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INGLES Nombre y Apellido:

Examen Final – Agosto 2010 Especialidad: Ingeniería Civil

Prof. Mariana Carro Nivel: I

Lea detenidamente el texto y realice las actividades que se detallan a continuación:

I- Responde a las siguientes preguntas:
1- De acuerdo con el texto, ¿debido a qué se contraen y/o expanden los materiales?
2- ¿Qué puede causar este fenómeno en el caso del hormigón?
3- ¿Qué son y para que sirven las juntas de hormigón?
4- Mencione y explique tres métodos para controlar la reducción en seco.

II- Interpreta las siguientes expresiones en español.

1- Concrete, like all materials…
2- To prevent the surface cracks…
3- …,unless it is suitable controlled…
4- If the control joints are to be truly effective…
5- …they should be placed and installed properly.
6- …or both as created in walls.
7- …according to specified proportions …
8- Alter completion of the curing…
9- …by using quality concrete…

III- Resumir en español la información obtenida bajo el párrafo intitulado

“How cracks occur.”

Construction Joints
Concrete, like all materials, will expand or contract with the raising or lowering of temperature.
To prevent the surface cracks in concrete with variations in temperature, appropriate
arrangements like construction joints in concrete are provided.

What Are Construction Joints?

Construction joints in concrete are basically the gaps in the concrete
structure. Concrete, like the other construction materials, has the
characteristic to expand and contract due to temperature and
moisture changes, and due to concrete strain. These changes in
volume may create cracks in the hardened concrete, unless it is
suitably controlled by using concrete sealers. The stress forces that
produce cracks are prevented by arranging provisions for changes in
volume at selected places. These provisions are called control relief
joints. These joints reduce the random cracks on surfaces by the
collection and dissipation of stress forces produced by moisture and temperature changes.
Inadequate control of joints may create damaging cracks. If the control joints are to be truly
effective, they should be placed and installed properly. Construction joints are a plane surface
between two elements of concrete. It is concrete that is placed against concrete already placed.
It is fairly hardened to a level that vibration will not produce consolidation. Construction joints
may be vertical as produced in a slab, horizontal as in a column, or both as created in a wall.
Construction joints are also normally called cold joints. Construction joints may occur in the
normal concrete or the lightweight concrete.

How Cracks Occur

The concrete is mixed according to specified proportions, and mixed to produce a
homogeneous mixture. This mixture occupies the maximum volume in this initial state. After
completion of the curing, the concrete is dried, and looses the uncombined water by
evaporation. The moisture loss produces concrete contraction, and a reduction in length. Unless
the changes in volume are restricted by using relief joints, cracks may be
produced. When concrete is restrained from contraction, cracks may
develop when dried since any restriction in concrete movement may
cause production of tensile stress forces. Concrete that is uncontrolled
may not crack. All concrete elements have some restraints due to
compulsions, like the bonding necessary with the existing walls and the
structural links. The restraints that facilitate concentration of the drying
stresses can produce cracks in the restrained elements, unless suitable
control joints are used.

Control Of Drying Shrinkage

Drying shrinkage can be minimized by several methods as explained below:

• The water cement ratio should be reduced to achieve suitable placement and
• Quantity of fine aggregate should be closely maintained at a level that will just create
sufficient workability and characteristics that produce sound finish.
• The aggregates used should be proper, clean, and of a suitable grade according to the
design of structures.
• Suitable reducing agents should be used for reduction of the drying shrinkage. Water
reduction will decrease the water cement ratio to favorable limits.
• Low slump should be used for the placement of concrete.
• Concrete should be properly consolidated. Concrete that is cured immediately after the
concrete finishing will have greater strength, and less liable to the creation of shrinkage
distress cracks.

Construction Joint Quality

Construction joint quality is significantly influenced by the precision in the
concrete placement. Maximum bond strength and water tightness are
achieved by using quality concrete that has a low slump. The concrete should
allow fair amount of placement and consolidation. Segregation and bleeding
trends of concrete encourages weak surface of low
bonding behavior. The concrete surface produced
should be clean and structurally reliable. Rough
aggregate protruding portions and slight indentation
are not useful or recommended. Surface retardants are frequently
utilized to attain a suitable surface.

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