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Isolation, identification, and molecular docking analysis of novel ACE

inhibitory peptides from Spirulina platensis

Article  in  European Food Research and Technology · April 2022

DOI: 10.1007/s00217-021-03949-x


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6 authors, including:

李Fuqiang 富 Liguqiang Chun-Yang Li

Qilu University of Technology Shandong University


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European Food Research and Technology (2022) 248:1107–1115


Isolation, identification, and molecular docking analysis of novel ACE

inhibitory peptides from Spirulina platensis
Nan Zhang1 · Fuqiang Li1 · Tingxin Zhang1 · Chun‑Yang Li2 · Liping Zhu1 · Shigan Yan1

Received: 17 September 2021 / Revised: 22 December 2021 / Accepted: 26 December 2021 / Published online: 6 January 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

Hypertension has emerged as a serious global health issue and piqued the interest of academics all over the world. Angioten-
sin-I converting enzyme (ACE, EC plays a crucial role in blood pressure regulation. Due to their safety and mildness
compared with synthetic drugs, natural bioactive inhibitory peptides against ACE generated from various protein sources
cause an upsurge of research and development. Spirulina platensis is a cyanobacterium widely distributed in aquaculture and
an ideal protein source for bioactive peptide production, owing to its remarkable protein content and nutritive value. In this
study, novel ACE inhibitory peptides from Spirulina platensis protein hydrolysates digested by commercial thermolysin were
isolated by membrane filtration and size exclusion-high-performance liquid chromatography (SEC-HPLC) in sequence, and
identified by mass spectrum analysis and ACE inhibitory activity assay. The results showed that two novel ACE inhibitory
peptides were obtained, and their amino acid sequences were Val–Thr–Tyr (VTY) and Leu–Gly–Val–Pro (LGVP), with
­IC50 values of 23.39 µM, and 45.76 µM, respectively. Molecular docking analysis indicated that the VTY was mainly bound
in the S1 and S2 active pockets of ACE via hydrogen bonds, while LGVP only partially interacted with the S1 pocket. Our
findings provide novel insights for the development of ACE inhibitors and the high-value utilization of Spirulina platensis.

Keywords  Spirulina platensis · Enzymatic digestion · Angiotensin-I converting enzyme · Inhibitory peptide · Molecular

Introduction and decrease blood pressure. However, these drugs usually

have side effects, such as taste disturbance, skin rashes,
Hypertension has affected over 1.2 billion individuals world- angioedema, and cough [4]. In recent years, natural bio-
wide and become a significant public health problem [1]. active peptides derived from a variety of protein sources,
The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) is important to blood including animal, plant, and microorganism, have attracted
pressure regulation [2]. In the RAS, angiotensin convert- much attention to serving as potential alternatives or com-
ing enzyme (ACE, EC participates in catalyzing plements to synthetic drugs, owing to their perceived safety
the production of angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, and mildness [5]. A number of ACE inhibitory peptides have
and the inactivation of bradykinin, a vasodilator peptide been identified, which commonly contain 2–20 amino acids
[3]. Thus, ACE is generally considered as a crucial target [6–14].
for hypertension treatment. Synthetic chemical drugs (e.g., Microalgae, such as Spirulina platensis, Nostoc, and Aph-
captopril and enalapril), can effectively inhibit ACE activity anizomenon, have been consumed as alternative sources in
supply of human nutrition for centuries, due to their high
protein contents [15, 16]. Spirulina platensis is a widespread
* Shigan Yan filamentous cyanobacterium in aquaculture, with remarkable
protein content and nutritive value owing to its amino acid
State Key Laboratory of Biobased Material and Green composition [17]. In addition, Spirulina platensis has nutri-
Papermaking, School of Bioengineering, Qilu University tional properties such as high concentrations of vitamins,
of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), essential fatty acids and minerals [18]. Moreover, the phy-
Jinan 250353, China
cobiliproteins in Spirulina platensis have attracted increased
College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China, attention for their potential values in food, pharmaceutical
Qingdao 266100, China


