Lee, Et Al. 2010 - Am Journ Cardio

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Association Between Anatomic Features of Atrial Septal

Abnormalities Obtained by Omni-Plane Transesophageal

Echocardiography and Stroke Recurrence in Cryptogenic Stroke
Patients with Patent Foramen Ovale
Jong-Young Lee, MDa, Jae-Kwan Song, MDa,*, Jong-Min Song, MDa, Duk-Hyun Kang, MDa,
Sung-Cheol Yun, PhDb, Dong-Wha Kang, MDc, Sun Uck Kwon, MDc, and Jong Sung Kim, MDc
The association between the anatomic characteristics obtained by omni-plane transesoph-
ageal echocardiography (TEE) and stroke recurrence in patients with cryptogenic stroke
and patent foramen ovale (PFO) remains unclear. In the present longitudinal follow-up
study, we sought to investigate whether PFO findings assessed by TEE can predict stroke
recurrence. Of the 1,014 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke referred for TEE,
184 (mean ⴞ SD age, 51 ⴞ 14 years) were classified as having cryptogenic stroke with PFO,
and follow-up data were available for 181 patients. During follow-up (median 3.5 years), 14
patients (7.7%) experienced stroke recurrence. Multivariate analysis showed that atrial
septal aneurysm or hypermobility of the atrial septum (hazard ratio 6.04, 95% confidence
interval 1.84 to 19.86, p ⴝ 0.003) and PFO size (hazard ratio 3.00, 95% confidence interval
1.96 to 4.60, p <0.0001) were independent predictors of stroke recurrence. The optimal
cutoff value of PFO to predict stroke recurrence within 3 years was 3.0 mm (95% confi-
dence interval 2.1 to 3.7 mm, area under the curve 0.889, p <0.001) with a sensitivity and
specificity of 90.0% and 79.4%, respectively. Using this cutoff, the 3-year stroke recurrence-
free survival rates differed significantly (98.9 ⴞ 1.1% vs 71.5 ⴞ 16.2%, p <0.001). In
conclusion, our data suggest that risk stratification might be possible using the findings
from TEE. The prophylactic benefit of PFO closure from these findings needs additional
investigation. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2010;106:129 –134)

The appropriate treatment strategy for secondary stroke possible using the findings from TEE, which could help to
prevention in patients with cryptogenic stroke and patent establish guidelines for secondary prevention.
foramen ovale (PFO) remains challenging. The clinical and
anatomic variables reported to be risk factors associated Methods
with stroke recurrence include older age,1 large PFO,2–5
large right-to-left shunting,6 and combined atrial septal an- All patients with acute ischemic stroke referred to the
eurysm (ASA).7,8 However, these factors were not con- Stroke Center, Asan Medical Center from January 2000 to
firmed by other studies.6,8 –10 Most clinical observations April 2007 were screened for enrollment. A standardized
have been from the results of cross-sectional and case- protocol to determine the definite causes of ischemic stroke
control studies, which have flaws, including poorly defined has been used at our institution since 1995. For the diagno-
control groups,2,3,5 case selection according to age,5,8 and sis of cryptogenic stroke, patients who were considered to
heterogeneous imaging techniques, including transthoracic9 have definite causes of stroke were excluded11: (1) large-
and old mono- and biplane transesophageal echocardiogra- artery atherosclerosis (defined as stenosis ⱖ50% or occlu-
phy (TEE).2,3,8,10 To overcome these limitations, the present sion of the corresponding artery); (2) lacunar stroke (defined
longitudinal follow-up study of patients with cryptogenic as a small, deep infarct ⱕ20 mm in diameter without arterial
stroke and PFO explored the relation between the anatomic or cardiac sources of embolism; (3) cardioembolic causes,
features of atrial septal abnormalities, evaluated by the stan- such as atrial fibrillation, recent (within 4 months) myocar-
dard omni-plane TEE, and stroke recurrence, regardless of dial infarction, dilated cardiomyopathy, rheumatic mitral
patient age. The aim of the present study was to determine stenosis, mitral or aortic vegetations or prostheses, left atrial
whether risk stratification to predict stroke recurrence was or left ventricular thrombus or tumor, akinetic left ventric-
ular segment, spontaneous echocardiographic contrast of
the left atrium, and complex atheroma of the aortic arch; and
(4) other definite causes of stroke, such as nonatheroscle-
rosis arteriopathies (e.g., dissection), coagulopathies, and
Divisions of aCardiology and bBiostatistics, and cDepartment of Neu-
rology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, hematologic or systemic disorders (e.g., the antiphospho-
Seoul, South Korea. Manuscript received December 15, 2009; manuscript lipid-antibody syndrome).
received and accepted February 4, 2010. A strictly predefined protocol, performed by experienced
*Corresponding author: Tel: (82) 2-3010-3150; fax: (82) 2-486-5918. echocardiographic specialists (JKS, DHK, and JMS), was
E-mail address: jksong@amc.seoul.kr (J.-K. Song). used to assess for PFO and ASA at rest and during the

