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August 25, 2015



SUBJECT: Proposed Revisions to the Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Connector

Systems for Steel Reinforcing Bars, Subject AC133-1015-R1 (DZ/RK)

Hearing Information:
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
8:00 am
DoubleTree Hotel
808 South 20th Street
Birmingham, AL 35205
(205) 933-9000

Dear Colleague:

You are invited to comment on proposed revisions to the Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical
Connector Systems for Steel Reinforcing Bars (AC133), which will be discussed at the
Evaluation Committee hearing noted above.

The proposed revisions include the following:

1. Expand the scope to include the 2015 International Building Code® (IBC) and the 2015
International Residential Code® (IRC) by referencing the 2015 IBC and IRC and the
corresponding editions of referenced standards throughout the criteria, including Tables
2, 3 and 4. The main difference between the 2015 codes and the code editions currently
in the criteria is in regard to the determination of the yield strength of steel reinforcing bars
that do not demonstrate a sharp-kneed or well-defined yield point. Under the 2012 IBC,
per Section of ACI 318-11, the yield strength of Grade 60 and greater bars is
taken as the stress corresponding to a strain of 0.0035. Under the 2009 IBC, per Section of ACI 318-08, the yield strength of bars greater than Grade 60 is taken as the
stress corresponding to a strain of 0.0035. Under the 2015 IBC, per Section of
ACI 318-14, for bars without a sharp-kneed or well-defined yield point, yield strength is
determined per the 0.2 percent offset method described in ASTM A370-14. See item 2,
below, for further comments on this subject.
2. Revise Section 3.2.2 and Table 1 to specify the method to be used to determine the strain
in steel reinforcing bars at actual yield stress, since AC133 currently does not provide
AC133-1015-R1 2

guidance as to how the “strain in the bar at actual yield stress” is to be determined.
Please note that this revision is consistent with the document referenced in Section 1.3.4
of AC133, which is the resource document for the cyclic tension and compression test
provisions prescribed in this criteria. Although this revision is new, based on our
understanding of the current AC133 provisions with regard to strain in the bar at actual
yield stress used as the reference strain in the cyclic tension and compression tests of
rebar splice systems, and our preliminary review of data on file for current evaluation
reports under AC133, it is our understanding that the strain in the bars at actual yield
stress used as the reference strain in the cyclic tests of rebar splice systems with current
evaluation reports is equal to, or larger than, that of the proposed revisions to AC133.
Thus, if the committee approves the proposed revisions to AC133 outlined in this item
and Item 1, above, for updating the current evaluation reports to add the 2015 IBC, new
testing or new data analysis is not required.
3. Add new Section 6.9 to address the bar requirements of splice systems used in high
seismic applications under the 2015 IBC in order for the criteria to be consistent with
Section (b) of ACI 318-14. For bars other than those conforming to ASTM A706
Grade 60, this section of ACI 318-14 includes a new ductility requirement (or minimum
elongation requirement), which is not in ACI 318-11 or -08.
To address this new ductility requirement, for updating evaluation reports from the 2012
IBC to the 2015 codes, new testing or new data analysis will not be required. Our
reasoning for this assessment is as follows: The main objective of the cyclic tension and
compression tests prescribed in current AC133 Section 4.1 and Table 1 is to subject the
test specimens, which include a mechanical splice system and two sections of reinforcing
bars, to cyclic loading with the specimens being tested in tension repeatedly beyond the
yield strength of the bars. It is expected that specimens consisting of bars complying with
the additional ductility requirements would perform better in the cyclic load tests than
specimens consisting of bars that do not comply with the new ductility requirements,
because the ductility of the bars that conform to the new ductility requirement is greater.
For those evaluation reports where the reinforcing bars are supplied with the Type 2
splices under the evaluation report, revised quality documentation for the manufacturer’s
facilities, including the new bar ductility requirements, will be needed for recognition under
the 2015 codes.
4. Revise the term of “mechanical connector system”, which was based on previous code, to
“mechanical splice system” throughout the criteria, so as to be consistent with the current
code terminology. This revision is editorial.
5. Change “report applicant” to “report holder” throughout the criteria. This revision is
6. Editorially relocate Section 3.2.5 to new Section 1.4.4.
7. Make various editorial revisions throughout the criteria.
AC133-1015-R1 3

Should the committee approve the proposed revisions to the criteria, the ICC-ES staff will not
recommend a mandatory compliance date. However, compliance with the revised criteria will
be required for new applicants and existing report holders when they seek recognition under
the 2015 codes.

You are invited to submit written comments on this or any other agenda item, or to attend the
Evaluation Committee hearing and present your views in person. If you wish to contribute to
the discussion, please note the following:

1. Regarding written comments and presentations:

a. You should submit these via e-mail to or by U.S. mail to the Eastern
Regional (Birmingham) office to be received by the applicable due date.

b. Comments are to be received by September 15, 2015. These written comments will
be forwarded to the committee before the meeting, and will also be posted on the ICC-
ES web site shortly after the deadline for submission. Written comments that are not
submitted by this deadline will not be considered at the meeting.

c. Rebuttal comments, from the proponent noted in this letter, are to be received by
September 24, 2015. They will be forwarded to the committee before the meeting,
and will also be posted on the ICC-ES web site shortly after the deadline for
submission. Written rebuttal comments that are not submitted by the deadline will not
be considered at the meeting.

d. Visual presentations, in PowerPoint format only, are to be received by October 2,

2015. These will be forwarded to the committee before the meeting, and will also be
posted on the ICC-ES web site shortly after the deadline for submission.
Presentations that are not submitted by the deadline cannot be viewed at the meeting.
Note: Videos will not be posted on the web site.

Presentations will be retained with other records of the meeting. It is the presenter’s
responsibility, prior to the presentation, to verify with ICC-ES staff that the presentation
files have been transferred satisfactorily to the presentation computer.

e. ICC-ES will post to the web site, on October 9, 2015, memos by the ICC-ES staff,
responding to the previously received public comments.
f. If you miss the deadlines for submission of written comments and visual
presentations, your verbal comments can be presented at the meeting.

g. Proposed criteria, written public comments, visual presentations, and responses by

ICC-ES staff will be available at the meeting on a limited number of CDs for uploading
to computers. ICC-ES will not provide any printed copies.
AC133-1015-R1 4

2. Regarding verbal comments and presentations:

Please plan to speak for not more than ten minutes. As noted above, visuals must be in
PowerPoint format. We have a computer, projector, and screen available to those
making visual presentations. It is the presenter’s responsibility, prior to their presentation,
to verify with ICC-ES staff that presentation files have been satisfactorily transferred to
the presentation computer.

