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G10 U.S. History

Project Proposal (50 points)

Deadline: May 19th
Group Name: EK #1 Group Members: Lancelot Li, Sam Shi, Allan Huang, Jessica Wang,
Ben Liu

Complete this worksheet to prepare for your proposal and be prepared to begin your

1.  Research Topic: __Nichola Tesla--Historical Significance in U.S. History__. (1 point)

Explain how your group choose the research topic: (2 points)

The topic was chosen through two steps. First, we developed several relevant topics that
could be applied in our project in a mind map. Then, we voted for the final topic.

Explain why your group choose the research topic: (1 points)

We chose the research topic for two specific reasons. First of all, our group were designated
to mainly focus on the topic of Nichola Tesla for this poster. Addition to that, we hold a
firm belief that scientists have a huge impact on the development of our modern society. So
we hope to figure it out throughout this research.

2. Background Research: Conduct preliminary research on your broad areas of interest

to gain a better understanding of the existing scholarship and available sources. (6 points)

Digital tools: ChatGPT;; JSTOR

How did these three or other more digital tools help you do background research?

Our preliminary research is done to find the background information about Nichola Tesla.
He was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist
best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC)
electricity supply. He was born on 10 July 1856 in Smiljan, Austrian Empire (modern-day
Croatia) and died on 7 January 1943 in New York City, U.S. He immigrated to the United
States in 1884 and sold the patent rights to his system of alternating-current dynamos,
transformers, and motors to George Westinghouse. In 1891 he invented the Tesla coil, an
induction coil widely used in radio technology.

We searched related information through Bing and used ChatGPT to further know about
specific information of Nikola Tesla.

3. Specify your Research Topic through Filling in the Form below. (10 points)
G10 U.S. History

Time Period 1856-1943

Geographical Region United States
Historical Event/Development/Process Modern alternating current (AC) electricity
Key Concepts/Terms Technology

Here are themes in U.S. History:

1) American Identity: This theme explores the development and evolution of American identity,
including factors such as race, gender, religion, and citizenship.
2) Politics and Power: This theme focuses on political institutions, processes, and movements
throughout U.S. history.
3) Migration and Settlement: This theme examines the patterns, causes, and consequences of
migration and settlement in the United States.
4) Economic Systems: This theme explores the development of economic systems in the United
States, including topics such as agriculture, industry, labor movements, capitalism, and economic
5) Social Movements and Reform: This theme looks at various social movements and reform
efforts in U.S. history.
6) War and Diplomacy
7) Cultural and Intellectual Developments: This theme explores the cultural and intellectual
trends and developments that have shaped American society. It includes topics such as literature,
art, music, philosophy, religious movements, and scientific advancements.
8) Environment and Technology: This theme examines the relationship between the
environment, geography, and human activities throughout U.S. history.

4. Formulate Research Question: __ How did Nikola Tesla's advocacy for renewable
energy and environmental protection influence the public awareness and policy making on
these issues? ___

1) Your research question needs to be clear/concise and specific/articulate. (4 points)

2) Explain the historical significance and relevance of your research question: (6 points)

This research question is significant because it explores the role of Nikola Tesla as an early
pioneer and promoter of renewable energy and environmental protection, which are very
important topics in the current global context of climate change and energy crisis. It also
examines how Nikola Tesla's vision and voice influenced the public opinion and political
decisions on these issues, both in his own time and in the subsequent generations.

This research question is relevant because it connects Nikola Tesla's historical

contributions and legacy to the contemporary challenges and opportunities that we face
today regarding renewable energy and environmental protection. It also invites us to
reflect on how we can learn from Nikola Tesla's ideas and experiments to find innovative
and sustainable solutions for our energy and environmental problems. It also encourages
G10 U.S. History

us to appreciate and acknowledge Nikola Tesla's foresight and wisdom in addressing these
issues ahead of his time.

Refine and Adjust:

1) What are other groups’ feedback on your research question? Find two groups to solicit
feedback. (6 points)

Group 2: This is a very interesting and relevant research question. I think it would be
helpful to narrow down the scope of the question by specifying which aspects of renewable
energy and environmental protection you want to focus on, such as solar power, wind
power, hydroelectric power, geothermal power, biomass, etc. You could also define what
you mean by public awareness and policy making, and how you plan to measure their
changes over time and across different contexts.

Group 3: This is a very challenging and ambitious research question. I think it would be
difficult to find reliable and comprehensive sources of information on Nikola Tesla's
advocacy for renewable energy and environmental protection, as well as the public
awareness and policy making on these issues. You might need to use a variety of methods
and sources, such as historical documents, newspaper articles, biographies, interviews,
surveys, etc. You might also need to consider the counterarguments and alternative
perspectives that might challenge or contradict your thesis.

2) What is your teacher’s feedback on your research question? (4 points)


5. Reformulate Research Question: How did Nikola Tesla's political and environmental
advocacy influence the public awareness and policy making? (10 points)

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