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Charoen Pokphand Group

Materiality Assessment
Report 2021
Executive Summary 3
Assessment Process 4
Methodology 5
Materiality Matrix
T ABLE OF C ON T ENTS Approach to Support Materiality Issues

Heart : Living Right 7

Health : Living Well 8
Home : Living Together 9
Appendix 10
Materiality Assessment Report 2021 Executive Summary Assessment Process Methodology Materiality Matrix Materiality Issues Appendix 3

Charoen Pokphand Group

Prioritizing the ESG Impacts

The core approach to sustainability management

and integration at Charoen Pokphand Group (C.P.
Group) is the identification and prioritization of the
materiality topics through the key stakeholders’
perspectives, as well as our operations. Moreover,
we review our materiality topics on an annual basis
to ensure that we recognize the external trends and
incorporate our concerns and stakeholders’
expectations. C.P. Group has conducted an
extensive materiality assessment following Global
Reporting Standards: GRI Standards and hence
established the Group 2030’s Sustainability Goal
and Framework, which is the key sustainability driver
assigned to all businesses. In 2021, C.P. Group has
reviewed and conducted a materiality assessment,
resulting in the changes in our fifteen key
materiality topics where the highest priorities are
Climate Resilience, Innovation, Food Security and
Access to Nutrition, and Corporate Governance.
Materiality Assessment Report 2021 Executive Summary Assessment Process Methodology Materiality Matrix Materiality Issues Appendix 4

Assessment Process

Stakeholder Identification and Assessment of Improve and

In-depth Analysis Engagement Prioritization Potential Impacts Verification of
Assessment Results
Analyse market and industrial Identify sustainability issues. Evaluate potential impacts along
Adopt international standard
trends relating to the Group’s Out of over 200 sustainability the value chain by assessing
Conduct stakeholder in the development of
business, the livelihood of issues that have been each selected issues for ESG
engagement survey across the materiality matrix. Continuously
impacts including the Group’s identified, the Group has impacts that may occur during
value chain to identify in-depth review materiality matrix on
sustainability directions at the assessed and prioritized ESG production stage to consumption
information concerning annual basis to ensure that
national and global levels. issues considering both external by customers or consumers.
sustainability issues that are recommendations and feedback
Conduct broad risk analysis with and internal feedback, including The 15 keys sustainability
most important to all 11 from our stakeholders, as well as
executives, managements and valuation from management, issues are identified,
groups of the stakeholders. emerging trends are taken into
relevant departments business groups, and related and the Group’s materiality
from 14 business groups. third parties. matrix is developed.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Find out more :

Engagement Report 2021
Materiality Assessment Report 2021 Executive Summary Assessment Process Methodology Materiality Matrix Materiality Issues Appendix 5

To improve, verify and review materiality matrix in 2021, an alignment of C.P. Group 2030 Sustainability
Framework and Goals and the four aspects of opportunities and trends have been analyzed.

Input Factor Assessment Aspects

Stakeholders Internal Focused
Opinions The assessment of key material issues based on fundamental factors relating to the Group’s internal operation.
C.P. Group has focused on the management involvement which taken though discussions and meetings sessions
conducted throughout the year. Moreover, the executives’ opinions survey and employee’s perception survey
Risk and Business results have been incorporated into this materiality matrix assessment, ensuring to gain group-wide focus of the
Opportunities issues which related to the Group’s operations.