1108 European Food Research and Technology (2022) 248:1107–1115

and cosmetic industries [19, 20]. Several Spirulina platen- weight (MW) < 3 kDa were designated as SPH-3 and dried
sis-derived bioactive peptides and various ACE inhibitory by lyophilization for further analysis.
peptides have been identified [21–23]. Different commercial
proteases were used independently or in sequence during the Isolation of peptides from SPH‑3
hydrolysis of Spirulina platensis proteins [21–23]. Shorter
peptides, such as tripeptides and tetrapeptides, which were The SPH-3 samples were dissolved in deionized (Milli-
believed to be easily absorbed in the intestine, were less Q) water and filtered by Millex-GV (pore size: 0.22 µm).
studied. Meanwhile, the toxicity of peptides and the struc- SEC-HPLC was applied to isolate different peptides as
ture–activity relationships between peptides and the ACE described with minor modifications [24, 25]. The filtered
molecule are still largely unknown. In this study, we aim samples were injected into a TSK gel G2000 SWXL column
to screen novel shorter peptides from Spirulina platensis (7.8 × 300 mm, Tosoh, Japan), then eluted with 45% (v/v)
hydrolysates with relatively high ACE inhibitory activity acetonitrile mixed with 0.1% (v/v) trifluoracetic acid (TFA)
and reveal the binding mode of peptides in the ACE mol- at a 1 mL/min flow rate, and monitored at 214 nm. Different
ecule. First, Spirulina platensis hydrolysates were digested peak fractions were collected for further assay.
by thermolysin, and then the peptides were isolated through
size exclusion-high-performance liquid chromatography HPLC–MS analysis and identification of peptide
(SEC-HPLC) and identified by high performance liquid sequences
chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS), there fol-
lowed ACE inhibitory activity detection. Finally, molecular The peak fraction from SPH-3 with high ACE inhibitory
docking was employed to explore the structure–activity rela- activity was analyzed by HPLC–MS using an ESI-Q-TOF
tionship between inhibitory peptides and the ACE molecule. mass spectrometer (impact HD, Bruker, Germany). The two
mobile phases were as follows: mobile phase A comprised
0.1% formic acid in deionized water, and mobile phase B
Materials and methods was a 0.1% formic acid aqueous solution of acetonitrile.
The mass spectrometry test information was searched for
Materials the corresponding peptides based on the data of SP from the
Uniprot database (https://​www.​unipr​ot.​org/).
The Spirulina platensis (SP) powder was bought from
Shanghai Guangyu Biotech Limited Co. (Shanghai, China). ACE inhibitory assay
Thermolysin (EC from Geobacillus stearo-
thermophilus, angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE; ACE inhibitory assay was carried out according to the
EC from rabbit lung, and hippuryl-histidyl-leu- described method [26] with slight modifications. Two micro-
cine (HHL) hydrate were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich liters of sample solution were added into 20 µL of ACE (0.2
Chemical Co. (Temecula, CA, USA). The synthetic peptides units/mL), and the mixture was pre-incubated at 37 °C for
(purity > 98%) were supplied by Qiangyao Biotech Lim- 5 min. Ten microliters of Hip–His–Leu solution (12.5 mM
ited Co. (Suzhou, China). Acetonitrile of HPLC grade was in 0.1 M sodium borate buffer containing 400 mM NaCl, pH
obtained from Tidea Reagent, Ltd. (Ohio, USA). All other 8.3) and 33 µL of sodium borate buffer (0.1 M, containing
chemicals were analytical grade unless otherwise described. 400 mM NaCl, pH 8.3) were then added into the mixture.
After incubation at 37 °C for 1 h, the reaction was terminated
Generation of SP protein hydrolysate (SPH) by adding 100 µL of 1.0 M HCl, and the solution was filtered
through 0.45 µm nylon syringe filter before being analyzed
SP powder was dispersed in distilled water (3%, w/v) and by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography
subsequently treated by repeated freezing–thawing method. (RP-HPLC) (Shimadzu, Japan) on a reversed-phase SunFire
First, SP powder solution was frozen at about − 20 °C for ­C18 column (4.6 × 250 mm, Waters, USA). The mobile phase
several hours, and then thawed at room temperature. After comprised of deionized water:acetonitrile = 50:50 (v/v, with
the third freezing–thawing treatment, the SP samples were 0.1% TFA) with a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min and the absorb-
subsequently hydrolyzed by 2.0 wt% of thermolysin at 70 °C ance was monitored at 228 nm. The inhibitory rate (%) was
for 3 h. The reaction was ended by heat treatment at 100 °C determined as below:
for 10 min. The samples were centrifuged at 13,000g for ACE inhibitory rate (%) =
[( ) ]
Acontrol − Ainhibition ∕Acontrol × 100%,
20 min at 4 °C. The cut-off membranes (5.5 cm discs, Mil-
lipore) with size of 3 kDa were used to fractionate the super- where Acontrol was the peak area of hippuric acid with the
natant. The ultrafiltration fractions of SPH with molecular same volume of the buffer solution instead of the sample,

