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Clarissa Ariadna García Fraire

Grupo: 127
Matricula: 2058085
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Preparatoria 16
Prof. Luis Alberto Perez Chavez
Semana 1
Semana 1
Semana 1
Semana 2
Evidencia 2
• There're six people in my family; my father, my mother, my
older sister, my other older sister, my younger brother and
myself. My father is 47 years old, his name is Sergio and he is
from Mexico; he is Mexican. He always needs to wear glasses
to read and, like him, I wear glasses too. My mother is 45
years old; she is two years younger than my dad. My
mother's name is Clara; she is from Mexico, so she is
Mexican. My father is a mecanic and my mother is a
housewife. My mother is an amazing wife; she always greets
my father with a kiss when he comes home. My older sister,
Sarahí is 25 years old; my other older sister, Brissia, 16; my
younger brother, Sergio, 12 years old; my brothers and I were
born in Mexico in different jobs and institutes; So we don't
have the same education. My older sister is a photographer
and editor; she is patient and likes what she does. Among the
six of them, my mother is the one who i love the most, but
don´t tell my father and brothers that! It's a secret :)

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