Good Education Terbaru Agustus 2019

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Ladies and gentlemen, at this chance, I would like to express my opinion about education. Such
questions like “Why should we go to college?”, “What are we looking for that we must study hard?”, I will try
to answer those questions.
Ladies and gentlemen, Aristoteles as a formerly scientist stated about education that “the
improvement of societies can only be done by the improvement of education system. And also a Philosopher
of french, J.J Rosseau, stated that the Improvement of societies will only be completed by education. We will
also know about the importance of education from the United Nation Organization that is The International
Commission For Education Development from UNESCO, that stated to all countries in the world, if they want
to build and try to improve the condition of a country, it should be started from education for it is the key of
coming into the improvement of civilization. The Visions of Education of UNESCO are :
Learning :
- How to think
- How to do
- How to be
- How to learn
- And how to live together

Ladies and gentlemen, now, have you known why then we should get study to college? Because
education is the key. UNESCO visions stated “Learning how to think, how to do, how to be, how to learn,
how to live together”, it is so clear for the students of Medicom that we are educated in special and correct
methods. What we are studying in Medicom are : proud of having competence, proud of having discipline,
having a strong mentality towards complicated life, honest and trustworthy, rational and scientific way of
thought, proud of having responsibility, accustomed to working hard, concern to each other, not conflict but
consensus, respect the rule or regulation, respect others right, have good ethic and moral, love his job, like to
save and be economical, willing to work in team, be well prepared before working, low profile and grateful,
confident, keep the dignity and prestige of family, have good and attractive apperance, keep the environment
clean. Through the serious willingness to follow all programs, we can create the attitude of responsibility,
working hard and good discipline. By passing the pre test and post test without cooperating with friends, so
the students will be accustomed to making good preparation, working hard and loving their job. Better quality,
better competence, attitude, appearance and many other that become the main goals of education may only
be reached and had by doing continual exercise till it becomes a habit.
Ladies and gentlemen, at this chance, I also would like to inform that the cost of our education should
be the responsibility of our country, like stated in pasal 31 UUD 1945 (1) Every Citizen deserves to get
education. (2) Every Citizen is obligated to follow primary education and the government pays for it. (3)
Government carries on and takes care of a national education system that increases faith and piety? And
even noble character in the frame work of develops nations mind arranged in law. (4) Our country gives
priority for education budget at least 20% of national budget and also the territory ones to fulfill the
requirements of national education implementation. (5) Government progress science and technology by
respecting the value of religion and the unity of people for the advance of civilization and the prosperity of
society, but until now the expense of education is still guaranteed by our parents.
Ladies and gentlemen, now we are talking about us. In Medicom we all feel that our tutors (lecturers,
management) do not only transfer of knowledge, but more than that. In Medicom we are educated to respect
ethics, have good character, be responsible, respect the rule, appreciate other people, love the job, prefer
working hard and have self-discipline as happens in the progress countries.
Ladies and gentlemen, the direction of education and work ethic from Medicom is suitable and fits the
good direction of education, which more focus on the good improvement of Brain, Beauty and Behavior.
Ladies and gentlemen, In YPN Medicom the students are managed to get the good work ethic by job
training and having productivity, supplying the principles, and value system in life. By knowing more about
education and the direction of education in Medicom which have been suitable with the correct one, there are
many reasons for the students of Medicom, to develop our brain, beauty, and behavior seriously, so we can
become the youth that have good competence, good soft skill with the evidence we are able to get good job
even before graduated.
I hope what I express may be useful for the listeners. Thank you very much.

Diperbanyak oleh Manajemen AMIK Medicom

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