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Eseteshernet0 Up 399.3-2.2/28 cateway: 299.002 Physical Location: intercity > one City > Corporate Office > FCO Fastemnersoto Up 198.1 13/28 Gateway: 199.1.4-1 Physieal Location. Interotty > Hone City > Corporate Office > FOL Festetnerseto Op 20011-2728 FestEtherset0 Up cacaway: Dnyeial Location: Intercity > Hone City > Corporate OFfise > 9C3 ‘Davies Wane” captopd Device Model: Laptop PT Fastemnerseco Up 322.013/28 Ener aes oso 2am aKc3 cotewey: 222.411 Poreicel Location: Intercity > Howe City > Corporate Office > Leptopd User Roses Verification Password: aigsnow ip rouce EL - OSEF excernal type 1, £2 ~ OSPF excernal type 2. = - GP 2 variably subnetsed, 2 subnets, 2 masks © iz aisectly conneated, Cagabitzeharnet0/0/9 z 198.1 111/32 is directly connected, GigabitEchernet0/0/9 209.1-1.0/24 15 variably subnetcea, 2 sumnets, 2 masrs ° 200-1-1.0/24 is directly consected, Gigebitiehesnet@/0/1 z 200.1 -1.1/92 iz dizecely connected, SigebitEchesnet¢/0/1 se variably subnecred, 2 cunnets, 2 mache c 220.1-1.0/24 as directly connected, Seral0/1/9 2 220.11 11/32 4s aarectly connected, serzai0/1/9 gisconr cermnat Enter configuration comands, one per Line. Ead with OWTL/Z. Rl icondig) #op sours 222-1.1.0 266-266 .266.9 660/1/0 Ri (config) tend gas SSYS-S-CONTIG_I: Configured from console by console Ritehow ip sours D - E1GRE) sk ~ EIGRE external, O ~ OSPF, 1a _ ospr anter area SL - OSE NSSA exvemnal cype 1, N2 ~ OSPF NSSA exvernel vyoe 2 P= periodic dovnlcaded statsc rouse ic variably cubnettes, 2 subnets, 2 mazke c is dizeccly connected, Gigebitéchernet0/0/0 » 199.1 44/32 is eazecciy connected, Gigebitecnernet0/0/0 209.1.1-0/24 1s variably subnerted, 2 subnets, 2 masts . 200.3.1-0/24 2 disesely connected, Cigabitdenernet0/C/1 L 200.2-1.1/22 ic ddsestly connected, Cagsbicgenarnet0/C/1 220.11 6/28 = variably csbnectes, 2 subnets, 2 masks is directly connected, Seriai0/1/0 220.2.111/32 1s diectay connected, seriei0/1/9 is dizectly connected, Seziei0/1/0 Routerteanf cerinal Enter configuraticn commands, one per line. End with CNTL/2 outer (contig) fap Zoure S60/1/9 Reuter config] #ip route 200-1.4.0 266.286-266.0 S00/1/9 Router (contig] tend ° . Router? Rourextahow ip zoute EL ~ OSPF external cype 1, £2 ~ 0597 exterral type 2, # - EGP + = candideve default, 0 - per-aser static roure, 0 - ODR S as directly connected, © is diectiy connected, Sexial0/1/0 L iz aiceatiy connected, Sezie10/1/9 © is directly connected, Gigabitetherne:0/0/0 Rourers| WE Pco - a x Poyskal Cony _Desiiog_ Posrenming Atbutes Rifconf terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z Ri (config) #route rip Bi (config-souves) version 2 RI (config-router) network 199-1.1.0 RI (config-router) network 200-1.1-0 RI (config-router) fnetwork 220-1-1-0 Ri (config-router) no auvo-sumary BA (confi g-router) fe Ri (config) fend sroxtes R200.1.1.0/28 1120/11 vie © is dire: ‘seriato/i/e FestEtherset0 Up — Hone City > Corporate OFfi20 > 22 bevsoe Nene: Laptop? evies Models tapeep-P Eastztherneo Up not act» Gatevey= mayatest Lenton intercity > sone Coty > Corporate ofties > Laptop Fsstesnernat0 | Up. 190.20.328.2/18 not at Poysical weation: Interelty > Hone City Device Hanes taotons Device Model: Lapeop PT FaststnernetO Up ‘cateway: 390.20.228.3 Physics) Location: Intercity > Hone City > Corporate Office > Laptop’ Routerscont verminal Zacer configuracion commands, one per Line. End with CITL/Z. Rourer (ccnfiig) thostnsne TUE Bue (config) ine G2g0/0/0 DUE (confag-at)#ip address PUE(contag-az) ¢n0 st UE (contig-i8)# SLIME-E-CHANGED: Interface CigabitEthernet0/0/0, changed ctste to ap ‘SLIVEPEOTO-S-UPDOWI: Line protocel en Interface GigabitEchernet0/2/0, chanced stace to up PUE(config-if) teat PUE (config) #inz Gig6/0/2 DUE (contig-ie) fip sadzee 190.20.