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Maranatha Combined School

Grade 7 Natural Sciences Term 4 Exam

50Marks 90 Minutes
Name :________________________________________


1. Answer all questions in blue or black ink.

2. Read each question carefully before answering it.

3. Pay attention to the mark allocations.

4. Plan your time carefully.

5. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

6. Write neatly.


Read each question and circle the letter that shows the correct answer.

1.1. In the experiment using ice heat and distance, which statement is true? (1)

A. A block of ice will melt faster when placed further away from the heat

B. A block of ice will melt slower when placed further away from the heat

C. A block of ice will melt slower when placed closer to the heat source.

D.A block of ice will melt faster when placed somewhere by the heat source.

1.2. A spring tide is where the sea level rises higher than normal. Why? (1)
A.Both the sun and the moon act together.

B.There is little gravity in the north.

C.The moon is full.

D.The sun and moon’s gravities act on the sea.

1.3. Which one of these is not a requirement for photosynthesis to happen? (1)

A. Oxygen



D.Mineral salts

1.4. A new moon would be: (1)

A.Where the whole moon is completely invisible.

B.Where the whole moon is visible.

C.Where a small crescent of moon becomes visible.

D.Both A and C are correct.

1.5. In science we have learned that all matter exerts gravity on the objects
around it. Choose the factors that will affect the strength of this gravity. (1)

A.Tilt and axis

B.Mass and distance


D.Both mass and size

1.6. Earth’s axis is tilted at …. (1)





Question 2
Write one word that means the same as the sentence:
2.1. Days on which day and night are equal length.

2.2. The process of giving off energy in the form of waves or particles.

2.3. An imaginary line that divides the earth into two equal parts.
2.4. The force that attracts a body towards any other physical body having

2.5. A community of living organisms and their interaction with the

2.6Our energy for living comes from the ________(1)
2.7The Sun's _________is passed to plants and then to___________
by an energy flow.(2)
2.8.4 Near the South Pole there is a time each year it never gets
_____________because Earth is ____________with the South Pole facing
towards the Sun.(2)
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