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In this chapter contains the discussion of time and location of the research,
research approaches and method, research objects and data, data collection technique,
and data analysis technique.

According to Darmadi (2013: 153), the research method is a scientific way to

obtain data for specific purposes. The scientific method means that the research
activities are based on scientific characteristics, namely rational, empirical, and
systematic. The research method consists of two parts qualitative methods and
quantiative methods, the writer choose qualitative methods to explore the data and for
finish this research.

3.1 Time and Location

I do this research for four months, starting from March 2022 until June 2022.
This research begins from the proposal, data collection and preparation of research
results. This research analyze the racism concept of the Ip Man 4 ; The Finale movie
script. All this research takes place in Darma Persada University which located on Jl.
Taman Malaka Selatan No. 8. RW 6, Pondok Kelapa Kec. Duren Sawit, Noth Jakarta

3.2 Research Approach and Method

According to Creswell (2014:1), research approaches comprises strategies and

methods for research that extend the decisions from general assumptions to thorough
methods of data gathering and reasoning. It comprises the joint of theoretical
assumptions, strategies, and exact methods. There are three types of research
approaches, which are quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method approach. In this
research I use two approaches, the intrinsic approach and extrinsic approach. I use
characterization, plot and setting as the intrinsic approach, then I use the concept of
racism as the extrinsic approach.

Creswell (2009: 4) states that a qualitative research is a study to investigate

and understand the meaning individuals or groups assume to be a social or a human
problem. It is used to find out and know why and how a social phenomenon happens.
According to Yilmaz (2013:312), qualitative research is an emergent, inductive,
interpretive and naturalistic approach to the study of people, cases, phenomena, social
situations and processes in their natural settings in order to reveal in descriptive terms
the meanings that people attach to their experiences of the world. Qualitative research
is a research that does not use procedure of statistics analysis or other quantification
(Moleong, 2007:6)

Based on the statement above, I use qualitative research method which is the
research that reveal the meaning from an action or an event with deep understanding
in perception and description. What this sort of investigate produces is expressive
information that the analyst must at that point translate utilizing thorough and
efficient strategies of translating, coding, and examination of patterns and themes.
Because its center is standard of living and people's encounters, subjective inquire
about loans itself well to making modern speculations utilizing the inductive strategy,
which at that point be tried with advance inquire about.

3.3 Research Object and Data

According to (Sugiyono, 2014:2) object of research is scientific goals to get

data with the certain purposes and functions about something objectives, valid, and
reliable regarding certain of variable. The object of this research is the movie script of
“Ip Man 4 ; The Finale” that released on December 20th 2019 by Wilson Yip.. The
data of this this research is in the form of sentence in the conversation “ Ip Man 4 :
The Finale “ by Wilson Yip which shows the concept of racism that experienced by
the main character.
Hornby (2010:295) defines “Data is defined as any information or facts that is
used in deciding and discussing something. Data needed within this research is
primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the source of data obtained directly
without any intermediary. Data source is the supplies information that can be
acquired to fill the needed data of the certain research. Sugiyono (2009: 153) stated
that based on the sources, data can be classified into two those are primary data and
secondary data. Primary data source is source of data which is related to the subject
of this study that is taken through the researcher directly. While secondary data
source is a source of data that is taken by the researcher indirectly from the subject. It
can be from relevant books, journal, etc. The primary data sources are the subtitle and
movie script of Ip Man 4 : The Finale. The secondary data is from electronic book
and journals as references to complete the primary data

3.4 Data Collection Technique

The data collection techniques employed in this study and the individual
instruments used to gather the data. In qualitative research, data collection approach
includes in-depth interview, document analysis, observation, and audiovisual
materials analysis (Creswell, 2012:2). Data of this research came from interviews,
observations, and document review, which was gathered through several techniques
of data collection. Arikunto (2002:206) states that documentation is the act of looking
for data which concern with matters such as note, book, newspaper, magazine,
transcript, and agenda. In this research, I use data collection method to get the detail
information from the research object. I use the movie script as the document analysis
and then collect the data as steps below :

a. Searching and obtaining the movie script

The first step is find the movie script of Ip Man 4 : The Finale on the internet

and I download the movie script from the link :
b. Reading the movie script

I read the movie script of Ip Man 4 : The Finale based on the utterances
spoken by the main character and then find the sentence that contains the concept of
racism. I read intensively for many times it is effective to gain the important
information. For the first reading, I read the movie script to find out the synopsis of
the story. It is done to understand the story generally. Then, for the second time, I
takes the the concept of racism that happen to the main character in this movie script.
For the last, I confirm the data from the previous reading.

c. Collecting the data

I find out the related data of the topic using the documentation which may
helps to reread and identify it. The documentation is a list of data which has to be
collected and it consists the concept of racism. Through all the steps, the data has
been collected and ready to be analyzed.

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

According to Ary (2010:481) stated that data analysis is the most complex and
mysterious phase of qualitative research. Data analysis in qualitative research is a
time consuming and difficult process because typically the researcher faces massive
amounts of field notes, interview transcripts, audio recordings, video data, reflections,
or information from documents, all of which must be examined and interpreted.

This section presents the data analysis procedures that are performed on the
collected data in order to answer the research questions. Technique of data analysis
did by processing the result of interview transcript, observation note, and document
review. The data were analyzed based on interactive model of analysis promoted by
Miles and Huberman (1994:15). After collecting data, I developing and analyze the
provided data. The data analysis technique in this research is the process to cultivate
the data systematically. Here are the steps that I use in analyzing the data as follows :

a. Identifying data
Data identification is the first step in analyzing data. The data will be sorted
according to the requirements stated in research problem. The purpose of this step is
to focus on the topic and to avoid the research gaps in data analysis and identify other
variables that might affect the result. I read the movie script and identified the
collection data based on research data findings in utterances spoken by the main
character that were contained the concept of racism in Ip Man 4 : The Finale movie

b. Classifying data

Data classification is purposed to divide the data into folders according to

their categories. It is made to make more convenient for the researcher to suit them
each other since in the data classification, the data will be collected according to their
types. I take a note of the sentence in the movie script that contains the concept of
racism. After that, I make category based on theory of the racism.

c. Describing the data

In this step I explain the data one by one that has been classified in each group
of the concept of racism based on the theory. I also explain what kind the racism of
the sentence that contains the concept of racism.

d. Making conclusion

I make the summary of this research that can help the reader understand the
concept of racism and also as the reference to their research. In this step contains the
result of the research that has been analyzed in the previous chapter theorically or

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