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Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108193

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Agricultural Water Management

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Drainage water management impacts soil properties in floodplain soils in

the midwestern, USA
Harpreet Kaur a, *, Kelly A. Nelson a, Gurbir Singh a, Kristen S. Veum b, Morgan P. Davis c,
Ranjith P. Udawatta c, Gurpreet Kaur c
Division of Plant Sciences and Technology, University of Missouri Lee Greenley Jr. Memorial Research Center, Novelty, MO 63460, USA
USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA


Handling editor - Dr. B.E. Clothier Subsurface drainage is one of the most commonly used water table management practices in the Midwest U.S.
Subirrigation through the subsurface drainage system using drainage water recycling (DWR) was developed to
Keywords: meet crop production goals and address environmental concerns. The objective of this study was to examine
Agriculture drainage management differences in soil properties after seven-years of subsurface drainage treatments [no drainage (ND), drainage
Water reuse
only (DO), and drainage plus subirrigation (DWR)] in continuous corn production in Knox County, Missouri. Soil
Soil moisture
samples were collected at 0–10, 11–20, 21–40, and 41–60 cm depths periodically from 2015 to 2021 and were
Soil properties
Soil organic matter analyzed for soil pH, cations, cation exchange capacity (CEC), nitrate-N (NO3-N), phosphorus (P), organic matter
(OM), total carbon (TC), bulk density (BD), penetration resistance, and soil texture. A significant shift in soil
texture from 2015 to 2021 was observed with a 26% and 11% increase in the clay content at a 41–60 cm soil
depth in DWR and DO treatments, respectively, compared to ND. Accelerated soil OM and TC mineralization was
observed with DWR which may be due to soil acidification, increased soil moisture, and aeration compared to DO
and ND. This was further supported by increased CEC at deeper soil depths. In addition, increased reservoir water
pH and electrical conductivity in 2016 and 2017 may have amplified the water table fluctuation effects on soil
properties. The mean concentration of sodium (Na), potassium (K), bicarbonate, sulfate, nitrate, and phosphate
were in an acceptable range for use as irrigation water. In conclusion, continuous corn production under DWR
affected soil texture and enhanced soil acidification, which in turn amplified the mineralization of soil OM and

1. Introduction subsurface tile drains to provide irrigation water to the crop root zone
(Tan et al., 2007). This system utilizes DWR to mitigate drought and
Subsurface drainage systems with perforated plastic pipe is a reduce agriculture non-point source pollution (Tan et al., 1993; Drury
commonly used agriculture management practice throughout the Mid­ et al., 1996; Hay et al., 2021). The few existing studies of DWR within
western United States to meet crop production goals (Fausey et al., tile-drained agriculture fields have shown encouraging results. In Mis­
1995; Blann et al., 2009; Skaggs et al., 1994). The function of a drainage souri and Ohio, the implementation of DWR increased corn (Zea mays L.)
system in floodplain soils is to remove excess water in the soil profile and grain yield 14–50% and soybean (Glycine max L.) yield between 7% and
maintain a sufficient water level in the root zone to maximize crop 29% compared to free drained or non-drained treatments (Nelson et al.,
production. A drainage water recycling (DWR) system includes instal­ 2011; Nelson and Smoot, 2012; Allred et al., 2014; Hay et al., 2021; Kaur
lation of water level control structures in the outflow pipe to prevent et al., 2021; Singh and Nelson, 2021). Water quality benefits of DWR
excessive drainage while the reservoir component captures and stores systems have been documented with average nitrogen (N) reductions
surface and/or subsurface runoff for future use as irrigation water from 40% to 70% (Drury et al., 1996, 2009) and phosphorus (P) re­
(Frankenberger et al., 2017; Hay et al., 2021). During the crop growing ductions between 12% and 36% (Tan and Zhang, 2011; Tan et al.,
season, reservoir water and dissolved nutrients are pumped into 2007).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: H.kaur@mail.missouri.edu (H. Kaur).

Received 4 December 2022; Received in revised form 24 January 2023; Accepted 25 January 2023
Available online 7 February 2023
0378-3774/© 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
H. Kaur et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108193

