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Elon Musk is now one of the wealthiest individuals in the world, with a net worth that is over

one hundred billion US dollars. In addition, he is the CEO and chairman of companies such as

Tesla and SpaceX, amongst others. This indicates that he is in charge of directing the activities of

thousands of employees working for those firms, and that he is the focus of attention for all of

the shareholders of those companies. Because of this, Elon Musk is an exceptionally vital and

significant person, and the things he says affect an enormous group of people who follow him. In

addition to this, we have a propensity to embark on an universe that is condensed by the words

and assertions that are generated on social media. Therefore, a person who has a disciple

following that is about sixty million strong on Twitter alone must exercise extreme caution when

it comes to the use of language in public settings. In addition to this, it is essential for a good

leader to have the ability to learn from the errors they have made in the past. It has been

proposed that Elon Musk should reflect on the consequences of his unpredictable conduct on

social media in the past, watch and evaluate those consequences, and proceed with extreme

caution in the future. According to Maxwell, "If you intend to lead, you have to utilise your

ears." [Citation needed] Throughout the course of my time spent in leadership roles, I've had

several opportunities to gain insight into this principle. In point of fact, when I was a young

leader, my first concern was to articulate my ideas and persuade people to buy into them. I used

to pay less attention to others' comments and criticism, and I wasn't as interested in finding out

what others had to say (Morse, 2019). It is essential that those in positions of authority in today's

environment behave in a responsible manner since they are held accountable for the images they

project to the rest of the population. We are entering a period in which people generally consider

smoking marijuana to be a carefree pastime; whether this is a positive or negative development,

it is something that should be recognised, and political leaders should respond appropriately. One
piece of advice that we may provide is to adjust our attitude toward the obstacles. If he had

considered every one of them to be an expensive failure and a significant loss of money, then

with that mentality, Elon Musk may have decided to quit up. However, the perspective that he

embraced, which was to regard the errors not as errors but rather as chances, is one that should

be adopted Mistakes are often seen from a more optimistic and constructive viewpoint as

learning opportunities that might help the long-term success of a product in a manner comparable

to that of others. Regarding the unsuccessful outcomes of a number of products and ventures that

Musk was launching (the rockets and a few automobile models), the solution is to stick with

what has been successful in the past while drawing from the lessons that have been learned.

"How was he able to prevail despite the perilous circumstances? By following his advice to the

letter and returning to the factory floor of the manufacturing facility, where one must often spend

the night in an effort to meet stringent output quotas, one might achieve success. And it was

successful. Despite facing a number of challenges, the company was able to drastically expand

production of its more reasonably priced Model 3, which contributed to Tesla into the black and

causing its stock value to skyrocket into the stratosphere. (Zetlin, 2020). If Musk had listened to

his own counsel from the beginning and spent more time working on the product rather than

focusing on other aspects of the firm, it is possible that his failures might have been avoided or at

least minimised to some degree.Instead, he was required to pay the corporation a significant

amount of time and money to restore that value. If Elon Musk makes the product his primary

concern in the years to come, he will almost certainly enjoy more success. As soon as Musk gave

users the option to discuss controversial or insensitive topics on Twitter, he began to have an

effect on the perspectives of a large number of individuals. One possible course of action for this

scenario is to draught an apology. When he appeared on Saturday Night Live, when he had the
opportunity, he passed it up in favour of something else. If he were to take responsibility for his

actions and publicly apologise to people he has hurt, those individuals could be willing to forgive

him and respect him more, which would eventually be beneficial to his company.

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