3. Keep in mind that all materials submitted for committee consideration are part of the
public record and will not be treated as confidential. It is the presenter’s responsibility to
certify to ICC-ES staff that no materials infringe copyright.

4. Please do not communicate with committee members before the meeting about any items
on the agenda.

We appreciate your interest in the work of the Evaluation Committee. If you have any
questions, please contact me at (800) 423-6587, extension 3722, or Russ Krivchuk, P.E.,
Regional Engineering Manager, at extension 3231. You may also reach us by e-mail at

Yours very truly,

David Zhao, P.E., S.E.

Senior Staff Engineer



cc: Evaluation Committee | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ®


1.0 PURPOSE committee member for purposes of maintaining a
committee quorum and to cast a tie-breaking vote of the
The purpose of the Evaluation Committee is to monitor
the work of ICC-ES, in issuing evaluation reports; to
evaluate and approve acceptance criteria on which 3.5 Minutes shall be kept and shall be the official
evaluation reports may be based; and to sponsor related record of each meeting, including meetings by conference
changes in the applicable codes. call.
2.0 MEMBERSHIP 3.6 An electronic record of meetings may be made by
ICC-ES if deemed necessary; no other audio, video,
2.1 The Evaluation Committee has a membership of
electronic or stenographic recordings of the meetings will
not fewer than nine nor more than twelve, with one of the
be permitted. Visual aids (including, but not limited to,
members named by the ICC-ES president each year to
charts, overhead transparencies, slides, videos, or
serve as the chairman–moderator.
presentation software) viewed at meetings shall be
2.2 All members of the committee shall be permitted only if the presenter provides ICC-ES before the
representatives of a body enforcing regulations related to presentation with a copy of the visual aid in a medium
the built environment. which can be retained by ICC-ES with its record of the
meeting and which can also be provided to interested
2.3 Persons are appointed to the committee by the
parties requesting a copy.
ICC-ES president, from among individuals who have
formally applied for membership. 3.7 Parties interested in the deliberations of the
committee should refrain from communicating, whether in
2.4 The ICC-ES Board of Managers, using simple
majority vote, shall ratify the nominations of the president. writing or verbally, with committee members regarding
agenda items. All written communications and
2.5 Committee membership is for one year, coinciding submissions regarding agenda items must be delivered to
with the calendar year. Members may be renominated ICC-ES and shall be considered nonconfidential and
and reappointed, but no person shall serve for more than available for discussion in open session of an Evaluation
five consecutive terms. Committee meeting. Such materials will be posted on the
2.6 In the event that a member is unable to attend a ICC-ES web site ( prior to the meeting.
committee meeting or complete a term on the committee, Comments and submissions not meeting the following
the ICC-ES president may appoint a replacement to fill in deadlines will not be considered at the meeting:
at the meeting or for the remainder of the member’s term.  Initial comments on agenda items shall be submitted
Any replacement appointed for only one meeting must at least 28 days before the scheduled meeting.
have prior experience as a member of the Evaluation
 A rebuttal comment period shall follow, whereby
Committee. Appointments under this section (Section 2.6)
rebuttal comments to the initial comments may be
are subject to ratification as noted in Section 2.4.
submitted by the proponent at least 21 days before
3.0 MEETINGS the scheduled meeting.
3.1 The Evaluation Committee shall schedule  Those planning on giving a visual presentation at the
meetings that are open to the public in discharging its meeting must submit their presentation, in PowerPoint
duties under Section 1.0, subject to Section 3.0. format only, at least 10 days before the scheduled
3.2 All scheduled meetings shall be publicly meeting.
announced. There shall be three in-person meetings per Following the meeting, ICC-ES will make all materials
year. If required, there may also be one conference-call considered by the Evaluation Committee available on the
meeting per year, this meeting to last no more than one web site for a maximum period of one year following the
day. meeting. The committee reserves the right to refuse
3.3 Two-thirds of the Evaluation Committee members, recognition of communications which do not comply with
counting the chairman, shall constitute a quorum. A the provisions of this section.
majority vote of members present is required on any 4.0 CLOSED SESSIONS
action. To avoid any tie vote, the chairman may choose to
Evaluation Committee meetings shall be open except
exercise or not exercise, as necessary, his or her right to
that the chairman may call for a closed session to seek
advice of counsel.
3.4 In the absence of the chairman–moderator,
Evaluation Committee members present shall elect an
alternate chairman from the committee for that meeting. 5.1 Acceptance criteria are established by the
The alternate chairman shall be counted as a voting committee to provide a basis for issuing ICC-ES

