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Hypnosis in Dermatology

Article  in  Archives of Dermatology · April 2000

DOI: 10.1001/archderm.136.3.393 · Source: PubMed

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1 author:

Philip D Shenefelt
University of South Florida


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Hypnosis in Dermatology
Philip D. Shenefelt, MD, MS

Background: Hypnosis is an alternative or complemen- native or complementary therapy, including acne

tary therapy that has been used since ancient times to treat excoriée, alopecia areata, atopic dermatitis, congenital
medical and dermatologic problems. ichthyosiform erythroderma, dyshidrotic dermatitis,
erythromelalgia, furuncles, glossodynia, herpes sim-
Objective: To describe the various uses for hypnosis plex, hyperhidrosis, ichthyosis vulgaris, lichen planus,
as an alternative or complementary therapy in dermato- neurodermatitis, nummular dermatitis, postherpetic
logic practice. neuralgia, pruritus, psoriasis, rosacea, trichotilloma-
nia, urticaria, verruca vulgaris, and vitiligo.
Methods: A MEDLINE search was conducted from Janu-
ary 1966 through December 1998 on key words related Conclusion: Appropriately trained clinicians may success-
to hypnosis and skin disorders. fully use hypnosis in selected patients as alternative or
complementary therapy for many dermatologic disorders.
Results: A wide spectrum of dermatologic disorders
may be improved or cured using hypnosis as an alter- Arch Dermatol. 2000;136:393-399

HE HYPNOTIC phenom- of suggestion to treat verrucae include
enon has been used since those by Bloch1 and Sulzberger and Wolf.2
ancient times in the form of The precise definition of hypnosis has
trance induction to assist proven to be slippery. Marmer3 defined hyp-
healing. Each of us goes nosis as a psychophysiological tetrad of al-
into spontaneous mild trances daily while tered consciousness consisting of nar-
engrossed in watching television or a rowed awareness, restricted and focused
movie, reading a book or magazine, or oth- attentiveness, selective wakefulness, and
erwise being absorbed in some activity or heightened suggestibility. For more de-
meditation. With proper training, an in- tailed discussion of the definitions of hyp-
dividual can intensify this trance state in nosis, see Crasilneck and Hall4 or Wat-
himself or herself or in another indi- kins. 5 Many myths exist regarding
vidual, and use this heightened focus to hypnosis—too numerous to enumerate and
induce mind-body interactions that help refute here—that overrate, underrate, and
alleviate suffering or promote healing. The distort the true capabilities of hypnosis.
state of altered consciousness known as a
“trance state” may be induced using guided PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGIC
imagery, relaxation, deep breathing, medi- EFFECTS OF HYPNOSIS
tation techniques, self-hypnosis, or hyp-
nosis-induction techniques. Some indi- To what degree hypnosis can affect physi-
viduals are more highly hypnotizable than ological factors such as blood flow and re-
others, but most can obtain some benefit lease of chemical mediators, as opposed
from hypnosis. In dermatologic practice, to a purely psychological response, is of-
hypnosis may help reduce skin pain and ten difficult to measure reliably. Nonethe-
From the Division of
pruritus, ameliorate psychosomatic as- less, many patients note subjective im-
Dermatology and Cutaneous pects of skin diseases, and hasten the reso- provement of symptoms and, in some
Surgery, Department of lution of some skin diseases, including ver- cases, objective reductions in the size,
Internal Medicine, College of ruca vulgaris. Even suggestion, without number, or intensity of skin lesions. The
Medicine, University of South formal trance induction, can be effective exact psychophysiologic mechanisms by
Florida, Tampa. in some patients. Early articles on the use which hypnosis induces improvement are



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Table 1. Emotional Triggering of Dermatoses