European Food Research and Technology (2022) 248:1107–1115 1109

and Ainhibition was with the sample. The ­IC50 values (µM) of main ingredients of SP protein, phycobiliproteins consist
different peptides were defined as the sample required to of phycocyanin and allophycocyanin, and both are formed
reach 50% efficiency calculated by five different concentra- by two kinds of subunits, α-subunit and β-subunit [33]. The
tions of the sample. amino acid compositions of phycobiliproteins were ana-
lyzed (Table 1) by ProtParam Tool, available at https://​web.​
In silico prediction of toxicity expasy.​org/​protp​aram/, which showed that these four kinds
of subunits contained a relatively high proportion of essen-
The peptides from SPH-3 fraction were evaluated for poten- tial amino acids, indicating that SP is a promising nutritional
tial toxicity in silico using ToxinPred, available at http://​ protein source for bioactive peptides generation, in consist-
crdd.​osdd.​net/​ragha​va/​toxin​pred/ [27]. ent with the previous study [34]. As previously reported,
ACE appears to prefer substrates or competitive inhibitors
Molecular docking analysis that contain hydrophobic amino acid residues, particularly
Val, Leu, and/or aromatic residues (Trp, Tyr, or Phe) at the
Molecular docking analysis was carried out to investigate C-terminals [35]. As shown in Table 1, hydrophobic amino
the interaction between the inhibitory peptides and the ACE acids (Ile, Leu, Val, Pro, Ala) and aromatic amino acids (Tyr,
molecule using AutoDock 4.2 (Scripps Research Institute, Trp) were prevalent in phycobiliproteins.
La Jolla, CA, USA) with the MGL Tools 1.5.6 package.
Three-dimensional structure file of ACE protein (PDB ID: Separation of ACE inhibitory peptides from SP
1O8A) was derived from the Protein Data Bank (http://w ​ ww.​ protein
rcsb.​org/​pdb/​home/​home.​do). Remove all the water mole-
cules and unwanted substructures before the docking, and The variety of proteases can lead to enormous differences
then add the polar hydrogen. The search grid was carried in the bioactivity of peptides. Thermolysin is a low-specific
out as follows: coordinates x 41.678, y 38.308, and z 46.652 protease with relatively broad specificity and preferentially
with the grid box size of 50 × 50 × 50 Å. The default param- cleaves sites with bulky and aromatic residues (Ile, Leu,
eters were used if it was not mentioned. The docking model Val, Ala, Met, Phe) in position P1′ [36]. The cleavage of
in which the ligand displays the lowest binding energy in proteins by thermolysin leads to produce various low MW
the binding pocket of protein was chosen as the best model. peptides with hydrophobic or aromatic terminus, which may
PyMOL (http://​www.​pymol.​org/) was used for viewing the be beneficial to be bound by the ACE molecule. Therefore,
diagrams of the protein–ligand interaction. thermolysin was used for SP protein digestion in this study.
Before the enzymatic digestion, repeated freezing–thaw-
Statistical analysis ing treatments were employed for a higher efficiency of
phycobiliprotein extraction, considering that phycobilipro-
One-way ANOVA, followed by Duncan’s multiple-range teins are water-soluble intracellular proteins and assemble
tests using SPSS Statistics 19.0 (SPSS, Inc., USA) was used into phycobilisomes, a supramolecular complex [30]. The
for data analysis with a significance difference (P < 0.05). SP solution became blue instead of green after pre-treat-
The results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation ments, implying that most phycobiliproteins were released
(SD). from phycobilisomes. The hydrolysis temperature was set at
70 °C, the optimum temperature for the enzymatic activity
of thermolysin, which can improve the hydrolysis efficiency.
Results and discussion In the meantime, the control groups, with the same volume
of distilled water instead of thermolysin, were incubated at
Amino acid composition analysis of major SP 70 °C for 3 h as well. It has been reported that peptides
protein with MW < 3 kDa possess high ACE inhibitory activity
[5]. Therefore, a membrane filtration step was further per-
The major components of SP were crude protein (constitut- formed to separate different MWs fractions, and fractions
ing 60%–70% of its dry weight) [28], suggesting that SP with MW < 3 kDa from both enzymatic samples and control
is an excellent protein resource for bioactive peptide pro- samples, designated as SPH-3 and SPC-3, were collected,
duction. Phycobiliproteins are the dominant composition of respectively. The dry weight of SPH-3 after lyophilization
SP protein, with colored pigments that act as light anten- was higher than that of SPC-3, demonstrating that more pep-
nae in photosynthesis [29, 30]. Previous studies reported tides were released from protein by thermolysin hydrolysis.
that phycobiliproteins exhibit anti-inflammatory, antioxi- The ACE inhibition assays of both SPH-3 and SPC-3 were
dant and anticancer properties and are used in the food and examined at a concentration of 5 mg/mL, and the inhibi-
cosmetic industries as a natural dye [20, 31, 32]. As the tory rate of SPH-3 was 75.12% ± 1.98%, higher than that