¢4.1, PUE(config-if) ino sk PoE (contents SUIME-§-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEtherne+0/0/1, changed stete to up DUE (config-is) foxit PUElconfig) exis pues SSYS~S-CONFIG I: Configured from console Dy console PuEtcopy cunning config startup contig Deccinaticn filename [etartup-contig]? Building configuration (0x1 BoE PUE#son texminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End wich CNIL/Z PUE (contig) #router r4p PUE (config-scuver) #vession 2 PUE (config-reuser! tretwork PUE (contig-zouser] #netHOre 130_29.128.0 PUE (config-seuserl PUE (config-reuter! terd Pus Routersenable Routertcont verminal inter conriguratacr comands, cre per lime. nd wish GITL/Z. Router (contig) #hostname VER YER (cenzig) sine €30/0/9 YER (consig-if| fap sddzace, VER (censig-if| tne ch SLIME-G-CHRNGED: Invertace GigebivEchernev0/0/0, changed stave co up Ven (contig-if| tense YER (config) #int G3g0/0/1 YER(config-if]#ac sh ven (contig-ifi¢ SLIME-E-CHRNGED: Interface CigehitEehernet0/¢/1, changed state co up SLINEPROTO-5-URDOMN: Line protecol on Interface GigabitEtherneti/0/1, changed state to uD eR (contig-it] tend vent YEREcepy ranning-cenfig scartup-contig pestination filename (starzup-contaa]? Building configureticn, con vane VEREcone Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/2 VER(contig) srouter rp VER(sonsigesoures) feersion 2 VER(config-router) fmetwork 130.20.€4.0 VER(config-soutes) #actwor® 13012000 UER(sonfigeesuter) tere VERE BR vce - a x pryeesl cont __besicop = progtenmang tras 20202080 ag snwosts. snoozonce «=| 2S fee | cur rs cor = avers ome rae rcry i oe raze2sen Fastztnernet0 Up 200.20.2-66/20 Have City > Corporate Office > FCS FestEcheraet0 Up csteway: Poyesoal Lscation: Interaity > Hane City > Corporate Office > FCS kouverteont terminal. Enver configuration comands, one per line. End with awTL/2. Reuter (config) fhoetaane TUE POE (config) int Gig0/1 POE (sontag-ar/#2p address POE (soafig-i£]#no 2h PUR (conficnifl# SLINS-5-CHANGED: Incertace Sigabivtcherneto/1, changed stare to up SLINEPROTO-S-UPLOWT: Line protccol on Interface GigabitEchernet0/1, changed state to uD FUE (contig it] texte: BUR (sonfig) #ine 6350/0 PUR (sonfig-af|#ap address POE (coafig-if|#ne 25 POE (configniflt ALINS-5-CHANGED: Incertace Gigaracscnerneto/0, changec stare to up SUE (sontiguse| ter PuEe SSYS-S-CONEIG_I: Configured from console by console PUEEsopy running-config starccup-contig pestinavicn filename (svarvup-conzig!? Building configuration. BUftconf terminal Enver confagurccion commands, one per line. Bad wish CHTL/2. FUE |confic)#router rip FUE |config-souter| #versicn 2 5UE |config-router| tretwori PUE |contag-router| snecvore Uz |canfig-sourer| tend PuEt SSY5-S-CONFTS_I: Configured from console by console Furtshow ip route El ~ OSEF external type 1, E2 ~ OSPF excernal type 2, = - 2c? § ~ candidate defauls, U - per-user static route, 0 ~ ODR P ~ persoaze aovaloaace static rouse Gateway of Last resort is not ser is variably subnetzed, € subnets, 3 masks is directly connected, Sigabitzuherneo/1 200.20 2.65/32 sx aivectiy connected, Giganitithernet0/I 200.20-2-80/30 ss dzrectiy connected, Gigabitecnerneto/O 200.2012 191/22 iz directly conneated, CigabitEchernet 0/0 200-20-2.84/30 [120/1] via, 00:00:0€, Gigabitichernett/9 200.20.2/90/30 [120/1] vie 200.20.2 62, 60:00:06, Gigebiceohernett/9 wmnono Rouvertcon! terminal Enter configuration