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To : All Employee
From : Management
Date : 25th November 2022
Ref. No. : HR-2022-21


Malaysia’s 10th Prime Minister has declared a special public holiday on 28th November 2022 (Monday)
pursuant to Section 8 of the Holidays Act 1951.

MYBRUSH will observe this public holiday but as a replacement public holiday on 27th December
2022. As such, please be informed that our company will continue operating as normal on 28th November

Since this public holiday is replaced with another date, any work done on the 28th of November 2022 shall
be on a normal rate of pay. Please note that the MYBRUSH Group of Companies will be planning a
shutdown from 24th December 2022 to 1st January 2023.

Details are as follows: -

- 24/12/22 Off Day

- 25/12/22 Rest Day
- 26/12/22 Replacement of public holiday (for 25/12/22 - Christmas)
- 27/12/22 Replacement of public holiday (for 28/11/22 – PM declared PH)
- 28/12/22 Shutdown (AL or AUL)
- 29/12/22 Shutdown (AL or AUL)
- 30/12/22 Shutdown (AL or AUL)
- 31/12/22 Off Day
- 01/01/22 Rest Day

Employees who have a balance of Annual Leave (AL) can apply for AL and those who have already
exhausted their AL can apply for Approve Unpaid Leave (AUL) for 3 days on 28th, 29th, and 30th. However,
some employees may be required to return to work on a case-by-case basis. The AUL taken will not impact
your performance evaluation.

The Head of Department / HRBU is required to cascade this information to your subordinate at your
respective plants.

If you have any queries, feel free to contact your HOD or HR Department for further clarification. Thank

Yours faithfully,

Lee Boon Oon
HR Director
Kepada : Semua Pekerja
Daripada : Pihak Pengurusan
Tarikh : 25hb November 2022
No. Rujukan : HR-2022-21


Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke-10 telah mengisytiharkan cuti umum khas pada 28 November 2022 (Isnin)
menurut Seksyen 8 Akta Cuti 1951.

MYBRUSH akan mengambil cuti umum ini tetapi sebagai cuti umum gantian pada 27 Disember 2022. Oleh
itu, sila maklum bahawa syarikat akan terus beroperasi seperti biasa pada 28 November 2022.
Memandangkan cuti umum ini digantikan dengan tarikh lain, sebarang kerja yang dilakukan pada 28
November 2022 akan dibayar pada kadar gaji biasa. Sila ambil perhatian bahawa MYBRUSH Group of
Companies akan merancang penutupan operasi dari 24 Disember 2022 hingga 1 Januari 2023.

Butiran adalah seperti berikut:-

- 24/12/22 Hari Cuti

- 25/12/22 Hari Rehat
- 26/12/22 Hari Ganti Cuti Umum (untuk 25/12/22 - Krismas)
- 27/12/22 Hari Ganti Cuti Umum (untuk 28/11/22 – Cuti Khas diumumkan PM)
- 28/12/22 Penutupan Operasi Syarikat (AL atau AUL)
- 29/12/22 Penutupan Operasi Syarikat (AL atau AUL)
- 30/12/22 Penutupan Operasi Syarikat (AL atau AUL)
- 31/12/22 Hari Cuti
- 01/01/22 Hari Rehat

Pekerja yang mempunyai baki Cuti Tahunan (AL) boleh memohon AL dan mereka yang telah kehabisan
AL boleh memohon Cuti Tanpa Gaji yang Diluluskan (AUL) selama 3 hari pada 28, 29, dan 30. Walau
bagaimanapun, sesetengah pekerja mungkin dikehendaki kembali bekerja mengikut kes. AUL yang diambil
tidak akan memberi kesan kepada penilaian prestasi anda.

Ketua Jabatan / HRBU dikehendaki menyalurkan maklumat ini kepada pegawai bawahan anda di lokasi

Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi Ketua Jabatan atau Bahagian Sumber
Manusia untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut. Terima Kasih.

Yang Benar,

Lee Boon Oon
Pengarah Sumber Manusia

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