Time Interval
A MEDLINE search was conducted from January 1966 Diagnoses Between Stress
through December 1998 on key words related to hyp- Emotionally Occurrence and
nosis and skin disorders. Hypnosis was searched as Diagnosis Triggered, % Clinical Change
a MeSH category, and “hypnosis” and “hypnotic” as Hyperhidrosis 100.0 Seconds
title and abstract words. Names of specific skin dis- Neurotic excoriations 97.5 Seconds
eases were searched as MeSH categories, and as title Lichen simplex chronicus 98.4 Days to 2 wk
and abstract words. Boolean “and” combinations of Alopecia areata 96.4 2 wk
hypnosis and hypnotic with names of specific skin Warts, multiple and spreading 94.9 Days
diseases produced relevant references. References ear- Rosacea 94.1 2d
lier than 1966 and book references were obtained from Pruritus 85.7 Seconds
the reference lists that were included in articles. Pref- Lichen planus 81.8 Days to 2 wk
erence was given to articles based on controlled tri- Dyshidrotic hand dermatitis 75.8 2 d for vesicles
als when available. Case reports were included to cover Atopic dermatitis 70.2 Seconds for itching
the use of hypnosis in treating skin diseases when con- Factitial dermatosis 69.2 Seconds
trolled trials had not yet been reported. Urticaria 68.1 Minutes
Psoriasis 62.3 Days to 2 wk
Traumatic dermatitis 55.6 Seconds
Dermatitis not otherwise specified 55.6 Days
Acne vulgaris 55.3 2 d for papules
not fully elucidated. Hypnosis is known to be able to regu- Telogen effluvium 54.7 2-3 wk
late blood flow and other autonomic functions not usu- Nummular dermatitis 51.8 Days
ally under conscious control. The relaxation response that Seborrheic dermatitis 40.6 Days to 2 wk
Herpes simplex and zoster 35.7 Days
occurs with hypnosis also affects the neurohormonal sys-
Vitiligo 33.3 2-3 wk
tems that in turn, regulate many body functions (see the Nail dystrophy 28.5 2-3 wk
discussion and references in the remainder of this sec- Pyoderma and bacterial infections 29.1 Days
tion). Cysts 27.0 2-3 wk
Results of studies6-8 of the effect of hypnosis on im- Warts, single and multiple 17.4 Days
mediate immune responses show the ability of hypno- Contact dermatitis 15.3 2d
Fungal infections 8.7 Days to 2 wk
tized volunteers to significantly decrease the flare reac-
Basal cell carcinoma 0 ...
tion to the histamine prick test (P,.02). The effect of Keratoses 0 ...
hypnotic suggestion on delayed cellular immune re- Nevi 0 ...
sponses was significant on erythema size (P,.02) and
palpable induration (P,.01) in one study,6 but not in oth- *Modified from Griesemer.14 Ellipses indicate no relationship.
ers.9,10 However, even simple suggestion has been shown11
to induce contact dermatitis in an area not touched by
lacquer tree allergen but believed by sensitized individu- vide immediate and long-term analgesia, reduce symp-
als to have been so touched; the same individuals did not toms related to disease such as pruritus, improve
react when actually touched by lacquer tree allergen but recovery from surgery, and facilitate the mind-body
believed that they had not been so touched (P,.01). Simi- connection to promote healing. Hypnosis can be an
larly, using hypnosis, volunteers in a double-masked pro- especially useful tool for treating skin diseases that
tocol12 who were told to increase their sensitization to 1 have a psychosomatic aspect. Griesemer14 and Griese-
of 2 experimental allergens—dinitrochlorobenzene and mer and Nadelson15 recorded the incidence of emo-
diphenylcyclopropenone—while decreasing it to the other tional triggering of dermatoses in 4576 patients during
showed a significant difference in reactions between al- 1 year (Table 1).
lergens they were told under hypnosis to enhance and Good reference sources for skin disease response to
those they were told to diminish (P,.01). hypnosis are found in the somewhat outdated book by
Results of a study13 of persons with multiple per- Scott,16 and in a chapter on the use of hypnosis in der-
sonality disorder (now called dissociative identity dis- matologic problems in the book by Crasilneck and Hall.4
order) and different allergic responses; dermatologic re- Koblenzer17 also mentions the use of hypnosis in com-
actions; and effects on seizure disorders, pain control, and mon dermatologic problems. An excellent book for pa-
healing in the same individual, depending on the per- tients by Grossbart and Sherman18 discusses mind-body
sonality present, show how much influence the mind can interactions in skin diseases, and includes hypnosis as
have on physiological reactions and disease processes. recommended therapy for a variety of skin conditions.
This study cited similar related differences in physiologi- Some dermatoses that have responded to hypnotherapy
cal responses and disease conditions for some individu- are discussed in the following subsections.
als under hypnosis vs in their normal waking state.
Treatment strategies that include hypnosis may METHODS OF MEDICAL HYPNOTHERAPY
be used to improve healthful behaviors, diminish situ-
ational stress, alleviate phobias (eg, to needles or Hypnosis is a tool, analogous to a scalpel, that is used to
bugs), control harmful habits such as scratching, pro- cut through psychological and behavioral roadblocks to



