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50 math exam questions for 1st grade high school students :

1. Solve for x: 3x + 5 = 14
2. Simplify: (4 + 2) × 3
3. Evaluate: 2² + 3³
4. Find the slope of the line passing through (3, 5) and (7, 9)
5. Calculate the area of a triangle with base 6 and height 8
6. Factorize: x² + 6x + 8
7. Solve for x: 2x - 3 = 9
8. Find the distance between the points (-3, 4) and (5, -2)
9. Simplify: 6x + 2x + 5x
10. Evaluate: 5! (factorial)
11. Solve for x: 4x - 7 = 5x + 3
12. Simplify: 5² ÷ 25
13. Find the equation of the line passing through the points (-2, 4) and (3, 7)
14. Calculate the area of a circle with radius 5
15. Simplify: √16 + √25
16. Solve for x: 2(x + 5) = 16
17. Find the midpoint of the line segment joining (-3, 5) and (5, -1)
18. Evaluate: sin(30°) + cos(60°)
19. Simplify: 2x + 3x - 5x
20. Find the distance between the points (2, 3) and (8, 9)
21. Solve for x: 3(x - 4) = 12
22. Simplify: 3³ ÷ 3²
23. Find the slope of the line passing through (-2, 3) and (4, -1)
24. Calculate the volume of a cylinder with height 8 and radius 3
25. Simplify: 2√5 + 3√5
26. Solve for x: 5x + 7 = 12x - 5
27. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (2, 3) and parallel to the line 4x - 2y = 8
28. Evaluate: tan(45°) - sin(30°)
29. Simplify: 5x - 2(x + 3) + 4
30. Find the distance between the points (0, 0) and (-3, 4)
31. Solve for x: 2(x - 3) = x + 1
32. Simplify: (2 + 3i) + (4 - 2i)
33. Find the slope of the line passing through (1, -2) and (-3, 6)
34. Calculate the area of a rectangle with length 10 and width 6
35. Simplify: 3√2 × 2√3
36. Solve for x: 3x - 4 = 5x - 10
37. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (-2, 5) and perpendicular to the line y = 2x + 3
38. Evaluate: cos(60°) - sin(30°)
39. Simplify: 4x + 3(x - 2) - 2x
40. Find the midpoint of the line segment joining (-2, 6) and (4, 2)
41. Solve for x: 2x + 1 = 5x - 3
42. Simplify: 5 + 3 × 2²
43. Evaluate: log₂16
44. Find the slope of the line passing through (2, 4) and (-3, 8)
45. Calculate the circumference of a circle with radius 6
46. Factorize: x² - 9
47. Solve for x: 6(x - 2) = 2x + 4
48. Find the distance between the points (7, 2) and (10, -5)
49. Simplify: 7x - 2(3x - 5)
50. Evaluate: 3! + 4!
Answer Key
1. x = 3
2. 18
3. 31
4. 1/2
5. 24
6. (x + 4)(x + 2)
7. x = 6
8. √74
9. 13x
10. 120
11. x = 10
12. 1
13. y = x + 6
14. 78.54
15. √16 + √25 = 4 + 5 = 9
16. x = 3
17. (1, 2)
18. sin(30°) + cos(60°) = 0.5 + 0.5√3
19. -2x
20. √52
21. x = 8
22. 9
23. -2/3
24. 226.19
25. 5√5
26. x = 2
27. y = x + 1
28. 1
29. 3x - 2
30. 5
31. x = 4
32. 6 + i
33. 2
34. 60
35. 6√6
36. x = 3
37. y = -0.5x + 4
38. 0.5 + 0.5√3
39. 5x - 2
40. (1, 4)
41. x = 2
42. 17
43. 4
44. -0.8
45. 12π
46. (x + 3)(x - 3)
47. x = 2
48. √74
49. 2x + 10
50. 30, with 3! = 6 and 4! = 24

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