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By: Althea Ruby Inciong & John Michael Penaranda

Peter Pan who is loved by children because of his rebellious spirit,

living with no rules, and no adult’s supervision. No one knows the deep
secrets he hides inside of him except for his favorite toy.
There is a land where fairies, monsters, and pirates exist. A land you
can find way beyond the north star. An island called Neverland. On this
island there is this one boy called Peter Pan who lives there, can fly, and
never grow old. He is mischievous and fearless who goes into adventures
with his friends.
One day, three little children dreamed about neverland and the boy,
but no one believed them until he showed up and take them to this wonderful
place to go on an adventure. They lived in an underground cave, fought with
monsters, and defeated an evil pirate. And when the time was right the
three children went back to their home, grew up and kept that story in
their hearts.
One of them was Wendy and after she went back home, she grew up and
had a family of her own. Years have passed but Peter Pan never visited her
again. She had a daughter named Denali. Wendy would tell her stories about
her adventures with Peter Pan and the lost boys. She would tell how much
she missed to see neverland again, what it feels like to fly above the
clouds and to go on an adventure.
One night, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell suddenly appeared in the window
of Denali’s bedroom. Denali told her mother immediately and Peter Pan was
disappointed that Wendy decided to grow up even when she promised. Wendy
did not know why after so many years he only visited now. Despite that she
ignored it. Peter Pan wanted to invite Wendy again but instead, he took
Denali with him to Neverland.
Upon their arrival, children greeted them at Captain Hook’s ship that
was now Peter Pan’s and his crew. They were going to skull island, a place
where dangerous creatures live and only the courageous people would ever go
there. Luckily, Peter Pan knows the place very well since he went countless
times at that island. He immediately prepared for the expedition, and he
assigned Denali to take care of the children just like how Wendy did. She
would check on every child just to be sure everyone is safe.
When everything was ready Peter Pan told Tinker bell to sprinkle pixie
dust at the ship. The ship slowly ascended from the ground into the big and
fluffy clouds. Peter Pan tilted his head on the children’s direction to see
them with anticipation written on their faces without any doubt that they
may die from this adventure. They are mesmerized by the beauty of the
island from above, they can see the pointy top of mountain, looking down
they can see the vast turquoise ocean and the majestic birds flying across
the sky.
After hours of the journey, they saw a thick fog that welcomed them.
This caused a distress to the children, but Peter Pan assured them that it
was normal for it was the way into the skull island. They could not see a
thing anywhere they look. But after some time, the fog slowly vanished, and
they could see an island with a big skull shaped cave in front of it. It
was scary but the island itself was very breath taking.
When they arrive at the island, the boys throw off the anchor and the
ship slowly went down until it reached the sand. The children formed a line
led by Denali and Peter as their chief. Peter told everyone that it was
dangerous there so they should stick together and never try to touch
“The plants here seem very attractive.” He explained.
“plants hide in the beauty of the outside appearance to attract preys which
makes them very dangerous, one could eat you whole (while looking at a
rabbit that was suddenly eaten by a flower), some produces deadly gas that
makes you sleepy (turning his head to a bird that fell after smelling the
gas)- you may never wake up, there are huge trees with long vines that can
kill you because it will pull you up and drop you down like a ping pong
ball until you get torn into pieces and singing daffodils that could
hypnotized you.” He said with a scary tone that frightened the children.
Nevertheless, Peter Pan explained that if they are with him everything
will be alright. They would be safe, and they are going to have some fun
killing them. The children’s faces suddenly changed like they were
hypnotized by his promising words. However, one girl was not convinced,
Denali was having doubts about this adventure. After that Peter shouted
“let us go” so, they started walking until they reached the skull cave
surrounded by different kind of flowers. “It is not that scary.” Said one
kid. “It looks great actually.” Said another. Without knowing the danger,
they are about to face. They explored the cave and to their surprise there
are monsters living inside. It has eight hairy legs and many eyes; it was a
huge group of spiders. Peter Pan told the children to fight back. They
instantly followed his orders. After seeing children are dying Peter Pan
decided to fall back before everyone gets killed.
While walking through the forest days came and went by, they
encountered many deadly plants and monsters that swipe half of Peter Pan’s
crew of children. Denali told him to stop and just return to the ship, but
he refused looking like he is desperate to go somewhere he would never tell
where it was. Another day went by, they had no more food some of them were
getting sick and tired. So, Denali decided to step up “Do you want to go