Importance External Focused

of Future The assessment of key material issues based on issues that are of interest to external stakeholders. C.P. Group
Global Context has conducted stakeholder perception survey annually, aiming to include all our key stakeholders’ perspectives
into the materiality matrix review cycle. The survey result is the significant factor to prioritize and validate the
company 15 materiality issues, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic situations where its consequences has
Global impacted on people’s lives.
Industry Focused
Sustainability The assessment of key material issues based on factors relating to the Group and other companies in the same
core industry. Peer review was conducted as a part of analyzing industry trends, magnitude, and likelihoods of
Framework changes and opportunities. Nevertheless, C.P. Group acknowledged divisional and geographic differences of our
businesses and our peers to assure that the assessment is practical and valid to our business operation.
Analysis Results Future Focused
The assessment of key material issues based on issues that are of interest to the global benchmarks and stan-
dards, leading organization in the industry relating to the Group, as well as the investor’s perspective on global
Analysis of sustainability trends. To enhance the sustainable development of our businesses, towards the Group’s 2030
C.P. Group’s goals, key highlighted topics of future focused aspects were considered.
Materiality Assessment Report 2021 Executive Summary Assessment Process Methodology Materiality Matrix Materiality Issues Appendix 6

Materiality Matrix
With the holistic approach of materiality assessment,
Charoen Pokphand Group has applied scenario
analysis to ensure that we are looking on sustainable
issues in different lenses. In addition, the Materiality
Matrix is reviewed on annual basis allowing the Group
to focus on top issues and avoids dedicating precious
resources to less impactful areas.
Materiality Assessment Report 2021 Executive Summary Assessment Process Methodology Materiality Matrix Materiality Issues Appendix 7

Approach to Support Materiality Issues – HEART : Living Right



• Direct and control to ensure • Develop systematic • Provide an access to quality • Support current and future • Defend Group’s assets
that the rules, practices and Human Rights Due Diligence education by developing the development for employees against all threats from
processes are balanced to processes to cover own education framework for the though trainings, which cyber attack
the highest interest of all operations, and tier 1 people to support lifelong provide knowledge and
stakeholders Suppliers, and implementation learning experiences • Secure and protect
of mitigation and remediation personal data of all related
• Considering transparency, process • Provide necessary skill • Encourage employees to stakeholders, such as
business ethics, anti-bribery development and training initiate projects which support employees, suppliers,
and corruption, risk and • Protect and promote rights programs for employment and in alignment with Group’s customers, consumers
compliance management of all people, especially equal opportunities of the people in sustainability strategy and and business partners
as integral parts of business opportunities of employees society nature of business
operation and their well-being
Materiality Assessment Report 2021 Executive Summary Assessment Process Methodology Materiality Matrix Materiality Issues Appendix 8

Approach to Support Materiality Issues – HEALTH : Living Well



• Promote an access to protein • Create positive impacts • Enhance food security and • Create value to • Build trust and strong
sources and nutrition for all to economy, society and be a part of global players multi-stakeholders through relationships with
the environment where the in eradicating hunger and our innovative solutions stakeholders
• Enhance well-being of people Group has an operation malnutrition of people
through our products and in need
services. • Support people in need
to have access to job
• Conduct R&D on health and opportunity and to
well-being products and generate incomes
services for the people
Materiality Assessment Report 2021 Executive Summary Assessment Process Methodology Materiality Matrix Materiality Issues Appendix 9

Approach to Support Materiality Issues – HOME : Living Together



• Achieve the ambitious • Create value from waste, • Achieve water efficiency • Achieve no biodiversity loss • Strengthen the capabilities
global goal of climate and commit to become and ensure balance of from our own operation and of our suppliers to create
emergency and commit organization with zero waste water withdrawal and water the tier 1 suppliers operational excellence,
to carbon neutrality to landfill needed by communities minimize negative impacts
where the Group’s of our supply chain and
• Focus on sustainable businesses are operated shift the paradigm toward
packaging and redesign sustainability
the product’s package
Materiality Assessment Report 2021 Executive Summary Assessment Process Methodology Materiality Matrix Materiality Issues Appendix 10

1. Cover Page Picture : Photo by Chris Ensminger,

2. Page 2 Picture : “สัตว์มีค่า ป่ามีคุณ” ชื่อภาพ ต้นผึ้งยักษ์กลางป่าหมาก

ภาพโดย นายสมโภช แตงไทย สถานที่ ต.บ้านไร่ อ.บ้านไร่

Charoen Pokphand Group Co., Ltd.

313 C.P. Tower 14th, 16th Floor, Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand

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