1110 European Food Research and Technology (2022) 248:1107–1115

Table 1  Amino acid Amino acid Amino acid composition (%)

composition of C-phycocyanin
(C-PC) and allophycocyanin C-PC-α subunit C-PC-β subunit APC-α subunit APC-β subunit
(APC) subunits from SP
Ala 14.80 16.90 11.20 13.70
Arg 4.30 6.40 7.50 5.60
Asn 3.70 4.10 1.90 3.70
Asp 5.60 5.80 5.00 6.20
Cys 1.20 2.30 0.60 1.20
Gln 4.30 2.90 1.20 3.10
Glu 4.90 4.70 9.30 3.70
Gly 8.00 6.40 9.90 8.10
His 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ile 6.80 5.20 7.50 7.50
Leu 8.00 8.10 6.80 8.70
Lys 5.60 2.30 3.70 5.00
Met 2.50 3.50 3.70 3.10
Phe 3.10 2.90 1.90 1.20
Pro 3.10 2.90 3.10 1.90
Ser 7.40 9.30 6.80 6.80
Thr 6.20 5.80 6.20 6.80
Trp 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tyr 6.80 2.90 5.00 7.50
Val 2.50 7.60 8.70 6.20
Total hydrophobic amino acids 33.40 39.00 36.10 33.60
Total essential amino acids 35.90 35.40 38.50 38.50

of SPC-3, which was only 34.17% ± 2.35%, indicating the distinct inhibitory activity against ACE (Fig. 1B). Fractions
efficiency of enzymatic digestion. P1 and P2 exhibited lower inhibitory activity than SPH-3,
SPH-3 sample was further separated by SEC-HPLC and Fractions P3 and P5 showed no significant difference
using a TSK gel G2000 SWXL column, and five major with SPH-3. Among them, Fraction P4 exhibited the high-
peaks (P1-P5) at 214 nm (Fig. 1A) were detected. Differ- est inhibitory activity (81.85%), suggesting the enrichment
ent peak fractions at a concentration of 5 mg/mL possessed of inhibitory peptides. These results demonstrated that

Fig. 1  Chromatogram of SPH-3 fraction and ACE inhibitory activity of different peak fractions. A Purification from SPH-3 by SEC-HPLC. B
ACE inhibitory activity of each peak fraction. Different letters in the same line indicate significant differences (P < 0.05)

European Food Research and Technology (2022) 248:1107–1115 1111

Fraction P4 possessed the most potent ACE inhibitory activ- peptides were found in our study, indicating that the peptide
ity among the five peaks and thus was selected for further profile of enzymatic hydrolysates from SP may be affected
identification. by enzyme hydrolysis conditions.