June 2014 Pg 1 of 3

evaluation reports on products and systems under codes 5.3 Approval of acceptance criteria shall be as
referenced in Section 2.0 of the Rules of Procedure for specified in Section 3.3 of these rules.
Evaluation Reports. They also clarify conditions of
5.4 Actions of the Evaluation Committee may be
acceptance for products and systems specifically
appealed in accordance with the ICC-ES Rules of
regulated by the codes.
Procedure for Appeal of Acceptance Criteria or the ICC-
Acceptance criteria may involve a product, material, ES Rules of Procedure for Appeals of Evaluation
method of construction, or service. Consideration of any Committee Technical Decisions.
acceptance criteria must be in conjunction with a current
and valid application for an ICC-ES evaluation report, an 6.0 COMMITTEE BALLOTING FOR ACCEPTANCE
existing ICC-ES evaluation report, or as otherwise CRITERIA
determined by the Evaluation Committee. 6.1 Acceptance criteria may be issued without a public
EXCEPTIONS: The following acceptance criteria are hearing following a 30-day public comment period and a
controlled by the ICC-ES executive staff and are not majority vote for approval by the Evaluation Committee
subject to committee approval: when, in the opinion of ICC-ES staff, one or more of the
following conditions have been met:
 The Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation
(AC10) 1. The subject is nonstructural, does not involve life
safety, and is addressed in nationally recognized
 The Acceptance Criteria for Test Reports (AC85)
standards or generally accepted industry standards.
 The Acceptance Criteria for Inspections and
Inspection Agencies (AC304) 2. The subject is a revision to an existing acceptance
criteria that requires a formal action by the Evaluation
5.2 Procedure: Committee.
5.2.1 Proposed acceptance criteria shall be 3. Other acceptance criteria and/or the code provide
developed by the ICC-ES staff and discussed in open precedence for the revised criteria.
session with the Evaluation Committee during a scheduled
meeting, except as permitted in Section 4.0 of these rules. 6.2 Negative votes must be based upon one or more
of the following, for the ballots to be considered valid and
5.2.2 Proposed acceptance criteria shall be require resolution:
available to interested parties at least 30 days before
discussion at the committee meeting. a. Lack of clarity: There is insufficient explanation of
the scope of the acceptance criteria or insufficient
5.2.3 The committee shall be informed of all
description of the intended use of the product or
pertinent written communications received by ICC-ES.
system; or the acceptance criteria is so unclear as
5.2.4 Attendees at Evaluation Committee meetings to be unacceptable. (The areas where greater
shall have the opportunity to speak on acceptance criteria clarity is required must be specifically identified.)
listed on the meeting agenda, to provide information to
committee members. In the interest of fairness, each b. Insufficiency: The criteria is insufficient for proper
person requesting to testify on a proposed acceptance evaluation of the product or system. (The provisions
criteria or proposed changes to an existing acceptance of the criteria that are in question must be
criteria will be given the same amount of time. The specifically identified.)
following time limits are established: c. The subject of the acceptance criteria is not within
a. For entities offering their first testimony on any the scope of the applicable codes: A report issued
item, a 10-minute limit applies. This time limit by ICC-ES is intended to provide a basis for
applies to both verbal testimony and/or visual approval under the codes. If the subject of the
presentations. acceptance criteria is not regulated by the codes,
there is no basis for issuing a report, or a criteria.
b. Each person offering testimony may return to the (Specifics must be provided concerning the
microphone for one five-minute period to offer inapplicability of the code.)
additional testimony and/or to rebut testimony
given by others. d. The subject of the acceptance criteria needs to be
discussed in public hearings. The committee
c. Each person offering testimony on the staff
member requests additional input from other
recommendation, on each criteria, is allowed one,
committee members, staff or industry.
two-minute trip to the microphone.
6.3 An Evaluation Committee member, in voting on an
Time limits do not include time needed to answer
acceptance criteria, may only cast the following ballots:
questions from the staff and/or committee members. The
chairman–moderator shall have limited authority to modify • Approved
time limitations on testimony. The chairman–moderator
shall also have the authority to adjust time limits as • Approved with Comments
necessary in order to get through the hearing agenda. • Negative: Do Not Proceed
Keeping of time for testimony by an individual will be 7.0 COMMITTEE COMMUNICATION
by an automatic timing device. The time remaining shall
be evident to the person testifying. Interruptions during Direct communication between committee members,
testimony will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of the and between committee members and an applicant or
chairman–moderator to maintain decorum and order concerned party, with regard to the processing of a
during all testimony. particular acceptance criteria or evaluation report, shall

June 2014 Pg 2 of 3

take place only in a public hearing of the Evaluation 7.2 Committee members who are contacted by an
Committee. Accordingly: applicant or concerned party on a particular matter that will
be brought to the committee will refrain from private
7.1 Committee members receiving an electronic ballot
communication and will encourage the applicant or
should respond only to the sender (ICC-ES staff).
concerned party to forward their concerns through the
Committee members who wish to discuss a particular
ICC-ES staff in writing, and/or make their concerns known
matter with other committee members, before reaching a
by addressing the committee at a public hearing, so that
decision, should ballot accordingly and bring the matter to
their concerns can receive the attention of all committee
the attention of ICC-ES staff, so the issue can be placed
on the agenda of a future committee meeting.

Effective - June 2014

June 2014 Pg 3 of 3 | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ®




Proposed August 2015

Previously approved May 2014, December 2012, January 2010, May 2008, June 2007,
October 2004, April 2002, January 2001, January 1998

(Previously editorially revised August 2013)

Evaluation reports issued by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC (ICC-ES), are based upon performance features of
the International family of codes. (Some reports may also reference older code families such as the BOCA
National Codes, the Standard Codes, and the Uniform Codes.) Section 104.11 of the International Building Code®
reads as follows:

The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the installation of any materials or to
prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code,
provided that any such alternative has been approved. An alternative material, design or
method of construction shall be approved where the building official finds that the proposed
design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of this code, and that the
material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that
prescribed in this code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety.

ICC-ES may consider alternate criteria for report approval, provided the report applicant submits data
demonstrating that the alternate criteria are at least equivalent to the criteria set forth in this document, and
otherwise demonstrate compliance with the performance features of the codes. ICC-ES retains the right to refuse
to issue or renew any evaluation report, if the applicable product, material, or method of construction is such that
either unusual care with its installation or use must be exercised for satisfactory performance, or if
malfunctioning is apt to cause injury or unreasonable damage.
NOTE: The Preface for ICC-ES acceptance criteria was revised in July 2011 to reflect changes in policy.