0002-9149/10/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. www.ajconline.org
130 The American Journal of Cardiology (www.ajconline.org)

Figure 1. Representative transesophageal echocardiographic images for quantification of PFO size and shunt. At baseline (A,B), color Doppler mapping
visualized left-to-right shunt through the PFO, and the PFO size was 1.2 mm. With M-mode tracing during the Valsalva maneuver, the excursion of the atrial
septum could be easily measured (C). Using hand-agitated saline, contrast echocardiography with the Valsalva maneuver was performed for PFO size
measurement and shunt quantification. At rest and during the Valsalva maneuver (D), the interatrial septum maintained the convexity toward the right atrium,
which moved toward the left atrium (arrow) immediately after release of the maneuver, making a larger PFO opening (arrowhead) and right-to-left shunt
(E). PFO size was measured at the frame showing the maximum opening (F); 3.7 mm in this case. Ao ⫽ aorta; LA ⫽ left atrium; RA ⫽ right atrium.

Valsalva maneuver using 5-MHz omni-plane transesopha- nostic discrepancies were resolved by a second reviewer
geal echocardiographic transducers and hand-agitated sa- unaware of the patient details.
line. After careful observation of the interatrial septum using Digitally, stored transesophageal echocardiographic im-
2-dimensional echocardiography, color Doppler mapping and ages were reviewed and analyzed by an investigator (JYL)
M-mode tracing of the septum with the Valsalva maneuver who was unaware of the clinical outcomes. Using calipers,
(Figure 1A–C), ⱖ3 intravenous contrast injections (5 ml of the PFO size was measured as the maximum separation of
hand-agitated saline) were administered through the right the septum primum from the septum secundum (Figure 1F).
antecubital vein at rest and with the Valsalva maneuver, The maximum number of the microbubbles in the left
followed by deep inspiration (Figure 1D–F). PFO was de- atrium within 3 cardiac cycles after complete opacification
fined as passage of contrast (ⱖ3 microbubbles) from the of the right atrium was also calculated. The PFO size and
right to left atrium through the gap, within 3 cardiac cycles shunt quantification were measured ⱖ3 times, and the mean
after complete opacification of the right atrium. All diag- value of each was calculated. We classified grade 1 as
Miscellaneous/PFO and Stroke Recurrence 131

Table 1
Baseline demographic and transesophageal echocardiographic findings of patients with cryptogenic stroke and patent foramen ovale (PFO) according to
treatment strategy
Variable Antiplatelet Group Anticoagulation Group Surgical Closure Group p Value
(n ⫽ 99) (n ⫽ 60) (n ⫽ 22)

Demographic data
Age (years) 53 ⫾ 13 53 ⫾ 13 41 ⫾ 12*† 0.001
Men 69 (70%) 48 (80%) 15 (63%) 0.34
Hypertension 54 (55%) 28 (47%) 2 (9%)*† 0.001
Diabetes mellitus 17 (17%) 10 (17%) 0 (0%)* 0.03
Cholesterol ⬎240 mg/dl 25 (25%) 14 (24%) 6 (27%) 0.85
Smoker 35 (35%) 23 (38%) 8 (36%) 0.87
Family history of stroke 5 (5%) 2 (3%) 10 (5%) 0.85
Echocardiographic data
Left to right shunt 27 (27%) 24 (40%) 16 (69%)*† ⬍0.001
Right-to-left shunt at rest 8 (8%) 4 (7%) 1 (5%) 0.13
Shunt grade 3 14 (14%) 8 (13%) 11 (50%)*† ⬍0.001
Atrial septal aneurysm or hypermobility 11 (11%) 7 (12%) 1 (5%) 0.65
Patent foramen ovale size (mm) 2.0 ⫾ 1.2 1.9 ⫾ 1.1 2.4 ⫾ 1.2 0.10

Data are presented as mean ⫾ SD or numbers (%).

