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Sistem Sosial Tamadun Islam

In the Islamic society, everyone has faith and belief in the Islamic religion by

living through applying its laws and moral values. The social system of Islam

believes that everyone are equal and what matters is the lifestyle and the system

they adopt (The Social System of Islam, n.d.). Sistem social dalam tamadun Islam is

based on ties and relationship which enables Muslims to be close to each other and

organise their lives. Unlawful activities such as drinking alcohol and dressing

immodestly are prohibited.

There are five principles and rights of the system social in tamadun Islam that

Muslims must follow and respect. The principles of the Islamic social system are 1)

Love and loyalty among the faithful, 2) Respecting the rights of the individual and the

group, both having mutual rights and duties towards each other, 3) Islamic society is

built on right, justice, and mutual kindness, 4) The bond of unity and co-operation

and 5) Maintaining good morals. All these principles are based on the holy book of

Qur’an where it teacher people to love, respect, and unite the Muslims to create a

peaceful society within its members. This becomes a responsibility for the Islamic

society to maintain and protecting the Islamic society from corrupting behaviour of

evilness (Islamic Systems, n.d.).

. The five rights of Muslims in the social system is on spouses, children,

teachers, minorities and neighbours (Naseem, 2017). The right on spouses states

the list of responsibilities and rights for both husband and wife must follow to take

care of every family members in the family. The rights on children is where a child

has to be given a name even when being unborn. Rights on teachers explain that

Muslim children are taught in a way to respect their teachers as it plays an important

role in their lives. Additionally, the rights on minorities rules that they exist for a
reason and we may not be able to live without them. Lastly, the rights on neighbours

insists Muslims should respect their neighbours and should not hurt or insult their

neighbours. The rights of the Islamic social system conclude that we should always

respect the people around us for a peaceful society. n.d. Islamic Systems. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 23 April


Naseem, O., 2017. Characterstic Of Islamic Civilization and Social System Of Islam.

[online] Available at:


and-social-system-of-islam> [Accessed 23 April 2020]. n.d. The Social System Of Islam. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 23 April 2020].

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