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healing. It is not a therapy in and of itself. The therapies
that can be facilitated by hypnosis include supportive (ego Table 2. Literature Summary for Hypnosis
strengthening), direct suggestion, symptom substitu- in Skin Disorders*
tion, and hypnoanalysis.16,19-21
Induction of the hypnotic state in adults can be Type of
achieved by a variety of methods that focus attention, Disease Therapy RCT NRCT CS MCR SCR
soothe, or produce monotony or confusion. 4,5 In chil- Acne excoriée C 24
dren, the hypnotic state is often induced by having the Alopecia areata C 26
child pretend that he or she is watching television, a movie, Atopic dermatitis C 28
or a play, or by using some other distractive process that Congenital ichthyosiform C 30
uses the imagination.22
Dyshidrotic dermatitis C 33
Supportive (ego-strengthening) therapies during a Erythromelalgia A 34
hypnotic state include positive suggestions for self- Furuncles C 35
worth and effectiveness. Posthypnotic suggestion is Glossodynia C 36
often used, and further strengthening of the effect can Herpes simplex C 38
often be obtained by making an audiocassette tape that Hyperhidrosis C 39
Ichthyosis vulgaris C 40
the patient can use repeatedly for self-hypnosis. The
Lichen planus C 33
strengthened ego is then better able to repress or con- Neurodermatitis C 42
front discordant elements that block healing. Nummular dermatitis C 33
Direct suggestion while in the hypnotic state is the Postherpetic neuralgia C 38
most commonly used method of decreasing discomfort Pruritus C 45
from pain, pruritus, burning sensations, anxiety, and in- Psoriasis C 52 50
somnia. Posthypnotic suggestion and repeated use by the Rosacea C
Trichotillomania C 53
patient of an audiocassette tape for self-hypnosis helps Urticaria C 59
reinforce the effectiveness of direct suggestion. For deeply Verruca vulgaris ACP 80 81 71
hypnotizable individuals, direct suggestion may pro- Vitiligo C 33
duce a sufficiently deep anesthesia to permit cutaneous
surgery. Direct suggestion can also be used to reduce com- *RCT indicates randomized control trial; NRCT, nonrandomized control
pulsive acts such as skin scratching or picking, nail bit- trial; CS, case series; MCR, multiple case reports; SCR, single case report;
C, complementary; A, alternative; and P, primary. Numbers in the body of the
ing or manipulating, and hair pulling or twisting.16 Psy- table are reference numbers.
chophysiologic responses such as hyperhidrosis, blushing,
and some forms of urticaria can also be controlled by di-
rect suggestion. Some types of skin lesions can even be reliable information. 23 However, randomized con-
induced to resolve themselves by using direct sugges- trolled trial results are still not available for most dis-
tion, the classic example being verrucae (see the “Ver- ease categories. Although this list of dermatologic con-
ruca Vulgaris” subsection). ditions is not all-inclusive, it includes most of the
Symptom substitution is a method of retraining the dermatologic conditions for which hypnosis has been
subconscious through hypnosis to replace a destructive found to be reasonably helpful in reducing symptoms or
habit pattern with a more constructive one.13,16 For ex- improving aspects of the condition (Table 2).
ample, scratching can be replaced by some other physi-
cal activity, such as grabbing onto something and hold- Acne Excoriée
ing it so tightly for half a minute so that it almost hurts.
Other outlets for stress that can substitute for scratch- Hollander24 reported success in controlling acne excoriée
ing include athletic activities, artwork, verbal expres- in 2 patients by using posthypnotic suggestion. Under hyp-
sion of feelings, and meditation. nosis, the patient was instructed to remember the word
Hypnoanalysis may prove useful in patients with scar whenever she wanted to pick her face and to refrain
chronic psychosomatic dermatoses that are nonrespon- from picking by saying scar instead. The excoriations re-
sive to other, simpler approaches. Results may occur more solved, whereas the underlying acne did not. Therefore,
quickly than with standard psychoanalysis.16 hypnosis may be an appropriate primary alternative treat-
ment for the excoriation aspect of acne excoriée, with stan-
USES OF MEDICAL HYPNOTHERAPY FOR dard acne treatments for the acneiform aspects.
Alopecia Areata
Many older studies of the effectiveness of hypnosis on
specific dermatologic conditions are based on 1 or a few Gupta et al25 found a strong correlation between high stress
uncontrolled cases. Although these findings are in- reactivity and depression in patients with alopecia ar-
cluded in the following subsections, they await further eata (P,.001). Hypnosis can be used to teach patients
confirmation. The word may is used to qualify recom- to control high stress reactivity. Although there are an-
mendations that are based on skimpy evidence. This weak- ecdotal reports of hypnotherapy improving alopecia ar-
ness should be kept in mind when evaluating the infor- eata, results of a small clinical trial26 of medical hypno-
mation and recommendations presented. In recent years, therapy with 5 patients who had extensive alopecia areata
the trend toward more controlled trials has produced more showed a significant increase in hair growth in only 1