* p ⬍0.05 for antiplatelet versus closure; † p ⬍0.05 for anticoagulation versus closure.

Figure 2. Recurrent stroke-free survival curves according to treatment option in patients with cryptogenic stroke and patent foramen ovale.

minimal (ⱕ5 bubbles), grade 2 as moderate (6 to 20 bub- min K antagonist or antiplatelet therapy. Warfarin was ad-
bles), and grade 3 as severe (⬎20 bubbles).12 ASA or justed to a target international normalized ratio of 2.0 to 3.0.
hypermobility was defined as ⱖ10 mm of phasic septal In some patients, PFO closure was performed percutane-
excursion either into the atrium or a sum total excursion of ously with the patient under general anesthesia and with
⬎15 mm during the cardiorespiratory cycle, with a base of transesophageal echocardiographic guidance.
ⱖ15 mm.13 The maximum length of the eustachian valve The clinical data from patients with cryptogenic stroke and
was also measured in the digital images. PFO were regularly recorded by neurologists during the regu-
Except for 3 patients who refused additional procedures lar medical visits. Patients who failed to make a regular visit
or medication, the treatment strategy for secondary preven- were interviewed by telephone to determine whether they had
tion in patients with cryptogenic stroke and PFO was de- experienced recurrent ischemic stroke, the primary end point
termined at the discretion of the attending stroke neurologist of the present study. Recurrence of ischemic stroke was con-
and was determined from the stroke pattern, patient age, firmed by a new lesion on computed tomography or magnetic
co-morbidities, and cardiovascular risk factors. Patients as- resonance imaging. The clinical follow-up data obtained thor-
signed to medical treatment were treated with either a vita- ough the end of August 2008 were used in the final analysis.
132 The American Journal of Cardiology (www.ajconline.org)