Globally, 146 Mha of arable land is poorly drained and could benefit
from drainage water management to improve soil physical properties
and reduce erosion losses (Nakajima and Lal, 2014; Randall and Iraga­
varapu, 1995). In poorly drained soils, crop production is adversely
affected by a lack of aeration and increased concentration of carbon
dioxide and methane (Lal, Taylor, 1970). Therefore, drainage water
management is important to improve soil physical qualities, reduce
emissions of greenhouse gases, and improve crop growth development
and yield. The removal of excess soil water with a subsurface drainage
system has resulted in improved soil physical properties (Tan et al.,
2007). Drainage water management systems can impact soil physical
and hydrological properties such as aggregate stability, pore size dis­
tribution, and improve soil water content (SWC) (Frankenberger et al.,
2017). In addition, drainage and subirrigation of soil can increase or
decrease the amount of air-filled porosity due to the movement and
deposition of fine silt and clay particles, thus affecting microporosity in
subsurface soil (Fausey and Baker, 2003). Furthermore, water table al­
Fig. 1. Field plot layout for site for non-drained control (ND), drainage only
terations can affect soil structure (Baker et al., 2004) by shifting pore
(DO), drainage water recycling (DWR) treatments and a 7-ha water reservoir.
size distribution and changing the soil-water-air ratio (Van Hoorn,
The plot size was 305 by 37 m in replication 1 and 91 by 37 m in replication 2.
1958). Since the water table depth is closer to the soil surface, this can
result in fewer macropores in the soil (Chieng and Hughes-Games,
1995). with a Hydramaxx 3300 (Port Industries, Palmyra, MO) at an 18.3 m
Subsurface drainage is the most commonly used drainage water (DO) and 9.1 m (DWR) spacing between pipes, respectively. An addi­
management practice, but subirrigation using DWR has recently been tional tile line for the DWR treatment was installed (Gold Digger Stealth
adopted as a means to enhance crop production resiliency and improve ZD, Soil-Max, Terra Haute, IN) 0.91 m deep in the spring 2015 for a 9.1
water quality. Due to widespread concerns about the effect of agricul­ m spacing. In addition, water level control structures (Agri Drain Cor­
tural management practices on soil and water quality, drainage water poration, Adair, IA) were installed in the mains of the DWR treatment to
management effects on soil properties remains a priority research area. regulate drainage water flow during the winter and raise the water table
Few studies have been conducted to evaluate the effect of water table to subirrigate the crop during the growing season. A constant water table
management on soil physical properties (Chieng and Hughes-Games, depth at a 20–25 cm below the soil surface was maintained in the DWR
1995; Fausey et al., 1986; Lal and Fausey, 1993; Van Hoorn, 1958). treatment during the growing season using a float valve (Dare-O-Matic,
However, the effect of drainage water management on soil properties Springfield, MI) mounted parallel to the top slide in the water control
under no-till agriculture systems is scarce (Abid and Lal, 2008, 2009). A structure. The research site was under continuous corn production
limited number of field research studies with drainage and DWR systems during the study period (2015–2021), with detailed management in­
have evaluated the impact of these water management practices on soil formation reported in Kaur et al. (2021). Corn planting dates were 14
properties. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of free July 2015, 4 April 2016, 19 April 2017, 30 April 2018, 11 June 2019,
drainage (FD) and DWR systems on soil properties compared to and 17 June, 2020. Nitrogen was applied as an anhydrous ammonia
non-drained (ND) soils in continuous corn production in a floodplain soil before planting corn in spring as an additional best management prac­
of upstate Missouri. We hypothesize that including different drainage tice to minimize N loss. Phosphorus (monoammonium phosphate) and
system will lead variation in soil moisture and aeration which can affect potassium (potassium chloride) fertilizers were broadcast applied before
mineralization of soil OM, thus can change soil properties over years. planting corn in spring each year. The average N, P, and K amount
applied every year was 226 kg ha-1, 31 kg ha-1, and 94 kg ha-1, respec­
tively. Vertical tillage (Case IH 335 VT, Racine, Wisconsin) was per­
2. Materials and methods
formed before planting corn and fields were grazed with cattle (Bos
taurus) through the fall or winter months while the system was in free
2.1. Site description and experimental design
drainage mode.
This research was conducted at the University of Missouri drainage
and subirrigation site (MUDS) near Novelty in Knox County, Missouri, 2.2. Data collection and analysis
USA between 2015 and 2021. The soil series at the site was a Blackoar
silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Fluvaquentic Endoa­ The surface runoff and subsurface drainage water captured in the
quolls) which is a very deep, poorly drained floodplain soil with mod­ reservoir was sampled during the summer months (July-August) in
erate permeability. Previously, the study site was under a forage 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. Due to limited resources, no water samples
production, cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) and brown midrib forage sor­ were collected in 2015, 2020, and 2021. Two-composite, 2-L samples
ghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) rotation with beef cattle (Bos taurus Aberdeen were collected from the irrigation delivery system from the reservoir.
angus) that were rotationally grazed from 2009 to 2014 (Nash et al., Water samples were analyzed by the University of Missouri Soil and
2017, 2020). An on-site 7.1 ha water reservoir captured and stored Plant Testing Lab using standard analysis procedures (Barstow, 2018).
surface runoff and subsurface drainage from a 145-ha farm area for Collected samples were refrigerated at 4 ℃ prior to nutrient analysis.
irrigation. The major land-use around the water reservoir was agricul­ Each sample was filtered and analyzed for pH, total suspended solids
tural production with corn and soybean as main crops with typical fer­ (TSS), electrical conductivity (EC), nutrients (NO3-N, PO4-P), cations (K,
tilizer and pesticide applications. Na, SO4-S), carbonates (CO2- -
3 ), and bicarbonates (HCO3).
The experiment consisted of three treatments that included drainage Soil samples were collected at 0–10, 11–20, 21–40, and 41–60 cm
water recycling (DWR), drainage only (DO), and no drainage (ND). Each depths using a Giddings probe (Giddings Machine Company, Windsor,
treatment was replicated two times and arranged in a randomized CO) from each replication in the fall of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and
complete block design (Fig. 1). The plot size was 305 by 37 m in repli­ 2021. A total of 8–10 subsamples were collected spatially from above
cation 1 and 91 by 37 m in replication 2. The DO and DWR treatments each tile line and 9.1 m increments from the tile line for each depth in
had a perforated plastic tubing (10.2 cm diameter) installed 0.91 m deep the plot and combined as one sample representative of each depth. A

