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Text for no 1-3

The Wolf and The Goat C. Telling the reader of actions or activity
A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. D. Telling the reader of event
The wolf smacked his lips at the thought of a fine E. Telling the reader of holyday
goat dinner.
“My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest 6. What is generic structure of recount text?
voice, “aren’t you afraid you will fall down from A. Orientation, complication, reorientation
that cliff? Come down here and graze on this fine B. Orientation, event
grass beside me on safe, level ground.” C. Re-orientation, event
“No, thank you,” said the goat. D. Orientation, event, complications
“Well then,” said the wolf, “aren’t you cold up there E. Orientation, event, reorientation
in the wind? You would be warmer grazing down
here beside me in this sheltered area.” 7. Sebutkan jenis-jenis recount text!
“No, Thank you,” said the goat. A. Personal recount
“But the grass tastes better down here!” said the B. Biography
exasperated wolf,”Why dine alone?” C. Historical recount
“My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you quite D. Experience, factual
sure that it is My dinner you are worrying about and E. Legend, and myth
not your own?”
8. Time signal of simple past tense?
1. What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat A. Yesterday, last night
grazing at the edge of a high cliff? B. Last week, ever
A. To be his friend C. This morning, one day
B. To graze on the level ground D. Since, for
C. To climb up higher E. Before, after
D. To be his dinner 9. He … not … a latter (do/write)
2. “Aren’t you cold up there in the wind A. Does, written D. would, write
The word ‘there’ refers to …. B. Do, writed E. Do, write
A. Sheltered area C. Does, write
B. A high cliff 10. He… badminton yesterday. (Play)
C. Grass
A. Played D. Plaied
D. Ground
E. Tree B. Plays E. Playes
3. What is kind of the text?
C. Playing
A. Personal latter
B. Recount text 11. … he … the river?
C. Narrative text
A. Do, Swimming D. Do, swam
D. Descriptive text
E. Procedure text B. Does, swim E. Do, swimed
C. Do, swim
4. The generic structure of the narrative text
is……. 12. My family (book) … a flight to Singapore
A. Orientation, Events, Re-Orientation
A. Has book D. Booking
B. Orientation, Complication, Resolution
Re-Orientation B. Has booked E. Books
C. General Classification, Description
C. Have booked
D. Identification, Description
E. Newsworthy Events, Background 13. My father (arrive) … England since three days
Events, Sources
5. What is the meaning of recount text? A. Arrived C. Booking
A. Telling the reader of one story
B. Have arrived D. Books
B. Telling the reader of complications
C. Has arrived C. A year ago
Text for no 14-18 18. How was Anngun according to Ayudia?
Meeting Anggun C. Sasmi A. Funny
Hai, my name is Ayudia abnd I am fan of Anggun B. Rude
C.Sasmi, yesterday, I met her for the fisrt time. It C. Friendly
happen when I came to her concert last month. After D. Not a good person
the concert, I went to talk with Anggun in the meet E. Doesn`t like her fans
and greet. There were a lot of people and question, 19. Anggun is thanking her fans because they..
but anggun was still friendly to us. She answerd all A. Give her person
qustions clearly. During meet and greet, she talked a B. Are care
lot. I think she likes to talk. C. Bring her food
In the end. Anggun thnked us for coming here and D. Took a picture her
support her. The thing that I can learn from her is E. Support her
her friendly. Besides she is also a caring person and 20. Candi Borobudhur is narrative text kind?
hard worker. She taught ushow to be kind person A. Legend D. Biography
and appreciate what people made. In her last B. Experience E. Factual
speech, she said that she will make another concert C. Myth
soon. She said that we may come for fre because 21. Ciri – ciri dari present perfect Tense…
she has alredy enrolled us the committee. A. Have, verb 1 D. Had, verb 2
14. What kind of the text? B. Has, verb 2 E. Had, since
A. Recount D. Procedure C. Have/has, verb 3
B. Narrative E. Announce
C. Descriptive 22. We …. finished eating dinner, but you ask to
15. How many times the writer meets Anggun leave this dishes. Why?
C.Sasmi? a. had not
A. Once D. Fourth b. not had
B. Twice E. Fifth c. would not
C. Third d. will not
16. The text tells the readers about the writers… e. have not
A. Concert 23. James has not … his homework yet.
B. Experience meet Anggun C. Sasmi a. finished
C. Effort to take a picture b. was finished
D. Song request c. finishing
E. Journey d. finish
17. When did de concert hold? e. finishes
A. Yesterday D. a month ago 24. We . . . . . out of gasoline.
B. Two days ago E. Last Night a. Have just run
b. has just running 28. Why did the padi plants turn into weeds?
c. has just run
A. The hermit got angry weeds the villagers
d. have just running B. The villagers grew weeds instead of padi
e. has just run
C. The hermit stopped growing the padi
25. Linda, Robert, and Marta are explorers who plants
D. The villagers took home as much padi as
studied various cultures of traditional tribes
they cloud
worldwide. They … explored the continent for E. The hermit shouted ordering the padi
plants to stop growing
about two years, learning about traditional
29. The main idea of the third paragraph is …
cultures. A. The old man got a lot rice
B. The hermit was successful fanner
A. have
C. The seeds should be sown before the rains
B. has
C. was
D. The hermit should clear the land
D. is
E. The padi stopped growing
E. are
30. What do you call the text above?
26. Eric ___ fancied basketball for almost a year
A. Recount
B. Discussion
A. have
C. Procedure
B. been
D. Spoof
C. has 
E. Narrative
D. were
31. What is the major complications of the story?
E. was
A. The old man had nothing to eat now, so he
27. … you read the new Jenny Han novel?
truned to be beggar.
A. Has
B. The old man got a lot of rice from the
B. Have
C. Was
C. The hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and
D. Is
E. Were
D. The villagers refused to give him food
Text for no 28-32
E. As soon as he had said this, the padi plants
truned into weeds
The Hermit and His Padi Seeds
32. The last paragraph is the … of the story
Many years ago, there lived Hermit in his
A. Evaluation
hut, sad and hungry. He was always depend on
B. Resolution
people to give him to survive. One day,he began to
C. Major complication
thnk about growing his own food. Just then, a
D. Complication
boatman stopped by. The boatman took pity on the
E. Orientation
hermit and give some pady seeds. Before the
33. … you see the festival last night?
boatman went away,he said “ these seed will grow
a. was
and give your lasting harvest if you work very hard.
b. were
If you are tried of the work, the padi plants will
c. do
turn into weeds.
d. did
The old hermit worked hard toplant it.
e. is
Strangely, after a short period of time, the padi was
34. Wulan . . . . snitch to Mr. Melissa, Wilson did. I
ready for haversthing. The old man got a lot of rice
saw him in Mr. Melissa's office.
from the harvests. After each harvest,the plants
a. wasn't
grew back againright away.
b. was
One day, the hermit become so tried of
c. didn't
harvesting the padi that shouted, “ oh, stop
d. did
growing, your wretched things “ as soon as he said
e. isn’t
that, the padi plants truned into weeds.
35. My little sister . . . . her teeth when I was in my
a. brushd
b. brushes
c. brush
d. brushed
e. brushs


1. Apa yang kalian ketahui tentang Recount

2. Jelaskan perbedaan Generic structure dari
“Narrative text dan Recount text”!
3. Sebutkan, jelaskan dan berikan contoh 2
jenis Narrative text !
4. Jelaskan perbedaan Simple past tense dan
simple perfect tense!
5. Tuliskan Pattrens dari Simple past tense dan
simple perfect tense !

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