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patient; 3 had a slight increase in hair growth, and 1 had ment in 5 weeks, with full resolution of the recurrent fu-
no change. Hypnosis improved psychological variables runcles. The patient also improved substantially from a
in these 5 patients.26 It seems that hypnosis may be more mental standpoint. Presumably, the hypnosis helped nor-
appropriate as a complementary therapy than as a pri- malize his immune response to the bacteria. Conven-
mary alternative treatment for alopecia areata. tional antibiotic therapy is the first line of treatment for
furuncles, but in unusually resistant cases with signifi-
Atopic Dermatitis cant psychosomatic overlay, complementary use of hyp-
nosis may help end the long-term susceptibility to re-
There are numerous anecdotal articles27 in the literature current infection.
of improved atopic dermatitis in children and adults as a
result of hypnotherapy. In a clinical trial, Stewart and Glossodynia
Thomas28 treated 18 adults with extensive atopic derma-
titis who had been resistant to conventional treatment with When oral pain has a psychogenic component, hypnosis
hypnotherapy. They used relaxation, stress management, may be effective as a primary treatment.36 Even with or-
direct suggestion for nonscratching behavior, direct sug- ganic disease, hypnosis may give temporary relief from pain.
gestion for skin comfort and coolness, ego strengthening,
posthypnotic suggestions, and instruction in self- Herpes Simplex
hypnosis. Their results were statistically significant (P,.01)
for reduction in itch, scratching, sleep disturbance, and ten- Onset of herpes labialis was intentionally triggered by hyp-
sion. Reported topical corticosteroid use decreased by 40% notic suggestion in a patient.37 Ameliorization of discom-
at 4 weeks, 50% at 8 weeks, and 60% at 16 weeks. For milder fort from herpes simplex eruptions is similar to that for
cases of atopic dermatitis, hypnosis along with moistur- postherpetic neuralgia (see the “Postherapeutic Neural-
ization can suffice as a primary alternative treatment. For gia” subsection). Reduction in the frequency of recur-
more extensive or resistant atopic dermatitis, hypnosis can rences of herpes simplex after hypnosis has also been re-
be a useful complementary therapy that reduces the amounts ported.38 In cases with an apparent emotional trigger factor,
required of other conventional treatments.
hypnotic suggestion may be useful as a complementary
therapy for reducing the frequency of recurrence.
Congenital Ichthyosiform Erythroderma