Mass identification of ACE inhibitory peptides Potential toxicity of novel inhibitory peptides

The components of Fraction P4 were further identified by Peptides have numerous advantages over small molecules,
HPLC–MS. The amino acid sequences of peptides from SP including high biological activity, high specificity, low
were searched in the Uniprot database (http://​www.​unipr​ot.​ production cost, and high penetration. However, toxicity
org/). According to previous studies, most ACE inhibitory remains to be the main concern in the development of pep-
peptides are small peptides possessing 2–12 residues, which tides [28]. The potential toxicity of protein and peptides
may be bound in the ACE active site more easily and thus can adversely affect human health and clearly be concerned
assert inhibitory activity [5]. In our study, most detected when used as functional food ingredients or consumed as
peptides contained less than five amino acids. The top eight nutraceuticals. The in-silico tools for initial prediction of
abundant peptides are listed in Table 2, among which five toxicity has been widely considered, due to the complex
novel peptides, including LRDMEI, LRETY, LGVP, FDY, and time-causing features of in vivo and in vitro evalua-
and VTY, were determined based on the BIOPEP-UWM tion system. In this study, in silico toxicity assessment of
database (http://​www.​uwm.​edu.​pl/​bioch​emia/​index.​php/​en/​ the eight identified peptides was conducted using Toxin-
biopep). The other three peptides, LDY, IDA, and IQK, were Pred with two modules, SVM and Motif (Table 2), and the
reported as either dependent ACE inhibitory peptides or par- results suggested that none of these peptides was predicted
tial sequence of longer ACE inhibitory peptides. Moreover, to be toxic. The toxicity assessment of peptide is necessary
sequence alignments revealed that the sequences of these for its further application, especially in developing peptide-
eight peptides can be matched in the primary structure of based functional foods and clinical treatments. Melittin, a
different subunits of phycobiliproteins, indicating that phy- significant peptide component of bee venom, was considered
cobiliproteins may be the main source of bioactive peptides to be an appealing candidate for cancer treatment. However,
in SP. This was detected in the enzymatic digestion of other its application in functional foods and pharmaceuticals has
phycobiliprotein-contained algae protein [37]. been hampered by a number of difficulties, including non-
The mass spectra of eight peptides are shown in Fig. 2 specific cytotoxicity [41]. Our results were consistent with
and the m/zs of eight peptides are summarized in Table 2. the previous research that ACE inhibitory peptide PTGN-
Several studies focused on SP-derived bioactive peptides, PLSP obtained from phycocyanin was also non-toxic by
and different proteases were tried in the enzymatic diges- ToxinPrep analysis [23].
tion in vitro, such as papain (EC, alcalase (EC, flavourzyme (EC, pepsin (EC, ACE inhibitory assay in vitro
trypsin (EC, and neutrase (EC [21–23].
Due to the cleavage specificity of protease, the identified Two peptides, Val–Thr–Tyr (VTY) and Leu–Gly–Val–Pro
ACE inhibitory peptides were commonly different. In a simi- (LGVP), were chosen and synthesized for further analysis.
lar study, Anekthanakul et al. employed in gel digestion with The ACE inhibitory activities of VTY and LGVP in vitro
thermolysin in combination with in-silico based digestion to were examined, and the results showed that VTY and LGVP
screen bioactive peptides from SP, and five longer candidate were with the I­C50 values of 23.39  μiM and 45.76  μM,
peptides were finally chosen [21]. However, none of these respectively, exhibiting relatively high inhibitory effects.

