmental pollution and preserve the cultural
heritage of destinations.

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