Mason29 described remarkable resolution of congenital Hyperhidrosis

ichthyosiform erythroderma of Brocq in a 16-year-old boy
after direct suggestion for resolution under hypnosis. Simi- Hypnosis or autogenic training may be useful as adjunc-
lar yet less spectacular results were confirmed by Wink30 tive therapies for hyperhidrosis.39
in 2 sisters aged 8 and 6 years, by Schneck31 in a 20-year-
old woman, and by Kidd32 in a 34-year-old father and his Ichthyosis Vulgaris
4-year-old son. In light of these case reports, hypnosis
may be potentially useful as a complementary therapy A 33-year-old man with lifelong ichthyosis vulgaris that
to emollients. was better in summer and worse in winter began hyp-
notic suggestion therapy in the summer and was able to
Dyshidrotic Dermatitis maintain the summer improvement throughout the fall,
winter, and spring.40 Hypnosis may thus be useful as a
Reduction in severity of dyshidrotic dermatitis has been complementary therapy for ichthyosis.
reported with the use of hypnosis as a complementary
treatment.33 Data from Griesemer14 (Table 1) indicate a Lichen Planus
significant psychosomatic component for dyshidrosis, so
hypnosis may be useful as a complementary therapy. Pruritus and the accompanying lesions may be reduced
in selected patients using hypnosis as a complementary
Erythromelalgia therapy for lichen planus.16,33

In one case report34 of successful treatment of erythro- Neurodermatitis

melalgia in an 18-year-old woman using hypnosis alone
followed by self-hypnosis, permanent resolution oc- Several cases of neurodermatitis have resolved using hyp-
curred. nosis as an alternative therapy,41-44 and stayed resolved
for up to 4 years of follow-up. Hypnosis may be useful
Furuncles as a complementary or even alternative therapy for neu-
Jabush35 described a 33-year-old man with recurrent mul-
tiple Staphylococcus aureus–containing furuncles since age Nummular Dermatitis
17 years that were unresponsive to multiple treatment
modalities. He had a negative self-image. Hypnosis and Reduction of pruritus and resolution of lesions has been
self-hypnosis with imagined sensations of warmth, cold, reported,16,33 with use of hypnotic suggestion as a comple-
tingling, and heaviness brought about dramatic improve- mentary therapy for nummular dermatitis.