Table 2  Information of eight Peptide sequence No. of amino acid Theoretical Observed molecular ion, Toxin prediction
identified peptides from SP residues mass (Da) m/z (charge)

LDY 3 409.18 410.1915 Non-toxin

FDY 3 443.17 444.1766 Non-toxin
LRDMEI 6 775.39 776.3920 Non-toxin
IDA 3 317.16 318.1797 Non-toxin
LRETY 5 680.35 681.3540 Non-toxin
IQK 3 387.25 388.2538 Non-toxin
VTY 3 381.19 382.1962 Non-toxin
LGVP 4 384.24 385.2436 Non-toxin


1112 European Food Research and Technology (2022) 248:1107–1115

Fig. 2  Mass spectra of peptides identified by HPLC–MS. A LDY, B FDY, C LRDMEI, D IDA, E LRETY, F IQK, G VTY, H LGVP

European Food Research and Technology (2022) 248:1107–1115 1113

According to the previous study [38], the composition of shown in Fig. 3, the interactions between docked peptides
the C- and N-terminal residues of an ACE inhibitory peptide and enzymes were analyzed using PyMOL. The binding of
also had a significant effect on ACE inhibition rate, with VTY and LGVP mainly depends on hydrogen bonds formed
high inhibitory activity when the C-terminal residue was between ACE residues and the ligands. For VTY binding,
Tyr, Phe, Pro, Trp, or Leu and the N-terminal residue was residues Gln281, His353, Ala354, Glu384, His513, Tyr520,
a hydrophobic aliphatic branched-chain amino acid such as and Tyr523 can form hydrogen bonds with VTY; the N-ter-
Leu, Ile, Ala, or Met [38]. This might explain the potent minal valine residue participates in coordinating Z­ n2+; in
ACE inhibitory activity of VTY and LGVP, which con- particular, two aromatic residues, Phe457 and Phe527, may
sisted of tyrosine and proline in the C-terminal, as well as form pi–pi stacking interactions with the side chain of the
hydrophobic amino acid residues valine and leucine in the C-terminal tyrosine residue (Fig. 3A). Residues involved in
N-terminal, respectively. binding LGVP are much less than that involved in bind-
ing VTY (Fig. 3). Residues Tyr360, Ala354, His387, and
Molecular docking between peptides and ACE Tyr523 participate in binding LGVP through hydrogen
molecule bonds. The N-terminal leucine residue also participates in
coordinating ­Zn2+ (Fig. 3B).
Molecular docking was performed to estimate the bind- It has been reported that three main active site pockets
ing modes between peptides and ACE using AutoDock are involved in the ACE-ligand interaction: the S1 pocket
4.2 (http://​autod​ock.​scrip​ps.​edu/). The best results were includes three residues, Ala354, Glu384, and Tyr523;
obtained for VTY and LGVP at the ACE active site in the S2 pocket includes Gln281, His353, Lys511, His513,
the presence of Zn (II) (Fig. 3), with binding energies of and Tyr520; and the S1′ pocket only includes the residue
− 6.48  kcal/mol and − 5.57  kcal/mol, respectively. As Glu162 [39, 40]. Moreover, other key amino acid residues,

Fig. 3  Local overview of the

best ranked docking models of
VTY (A) and LGVP (B) bind-
ing with ACE (PDB: 1O8A)
at the ACE catalytic site. The
peptides VTY and LGVP are
shown as sticks colored in yel-
low. ACE residues involved in
binding peptides are shown as
sticks colored in magenta. The
possible hydrogen bonds are
represented by dashed lines


1114 European Food Research and Technology (2022) 248:1107–1115

namely Glu411, Glu162, His383, and His387, were also Declarations 

important for the ACE activity [41]. Hydrogen bond inter-
actions play an irreplaceable role in stabilizing the struc- Conflict of interest The authors declare that the research was con-
ture of the complex as well as the ACE reaction [40]. As ducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that
could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
shown in Fig. 3, VTY is mainly bound in S1 (Ala354,
Glu384, and Tyr523) and S2 pockets (Gln281, His513, Compliance with ethics requirements  We all comply with Ethics re-
and Tyr520) via hydrogen bonds, while LGVP only inter- quirements of the journal “European Food Research and Technology”.
acts with Ala354 and Tyr523 of the S1 pocket, which may
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and Development Program of Shandong Province (No. 2019YYSP024, 11. Sun S, Xu X, Sun X, Zhang X, Chen X, Xu N (2019) Prepa-
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major contributors in writing the manuscript. All authors read and tory tripeptides from ovotransferrin using bioinformatics and
approved the final manuscript.

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