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Topics 3.10 & 4.

2 Review
Word Bank
Judicial Review Loose Interpretation Strict Interpretation Federalist
Democratic-Republican Jay Treaty Pickney Treaty Treaty of Greenville
National Bank Farewell Address Presidential Cabinet XYZ Affair
Alien & Sedition Acts John Adams George Washington Thomas Jefferson
Marbury vs Madison Louisiana Purchase John Marshal Judiciary Act (1789)
Proclamation of Public Lands Act Kentucky & Virginia Presidential Cabinet
Neutrality (1796) Resolutions

_____________ - the power of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional.

_____________ - the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted broadly.
_____________ - the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted narrowly.
_____________ - a political party founded by Alexander Hamilton that favored a strong central
_____________ - a political party founded by Thomas Jefferson that favored states' rights and a limited
central government.
_____________ - a treaty between the United States and Great Britain that resolved issues remaining
from the Revolutionary War.
_____________ - a treaty between the United States and Spain that settled disputes over the Mississippi
River and Florida.
_____________ - a treaty between the United States and Native American tribes that opened up the
Northwest Territory for settlement.
_____________ - a financial institution established by Alexander Hamilton to manage government funds
and promote economic growth.
_____________ - a farewell address given by George Washington in which he warned against the dangers
of political parties and foreign alliances.
_____________ - a group of advisors appointed by the President to assist in decision-making.
_____________ - a diplomatic incident between the United States and France that nearly led to war.
_____________ - a series of laws passed by the Federalist-controlled Congress that restricted the speech
and activities of foreigners and political dissenters.
_____________ - the second President of the United States.
_____________ - the first President of the United States.
_____________ - the third President of the United States.
_____________ - a landmark Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review.
_____________ - a land acquisition by the United States from France in 1803.
_____________ - the fourth Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
_____________ - a law passed by Congress that established the federal court system and the position of
Attorney General.
_____________ - a proclamation issued by George Washington that declared the United States neutral in
the conflicts between France and Great Britain.
_____________ - a law passed by Congress that provided for the sale of public lands in the western
United States.
_____________ - resolutions passed by the legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia that asserted states'
rights and opposed the Alien & Sedition Acts.

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