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Installation Instructions

1. Disable Antivirus temporarily until XAMPP finishes installing. Skip this step if antivirus
is default Windows Defender.

2. Run XAMPP installer.

 When the warning dialog appears, click ok.

 Welcome to XAMPP Setup Wizard – click next

 Select Components – click next.

 Install to C:\xampp directory and click next.

 Uncheck learn more about Binami for XAMPP, click next.

 Ready to install – click next.

 Wait for the installation to complete.

 Click finish, XAMPP should automatically launch, minimize for now.

3. Place littleclinic folder in htdocs subfolder of xampp; C:\xampp\htdocs\littleclinic.

4. Run XAMPP, in Apache, click config and select httpd.conf.

Figure 1 Opening Config of Apache (httpd.config)

5. Search for DocumentRoot and replace it with the directory of littleclinic folder, "
C:/xampp/htdocs/littleclinic ". Replace the same for Directory below DocumentRoot.
Figure 2 Changing Document Root and Directory

6. Go back to XAMPP and start both Apache and MySQL.

7. In MySQL, click Admin. It should bring you to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/.

Figure 3 phpMyAdmin
8. In the left panel, click New and type “clinic_db” as the database name, click create.
Figure 4 Creating new database
9. Click Import from the top menu and click choose file. Select "clinic_db" from the folder
of littleclinic and click Import.

Figure 5 Importing SQL file

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