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Hajime San Miguel Francis Delarama
Erich De lima Christian Creo
Venus De lima Alexa Bustamante
Jheca Orbillo

TITLE: Planting Veggies for a Healthy Community

Due to the expensive sources of food, wasted potential organic fertilizer, and
beautification of school garden backyard, Our campaign holds a change in
maintaining the sustainable garden workforce. Everybody are busy about their
personal and academic business. However, the gardening state in our school
might be forgotten. This campaign, together with the diligent nature lovers are
open for helping the students, school, and our nature. Students will learn
about the following areas: remarkable feeling of growing plant, applying the
lessons in earth science, exploring the world of biology, and most especially
the memories of enjoying planting that we share in our friends in helping our
SASHS beloved.

1.) Will you support the projects related to Yes or No

2.) Do you think gardening is good for Yes or No

your health?

3.) How much time would you be willing 0-1 hour per week
to spend working in a garden activity? 1-2 hours per week
2-3 hours per week
3-4 hours per week
5 or more hours per week
4.) What plant/s are you willing to bring Specify:
in gardening?
5.) What garden workforce do you prefer? A. Watering
B. Planting
C. Excavating


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