H. Kaur et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108193

total of 24 samples were collected each year in the fall of 2015, 2016, 2.3. Statistical analysis
2017, 2018, and 2021. The collected soil samples were air dried and
analyzed using standard soil testing procedures by the University of The average, standard deviation, standard error, median, and range
Missouri Soil and Plant Testing Laboratory (Nathan et al., 2012). Soil pH were determined for irrigation water quality data using the univariate
was determined in a 0.01 M CaCl2 solution (Coleman and Thomas, procedure in SAS (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, N.C.). The values for these
1967) and cations (Ca, Mg, Na, and K) were determined by using an parameters are presented in Table 1. The values of different water
ammonium acetate extractant (Chapman, 1965). The loss on ignition quality parameters over years are reported in Fig. 2.
method was used to determine organic matter (OM) in soil at a minimum The cumulative soil volumetric water content were analyzed sepa­
heating temperature of 360 ℃ (Ball, 1964). The proportions of sand, silt, rately for each season using the GLIMMIX model in SAS with treatment
and clay in soil were quantified using the hydrometer method as a fixed effect and replication as a random effect. The average cumu­
(Bouyoucos, 1962). lative soil volumetric content by season along with P-values are reported
Soil penetration resistance was measured in each treatment using soil in Table 2.
compaction meter (FieldScout, SC900, Aurora, IL) at 0–5, 6–10, 11–15, Differences in soil properties in response to the effects of drainage
16–20, 21–25, 26–30, 31–35, 36–40, 41–45, and 45 cm soil depths in water management and soil sampling depth were analyzed using the
2016 (24 May 2016) and 2017 (29 May 2017). Soil penetrometer GLIMMIX model in SAS. Treatment, year, and soil sampling depth were
readings were recorded following a precipitation event when soil was considered as fixed effects and replication was a random effect. Treat­
near the field capacity. Soil bulk density measurements were recorded in ment means and interactions were separated using T-grouping of the
2019 by taking 8–10 sampling cores using a Giddings probe at 0–10 cm, least square means at P = 0.05. Due to a lower number of replications,
11–20 cm, 21–40 cm, and 41–60 cm soil depths which were used to soil health data were analyzed at α = 0.1. The P-values for dependent
convert soil test nutrient concentrations to kg ha-1. variables are presented in Tables 3 and 4. Soil volumetric water content
Soil health samples were collected in 2017 and 2021 at 0–10 cm was analyzed separately for season and depth for each year.
depth and were analyzed by the University of Missouri’s (MU) Soil
Health Assessment Center to determine soil health indicators as outlined 3. Results and discussion
in the Missouri Department of Natural Resources/Soil Water Conserva­
tion District cover crop cost-share program (USDA NRCS, 2016). Soil 3.1. Reservoir water quality (2016–2019)
health indicators included active carbon (C) (Weil et al., 2003), total
organic C (TOC, dry combustion method), potentially mineralizable N The water quality parameters in the DWR reservoir varied over years
(PMN) (Anderson et al., 2010), particle size analysis (Burt, 2004), water (Fig. 2). The pH average across years was 7.5 with a range of 6.8 – 7.8
stable aggregates (WSA) (Burt, 2004), pH (0.01 M calcium chloride (Table 1). The pH was lowest in 2016 (pH = 6.8) and highest in 2019
[CaCl2] salt), effective cation exchange capacity (CEC) plus exchange­ (pH = 7.8), representing a continuous increasing trend over the years
able bases (Hendershot et al., 2007), plant-available P (Bray and Kurtz, samples were collected. The University of Missouri Extension recom­
1945), and bulk density (Grossman and Reinsch, 2002). mended a pH range for irrigation water from 6.5 to 8.4. Salinity of water
Soil moisture sensors (Decagon Devices, Inc., Pullman WA) were is measured as electrical conductivity (EC) (Bauder et al., 2011). In the
installed at 10, 20, 40, and 60 cm depths to record daily soil volumetric literature, water salinity has been reported as decisiemens per meter (dS
water content (%) in 2017, 2018, and 2019. In 2016, data were collected m-1) or as total dissolved solids in milligrams per liter (TDS mg l-1).
in June – September and December. Data were divided into three sea­ Electrical conductivity of irrigation water was between 0.15 and 0.22 dS
sons based on drainage water management. Season 1 included the m-1and TDS was in the range of 99 – 149 mg l-1. Electrical conductivity
period from December 1 – March 31, when DWR was in controlled of water below 0.25 dS m-1 is considered good for irrigation purposes.
drainage mode. During season 2, DWR was in free drainage mode from The mean concentration of soluble ions over the study years were Cl at
April 1 – May 31. In season 3 (June 1 – October 31), DWR was in sub­ 9 mg l-1, NO3-N at 1.1 mg l-1, SO4-S at 6.6 mg l-1, PO4-P at 0.15 mg l-1, K
irrigation and free drainage mode depending on precipitation. Moni­ at 7.5 mg l-1, and Na at 0.6 mg l-1. Overall, there was a decreasing trend
toring was carried out throughout the year with the soil moisture sensors in ion concentrations except in 2017 and 2018 (Fig. 2). The increase in
that were installed between surface tile lines in the FD and DWR treat­ ion concentrations in the reservoir may have occurred due to the high
ments and randomly in the ND treatment of both replications. Differ­ volume of water used for irrigation for this research and other on-site
ences in soil volumetric water content between treatments were research. Specifically, Kaur et al. (2021) reported that the amount of
demonstrated by calculating the cumulative soil volumetric content. For irrigation water applied during the growing season in 2016, 2017, 2018,
each season, cumulative soil volumetric content was calculated for each and 2019 was 45, 77, 137, and 30 mm, respectively. Similarly, HCO-3 in
replication in every treatment. Average soil volumetric water content water followed the same pattern with an average concentration of
from December to October in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 is presented 74.5 mg l-1 and the highest concentration of 92 mg l-1 in 2017. In Mis­
in Fig. 1. This data helped determine differences in soil moisture content souri, HCO-3 < 90 mg l-1 in water is considered safe for irrigation water
in different seasons under different treatments and how it interacted use with a slight to moderate risk at HCO-3 90 – 520 mg l-1 (Schultheis,
with soil properties between years. 2017).