The institutional review board of Asan Medical Center ap- Table 2

proved the present retrospective study. Baseline demographic and transesophageal echocardiographic
The primary end point of the study was stroke recur- characteristics in patients with cryptogenic stroke and patent foramen
ovale (PFO) stratified by recurrent stroke during medical treatment
rence. The data are presented as the mean or median ⫾ SD
or median and range, as appropriate. Between group com- Variable Recurrence p Value
parisons of the baseline and transesophageal echocardio- No Yes
graphic variables were done using Student’s t test, the Wilcoxon (n ⫽ 145) (n ⫽ 14)
rank sum test, analysis of variance, or the Kruskal-Wallis
test for continuous variables and the chi-square test or Demographic data
Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables, as appropriate. Age (years) 52 ⫾ 13 57 ⫾ 15 0.24
Men 108 (75%) 9 (64%) 0.52
Unadjusted cumulative event rates were estimated using the
Hypertension 72 (50%) 10 (71%) 0.12
Kaplan-Meier method and were compared using the log- Diabetes mellitus 27 (19%) 0 (0%) 0.13
rank test. Independent predictors of recurrence were ana- Smoking 55 (38%) 3 (21%) 0.22
lyzed using the Cox proportional hazard model. For recur- Family history of stroke 7 (5%) 1 (7%) 0.52
rence, owing to the infrequent occurrence of events, the Echocardiographic data
predictive value of univariate findings was subsequently Left-to-right shunt 48 (33%) 3 (21%) 0.55
tested with a bootstrap resampling procedure in which mul- Right-to-left shunt 11 (8%) 1 (7%) 0.34
tivariate Cox regression analysis with a backward elimination Shunt grade 3 15 (11%) 6 (43%) 0.010
process was repeated for 1,000 bootstrap resampling.14 The Atrial septal aneurysm or 13 (9%) 5 (36%) 0.011
relative frequency of selection of the bootstrap resampling hypermobility
Patent foramen ovale size (mm) 1.8 ⫾ 1.0 3.9 ⫾ 1.0 ⬍0.001
⬎50% was used as the criterion for inclusion of predictors
Length of eustachian valve (mm) 13.0 ⫾ 5.7 13.6 ⫾ 7.2 0.908
in the final multivariate model. The proportional hazards
assumption was confirmed by testing of partial (Schoenfeld)
residuals, and no relevant violations were found. To assess
the cutoff value of PFO size for predicting recurrence within no significant change was found in PFO size according to age
3 years, the receiver operating characteristic curve was (p ⫽ 0.586). However, women had larger PFOs than men (2.3 ⫾
used. We excluded censoring data within 3 years, and re- 1.4 vs 1.9 ⫾ 1.1 mm, p ⫽ 0.041).
currence after 3 years was censored. The optimal cutoff Of the 184 patients, 22 underwent percutaneous closure
value was defined as the value with the maximum sum of of the PFO using an Amplatzer device (18 mm in 10 and 25
sensitivity and specificity. The reported 95% confidence mm in 11 patients) or a CardioSEAL (17 mm in 1 patient;
intervals for the cutoff value, area under the curve, sensi- NMT Medical, Boston, Massachusetts). TEE immediately
tivity, and specificity were obtained using the bootstrap with after the procedure confirmed successful closure in all 22
percentile method (220 replicate). patients, and no serious complications occurred. Follow-up
The intra- and interobserver variability of PFO size mea- echocardiography (TEE and transthoracic echocardiography
surement were evaluated in 50 randomly selected patients. in 5 and 14 patients, respectively) was performed in 19
The correlation coefficient of the 2 measurements and the patients within 2 months after the procedure. Only 1 patient
coefficient of variation, defined as the SD of the measured (4.5%) showed a minimal grade 1 residual right to left shunt
difference as a percentage of the average of the 2 series, with contrast echocardiography using hand-agitated saline.
were calculated. The intraobserver correlation coefficient No patient had a thrombus on the device. During clinical
and coefficient of variation was 0.960 (p ⬍0.001) and 9.9%, follow-up of 2.9 ⫾ 4.0 years (median 2.5), no recurrence
respectively, and the interobserver correlation coefficient developed of any embolic stroke.
and the coefficient of variation was 0.922 (p ⬍0.001) and Of the 99 patients who received antiplatelet medication
18.8%, respectively. (antiplatelet group), acetylsalicylic acid (100 mg/day) was
All p values are 2-sided, and p ⬍0.05 was considered the main regimen for 78 patients, either alone (n ⫽ 14) or
statistically significant. Statistical Analysis System soft- combined with other antiplatelet drugs, such as clopidogrel
ware, version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina) and (75 mg/day, n ⫽ 49) and cilostazol (100 mg twice daily,
R programming language with DiagnosisMed library were n ⫽ 11). The remaining patients received monotherapy with
used for statistical analysis. clopidogrel (n ⫽ 10) or cilostazol (n ⫽ 6) or a combination
of these 2 medications. Of the 60 patients who received
Results warfarin (anticoagulation group), 27 continued taking this
drug, and 33 changed to antiplatelet drugs at 6 to 12 months
During the study period, 4,543 patients were admitted be- after the initial ischemic stroke. No significant major bleed-
cause of acute (⬍7 days after onset) ischemic stroke. Of these, ing episodes causing interruption of therapy occurred but
1,014 patients (22.3%) were referred for echocardiography to minor bleeding episodes (e.g., epistaxis, bruising, ecchymo-
determine the potential cardiac source of embolism. PFOs sis, and petechiae) were observed in 5 patients (8.3%) in the
were identified in 229 patients (22.6%); 45 patients had coex- anticoagulation group. Table 1 lists the baseline and echo-
isting high-risk cardioembolic sources of stroke. Thus, the cardiographic variables according to treatment group in the
remaining 184 were classified as having cryptogenic stroke patients with cryptogenic stroke and PFO.
and PFO and were the subjects of the present study. Their Three patients refused either PFO closure or medical
mean ⫾ SD age was 51 ⫾ 14 years, and 135 (73.4%) were treatment, and the clinical follow-up data of the remaining
men. The mean ⫾ SD PFO diameter was 2.0 ⫾ 1.2 mm, and 181 patients were used for the evaluation of stroke recur-
Miscellaneous/PFO and Stroke Recurrence 133

Figure 3. Receiver operating characteristic curve testing diagnostic value of PFO size in predicting recurrent stroke within 3 years (Left) and recurrent
stroke-free survival curves according to PFO size in patients with cryptogenic stroke and PFO (Right).