Acceptance criteria are developed for use solely by ICC-ES for purposes of issuing ICC-ES evaluation reports.
1.0 INTRODUCTION such as bars with threaded ends, the connector splice
1.1 Purpose: The purpose of this acceptance criteria system components are the coupler and the reinforcing
is to establish requirements for mechanical connector
splice systems for steel reinforcing bars to be recognized 1.4.2 Jobsite: The construction site where the
in an ICC Evaluation Service, LLC (ICC-ES), evaluation structure is being constructed.
report under the 2015, 2012 and 2009 International
® 1.4.3 Test Specimen: Unless noted otherwise, the
Building Code (IBC) and the 2015, 2012 and 2009
® each mechanical connection splice test specimen consists
International Residential Code (IRC). The bases of
of is an assembly of the coupler completed splice, or
recognition are IBC Section 104.11 and IRC Section
coupler completed splice system, connecting two sections
of steel reinforcing bars.
The reason for development of this criteria is to 1.4.4 Affected Zone of Rebar Specimens
establish guidelines for the evaluation of mechanical
Reinforcing Bar: The affected zone is defined as that
connector splice systems for steel reinforcing bars and to
portion of the reinforcing bar where any property of the
provide additional information to clarify the requirements of
bar, including physical, metallurgical or material
the IBC, and IRC, and documents referenced by those
characteristics, has been altered by manufacture,
fabrication and/or installation of the splice. Examples
1.2 Scope: The scope of this criteria is mechanical include, but are not limited to, heat affected zones, bar
connector splice systems used to connect uncoated, upset zones, sections of the bar affected by threading or
deformed steel reinforcing bars installed in concrete as other machining, and significant sharp marks or notches
addressed in the sections of ACI 318 noted in Table 2 and left in the bar by gripping during manufacture, fabrication
in the IRC sections noted in Table 3. The criteria is or installation of the mechanical connector splice.
applicable to reinforcing bar connectors splices that are 2.0 BASIC INFORMATION
field-assembled onto the ends of reinforcing bars that
have been prepared at a factory or the jobsite. The criteria 2.1 General: The following information regarding the
is also applicable to reinforcing bar connectors splices that steel reinforcing bar connector splice system shall be
include components that are factory-attached to the submitted:
reinforcing bars, for final assembly of the connection at the
2.1.1 Product Description: Description of each
jobsite. Additional requirements, for cementitious grouted
component of the system shall include dimensions,
sleeve steel reinforcing bar connectors splices, are
designations and material specifications.
described in Annex A.
1.3 Referenced Standards: Where standards are 2.1.2 Packaging and Identification: The method of
referenced in this criteria, these standards must be applied packaging and field identification of each component of
consistently with the code upon which compliance is the system shall be described. The packaging information
based. See Table 4. of each component of the system supplied by the
evaluation report applicant shall include the name and
1.3.1 ASTM A370-97, Test Methods and Definitions address of the evaluation report applicant, product model
for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products, ASTM (style) and size and the applicable ICC-ES evaluation
International. report number.
1.3.2 ACI 318 (-11 for the 2012 IBC, -08 for the 2009 Each connector splice and connector splice system
IBC), Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, component supplied by the evaluation report applicant
American Concrete Institute. shall also be identified by the manufacturer’s mark or logo,
1.3.3 ACI 439.3R-07, Types of Mechanical Splices and indicate whether the connector splice is intended for a
for Reinforcing Bars, American Concrete Institute. Type 1 or Type 2 splice connection. The Type 1 or Type 2
identification shall be spelled out or indicated by a symbol
1.3.4 JCI-CIOE, Volume 2, October 27-31, 1986, to be identified in the evaluation report.
Standard for Performance Evaluation of Rebar Joints,
Seminar on Precast Concrete Construction in Seismic 2.1.3 Installation Instructions: Instructions shall
Zones, Japan Concrete Institute. include requirements and limitations regarding installation
of the product and description of the methods of field
1.4 Definitions: preparation and assembly.
1.4.1 Connector Splice Systems: Connector Splice
2.2 Testing Laboratories: Testing laboratories shall
systems consist of all components utilized to facilitate
comply with Section 2.0 of the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria
coupling mechanical connection or mechanical splice of
for Test Reports (AC85) and Section 4.2 of the ICC-ES
steel reinforcing bars. For example, for coupler splice
Rules of Procedure for Evaluation Reports.
systems where a splice/coupler is solely swaged onto the
bars, the coupler splice system component is the 2.3 Test Reports: Test reports shall comply with
splice/coupler. For sleeve-type systems installed with AC85 and describe the process used to assemble and
grout, the coupler splice system typically is the steel prepare the test specimens.
sleeve and grout. For systems utilizing a coupler installed
onto reinforcing bars that have specially prepared ends,