Table 1
The combined mean and range statistics values of reservoir water quality parameters collected from 2016 to 2019.
Statistic pH EC TSS Cl- HCO-3 NO3-N SO4-S PO4-P K Na
dS m ———————————————————————————————————————————————mg l-
Average 7.54 0.20 126.00 8.99 74.50 1.14 6.65 0.15 7.49 0.58
Std dev. 0.33 0.03 17.75 4.18 12.62 0.69 5.08 0.08 2.74 0.69
Std error 0.12 0.01 6.28 1.48 4.46 0.24 1.80 0.03 0.97 0.24
Median 7.60 0.21 134.00 7.32 68.00 1.47 4.76 0.15 7.60 0.27
Range 6.79–7.85 0.16–0.22 99–143 4.8–15.8 63–94 0.03–1.67 1.48–14.9 0.05–0.27 3.86–11 0.09–1.74

Note, EC, electrical conductivity; TSS, total soluble solids; Cl-, chlorine; HCO-3, bicarbonate; NO3-N, nitrate-N; SO4-S, sulfate; PO4-P, orthophosphate; K, potassium; and
Na, sodium.

H. Kaur et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108193

Fig. 2. The average (n = 2) reservoir irrigation water quality parameters including (a) pH; (b) electrical conductivity (EC) and bars represent cumulative annual
precipitation; (c) bicarbonates (HCO-3), potassium (K), sodium (Na), and sulfate (SO4-S) concentrations; and (d) nitrate-N (NO3-N) and orthophosphate (PO4-P)
concentrations in 2016–2019. Vertical bars in (a) represents annual precipitation for 2016–2019.

3.2. Soil volumetric water content (2016 – 2019) population over the six-year (2015–2020) study period. Thus, the dif­
ferences in soil volumetric water content might have resulted from
The total precipitation amounts during 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 increased infiltration in tile drained plots. Whereas ND plots
were 787, 878, 851, and 1297 mm, respectively (Fig. 3). The 2019 water (P = 0.0025) had increased soil volumetric water content at the 40 cm
year was wetter compared to the others. The daily average soil volu­ depth than DWR and DO treatments in season 3 of 2019 (Table 2). In
metric water content from different treatments at the 10, 20, 40, and 2019, precipitation was higher than the other years, thus subsurface
60 cm soil depths is presented in Fig. 3. The average cumulative soil drainage had greater water removal from the soil resulting in lower
volumetric water content and P-values for each season and different soil cumulative soil volumetric water content (Fig. 3). Moreover in this
depths are reported in Table 2. No significant difference in soil volu­ study, sensors were installed in between subsurface tile lines in DO and
metric water content among treatments at different depths was observed DWR treatments and randomly in ND soils could have influenced the
in 2018 (data not presented). Significant differences among treatments variability in soil volumetric content at different depths. Therefore,
were observed at the 20 cm depth in 2016 and 2017, and at the 40 cm careful consideration is required while selecting the sensor location
depth in 2019 (Table 2). During the crop growing season (season 3) in particularly in drainage treatments.
2016, cumulative soil volumetric water content was significantly higher
(P = 0.0078) at the 20 cm soil depth in ND plots compared to DWR and
DO treatments. This was expected because of increased water infiltra­ 3.3. Soil health analysis (2017 and 2021)
tion rates in DWR and DO treatments resulting in rapid drying of soil. In
2017, cumulative soil volumetric water content was significantly higher Soil health analysis was evaluated in spring 2017 and 2021 which
at 20 cm depth (P = 0.0227) with DWR and DO compared to ND. Kaur showed the variation in soil health properties over years (Table 3). Soils
et al. (2021) reported no difference among treatments in the plant managed with drainage practices resulted in significantly lower soil pH
in the topsoil layer (0–10 cm). The pHCaCl2 was ranked ND = 6.1 > DWR

H. Kaur et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108193

Table 2

phosphorus (Bray I P), potential mineralizable nitrogen (PMN), organic carbon (OC), active carbon (AC), water stable aggregates (WSA), sand, silt, and clay. These parameters were analyzed for treatment, year, and their
Analysis of P-values for soil health indicators in 2017 and 2021. Soil parameters in the analysis were bulk density (BD), soil pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), Bray I
Cumulative soil volumetric water content of drainage water recycling (DWR),
drainage only (DO), and non-drained (ND) treatments analyzed separately for
each season in 2016, 2017, and 2019. Within a column means followed by same

letters are not significantly different at α = 0.1.

Season 1† Season 2 Season 3

Treatment 20 cm 20 cm 20 cm 40 cm

—————————————m3 m-3—————————————


DWR - - 2545 b 2420
DO - - 2581 b 2398

ND - - 2817 a 2716


p-value - - 0.0078 0.7422
DWR 3851 a 2178 a 4709 4658
DO 3842 a 2121 a 4595 3924

ND 3146 b 1895 b 4085 4910
p-value 0.008 0.0227 0.0784 0.1183
DWR 3918 2079 4506 b 4846

Active C
DO 4191 2118 4541 a 4644

ND 4395 2244 5016c 5270
p-value 0.5918 0.6004 0.3316 0.0025

-, data not collected

†, Season 1, December 1 – March 31; Season 2, April 1 – May 31; Season 3, June 1

– September 31

= 5.7 > DO = 5.3 while the pHH2O was ND = 6.5 > DWR = 6 > DO
= 5.7. The pH values were 0.5 – 0.8 units lower in drainage treatments
compared to the non-drained control. This could be attributed to

Bray 1 P

reduced Ca in DO (2556 kg ha-1) treatment compared to DWR
(2871 kg ha-1) or ND (3785 kg ha-1). Increased Ca adsorption or losses
caused a shift in soil pH values (Ng et al., 2022). Also, continuous N
fertilizer application over years could have enhanced soil acidification.

