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Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

1. Competitive audit goal(s)

To compare the ordering experience for each competitor's website

2. Who are your key competitors? (Description)

Our competitor is Fowlmen, a burger franchise that serves Louisiana style Fried Chicken
Burger. It has many outlets and uses top quality ingredients. Another competitor is Los
Primos El Tacos, a low-cost Mexican restaurant that serves quality ingredients apart from
being the only one that serves Mexican food. The last competitor is Burgers on Bagels, which
uses low cost ingredients but is famous for its bagel taste.

Fowlmen and Burgers on Bagels are direct competitors to ours, and Los Primos El Tacos is an
indirect competitor.

3. What are the type and quality of competitors’ products? (Description)

Fowlmen’s interface is simple to navigate, easy to use, offers group orders, remembers your
previous orders, straightforward user flow, and easy to switch locations. Although, the app
does not offer options for those with visual impairments.

Los Primos El Tacos has a lot of intuitive features, an option for one click to order, is available
in English and Spanish and simple order placement and payment processes. They are lacking
in some features, and their delivery tracker definitely needs some work.

Burgers on Bagels has an easy to understand layout, with a feature to filter orders and easy
to use as well. However, they do not offer accessibility features, and there is no room to write
your preference in the menu. The location of the shop is also very hard to find in the app.

4. How do competitors position themselves in the market? (Description)

Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

Fowlmen states they have “Chickens For Everyone”. They offer high quality products that
involve chicken, and their aim is to have everyone be able to afford quality products at a
decent price. Los Primos El Tacos also sells Mexican food with premium quality, with their
statement “Everyone Can Now Taste Mexican Food”, they are targeted for everyone who
craves Mexican food but does not wish to pay a lot. Lastly, Burgers on Bagels describes itself
as “ Burgers with Bagels for All Ages”. This would mean that Burgers on Bagels are suitable to
be enjoyed by everyone no matter what their age is.

5. How do competitors talk about themselves? (Description)

Fowlmen offers “Chickens For Everyone”, and with an easy to use interface with a feature for
group orders, it enables easier access for people to taste their food.

With Los Primos El Tacos advocating “Everyone Can Now Taste Mexican Food”, the
restaurant reaches out to a bigger demographic of customers as the interface is available in
English and Spanish, and also options for one click order with a simple process up until

Burgers On Bagels described themselves as “Burgers with Bagels For All Ages”. This also
correlates to their easy-to-use interface with options to filter orders.

6. Competitors’ strengths (List)

Fowlmen’s strengths include:
- An app that is simple to navigate
- Encourage bulk orders
- User-friendly app that remembers your orders
- An option to select multiple locations

Los Primos El Tacos has these strengths:

- One Click To Order Feature
- Multilingual Interface
- Simple order and payment process

Burgers On Bagels’ strengths on the other hand:

- Has an easy to understand app layout
Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

- Easy to use app, suitable for all ages as guidelines are provided
- Able to filter orders

7. Competitors’ weaknesses (List)

Fowlmen’s weaknesses include:
- Does not offer visual impairment features

Los Primos El Tacos has these weaknesses:

- Lacks in some heavily needed app features
- Delivery Tracker needs some work

Burgers On Bagels’ weaknesses on the other hand:

- No accessibility features
- No column for Food Preferences

8. Gaps (List)
Some gaps that we have identified below:
- Competitors do not exactly offer vegan or healthy products
- Competitors do not offer a full comprehensive approach on impairments
- Competitors do not have an immersive delivery tracker that functions in real-time

9. Opportunities (List)
Some opportunities we could implement:
- Provide a variety of vegan and healthy options
- Integrate app with visual, audio and speech assistive technology
- Create a linear, straight forward user flow with guidelines to assist order

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