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WEEK 11 LECTURE o Indifferent Act + Evil Motive = Evil

DETERMINANTS/SOURCES OF MORALITY 3. Circumstances of an act: the following are

the questions that we have to consider…
QUOCUMQUE DEFECTU”  Who – the agent
 What – action itself
- It means that, a thing is good if it has the
 Where – the location
fullness of its parts, and it is bad when it
 With whom – the other party
is deficient in any of its integral parts.
 Why – the purpose of doing the act
- Ex1e: A pen is good when it fulfills its
 How – the means employed
purpose in writing, but if a pen is inkless
 When – the time element
then it is defect.
- Ex2: If all the parts of the body fulfil its FOUR TYPES OF CIRCUMSTANCES
functions, then it is good but if there is a
part that does not fulfil its functions, then a. Aggravating Circumstances: It can add to
it is defect. the seriousness of an act. If the act is killing, it is
In dealing with morality, Ethics is not only
focusing on the action itself. In order to b. Mitigating Circumstances: It can lessen the
determine the morality, there are other aspects seriousness of an act. If the act is killing, it is
that we have to consider, if the action is good but homicide.
there is defect coming from any of those aspects, c. Exempting Circumstance: Here, there is a
then it renders an act morally objectionable. crime and a criminal but exempted for the reason
In other words, an act must have the perfection of being minor or insane.
of its parts. d. Justifying Circumstance: Here, there is no
THREE ASPECTS AS DETERMINANTS OF crime and a criminal for the reason of self-
MORALITY defense.

1. The Act itself: What is the nature of the act? FIVE CONDITIONS OF SELF-DEFENSE

 Is the act good? 1. The attack is unjust. There is no reason of

 Is the act evil? attacking.
 Is the indifferent or amoral? 2. The attack is serious in nature. The attack
2. The motive or purpose of doing the act: is a matter of life and death.
For every action that we do, there is always a 3. The defense must be simultaneous to the
motive or purpose of doing such act. attack. The defender has the right to defend
a. An evil act which is done on an account of himself but simultaneous to the attacker.
an evil motive is gravely wrong. 4. The means employed must be
o Evil Act + Evil Motive = evil reasonable. The means (you’re using) must be
b. A good action done on an account of an reasonable.
evil motive becomes evil itself.
o Good Act + Evil Motive = Evil 5. The end of the defender is honest. Your
c. A good action done on an account of a purpose is just to save yourself and not to kill the
good purpose acquires an additional person.
o Good Act + Good Motive = Good
d. An indifferent act may either become  A norm means standard of measurement.
good or bad depending on the motive.  Law is defined by St. Thomas Aquinas as
o Indifferent Act + Good Motive = Good the ordinance of reason.
 If a law is something unreasonable, then Principle: All human positive laws must conform
it is defective and unjust. with the natural law. If a human law does not
conform with the natural law, then it is our
obligation to reject it.
Example: If selective abortion is legal, then we
1. Eternal Law all know that it something against natural law,
then avoid in doing it for the higher law like
- Eternal law is the plan of God in creating natural law must prevail.
the universe and assigning to each
creature therein a specific nature. It is the WEEK 12 & 13 LECTURE
exemplar of Divine Wisdom as directing all
actions and movements.
- It is unknown to man since it is in the CONSCIENCE
Divine mind.
- It is the proximate norm of morality.
2. Natural Law - It means trial of oneself.

- Natural law is the eternal law known to Kinds of Conscience

man. It is recognized by all men
1. Correct or True Conscience. It judges what
regardless of creed, race, culture, or
is good as good and what is evil as evil.
historical circumstances. Since we are all
parts of nature, then we are subject to the 2. Erroneous or False Conscience. It judges
law of nature. incorrectly that what is good is evil and what is
- This natural law is not written in a piece of evil is good.
paper, but it is written by God in the mind
and heart of man. The author of the 3. Certain Conscience. It is a subjective
natural law is God. assurance of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of a
certain act.
Properties of the Natural Law:
What is the distinction between Correct
a. It is universal – it is applicable to all men. Conscience and Certain Conscience?
b. It is obligatory – since we are part of nature, - Correct Conscience is something objective
we have the obligation to obey the law of nature. while Certain Conscience is something
c. It is recognizable – regardless of race,
creed, and gender, we recognize natural law for If Certain Conscience is subjectively correct, is
we are all part of that nature. there a possibility of mistake or error?
d. It is immutable or unchangeable – the - Yes, there is a possibility of mistake. But
natural law before, today, and in the future the recommendation of the atheists is if
remains the same and not subject to change. you have a certain conscience, just follow
or obey it for there is a big percentage of
3. Human Positive Law
being correct.
- It is a man-made law.
4. Scrupulous Conscience. It is rigorous
Two Kinds of Human Positive Law: conscience, extremely afraid of committing evil.

a. Law of the State. Like civil law, Criminal Law, 5. Lax or Dead Conscience. It is one which
and Constitution. refuses to be bothered about the distinction
between good and evil.
b. Ecclesiastical Law or the Law of Church.
Example is the Canon Law of the Catholic Church.
6. Doubtful Conscience. It is a vacillating
conscience, unable to form a definite judgment
on a certain action.


 You need to perform the act but there is a

possible doubt… what we have to do? If it is
possible to eliminate the doubt in order to
achieve moral certitude, then do it by means
of verification. But if it is impossible to
eliminate the doubt and to achieve moral
certitude, the Reflex Moral Principle (Doubtful
law does not bind) and Principle of
Probabilism must be applied.

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