This change in soil pH can also be attributed to a change in soil texture

among drainage treatments that resulted in reduced clay content in
DWR (213 g kg-1) and DO (217 g kg-1) treatments compared to the ND

(263 g kg-1). Soil clay content could affect the buffering capacity of soil Mg
and reduced proportion of clay in drained soils affected the soil pH
through relatively less buffering capacity. There was no effect of
drainage treatment on soil BD, Mg, K, Bray I P, PMN, OC, active C, water 0.0434
stable aggregates, sand, and silt content in the surface samples collected

for soil health assessment (Table 3) (data not presented).

Over the years, BD and silt content have increased and sand has


reduced in the topsoil layer (Table 5). Soil PMN and Bray I P content

increased by 4 and 3 times, respectively, in 2021 compared to 2017. This

could be due to a buildup in fertility due to continuous N and P fertilizer
pH H2O

application in the topsoil layer. Similarly, CEC and cations (Ca, Mg, and

K) increased significantly in 2021 compared to 2017. Organic C and

active C increased by 27% and 24% respectively, in 2021 compared to
2017. Increased BD values over years indicates farm tillage machinery
pH CaCl2

and grazing cattle during the autumn and winter months which induced

soil compaction in the top layer of soil. In other research, grazing cover
crops during this period with cattle has increased penetrometer resis­
tance in the top 20 cm of soil (Dhakal et al., 2022).
Bulk density


3.4. Soil fertility analysis by depth (2015–2018, 2021)

The particle size analysis showed a soil textural discontinuity at


different soil depths and years (Table 4). Averaged over years, there was

a significant depth effect on silt (P = 0.0002) and clay (P < .0001)

content, with an increase in clay content in deeper soil layers and higher
Source of Variation

Year* Treatment

silt content in the top soil. During the duration of the study, there was a
decline in the proportion of sand and clay, while there was an increase in


silt content over years (Table 6). A significant treatment x depth inter­
Table 3

action (P = 0.0027) was observed in soil clay content with a 16%


reduction at the 0–10 cm depth in the drainage treatments compared to

H. Kaur et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108193

ND (Table 7). At the 41–60 cm soil depth, clay content increased 26%

phosphorus (Bray I P), nitrate-N (NO3-N), ammonia-N (NH4-N), organic matter (OM), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), sand, silt, and clay. These parameters were analyzed for treatment, depth, year, and
P-values for soil fertility analysis from 2015 to 2018 and 2021. Soil parameters in the analysis were soil pH, neutralizable acidity (NA), cation exchange capacity (CEC), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), Bray I
and 11% in the DWR and DO treatments, respectively, compared to ND
soils. Prolonged saturated soils in winter and early spring with DWR can

< .0001

< .0001
lead to dispersion of soil aggregates and this research indicates a


movement of clay particles to deeper soil depths. In addition, increased

EC in irrigation water may have amplified the shift in soil texture due to

a change in the number of cations and anions in the soil (Fig. 2). Chieng

< .0001
and Hughes-Games (1995) reported a decrease in drainable porosity
Silt with an increase in subirrigation due to the movement and deposition of
fine silt and clay particles. A significant drainage treatment x year

< .0001
interaction showed an increase in sand (P = 0.0047) and silt



(P = 0.0125) content in the DO treatment compared to DWR and ND.

This could be due to reduced loading of fine soil particles such as clay
with DWR in subsurface drainage water compared to DO (Nash et al.,
< .0001
< .0001

2020). While texture changes could be due to soil disturbance during

drain tile installation, we feel this disturbance was isolated to a small

area in the field above the tile lines and all of the pipes were installed
with a plow in 2009 or 2015 a soil disturbance was minimal.
< .0001
< .0001


Drainage treatments significantly impacted (P < 0.05) soil pH, neu­


tralizable acidity (NA), Ca, Mg, K, NO3-N, OM, TOC, TN (Tables 4, 5, and
6). Soil pH was reduced by 0.5–0.6 units in DWR (pH = 5.2) and DO (pH
< .0001

= 5.1) treatments compared to ND (pH = 5.7) (Table 6). A significant





year x treatment interaction showed a more prominent variation in soil


pH with DWR over years compared to DO or ND (Table 8). Water table

movement and quality of recycled irrigation water can influence soil



chemical properties by changing the soil redox potential at different

times of the year (Vadas and Sims, 1998). During wet conditions, soils
may become reduced resulting in increased soil pH because of reductive
< .0001
< .0001
< .0001

< .0001

reactions (Loeb et al., 2008). After water is removed during drainage




mode, soils can reoxidize and soil pH can be reduced. This can be
explained with a reduction in cations (Ca, Mg, and K) in DWR compared
to DO and ND. In DWR, soil test Ca was reduced by 33% and 44%
Bray 1 P

< .0001


compared to DO and ND, respectively (Table 6). Similarly, soil test K was
lowered with DWR by 24% and 31% compared to DO and ND, respec­
tively. Soil test Mg was significantly reduced by 19% and 13% in DWR
and DO treatments respectively, compared to ND. This could be due to
< .0001
< .0001


52% and 53% higher overall K and Mg grain removal with DWR

compared to the ND in this study (Kaur et al., 2021). In addition,

elevated levels of bicarbonates in irrigation water in the DWR treatment
< .0001

may combine with Ca or Mg and precipitate out of the soil solution as Ca



or Mg carbonates (Zaman et al., 2018). The CEC, soil test Ca, and K

decreased while soil test Mg increased significantly with soil depth

(Table 6). Significant variation in CEC, Ca, Mg, and K was observed over
< .0001
< .0001



years. A significant depth x treatment (P < 0.05) interaction showed


variation in CEC and K at the water table depth 41–60 cm (Table 7). A

lower CEC and soil test K was observed with DWR at the 41–60 cm depth
compared to DO and ND. This suggests that water table fluctuations and

subirrigation water quality along with increased plant uptake probably

resulted in reduced content of cations in the subsoil (Fig. 3). Thus,
changes in soil oxidation and reduction affected by water table variation
< .0001
< .0001
< .0001


and quality of recycled subirrigation water can change soil chemical


composition over time (Marwanto et al., 2008).