rence. During follow-up (median 3.5 years), recurrent isch- However, in another multicenter longitudinal study, patients
emic stroke developed in 14 patients (7.7%) and was con- with both PFO and ASA were reported to have no increased
firmed as repeat cryptogenic stroke after clinical evaluation. risk of adverse events with medical therapy.10 These inves-
Although the unadjusted 5-year stroke recurrence-free sur- tigators later confirmed that in patients aged ⱖ65 years,
vival rates were different according to the treatment options PFO significantly increased the risk of adverse events but
(Figure 2), on multivariate analysis, it was not an indepen- failed to demonstrate a PFO size-dependent increase in
dent predictor. Table 2 lists the summary of the baseline and adverse events.1
transesophageal echocardiographic variables in patients who In our study, PFO size was the most powerful contin-
did and did not develop recurrent stroke during medical uous variable associated with stroke recurrence. Using
treatment. receiver operating characteristic analysis, we calculated a
On multivariate Cox proportional hazard model analysis, cutoff value for the PFO size. The most important dif-
ASA or hypermobility of the atrial septum (hazard ratio ference between our study and previous longitudinal fol-
6.04, 95% confidence interval 1.84 to 19.86, p ⫽ 0.003) and low-up studies was that we used a standardized protocol
PFO size (hazard ratio 3.00, 95% confidence interval 1.96 to and omni-plane TEE in all patients. Although omni-plane
4.60, p ⬍0.0001) were identified as independent predictors TEE has not been shown superior to bi- or mono-plane
of stroke recurrence. Using receiver operating characteristic TEE in the quantification of PFO size and shunt, the only
curve analysis, the best cutoff value of PFO size was 3.0 case-control study demonstrating a positive relation be-
mm (95% confidence interval 2.1 to 3.7) and the area under tween PFO size and embolic cerebrovascular events had
the curve was 0.889 (95% confidence interval 0.801 to performed omni-plane TEE in all patients.5 PFO detec-
0.955, p ⬍0.001), with a sensitivity and specificity of 90.0% tion is highly dependent on operator technique, the in-
(95% confidence interval 83.3% to 100%) and 79.4% (95% jection site of the contrast,15 and the imaging acquisition
confidence interval 62.6% to 90.6%), respectively. Using method.16 Thus, failure to document a close association
this cutoff value, the 3-year stroke recurrence-free survival between PFO size and stroke recurrence in previous stud-
rate differed significantly (98.9 ⫾ 1.1% vs 71.5 ⫾ 16.2%, ies might have resulted, at least in part, from the use of
p ⬍0.001, Figure 3). outdated techniques (mono- or biplane TEE) for adequate
quantification of PFO size and shunt.
Discussion Several limitations of our study need to be explained.
Appropriate definition of high-risk patients requires lon- The stroke recurrence rate was not high, which might have
gitudinal follow-up data from patients with cryptogenic affected our statistical analysis. However, our subjects were
stroke and PFO, who have been diagnosed and measured enrolled from a large registry database that included ⬎1,000
using a standardized protocol. To date, data are available patients with ischemic stroke, the largest database in a
from 4 longitudinal follow-up studies using both bi- and single-center study. The prevalence of PFO in patients with
omni-plane TEE. However, these studies showed contradic- ischemic stroke referred for TEE and the stroke recurrence
tory conclusions on the effect of PFO size or anatomic rate (8.8% during a median follow-up of 3.6 years with
abnormalities of the interatrial septum. In a single-center medication) were comparable to the results of previous
study, the PFO size was not a risk factor, but patients with meta-analyses.17 Thus, we believe our results were not bi-
right-to-left shunt at rest or hypermobility of the atrial ased, and our subjects might be representative of patients
septum had a significantly greater recurrence rate than those with cryptogenic stroke. In our study, patients receiving
without (12.5% vs 4.3%) during a median follow-up of 31 anticoagulation had a greater recurrent stroke-free survival
months.6 In patients aged ⱕ55 years, PFO alone was not rate than those receiving antiplatelet treatment alone. How-
associated with stroke recurrence; however, patients with ever, we believe that randomization of the medical therapy
both PFO and ASA were found to have a substantial risk.8 would be necessary to clarify the risk status of antiplatelet
134 The American Journal of Cardiology (www.ajconline.org)

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