2.4 Product Sampling: For the tests specified in this the gage point with the test machine crosshead or piston
criteria, systems with components that are factory- movement monitored as the elongation measurement.
attached to reinforcing bar ends by mechanical or welding
3.2.4 Reference Strain: For all tension and cyclic
processes shall be sampled in accordance with Section
testing conducted in accordance with Section 4.1 of this
3.1 of AC85. Reinforcing bars that are factory-prepared to
criteria, a reference strain shall be recorded and load-
receive field-installed couplers shall also be sampled in
strain plots shall be provided. The reference strain is to be
accordance with Section 3.1 of AC85. All other products
measured at a reference point on the reinforcing bar,
subjected to tests required by this criteria are permitted to
remote from the splice and outside of the affected zone.
be sampled in accordance with Section 3.2 of AC85. The
The reference strain shall be used in the first cycle of both
testing laboratory shall witness the portion of the
stages 2 and 3 to determine the tensile loads to be applied
preparation and assembly of the test specimens that
in the second through fourth cycles of Stages 2 and 3. The
reflects the field preparation and assembly procedures.
tensile loads in Stages 2 and 3 of the cyclic testing shall
3.0 TEST PERFORMANCE AND PRODUCT be based on the first cycle load that results in a 2𝜀𝑦𝑎 and
REQUIREMENTS 5𝜀𝑦𝑎 strain in the bar, respectively. The zero strain,
3.1 General: Reports of tests specified by Sections baseline strain, reading shall be taken at zero applied load
3.2 and 4.0 and any applicable annex to this criteria shall prior to the start of the load test on a specimen and shall
be submitted. not be rezeroed during the test. The reference strain shall
be recorded throughout Stages 1, 2 and 3, and as far into
3.2 Structural Performance: Stage 4 as practicable.
3.2.1 Types of Splices: The manufacturer has the 3.2.5 Affected Zone of Rebar Specimens: The
option of qualifying the connector splice systems for use in affected zone is defined as that portion of the reinforcing
either Type 1 or Type 2 mechanical connection splices. bar where any property of the bar, including physical,
Sections,, of ACI 318-14 metallurgical or material characteristics, has been altered
under the 2015 IBC (Sections, 21.8.2(b) and by manufacture, fabrication and/or installation of the of ACI 318-11 or -08 under the 2012 or 2009 splice. Examples include, but are not limited to, heat
IBC) describes permitted uses for each type of splice affected zones, bar upset zones, sections of the bar
under the IBC and IRC. affected by threading or other machining, and significant
3.2.2 Control Bars: For all mechanical connection sharp marks or notches left in the bar by gripping during
splice testing done performed in accordance with Section manufacture, fabrication or installation of the mechanical
4.1 of this criteria, an unspliced control reinforcing bar of connector.
each bar size to be recognized is to be tested in tension in 3.3 Steel Reinforcing Bars:
accordance with ASTM A370 to establish the actual yield
and actual ultimate stress of the reinforcing bars values. 3.3.1 Requirements for High Seismic
The actual yield stress from each control bar tension test Applications: Under the 2009 IBC, for use as
shall be determined in accordance with ACI 318-14 under reinforcement resisting earthquake-induced flexural and
the 2015 IBC (ACI 318-11 or -08 under the 2012 or 2009 axial forces in frame members, structural walls and
IBC). The reference strain, used for conducting cyclic coupling beams, the deformed reinforcing bars of the
tension and compression tests per Table 1 of this criteria, mechanical coupling splice systems shall comply with ACI
is also determined from these control bar tension tests. 318-08 Section Under the 2015 and 2012 IBC,
For any bar group, the control bars and bars that are part for use as reinforcement resisting earthquake-induced
of the mechanical connection splice assemblies being flexure, axial force, or both, in special moment frames,
tested with connectors shall be from the same heat. special structural walls, and all components of special
structural walls including coupling beams and wall piers,
For the purpose of determining reference strain (as the deformed reinforcing bars of the mechanical coupling
required by Section 3.2.4), the strain in the reinforcing bar splice systems shall comply with ACI 318-14 Sections
at actual yield stress, 𝜀𝑦𝑎 , shall be calculated as 𝜀𝑦𝑎 = and under the 2015 IBC (ACI 318-11
𝑓𝑦𝑎 ⁄𝐸𝑠 , where 𝑓𝑦𝑎 is the actual yield strength of the Section under the 2012 IBC).
unspliced control bar in ksi, determined in accordance with
3.3.2 Specified Tensile Strength of Spliced Bars:
this section, and 𝐸𝑠 = 29000 ksi.
For the purpose of evaluating data for conformance with
3.2.3 Elongation Measurement: For all mechanical AC133 and for satisfying Section of ACI 318-
connection splice testing conducted in accordance with 14 (Section of ACI 318-11 and 318-08), the
Section 4.1 of this criteria, elongation across the specified tensile strength of the bars shall be the minimum
connection shall be recorded and load-elongation plots specified tensile strength prescribed in the corresponding
provided in the test report. Elongation is to be measured ASTM standard for the grade of steel reinforcement.
between two gage points located on the reinforcing bars, 4.0 TEST METHODS
one gage point beyond either end of the mechanical
connector splice. A gage point shall not be located on the 4.1 Structural Performance Tests:
connection itself, nor within the affected zone (see Section 4.1.1 Type 1 Splice:
3.2.5 1.4.4) of the reinforcing bar. Each gage point shall
be located not more than one bar diameter away from an Static Tension and Compression Tests:
end of the mechanical connector splice or end of the Mechanical connector splice systems shall be tested in all
affected zone. Alternatively, for specimens tested in reinforcing bar sizes for which recognition is sought. All
monotonic compression, the specimens can be gripped at reinforcing bar transition connectors splices shall be
tested. For each size, a minimum of three replicate

connection test specimens in each load direction shall be The quality documentation, as it relates to
tested in accordance with ASTM A370. Each connection manufacturing of steel components of the connectors
shall develop, in tension and compression, at least 125 splice system, shall include the tolerance for physical and
percent of the specified yield strength of the reinforcing chemical properties, acceptance test standards,
bar. fabrication geometric tolerance and other aspects of the
controls on the production. Cyclic Tension and Compression Tests:
Mechanical connector splice systems shall be tested in all 5.2 The quality control program shall include
reinforcing bar sizes for which recognition is sought. All inspections by ICC-ES or by a properly accredited
reinforcing bar transition connectors splices shall be inspection agency that has a contractual relationship with
tested. For each reinforcing bar size, a minimum of three ICC-ES, for connector splice systems that include
replicate connection test specimens shall be tested. The components of the connector splice system that are
cyclic testing procedure is as noted in Table 1. factory-attached to reinforcing bars. Condition of Acceptance: For cyclic 5.3 For connector splice systems that do not include
tension and compression tests, Each each connector test components of the connector splice system that are
specimen shall sustain Stages 1 through 3 without failure. factory-attached to reinforcing bars, an annual inspection
If the load at failure of each connector test specimen shall be conducted at each manufacturing facility in
under Stage 4 testing complies with the conditions of accordance with the requirements of the ICC-ES
acceptance of Section, the static tension testing of Acceptance Criteria for Inspections and Inspection
Section may be omitted. Agencies (AC304).
4.1.2 Type 2 Splice: 5.4 A qualifying inspection shall be conducted at each Static Tension and Compression Tests: manufacturing facility in accordance with the requirements
of AC304. Static Tension Test: Mechanical
connector splice systems shall be tested in all reinforcing 6.0 EVALUATION REPORT RECOGNITION
bar sizes for which recognition is sought. All reinforcing
6.1 The evaluation report shall indicate whether the
bar transition connectors splices shall be tested. For each
mechanical connector splice system is classified as a
reinforcing bar size, a minimum of five replicate
Type 1 or Type 2 splice of reinforcing bars used in
connection test specimens shall be tested in accordance
reinforced concrete, and describe the labeling of each
with ASTM A370. For use under the IBC and IRC, each
connector component of the splice system that identifies
connection, in tension, shall develop 100 percent of the
whether the connector splice system is for Type 1 or Type
specified tensile strength, fu, of the reinforcing bar, and
2 splices. (See Section 2.1.2.)
125 percent of the specified yield strength, fy, of the
reinforcing bar. 6.2 The evaluation report shall indicate that special Static Compression Test: All inspection shall be provided at the jobsite as required by
requirements noted in Section of this criteria Section 1705 of the 2015 and 2012 IBC (Section 1704 for
apply to compression tests, except that each connection the 2009 IBC). The evaluation report shall include
splice in compression need only develop at least 125 statements that in addition to verifying placement of
percent of the specified yield strength, fy, of the reinforcing reinforcing bar splices, the special inspector shall verify
bar. field preparation of components (including field
preparation of reinforcing bar ends, if applicable) and Cyclic Tension and Compression Tests: assembly of the components resulting in spliced
Mechanical connector splice systems shall be tested in all reinforcing bars. See Annex A of this criteria for additional
reinforcing bar sizes for which recognition is sought. All requirements, if any.
reinforcing bar transition connectors splices shall be
tested. For each reinforcing bar size, a minimum of five 6.3 The evaluation report shall include product
replicate connection test specimens shall be tested. The description, installation instructions, and packaging and
cyclic testing procedure is as noted in Table 1. labeling information based on requirements in Section 2.1
of this criteria. Condition of Acceptance: For cyclic
tension and compression tests, Each each connector test 6.4 The evaluation report shall include a condition of
specimen shall sustain Stages 1 through 3 without failure. use that the minimum concrete cover shall be in
If the load at failure of each connector test specimen accordance with the applicable code and shall be
under Stage 4 testing complies with the conditions of measured from the outer surface of the connecting device.
acceptance of Section, the static tension tests of 6.5 For connector splice systems consisting of steel
Section may be omitted. reinforcing bars with specially prepared ends supplied by
5.0 QUALITY CONTROL fabricators’ facilities not identified in the evaluation report,
the evaluation report shall include statements that address
5.1 Each component of the connector splice system the following items:
supplied by the evaluation report applicant holder shall be
manufactured under an approved quality control program a. The fabricator must be a fabricator approved by
with quality documentation, complying with the ICC-ES the code official in accordance with Section 1704.2.5.1 of
Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation (AC10), the 2015 IBC (Section 1704.2.5.2 of the 2012 IBC or
submitted for each manufacturing facility. (Section 1704.2.2 of the 2009 IBC, as applicable).


