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As a team leader, you need to develop strong interpersonal relationships with your team
members. All effective leaders understand that this means you need to treat people
differently and uniquely. The DISC model is most effective when you:

 Understand your own style

 Recognised the styles of others
 Use this information to adjust your communications to better match the style of others

To improve relationships and communication with different interpersonal styles, you need to
adjust your behaviour to make other people feel more at ease with you and the situation. No
particular profile is naturally more adaptable than another, and the strategic adjustments that
each person needs to make will vary by situation and people involved.

As Ho has shown influence style, following tips would be helpful to adjusting interpersonal
style for Influence style profile:

 Allow time for relating and socialising

 Talk in terms of people and stories
 Use examples
 Provide an overview without too much detail
 Use emotion
 Talk about goals, ideas and concepts
 Discuss options and innovative solutions

While working with diverse customers and co-workers you will experience a variety of
viewpoints and differences. While this can be interesting and beneficial, it can also be
challenging when these beliefs and attitudes are very different from your own. One thing we
need to consider when working with different people, is our own expectations of how people
should act or think. If you have not had a lot of experience with people from different cultural
backgrounds, you may discover that your own expectations and perceptions of how others
should act are inappropriate. For example, you may have a set of attitudes or opinions about
the behaviour or beliefs of people from other countries or cultures. Your views may be based
on stereotypes or misunderstandings, and these notions may impact how you perceive or
work with individuals.

We should not see differences in beliefs or behaviours as right or wrong. To embrace

diversity, we need to accept and understand that people are different, but equally valuable.
To ensure that offence or conflict is minimised, we need to be sensitive to differences in
others. To ensure that we respond to difference sensitively, we should always: 1. Be
respectful of cultural practices, attitudes and beliefs. 2. Show consideration, e.g. think of the
needs of others from their point of view 3. Be polite, e.g. use the preferred title and the
appropriate tone of voice, listen to others address each other 4. Show genuine interest 5.
Respect a person’s right to privacy and confidentiality 6. Allow people to ‘save face’. Be
mindful that many cultures may be more sensitive to feeling shame or embarrassment.
Always protect the dignity of others

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