Soil TN and NO3-N content decreased in soils with the DWR treat­
< .0001
< .0001

ment over the study period compared to DO and ND soils (Table 6). This


can be attributed to the increased soil aeration with the regular man­

agement of the water table during the growing season which resulted in
increased nutrient uptake, grain yield, and N removal. During this study


period, reduced soil TN in this study could be attributed to 36% higher

TN grain removal with DWR compared to ND due to improved water
their interaction factors.

Year* Treatment *Depth

utilization and reduced waterlogging stress (Kaur et al., 2021). There

was no significant interaction (P > 0.05) between drainage treatment,
Source of Variation

Treatment *Depth
Year* Treatment

depth, and year for soil TN content. However, a significant treatment x

depth (P = 0.0389) interaction was observed in soil NO3-N values

(Table 7). Soil NO3-N content was 46–56% higher at a 21–40 cm and
Table 4


41–60 cm soil depth in DO than DWR and ND. This could be due to

greater leaching with the DO system, and saturated soils at deeper

H. Kaur et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108193

Fig. 3. Daily average soil volumetric water content (%) (lines) at 10 cm, 20 cm, 40 cm, and 60 cm soil depth and daily precipitation (bars) from December 1 to
October 31. Seasons 1–3 (dashed line) were separated based on free drainage and subirrigation periods. Soil volumetric water content is reported at different soil
depths in (a) 2016, (b) 2017, (c) 2018, and (d) 2019. In 2016, controlled drainage period was 1 Dec 2015 – 11 April, free drainage period was 11 April – 23 June, and
subirrigation was applied 23 June– 23 August. In 2017, seasons 1 and 2 were in controlled drainage mode, and subirrigation was applied from June 14 to September
15. In 2018, controlled drainage period was 4 Dec 2017–22 March, free drainage was 22 March - 31 May and subirrigation was applied from 31 May – 16 August. In
2019, seasons 1 and 2 were in controlled drainage mode and subirrigation was applied during June 24 to August 30.

Table 5
Mean values of soil health parameters bulk density (BD), cation exchange capacity (CEC), potential mineralizable nitrogen (PMN), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg),
potassium (K), Bray I phosphorus (Bray I P), organic carbon (OC), active C, sand, and silt in 2017 and 2021. Letters indicate a significant difference among years at
alpha = 0.1.
Year BD CEC PMN Bray 1 P Ca Mg K OC Active C Silt Sand

g cm-3 cmol kg-1 —————————————————————————kg ha- —————————————————g kg-1

———————————————————— ——————————————————
2017 0.92 b 18 b 40 b 31 b 2676 b 251 b 141 b 19 b 5042 b 621 b 150 a
2021 1.2 a 20 a 165 a 102 a 3465 a 373 a 393 a 26 a 6637 a 727 a 40 b
p-value 0.0021 0.0012 0.0006 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 0.0002 0.005 0.0018 0.0038

H. Kaur et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108193

Table 7
Soil properties from drainage water recycling (DWR), drainage only (DO), and non-drained (ND) treatments collected in fall 2015–2018 and 2021 at four soil depths (0–10 cm, 11–20 cm, 21–30 cm, 41–60 cm). Within a

†, pH, pH measure with 0.01 M CaCl2; CEC, cation exchange capacity; NA, neutralizable acidity; Ca, calcium; Mg, magnesium; K, potassium; P, phosphorus; OM, organic matter; TC, total carbon; TN, total nitrogen.
The LS mean values of cation exchange capacity (CEC), magnesium (Mg), po­
tassium (K), nitrate-N (NO3-N), and clay content for a two-way interaction in

treatment and soil sampling depth. Within a column means followed by same

< .0001

< .0001

254 ab
letters are not significantly different at α = 0.05.

229 b
228 b

238 b
264 a

265 a


Treatment† Depth CEC Mg K NO3-N Clay

cm cmol kg-1 ———————————kg ha- g kg-1

< .0001

650 ab
646 b

634 b

646 b
649 b

672 a

707 a




—————————————————————g kg

DWR 0–10 15 abc 411 f 268 b 11 bcd 187 d

11–20 14 cde 432 ef 239 bce 6d 221c
21–40 13 e 427 ef 132 e 13 b 224c

< .0001


146 ab
124 b

159 a
41–60 17 a 684 a 176 de 12 bce 296 a




DO 0–10 16 ab 456 def 381 a 12 bce 188 d
11–20 15 bcde 518 cde 239 bce 12 bce 222c
21–40 13 de 449 ef 167 de 24 a 233c
< .0001

< .0001

2.2 ab

41–60 14 bcde 608 abc 188 cd 24 a 260 b

1.8 b

2.1 b
2.1 a
2.2 a

2.3 a



ND 0–10 16 ab 593 abc 411 a 14 b 223c


11–20 15 abcd 574 bce 267 b 7 cd 245 bce

21–40 14 cde 550 bcd 188 cd 13 bce 228c
< .0001

< .0001

16.3 b

16.5 b
20.2 a
18 ab
41–60 13 e 618 ab 188 cd 12 bce 235 bce
15 b

18 b
18 a
20 a

23 a


p-value 0.0075 0.0143 0.0277 0.0205 0.0027


† DWR, drainage water recycling; DO, drainage only; ND, non-drained

< .0001

23 ab
13 d
22 b

23 b

23 b

23 b
22 b
24 a
24 a

42 a

26 a


Table 8
Mean soil pH, nitrate-N (NO3-N), sand, silt content and penetration resistance
combined over depths from different treatments collected in 2016, 2017, 2018,



2019, and 2021. Letters indicate a significant difference among treatments


11 a
12 a

12 a
9 ab

8 ab



within a column at α = 0.05.