b. The fabricator must be approved by the evaluation percent of the specified yield strength of the steel
report applicant. reinforcing bar. This may be demonstrated in test report(s)
c. The fabricator must demonstrate the following submitted to the code official. These tests shall be
items to the satisfaction of the code official for each conducted prior to commencement, and periodically
coupler splice system model type and steel reinforcing bar throughout the duration, of the jobsite preparation of the
size: ends of the steel reinforcing bars. The frequency of the
tensile tests shall be acceptable to the registered design
(i) The fabricator prepares the ends of the steel professional for the building project, and to the applicable
reinforcing bar as required by the evaluation report code official.
applicant holder in a manner consistent with the qualifying
test specimens. The evaluation report will need to include 6.7 For connector splice systems consisting of
a sufficiently detailed description of the method of couplers that are swaged or otherwise pressed onto the
preparing the reinforcing bars and specifications, or refer steel reinforcing bars by fabricators at the jobsite, the
to specific documents that contain this information. evaluation report shall include statements that address the
following items:
(ii) For Type 2 splices, connections splices of each
steel reinforcing bar using the fabricator-prepared steel a. The jobsite fabricator must be approved by the
reinforcing bars, tested in static tension, develop 100 evaluation report applicant holder.
percent of the specified tensile strength of the steel b. The jobsite fabricator must demonstrate the
reinforcing bar and 125 percent of the specified yield following items to the satisfaction of the special inspector
strength of the reinforcing bar for use under the IBC and for each coupler splice system model type and steel
IRC. This may be demonstrated in test report(s) submitted reinforcing bar size:
to the code official.
(i) The fabricator assembles the couplers splice
(iii) For Type 1 splices, connections splices of each system onto the ends of the steel reinforcing bar as
steel reinforcing bar using fabricator-prepared steel required by the evaluation report applicant holder in a
reinforcing bars, tested in static tension, develop at least manner consistent with the qualifying test specimens. The
125 percent of the specified yield strength of the steel evaluation report will need to include a sufficiently detailed
reinforcing bars. This may be demonstrated in test description of the method of installing the couplers splice
report(s) submitted to the code official. system onto the reinforcing bars and specifications, or
6.6 For connector splice systems consisting of steel refer to specific documents that contain this information.
reinforcing bars with specially prepared ends, where the
(ii) For Type 2 splices, connections splices using
steel reinforcing bars are prepared at the jobsite, the
the fabricator-prepared assemblies of couplers and steel
evaluation report shall include statements that address the
reinforcing bars, tested in static tension, develop 100
following items:
percent of the specified tensile strength of the steel
a. The jobsite fabricator must be approved by the reinforcing bar and 125 percent of the specified yield
evaluation report applicant holder. strength of the reinforcing bar for use under the IBC or
b. The jobsite fabricator must demonstrate the IRC. This may be demonstrated in test report(s) submitted
following items to the satisfaction of the special inspector to the code official. These tests should be conducted prior
for each coupler splice system model type and steel to commencement, and periodically throughout the
reinforcing bar size: duration, of the jobsite assembly of the couplers splice
system onto the ends of the steel reinforcing bars. The
(i) The fabricator prepares the ends of the steel frequency of the tensile tests shall be acceptable to the
reinforcing bar as required by the evaluation report registered design professional for the building project, and
applicant holder in a manner consistent with the qualifying to the applicable code official.
test specimens. The evaluation report will need to include
a sufficiently detailed description of the method of (iii) For Type 1 splices, connections splice using
preparing the reinforcing bars and specifications, or refer the fabricator-prepared couplers and steel reinforcing
to specific documents that contain this information. bars, tested in static tension, develop 125 percent of the
specified yield strength of the steel reinforcing bar. This
(ii) For Type 2 splices, connections splices of each may be demonstrated in test report(s) submitted to the
steel reinforcing bar using the fabricator-prepared steel code official. These tests shall be conducted prior to
reinforcing bars, tested in static tension, develop 100 commencement, and periodically throughout the duration,
percent of the specified tensile strength of the steel of the jobsite assembly of the couplers splice system on
reinforcing bar and 125 percent of the specified yield the ends of the steel reinforcing bars. The frequency of the
strength of the reinforcing bar for use under the IBC or tensile tests shall be acceptable to the registered design
IRC. This may be demonstrated in test report(s) submitted professional for the building project, and to the applicable
to the code official. These tests should be conducted prior code official.
to commencement, and periodically throughout the
duration, of the jobsite preparation of the ends of the steel 6.8 For connector splice systems consisting of
reinforcing bars. The frequency of the tensile tests shall be couplers that are swaged or otherwise pressed onto the
acceptable to the registered design professional for the steel reinforcing bars at facilities of fabricators not
building project, and to the applicable code official. identified in the evaluation report, the evaluation report
shall include statements that address the following items:
(iii) For Type 1 splices, connections splices of each
steel reinforcing bar using the fabricator-prepared steel a. The fabricator must be approved by the code
reinforcing bars, tested in static tension, develop 125 official in accordance with Section 1704.2.5.1 of the 2015