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Postherpetic Neuralgia side of his face but not the other in response to that hyp-
notic suggestion. In a study59 of hypnosis with relax-
The pain of acute herpes zoster and of postherpetic neu- ation therapy on 15 patients with chronic urticaria of 7.8
ralgia can be reduced by hypnosis.16,38 Hypnosis may have years’ average duration, within 14 months, 6 patients had
a place as a complementary therapy for postherpetic neu- resolved and another 8 improved, with decreased medi-
ralgia. cation requirements reported by 80% of patients. In se-
lected individuals, it seems that hypnosis may be useful
Pruritus as complementary or even alternative therapy for chronic
The intensity of pruritus may be modified and im-
proved by hypnosis.16 An example45 is that of a man with Verruca Vulgaris
chronic myelogenous leukemia whose intractable pru-
ritus was much improved with hypnotic suggestion. Hyp- Results of the early studies by Bloch1 and Sulzberger and
nosis may be used as a complementary therapy for in- Wolf2 on the efficacy of suggestion in treating warts have
tractable pruritus. since been confirmed numerous times to a greater or lesser
degree,60-63 as well as not confirmed in a few studies.64,65
Psoriasis A recent study66 with negative results was criticized for
using a negative suggestion about not feeding warts rather
Stress plays an important role in the onset, exacerba- than a positive suggestion about having the warts re-
tion, and prolongation of psoriasis. Hypnosis and sug- solve. Numerous studies67-82 attest to the efficacy of hyp-
gestion have been shown to have a positive effect on nosis in treating warts, but this was not confirmed in a
psoriasis.46-48 In a typical case report,49 75% resolution study83 that tried to replicate the success reported by Sin-
of psoriasis was reported using a hypnotic sensory- clair-Gieben and Chalmers84 of using hypnotic sugges-
imagery technique. Another case50 of extensive severe tion to cause warts to disappear from one hand but not
psoriasis of 20 years’ duration showed marked improve- the other in persons with bilateral hand warts. In a well-
ment using sensory-imagery to replicate feelings in the conducted study85 that serves as a typical example, 53%
patient’s skin that he had experienced during sunbath- of the experimental group had improvement of their warts
ing. Yet another case51 of severe psoriasis of 20 years’ 3 months after the first of 5 hypnotherapy sessions,
duration resolved fully with use of a hypnoanalytic whereas none of the control group had improvement. In
technique. Tausk and Whitmore52 performed a small, summary, it seems that hypnosis can be helpful as comple-
randomized double-masked controlled trial using hyp- mentary or alternative therapy for warts.
nosis as adjunctive therapy in psoriasis, with significant
improvement in highly hypnotizable patients. Hypnosis Vitiligo
can be useful as a complementary therapy for resistant
psoriasis, especially if there is a significant emotional Hautmann and Panconesi86 described in detail the psy-
factor in its triggering. choneuroendocrinimmunologic aspects and mecha-
nisms of vitiligo. Occasionally, patients with vitiligo have
Rosacea improved using hypnotic suggestion as complementary
Improvement of rosacea, especially the vascular blush
component, has been described in selected cases of re- APPROPRIATE USE OF MEDICAL
sistant rosacea in which hypnosis has been added as HYPNOTHERAPY IN DERMATOLOGIC PRACTICE
complementary therapy.16,33
Hypnosis currently is underused as an alternative or
Trichotillomania complementary therapy in dermatologic practice. For
selected skin diseases in appropriately selected patients,
Several cases of successful adjunctive treatment of tricho- it can decrease or eliminate symptoms and, in some
tillomania have been described.53-55 It seems that hypno- cases, induce lasting remissions or cures. Discussing
sis may be a useful complementary therapy for tricho- this option with patients will allow the dermatologist to
tillomania. gauge the patient’s receptiveness to this treatment
modality. Time requirements for screening patients,
Urticaria educating them about realistic expectations for results
from hypnosis, and actually performing the hypno-
Inhibition of immediate-type hypersensitivity response therapy are generally no greater than for screening, pre-
by direct suggestion under hypnosis was described for 8 paring, and educating patients about cutaneous surgery
of 12 patients.56 In another study,57 flare but not wheal and then actually performing it. Just as many derma-
sizes were significantly reduced after hypnosis com- tologists choose to refer patients with complex cutane-
pared with sessions without hypnosis. Two patients with ous surgical problems to competent specialists in der-
urticaria that responded to hypnotic suggestion were de- matologic surgery, many dermatologists would choose
scribed in another study,58 including an 11-year-old boy to refer patients with complex psychosomatic dermato-
whose urticarial reaction to chocolate could be blocked logic problems to competent specialists in hypnosis-
by hypnotic suggestion, so that hives appeared on one assisted therapy. Dermatologists who prefer to refer



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