Treatment† Year pH NO3-N Sand Silt Penetration

< .0001

< .0001

< .0001

-1 -
kg ha —————g kg kPa
11 b

11 b

12 b

14 b

15 b
18 a

17 a
16 a

19 a



DWR 2015 5.6 BCE 6e 100 fg 663 cd

———————————————————kg ha
Bray 1 P

< .0001

2016 5 efg 10 cde 122 defg 631 de 1248 ab


113 a

2017 5.3 cdef 9 de 91 fg 644 d 1338 ab

43 b
42 b
37 b

42 b
64 a
62 a
61 a
64 a

2018 5.2 defg 17 b 172 ab 627 de

2021 4.9 fg 12 bcd 91 fg 700 abc
< .0001

< .0001

DO 2015 5.4 11 109 efg 644 d

236 ab
231 ab
184 b

222 b

210 b

214 b
244 a
266 a

353 a

259 a

bcde bcde

2016 5.5 bcd 24 a 188 a 569 f 1358 a


2017 4.9 efg 13 bcd 94 fg 650 d 1041c

< .0001

2018 5 efg 26 a 158 abcd 654 d

497 bce

556 ab
541 ab
488 b
508 b

486 b
508 b
475 b
584 a

637 a

582 a

2021 4.8 g 17 b 89 g 715 a


ND 2015 5.6 abc 9 de 163 abc 596 ef

2016 5.5 bcd 8 de 128 cdef 600 ef 1145 bce
3738 bce

3756 bce

3792 bce

2017 5.7 ab 9 de 84 g 644 d 1020c

< .0001

< .0001
2476 b
3702 b

4019 b

3977 b

4490 a

4503 a

4603 a
column means followed by same letters are not significantly different at α = 0.05.



2018 5.6 BCE 14 bcd 147bcde 666 bcd

2021 6a 16 bce 97 fg 706 ab

p-value 0.0007 0.037 0.0047 0.0125 0.0158

cmol kg-1

† DWR, drainage water recycling; DO, drainage only; ND, non-drained



15 ab
14 b

14 b
14 b
14 b

14 b

16 a

16 a


depths lower denitrification rates with ND and DWR. This makes con­
ditions less suitable for bacteriological processes such as nitrification
< .0001

< .0001


and nitrogen fixation deeper in the soil profile (Van Hoorn, 1958).






Organic matter is a primary source of soil N. A significant


(P = 0.0137) drainage treatment effect was observed on soil OM content

< .0001

< .0001


which changed significantly with soil depth (P < 0.001) (Table 6).
5.2 b
5.1 b

5.4 b
5.7 a

5.6 a
5.6 a



Regular water table management in the DWR treatment during the


growing season improved aeration and increased soil water content in


the DWR treatment which may have resulted in accelerated organic


matter decomposition. Thus, OM content was reduced by 2 g kg-1 with

DWR compared to ND and DO. In addition, increased crop production in
Sampling Depth

DWR provided more substrate for microbial activity which could result
in increased mineralization of passive OM content. Over years
(2015–2021), OM was reduced by 20% in 2021 compared to 2015. This

-, Data not collected


could represent the effect of tillage on OM over time since the field had

been in annual forage production in the prior 6 years. This might have
resulted from a shift in soil texture with reduced clay content at 0–10 cm

