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ID 1.) What do you know about Cancel Culture?


P1 It is when you nave say or done something unacceptable for

others, they will stop supporting you and will think about you
something bad.

P2 Pag may hindi kang gusto tao or ayaw mo ng ginagawa niya

in cacancel mo siya.

P3 Cancel culture is a practice is a practice of "canceling" or

"rejecting" someone on social media platform. It is a practice
where people used to cancel other people after they have done
something wrong on their eyes.

P4 Cancel culture is when someone from the internet bashed ones


P5 Cancel culture is when majority of people in social media

"cancels" someone who did something socially unacceptable on
social media.

P6 This is like a movement to a celebrity or public figures who

have done things that is not accepted in our generation today.

P7 I don't have any idea, or much info, but it is a concept that

has been spreading across the internet, causing a sensation, it
one person dues someting unacceptable to the society, the will
experience being shaun, critize and etc.

P8 Cancel culture is a culture where people different punishment

for those who made a mistake in social media.

P9 Cancel culture is phrase contemporary who is the late 2010

and 2020 used to refer to a culture in which those who acted
or spoken in an unacceptable manners are ostrosized or
boycotted or shunned.

P10 I think it is about people hurting you or something that you

and you do and even without doing something. It is a wide
range of shared views of a group that gives hate and bash a
certain person.

P11 Cancel culture is something about someone getting bashed

because of his/her opinion about certain topic.

P12 It is when you made a controversial action or statement and

will get a lot of criticism.

P13 Cancel closure is calling out someone about something they did
wrong, and doing it negatively. It is bullying that is deemed by
the bullies as rational.

P14 Cancel culture refers to disregard or ignoring someone after

they did something wrong in social media platforms. From the
word itself cancels culture mean cancelling someone about
objectionable behavior.
ID 2.) How does cancel culture affect your social skills? CODE

P1 There are times that you'll be scared to talk to other because

they might cancel you when you done or say something
wrong. By that i'll just keep my thoughts and will avoid

P2 Maiiwasan mo personally ung mga taong ayaw mo or

nakakasira ng pagiging socialize mo.

P3 It cam affect me in a way that i don't usually want to be

involved or have an interaction to other people again because
i am too afraid to their judgement.

P4 It weakens my self esteem to share my own culture to


P5 Nothing realy. I don't usually go to social medias.

P6 It can increased your anxiety and depression. It also can lead

to have suicidal thoughts.

P7 Afraid to socialize more if this cukture continue and

extremely contious about what you, spay that may.

P8 It can affect my social skills by having low confidence because

of Cancel Culture.

P9 It does affect my social skill because of those people who

utterly judge.

P10 It does not really affect me.

P11 Cancel culture affects my social skills in a way that I won't
be confident enough to socialize with other people

P12 It made me more knowledgeable and aware on what I should

say and to always be careful not to offend anyone.

P13 It is harder to express opinions now than before.

P14 It affects me social skills in a way that it may create feeling

of loneliness and be afraid to enter out with other people.

ID 3.) How can you overcome the effects of cancel culture? CODE
P1 I'll always think before doing and saying something so that i
can avoid being cancelled.

P2 By cancelling people based on your perspection because if it is

not good to you, you have right to cancel people.

P3 I become mose focused on my growth by surrounding my self

with a healthy group, and also i thought my self not to please
for me to avoid any invalidation and rejection.

P4 By not giving in to the bashing and proudly sharing my own


P5 If ever i am the one to be cancelled. I'll just tell people whole

context of what happen and admit if guilty or not.

P6 Spend less time online because nowadays social media become

toxic. Take a break from social media.

P7 Its hard to persuade the people to stop the camcel culture

especially if they are used to it. So we just have to normalize
it, but not always if people starting to hure the people who
are being cancelled, we should take an action. Not because we
agree or side to he/his mistakes. But as the citezen who
believe in human rights.

P8 I can't think of possible solution to overcome the effects of

cancel culture.

P9 For me, I can't control the effect of classical culture instead of

doing that I will try to promote my own culture in my own
P10 By knowing yourself and be open minded all the time. You
can overcome it by ignoring it.

P11 Accept that things happen and it is out of our hands. One of
the best ways to overcome it is to just ignore the voice of
those people who do no good to you and move forward in life.

P12 If you get cancelled you can leave off of social media and
reflect on what you say. Apologize if you're now okay.

P13 Overcoming the effect should be in both micro, and macro

level. We should collectively stop bullying people who did
something wrong and we should individually control our

P14 Take a break from social media and spend less time online.
Also you may talk and open to someone about your feelings.
By that, it can lessen being shy and afraid to interact on

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