IBC (Section 1704.2.5.2 of the 2012 IBC (or Section components of special structural walls including coupling
1704.2.2 of the 2009 IBC, as applicable). beams and wall piers, with the __mechanical splice
systems, mill certificates of reinforcing bars must be
b. The fabricator must be approved by the evaluation
submitted to the code official as evidence that the steel
report applicant holder.
reinforcing bars comply with ACI 318-14 Section”
c. The fabricator must assemble the couplers onto
6.10 6.9 For recognition under the 2012 IBC, the
the ends of the steel reinforcing bar as required by the
evaluation report shall include a paragraph similar to the
evaluation report applicant holder in a manner consistent
following: ”Under the 2012 IBC, for structures regulated by
with the qualifying test specimens. The evaluation report
Chapter 21 of ACI 318-11 (as required by 2012 IBC
must include a sufficiently detailed description of the
Section 1905.1), to splice deformed reinforcing bars
method of installing the couplers onto the reinforcing bars
resisting earthquake-induced flexure, axial force, or both,
and specifications, or refer to specific documents that
in special moment frames, special structural walls, and all
contain this information.
components of special structural walls including coupling
d. For Type 2 splices, connections splices using the beams and wall piers, with the ___ mechanical connector
fabricator-prepared assemblies of couplers and steel splice systems, mill certificates of reinforcing bars must be
reinforcing bars, tested in static tension, must develop 100 submitted to the code official as evidence that the steel
percent of the specified tensile strength of the steel reinforcing bars comply with ACI 318-11 Section”
reinforcing bar and 125 percent of the specified yield
6.11 6.10 For recognition under the 2009 IBC, the
strength of the reinforcing bar for use under the IBC or
evaluation report shall include a paragraph similar to the
IRC. This may be demonstrated in test report(s) submitted
following: “Under the 2009 IBC, for structures regulated by
to the code official.
Chapter 21 of ACI 318-08 (as required by 2009 IBC
e. For Type 1 splices, connections splices using the Section 1908.1), to splice deformed reinforcing bars
fabricator-prepared assemblies of couplers and steel resisting earthquake-induced flexural and axial forces in
reinforcing bars, tested in static tension, must develop 125 frame members, structural walls and coupling beams, with
percent of the specified yield strength of the steel the ___ mechanical connector splice systems, mill
reinforcing bar. This may be demonstrated in test report(s) certificates of reinforcing bars must be submitted to the
submitted to the code official. code official as evidence that the steel reinforcing bars
comply with ACI 318-08 Section”
6.9 For recognition under the 2015 IBC, the evaluation
report shall include a paragraph similar to the following: 6.12 6.11 The evaluation report shall include a
“Under the 2015 IBC, for structures regulated by Chapter sentence similar to the following: “Splice locations must
18 of ACI 318-14 (as required by 2015 IBC Section comply with applicable IBC requirements and be noted on
1905.1), to splice deformed reinforcing bars resisting plans approved by the code official.” ■
earthquake-induced flexure, axial force, or both, in special
moment frames, special structural walls, and all


1 0.95fy 0.5fy 20
2 2𝜀𝑦𝑎 0.5fy 4
3 5𝜀𝑦𝑎 0.5fy 4
4 Load in tension to failure
fy is the specified yield strength of the steel reinforcing bar.
𝜀𝑦𝑎 is the strain of steel reinforcing bar at actual yield stress as determined in accordance with Section 3.2.2.


ACI 318-14 (2015 IBC) ACI 318-11 (2012 IBC) ACI 318-08 (2009 IBC)
12.14.3 12.14.3
12.15.4 12.15.4
12.15.6 12.15.6
12.16.3 12.16.3 for Applications In
Special Seismic Systems and 21.8.2(b) 21.8.2(b)


2012 2015 IRC 2012 AND 2009 IRC
R301. R301.
R301. R301.
R404.1.23 R404.1.2
R404.1.23.1 R404.1.2.1
R404.1.23.3 R404.1.2.3
R404.1.23.4 R404.1.2.4
R404.1.4.2 R404.1.4.2
R404.5.1 R404.5.1
R611R608.1 R611.1
R611R608.1.1 R611.1.1
R611R608.1.2 R611.1.2
R611R608.2 R611.2
R611R608.6.1 R611.6.1
R611R608.8.2 R611.8.2
R611R608.9.2, Item 5 R611.9.2, Item 5
R611R608.9.3, Item 5 R611.9.3, Item 5


2015 IBC 2012 IBC 2009 IBC
ACI 318 -14 -11 -08
ASTM A370 -14 -97 -97

When different editions of an ASTM standard are listed above, the different editions are deemed to be technically equivalent for the
purpose of this criteria. New report applicants are expected to use the edition referenced for the corresponding IBC edition. Current
report holders, whose evaluation reports are based on data complying with one of the earlier editions of the standard, will not need to
submit new data to demonstrate compliance with the latest edition of the referenced standard.




