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 Viceroy linlithgow announced India was at war with Germany.
 Congress asked for independence in return which was rejected so they resigned
 Muslim league set out some demands which included: ending of anti-muslim policies;
law affecting muslims can be passed only if 2/3 agree; congress should form coalitions in
provincial admin.

1. Why SWW grew distance between congress, muslim league and british?

Firstly, india was announced as part of the war without consultation. In this, british
viceroy, linlithgow declared india being at war with Germany. This was considered unfair
to all Indians as war brings many downsides and Indians suffered a lot previously in the
FWW. As a result, Indians reacted to the announcement.
Secondly, the demands of muslim league were rejected by british and congress. In this,
muslims were also included in the war, before they were to participate Jinnah set out
some demands stating an end to anti-muslim policies and that congress should form
coalition in the govern. This was rejected by both british and congress. Consequently,
muslims felt ignored.
Thirdly, Muslims celebrated ‘Day of Deliverance’ on congress resignation. In this, after
congress’s demand of independence was rejected, they decided to resign from the
government. The end to congress rule finally came which made muslims jubilant and
they called this day as the Day of deliverance. Consequently, congress was deeply
offended by muslim’s reaction.

2. How did SWW contribute to sig progress in independence?

Firstly, congress realized their position in india was underestimated by british. In this, …
same devel as above/ british position weakened due to political and economical
Secondly, muslims were ignored by both british and congress…..
Thirdly, the rs of congress and ml worsened.
The impact of the Second World War on India was significant and far-reaching. Here are
three developed impacts:

1. Economic impact: The war had a severe impact on India's economy. India was a major
supplier of raw materials, such as jute, cotton, and tea, to Britain, and the war disrupted
trade between the two countries. Additionally, the war led to shortages of essential
goods, such as food and fuel, which led to inflation and price rises. The war also led to
increased government spending, which further exacerbated inflation. All these factors
contributed to a decline in living standards for many Indians.
2. Political impact: The war had a significant impact on India's political landscape. The
Indian National Congress launched the Quit India Movement in 1942, which called for
India's immediate independence from British rule. The movement was met with harsh
repression by the British government, which arrested many of Congress's leaders,
including Mahatma Gandhi. The war also saw the rise of communalism in India, as the
Muslim League demanded a separate Muslim state. These political developments
highlighted the growing tension between different religious and political groups in India
and set the stage for India's eventual partition in 1947.

1. What was Pakistan resolution?
The Pakistan resolution, also known as Lahore resolution, was passed on 23 March,
1940. A conference was called in Lahore by maulvi fazl-ul-haq to present an idea of a
separate state for muslims. By endorsing the Two Nation Theory, both maulvi fazl-ul-
haq and allama iqbal favored the idea of a separate muslim state to safeguard their
rights. This resolution was agreed unanimously and this day became known as
Pakistan Day.

2. Why Pakistan resolution happened?

Firstly, muslims didn’t want to suffer at the hands of congress again. In this, congress
won the 1937 elections which led to congress rule for 2-3 years. During this period,
muslims were treated cruelly in many ways. This included the song bande matram,
warda scheme and mistreating muslim culture. After this congress was seeking
independence which made muslims realize that british leaving india would mean
welcoming congress tyranny again. Consequently, a conference was called to pass
the Pakistan resolution.
Secondly, Muslims were ignored despite being the largest minority group (economic
and political marginalization of muslims) . In this, muslims demands were met with
rejection during the second world war by British. Even during congress rule, british
didn’t protect muslims’ religious rights. This showed how british ignored muslims.
Consequently, to show their might, Pakistan resolution was passed.
Thirdly, The Two Nation Theory made muslims realize their differences. In this, sir
syed ahmad khan suggested how muslims and hindus were two different
communities. they need their own state to live peacefully. This was understood by
allama iqbal after the mishaps between M.L and Cong. As a result, Pakistan
resolution was passed demanding for a separate state.

. Below are three developed impacts of the Pakistan Resolution:

1. Creation of Pakistan: The most significant impact of the Pakistan Resolution was the
creation of the new state of Pakistan in 1947. The resolution called for the establishment
of an independent Muslim state in the northwestern and northeastern regions of India,
where Muslims were in a majority. The demand for Pakistan was finally accepted by the
British government, and the new state of Pakistan was created in August 1947. This had
a profound impact on the political, social, and cultural landscape of the region and led
to the division of the subcontinent into two separate countries, India and Pakistan.
2. Communal Violence: The demand for Pakistan and the subsequent creation of the new
state led to widespread communal violence in the region. Millions of people were
displaced, and countless lives were lost in the violence that ensued. The communal riots
of 1946 and the partition of the subcontinent into India and Pakistan resulted in one of
the largest forced migrations in human history, with millions of people uprooted from
their homes and forced to move to the other side of the border.

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