commansc, one por line. ind with CNTL/Z Router (config) ¢hostname ISP ISP (config) tine Big0/0 Isp (contig-if)#ip sddrar= ISP(config-if)#no sh asp (contig-if)¢ SLINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEchernet0/0, changed state to up SLINEPECTO-¢-UPDOMI: Line peotecsl on Interface Gigebitgchexnes0/C, changed state zo up Esp(contag-it) sexir S Invalid input detected at '*! marker ISP (configif) seit Isp (contig) tine 2590/1 ISP (config-if)#i address Ise(contig-it)gno sh IsPlcontig-if)t ‘MLIK-£-CHANGED: interface Gagabitecnerneto/1, coangea state co uP ISP (contig-if) toute Ise (contag) 42nt Gig0/2 ISP (config-if)#ip address Isp (contig-:£) n> ch ase (contig-ite SEIMIE-s-CAMICED: raverface CigsbieErhernet0/2, changed state eo op Routersenable Reuergoon terminal $ Rubiguous comand: “con verminal” Roucerfaoaf terminal Enter configuretion sonmunds, one pez Line. Gnd wick CMIL/Z. Router (config) fhosenams VER VER (config) fine Gigd/3 VER(contig-it/#4p adaress ‘YER (contig-iz)4no sh van iconigisit SLINES-CHAIGED: Interface Gigahitz=hernet0/0, changed state co up. ‘sLInepaoTO-s-UEDOWN: Line prctcesl on interface sigapatEtnernes0/0, WER (config-is)fexie Wan (coneig) fine Cig0/1 Wan (contigse)tip addescs 285.766.255.224 VER(config-if)#ne sh ver icontig-i2)t SLINE-C-CHRIGED: Incexface Cigebiedzhecnett/1, changed stave o> up SLINEDROTO-S-UEDORN: Line protcosl on Interface Cigabitzehernes0/1, VER (config-it) enc ves Vangcopy running-config ccartup-contig Destination filename (startup-contia] ? sunieing conziguratacn, 08 antes VEREcon! vecminal, Enter configuestion commanse, one por line. ind with CNTL/Z VER(config) $router rp ‘VER(contig-souter| sversion 2 van (contig-scveer| fretvaz# ‘VER (config-reuter| ¢netwark 203.20 2.32 ‘VER (contig-router) fend vane ASYS-S-CONFTG_T: Configured from console by console verees (ox) vereer Building configuestion. (0x1 verevr Building configuestion. (oR VERE changed state to uD changed state to 5p, kouter>enable Rouserteon? toxninel Enter configuration comands, one per Line. End with CNTL/Z, Rouver (contig) fhostnane GR (GeO(senfig] tint €ig0/0 (QnO(sonfig-2t)#ip adiicess GBO(consigéi£)$n0 sh ro(conragéan)8 SEDME-G-CAMICED: Incosface CigabirEtheraet0/9, changed state to oP SLINEPROTO-S-UPDOMN: Line protocst cn Interface GigebitEcherne:/0, changed suave to up so(consag-it)gexat (GEO(sensig|¢ine Cig0/1 GnO(con#ig-s#)8ip adress 200.20.2 31 Bad mask /27 for acdress GhO(sonsigest)¢no eh po(sonsig 2818 SLINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabisEthernet0/1, changed ssate cow SLIMEDEOTO-s-uPDOmI: Line protacsi on Interface Cigshitdchesnstt/1, changed state co op GhO(contigése) tend rot ASYS-S-COWFIG_I: Concigured trom console Ey console: ROtcopy running-config startup-contig Destinetion filenene [stertup-config]? ox Grocont cerminal Enver configuretion comands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. BO(eonsig) tine Bg0/1 GRO(contag-1t)¢n> ip address GRO(config-if)$ip address Bad mask /27 for addveee 200.20.7-31 GRO(contig-#)#ip adcress GRO(consig-f)4no oh Gho(sensagis) tend not SSYS-S-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console croter Eutiding configuration. (oH cRoter munlaing conraguraticn. (or cROtconé terminal mnver configuration comands, one per line. ind with GTL/Z. (hO(consig) trouve =p (GO (eon sigerourer| tuersion 2 (Gho(conzag-reuter| snet#orx (GRO(contigescuver| tnetwozk 200.20_2.9 Cho (eonsigesouter| tera rot SSYS-S-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console croter Building configuration. (ox

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