A1.1 Purpose: The purpose of this annex to the Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Connector Splice Systems for Steel
Reinforcing Bars is to establish additional requirements for grouted sleeve reinforcing bar connectors splices due to the unique
aspects of this type of connector splice.
A1.2 Scope: The scope of this annex is reinforcing bar connectors splices that consist of a sleeve and a cementitious
grout, where the reinforcing bars are inserted into the core of the sleeve prior to installation of the grout into the core of the
sleeve. This annex is applicable to grouted sleeve reinforcing bar connectors splices that are field-installed or installed at a
fabricator of concrete building components. This annex does not address the use of grouted sleeve reinforcing bar connectors
splices in fire-resistance-rated construction.
A1.3 Reference Standards:
A1.3.1 ASTM C109-08, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or
[50 mm] Cube Specimens), ASTM International.
A1.3.2 ASTM C666-97, Standard Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing, ASTM
A1.4 Definitions
A1.4.1 Angular Misalignment. Angular misalignment is the misalignment of the longitudinal axis of the reinforcing bar
inserted into the sleeve with respect to the longitudinal axis of the sleeve, such that the two axes are not parallel.
A2.1 General: In addition to the information required under Section 2.1 of this criteria, the following information concerning
the grouted sleeve reinforcing bar connectors splices shall also be submitted:
A2.1.1 Description: Both the sleeves and the grout material shall be described.
A2.1.2 Packaging and Identification: The method of packaging and identification of both the sleeves and the grout
shall be described. If the grout is a proprietary material supplied under the evaluation report applicant holder’s name, the
packaging of the grout shall include the company name of the evaluation report applicant holder, product name, and the
evaluation report number. If the grout is a proprietary material supplied by a company other than the evaluation report
applicant holder’s company, the evaluation report applicant holder shall describe the product labeling.
A2.1.3 Installation Instructions: Installation, mixing, and curing instructions for the grout shall be submitted. The
instructions need to include methods of verifying the compressive strength of the mixed and cured grout.
A2.2 Test Reports: Test reports shall comply with Section 2.3 of this criteria and describe the preparation of grout,
grouting operation and curing of the test specimens.
A2.3 Product Sampling: The sleeves used in the tests shall be sampled in accordance with Section 2.4 of this criteria.
The grout shall be sampled in accordance with Section 3.2 of AC85. The testing laboratory shall witness the preparation of the
load test specimens, including mixing of the grout, embedment of reinforcing bar into the sleeve, the grouting of the sleeve and
the curing of the test specimen assembly.
A3.1 General: Due to the unique aspects of grouted sleeve reinforcing bar connectors splices, the additional tests
specified in the following sections of this annex are required. Also, the structural performance tests under Section 3.2 of this
criteria need to address the additional considerations described in the following sections of this annex.
A3.2 Structural Performance:
A3.2.1 General: The grouted sleeve reinforcing bar connector splice shall be classified as a Type 1 or Type 2 splice,
with the structural performance demonstrated by tests in accordance with Section 3.2 of the criteria, modified in accordance
with this section of this annex (Section A3.2).
A3.2.2 Grout: The grout placed into the sleeve of the reinforcing bar connector splice and reinforcing bar assemblies
subjected to the structural performance tests shall be prepared in accordance with the installation instructions (see Section
A2.1.3). The ratio of all ingredients shall be consistent in all test specimens.
The compressive strength of the grout of the structural performance test specimens shall be determined by preparing
grout compression test specimens using the same grout placed into the structural performance test specimens and conducting
the tests in accordance with ASTM C109. The grout compressive strength test specimens shall be prepared in accordance
with the published instructions, and stored and cured under the same conditions as the structural performance test specimens.
Grout compression tests shall be conducted on a minimum of two compressive strength test specimens at both the beginning
and ending of the structural performance tests. The beginning tests shall be concurrent with the initiation of the structural
performance tests within 24 hours of the structural tests. To establish the grout strength of the structural performance tested

assemblies, the results of the four grout compressive strength tests shall be averaged. The established grout strength will be
expressed in the evaluation report as the minimum grout strength.
A3.2.3 Reinforcing Bar Deformation Patterns: Reinforcing bars are available with numerous deformation patterns,
such as spiral, diagonal, diamond or bamboo. As a result, unless the evaluation report limits the use of the grouted sleeve
reinforcing bar connectors splices to the specific deformation pattern of the reinforcing bars used in the structural performance
tests, the effects of various reinforcing bar deformation patterns shall be addressed. Comparison tests, in the form of tension
tests in accordance with Section or Section, as applicable, shall be conducted on assemblies of reinforcing
bars and reinforcing bar connector splice with at least three different patterns of reinforcing bar deformations. A minimum of
five assemblies for each reinforcing bar deformation pattern with the same size reinforcing bar connector splice shall be
tested. Where numerous sizes of reinforcing bar connectors splices are to be recognized, all sizes of the reinforcing bar
connectors splices shall be tested, unless a T-test at 95 percent confidence is done with the smallest and largest sizes of the
reference deformation pattern. Unless the results of the comparison tests indicate that the ultimate tension strength of the
reinforcing bar connector splice is not affected by the type of reinforcing bar deformation pattern, all of the other structural
performance tests required by Section A3.2.1 of this annex shall be conducted on assemblies with reinforcing bar having the
deformation pattern with the lowest ultimate load tensile strength of the comparison tests.
A3.2.4 Angular Misalignment: Comparison tests, in the form of tension tests in accordance with Section or
Section, as applicable, shall be conducted on assemblies of reinforcing bars and reinforcing bar connector splice at
the maximum angular displacement, and conducted also on assemblies with the longitudinal axis of the reinforcing bars and
sleeve aligned and parallel. Where numerous sizes of reinforcing bar connectors splices are to be recognized, unless all sizes
are tested, the evaluation report applicant holder shall provide an analysis of the reinforcing bar connectors splices to establish
which size, or sizes, of reinforcing bar connections shall be subjected to the angular misalignment tests.
The results of these comparison tension tests shall demonstrate that the ultimate tensile strength of the assembly is
not reduced as a result of angular misalignment.
A3.3 Grout Durability: To address the durability of the grout, reports of freeze-thaw tests in compliance with Section A4.1
of this criteria shall be required.
A4.1 Freezing and Thawing Tests: Freezing and thawing tests of the grout shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM
C666, using Procedure A for a minimum of 300 cycles. The grout shall be prepared in accordance with Section A3.2.2 of this
annex and as specified in ASTM C666. The specimens shall be cured as specified in ASTM C666 for 14 days prior to testing.
The conditions of acceptance are that the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity (RDME) of the specimens after 300
cycles of freezing and thawing exposure shall be a minimum of 90 percent.
A5.1 Sleeve: The quality control requirements for the sleeve are as specified in Section 5.0 of the criteria.
A5.2 Grout:
A5.2.1 Quality documentation complying with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation (AC10) shall
be submitted.
A5.2.2 Third-party follow-up inspections are not required for the grout under the annex to this criteria.
A6.1 Sections 6.1 and through 6.2 4, and 6.9 through 6.12 are applicable to grouted sleeve reinforcing bar connectors
splices and shall be addressed in the evaluation report.
A6.2 The evaluation report shall specify the water-to-cementitious material ratio and minimum required compressive
strength of the grout consistent with the test specimens.
A6.3 The evaluation report shall include a statement that the use of grouted sleeve reinforcing bar connectors splices in
fire-resistance-rated construction is outside the scope of the evaluation report.

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