soil depth in DWR and DO treatments. Clay has been found to affect the
Table 6


stability of soil OM. In previous studies, enhanced soil OM was observed


H. Kaur et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108193

in soils with higher clay content (Lal, 2009). Similarly, in a soil column Table 9
study, Rezanezhad et al. (2014) reported a significant change in bio­ Penetration resistance least square mean values for depth effect and depth x year
logical and geochemical functioning of soil with water table fluctua­ interaction in 2016 and 2017 at alpha = 0.05. Within column means followed by
tions. They observed that water table fluctuations caused transient redox same letter are not significantly different.
conditions which resulted in higher microbial oxidation of soil OM. In Sampling Penetration resistance Depth x year
addition, changes in soil temperature and moisture regimes lead to Depth
Penetration resistance
depletion of the OM pool due to accelerated mineralization (Lal, 2009),
cm 2016 2017
which could explain the observation in this study. Seasonal variations in —————————————kPa———————————————
soil moisture and temperature over years could have contributed to 0–5 455 e 600 hg 310 h
variation in OM content among different treatments which has been 6–10 855 d 1020 fe 696 fg
observed in other research nearby (Belknap et al., 2022). 11–15 1193c 1406 abcd 979 fe
16–20 1289 bce 1496 abc 1089 de
Soil total organic carbon was reduced 19% in DWR compared to DO
21–25 1193c 191 bcde 1075de
and ND treatments (Table 6). Water holding capacity was higher in non- 26–30 1145c 1317 cde 1116 de
drained soils with fine pores than in soils with macro pores (Nimmo, 31–35 1241c 1248 bcde 1241 bcde
2004). In contrast, the transport of water containing nutrients and 36–40 1358 bce 1303 bcde 1413 abcd
aeration is poorer in non-drained soils. The activity of soil microor­ 41–45 1531 ab 1372 abcd 1696 a
45 1641 a 1572 ab 1710 a
ganisms is highly dependent on soil moisture, nutrients, temperature, p-value < .0001 0.0425
and soil aeration (Van Gestel et al., 1993). Increased transport of soil
water in DWR after rainfall with narrower (9.1 m) subsurface drainage
spacing compared to DO (18.3 m) which could have improved overall 2012). Therefore, increased clay content, lower soil moisture, and
soil aeration (Fig. 3). In contrast, ND and DO may have remained reduced soil OM helps explain the increase in soil penetration resistance
saturated for longer periods of time. As a consequence, enhanced soil in the DWR treatment. Thus, increased penetration resistance and
aeration and increased water and nutrient availability with the DWR change in texture with drainage and subirrigation (DWR) treatment
treatment may induce the biodegradation of soil OC resulting in leach­ further support the change in soil penetration resistance with DWR
ing or gaseous losses of soil C (Jeanneau et al., 2019). Among the various compared to DO and ND treatments. These results were in agreement
ways in which soil OM is lost, soil moisture affects leaching and trans­ with other research studies showing a change in mean weight diameter
portation of dissolved organic and inorganic C and CO2 fluxes. The DWR and a shift in pore size distribution with drainage and subirrigation
treatment was in controlled drainage mode during the non-growing (Baker, 2002; Van Hoorn, 1958; Baker et al., 2004).
season which increased soil water availability in the soil profile
(Fig. 3). High soil volumetric water content with DWR might have 4. Conclusion
stimulated soil C cycling during warm periods. Soil organic carbon is
correlated with several soil processes such as denitrification, respiration, The investigation of soil properties along with volumetric soil water
and phosphorus sorption (Ahn and Jones, 2013). Also, water-saturated content was used to highlight the key role of water table dynamics be­
soils increase the availability of dissolved OC in soil macropores due tween different drainage treatments. In a continuous corn production
to the release of OM adsorbed to iron oxide (Knorr, 2013; Loeb et al., system six years after drainage installation, soil properties changed
2008; Lambert et al., 2013). In Iowa, continuous corn production along significantly with DWR compared to DO and ND. Drainage and subir­
with N application has been found to increase the OM decay rate with its rigation of soils caused a shift in soil texture with an increase in clay
shortened turnover time which resulted in no change in soil OC with content and reduced silt content. In addition, improved soil moisture
different N fertilizer rates (Russell et al., 2009). In this study, increased and aeration with DWR triggered OM decomposition resulting in OM
corn yield and residue production (Kaur et al., 2021) with DWR did not and OC losses. Therefore, this further increased cation concentrations
increase soil OM, but it did increase soil acidification and improve soil and CEC in DWR at deeper soil depths. Continuous water table fluctu­
moisture conditions which increased soil OM and OC mineralization ations with DWR affected soil structure through a disruption of aggre­
(Kaur et al., 2021). gates which caused increased penetration resistance compared to DO
There was no treatment (P = 0.0987) effect on soil bulk density and ND treatments. In addition, surface water runoff and subsurface
among drainage management systems (1.02 g cm-3- 1.1 g cm-3). A sig­ water was recycled for irrigation in DWR which might have aggravated
nificant depth (P = 0.0001) effect showed increase in BD with soil depth these effects due to increased content of bicarbonates in the water
at 0–10 cm (0.92 g cm-3), 11–20 cm (1.1 g cm-3), 21–40 cm (1.1 g cm- detected in 2017 and 2018. Similarly, a long-term study in northeast
), and 41–60 cm (1.2 g cm-3). There was no significant treatment x Missouri showed a change in soil texture with higher clay and reduced
depth interaction (P = 0.3583). Soil penetration resistance increased silt after 17 years of DWR (recycled surface and subsurface runoff)
significantly (P = 0.0130) with DWR (1292 kPa) treatment compared to compared to DO and ND (Kaur et al., 2023). However, authors reported
DO (1197 kPa) and ND (1084 kPa) treatments. In 2016 and 2017, sig­ increased salt and dissolved nutrients in the water reservoir during the
nificant depth (P < .0001) effect was observed with an increase in initial years of the study. In addition, the implementation of other irri­
penetration resistance with soil depth (Table 9). Penetration values gation methods such as drip or sprinkler systems might have an inter­
ranged from 455 to 1641 kPa. A significant treatment x year active effect on soil properties. These results have implications for
(P = 0.0158) and depth x year (P = 0.0425) interaction showed varia­ producers balancing corn production goals with environmental
tion in treatments over years which was probably due to soil moisture outcome. Thus, more long-term studies are needed to quantify if these
fluctuations (Tables 8, 9). In 2017, penetration resistance was reduced changes are associated with drainage subirrigation practice or interac­
by 46 kPa in the DO treatment compared to 2016 (Table 8). Higher tion with water quality used for irrigation.
precipitation in 2017 might have improved soil moisture resulting in
reduced penetration resistance (Fig. 3). In addition, treatment x depth Declaration of Competing Interest
(P = 0.2369) and treatment x depth x year (P = 0.9737) interactions
were not significant. Penetration resistance is strongly influenced by soil The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
texture, moisture content, bulk density, and soil OM. Thus, penetration interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
resistance increases with an increase in BD and clay content and de­ the work reported in this paper.
creases with increased OM and moisture content (Canarache, 1990;
Quraishi and Mouazen, 2010; Unger and Jones, 1998; Kuang et al.,

H. Kaur et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108193

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