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Chapter I


This chapter will provide an explanation for the nature of the

qualitative research being conducted. The researchers will carefully

explore the context of the topic or problem being addressed, as well as its

relevance and the need for action in the region or field of the study.


Music, is a cultural right, may aid in the promotion and

protection of other human rights. It can help in the healing process,

dismantling walls and boundaries, reconciliation and education. Around

the world, music is being used as a vehicle for social change and

bringing communities together. It affect the society by shaping cultures

and societies around the world, passed down from generation to

generation. Music can raise someone's mood, get them excited, or make

them calm and relaxed. It has the power to alter one's mood, change

perception and inspire change. Music is an essential aspect of all human

civilization and has the power to emotionally, morally and culturally

affect society. When people from one culture exchange music with each

other they gain valuable insight into another way of life. Music has the

power to connect and influence people. Music has the ability to deeply

affect our mental states, music gives us energy and motivation.

Music has something to do with our topic entitled The Analysis of the

Emerging Social Themes in the Selected Songs of Vice Ganda.

The Philippine music are a mix of European, American and native

sounds. Influenced by the music of the Philippine's 377 year-long

heritage of Colonial Spain, Western Rock and roll, hip hop and popular

music from the folk music of population and Indo Malayan Gamelan.

‘Music in a global world’ discusses the relationship of music to

colonization and globalization. In the colonies music contributed to the

legitimizing of hegemony, while at home it functioned as a means of

representing foreign cultures, generally portraying them as both different

and inferior. This illustrates how music can serve the ends of cultural

and political ideologies, but it can equally be a means to neutralize,

resist, or interrogate power.

How does music build confidence? Everyone recognize the

importance of developing confidence and self-esteem, but actually

knowing how to cultivate these qualities is much more challenging.

Music improves mood, promotes social engagement, and helps build self-

esteem. The best part you don't even have to be good at it to reap the

Again this research entitled The Analysis of the Emerging Social

Themes in the Selected Songs of Vice Ganda. Jose Maria Borja Viceral

popularly known as Vice Ganda actor, presenter , host and a singer . He

is a regular host on ABS CBN noontime variety show It’s showtime .

Dubbed as the “Unkabogable and Phenomenal Box Office Superstar” by

various media outlets. Vice Ganda is the most followed Filipino celebrity,

as of now his Instagram follower is 10.4m Followers , in youtube

subscriber is 7.41 million , and in twitter is almost 14m . He also

provided financial assistance to more than 400 employees of his cosmetic


Statement of the Problem

This research study aims to Analyze the Emerging Social Themes in

the Selected Songs of Vice Ganda.

Specifically, this qualitative research tries to answer the following


1) What are the Selected Songs of Vice Ganda?

2) What are the emerging social themes in the selected songs of

Vice Ganda?
3) What life lesson can we learn from the Selected Songs of Vice


Scope, Limitation and Delimitation of the Study

This study was all about the analysis of the Emerging Social

Themes in the selected songs of Vice Ganda. This Focus on the analysis

and understanding of the selected songs of Vice Ganda.

We will analyze the songs and exploring the Track list of Vice

will be Conducted 2nd Semester from February to April 2023. The

research data will be Based on the analysis of the songs of Vice Ganda.

This study will conduct analysis on the selected of Vice Ganda which

the researcher will analyze The Theme & Lyrics

Significance of the Study

This part should explain the importance of the problem/study to its

intended beneficiaries and to other researchers who wish to venture on

similar studies.

Listener could get more information about the song of VICE GANDA

Writer/Singer could motivate themselves to make similar themes of this

study because of its unique song.

Future researcher could use this study as guide for the study on

analysis of selected songs and social themes.

Every individual could be more inspire and motivate them.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework


Content Analysis of Selected

Analysis of the selected songs of Songs.
Vice Ganda. a.Themes
Analysis paper of the selected
a. Selected songs of VG b.Context songs of Vice Ganda.
b. Emerging social themes in
Figure 1 : Conceptual model describes the study about analysis of
selected songs of Vice Ganda.

The first box includes the input which is the analysis of the

selected songs of Vice Ganda. The researchers will specifically analyze

the emerging social themes in the selected songs. The researchers will

use content analysis to understand the input of the study. In the

analysis, the theme, context, and the figurative language used will be the


The last box shows the output the researchers expect to accomplish.

Aside from the analysis paper of the selected songs of Vice Ganda, the

researchers will also try to devise an educational video featuring the

social themes to be identified. This output can be used by teachers in

classes related to the modern social themes present in our society.

Definition of Terms
This could be a sentence by itself or part of a sentence mentioned in

passing. This will ensure the readers to fully understand the paper.

Vice Ganda - an influential artist who’s the main focus on this

research that is being conducted.

Emerging - newly created or noticed and growing in strength or


Social - the interaction of the individual and the group or the welfare

of human beings as members of society.

Themes - a subject or topic of discourse or of artistic representation.

Song - a short musical composition of words and music.

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