home now? Cause things are getting worse.” she asked one girl. “No, Peter
Pan said everything is fine” the girl replied. She asked another again
“Aren’t you scared to die here? Do you want to go home?” the boy replied
with a firm voice “I am not afraid as long as Peter Pan is here, I will
stay. Besides its fun here.”
Everyone seemed to be captivated by Peter Pan. They truly believe that
they are going to survive this mad adventure. Denali once again told Peter
Pan her problem, but he ignored her again. He touched both Denali’s
shoulders and said with a gentle voice that “You will be alright.” On the
other hand, Tinker Bell was a bit jealous about it and wanted to get rid of
After a moment, another monster appeared in front of them, and it was
mad. Together with Peter Pan the children fought it. Tinker Bell finally
had a chance to get rid of Denali. While everyone was busy, she lured
Denali into a cliff and pushed her down. When she went back, she just told
everyone that Denali accidentally fell into a cliff while running for her
Afterwards, Denali woke up seeing a man beside her without a left arm
tending to her wounds.” Who are you?” she asked with wonder. “I am the one
who save you after seeing you fell, you’re lucky that it was not quite deep
enough.” He explained. Denali thanked him and asked about his name. she was
surprised that he was captain Hook because she thought he already died
years ago after a battle with Peter Pan. He was shocked “somehow you look
familiar but how did you know me?” He spoke. Then Denali replied “My mother
told me about it. She said she was there when a crocodile ate you.” Hook
finally realized that she must be Wendy’s daughter. He asked Denali and she
replied yes.
Hook asked her if she was with Peter Pan, and she said she was and a
group of children also. Hook’s expression suddenly changed; it was like he
is nervous and did not know what to do. Denali asked what the problem was
then Hook replied that Peter Pan was a psychopath. He explained that Peter
Pan would collect children like toys to take them to an insane adventure.
Peter did not care whether they die of illnesses or get killed, instead he
will just find new ones to replace them. He kidnaps children by showing
them wonderful dreams about Neverland and convince them by gaslighting.
Peter Pan never wants to grow old and live as a child forever, and he
discovered the key to eternal life that is to make sacrifices. Those are
the children he brings to the nexus tree to gain youthfulness again. He is
also a lost boy who does not know his past.
Hook who was once named Reid was Peter Pan’s favorite but
unfortunately, he became his nemesis after betraying Peter Pan and
discovering his dark secret. He sliced Hooks arm and curses him to never
die of any injury and never grow old. This way he would live long like
Peter Pan. But there is still a limit.
Once Hook finished the story between him and Peter Pan, the World
seems to fall at Denali after knowing that her mother was just brainwashed
and everything she said was not true. She immediately asked Hook to help
her save the children, but Hook was rather hesitating knowing his life is
at danger because Peter Pan is getting old and the power of the curse in
him is slowly fading away. This may be his last life. Denali convinced him
to go, and he decide to come with her. Due to the lack of food Peter Pan
and the children’s pace slowed down. This gave Hook and Denali a chance to
follow them. Denali was mesmerized by the big tree with sparkling leaves
and a door at its trunk she saw. Hook explained that it was the nexus tree
where inside you can find an alive altar that exchanges children’s blood
for eternal life. After some specific years, it is still needed to
sacrifice to the altar since the it is very tricky. This is what Peter do
to stay young forever.
As soon as they reached Peter Pan, Denali tried to get the children
and Hook attacked Peter Pan. The fights begin between the two nemeses. Hook
only uses one hand and Peter loses his ability to fly. The children who
were with Tinker Bell was taken by Denali after killing her using a stone.
The fight continues, the children seem to be controlled, they do not want
to leave Peter behind. Denali had an idea, she saw a singing daffodil and
used that to hypnotize the children. She sprinkled them with its dust, and
it worked.
When they were close to the tree’s door Peter Pan stopped them. Hook
was stabbed and the healing process was slow. He drags one child and
slashed his throat out and he gets another one and stabbed him to death
slaughtering the children one by one. Denali tried to fight back, but she
was hold by the neck pushing her up the ground until she cannot breathe
anymore. Fortunately Hook stabbed peter pan from the back causing his grip
to let go. Hook told Denali to leave first, and she ran outside the tree.
However, Peter Pan finished the fight by slicing hook’s other arm and
causing a fatal wound through his chest that cannot be healed anymore.
In the end Peter killed Hook and offered the children he killed. Once
again, he regains his youth. He smiled with an eerie face after the victory
of killing people. But he was not done yet, one child still escaped, and he
was thirsty to get her blood after killing Tinker Bell and almost ruining
his plan. His secret was about to be revealed but it continuous to be just
an untold story. The other side of Peter Pan’s lies are yet to be

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