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(fCloss[ Letter(s) of Specier.. IMOcK CAMBRIDGE 1GCSE_ 202) CANDIDATE NAME - AQIF ZAR\F RIN AZM CENTRE — myqas CLASS ~_ 4 ELNATH COLLEGE NUMBER — JVI80124 Bal) Pony pois of legs Have many segmen tee body QO) 4. Crustaceans 2. 1nsects Lew v —| ES Gc) genus ~ Aphelorva Kingdom - virg imiensis € ()Betause the cells cannot obtain energy from mitochonelria te Be work: = 20 inne ree ae] a Goiteuct | Relax] Contrec] Decrease — | Bren!” | Relex | ort] Relox | Tnerense ; (byLOne cell thiek of alveols anal cop ilar re — 2.Movement of air in and pod of Meets Rae. <2 : OO)A group of same cell that work tegether with We same function G19 Support the t po ath. a 7 ache ond allow the passage of — Bias. ea Name: A GIF Class: 7 CONFIDENTIAL, 3 (a) Fig. 3.1 shows part of the human excretory system and associated blood vessels. ‘The arrows indicate the direction of blood ffow. _ x not to scale d Fig. 3.4 i w Draw a Label line and the letter X on Fig. 3.1 to show the location of the cortex in one of the kidneys. LU} (ii) Table 3.1 contains statements about the labelled structures in Fig. 3.1. Complete the table by: 3 ie + stating the name of the structure a +_identiying the leer that labels that structure, oe pee, ' a Table 3.1 ol description name of structure letter from Fig. 3.4 organ that stores urine Urinary Vladder A. 2 {ube that carries urine out ofthe kidney Ureter ‘ oh ee ccrtnot ae Renal vein s _ blood [sxbonanata aomemanen st Daa Bitee | Moe that caries utine out ofthe body Name: Class: Bi CONFIDENTIAL, {b) Doctors wanted to investigate the effect of exercise on the excretion of salts. “They collected urine from people efore and after running a long distance on a hot day. ‘The results of their investigation are shown in Table 3.2. ‘Table 3.2 | before running after running snc 1156.0 969.0 ‘average concentration of sodiumin | ff ee | urine / mmol per dm? 85.6 78.2 (Suggest why thare is a difference in the volume of urine produced before running compared with after running. Use the information in Table 3.2 in your answer. (ii) Calculate the percentage decrease in the emus Give your answer to,one significant figure. Space for working. at Xl00% = 3. 85 fale 2 nowt i =4 Name: Class: " CONFIDENTIAL 4 Pathogens cause disease. (a) Fig. 4.1 shows some cells that are part of the human immune system. These cells are responding to one type of pathogen ° —o 0 So Ri 5 i. Fig. 41 Explain how the immune system responds to an invasion of pathogens. Use the letters in Fig. 4.1 in your answer. As pathogen create oa white blood cll val produce antigen, to. ll. the which...does net have..the. shape jie 1 gen, vill couse the antigen pathogen. cond al “ah from. caus gay. hace i in, the. body: : Name: Class: 10 CONFIDENTIAL (b) A vaccine was introduced in 1942 for a particular disease, Fig. 4.2 shows the effect of introducing the vaccine on the number of cases of the disease in one country. 150+ number of cases of disease per million people 1004- 50: Lead 1920 1930—=t«SMO:«iSOS:C«éGOSCSC«*S.~~S«CN96 year Fig. 4.2 Im 1946 the government of the country concluded that the vaccine was successful, Discuss the evidence, shown in Fig. 4.2, for and against this conclusion. of divease decreases wher eo bud The number of cases ; ww Name: Class: CONFIDENTIAL 5 (a) Fig. 5.1 is a diagram of a prokaryotic cell Fig. 5.4 not to scale (i) State one visible feature in Fig. 5.1 that identifies this cell as a prokaryotic cell Does not have nucleus (ii) State one cell structure that is present in the cells of all organisms. ( ‘ (yte plasm ie (b) Prokaryates, Animals and Plants are three of the five kingdoms of organisms. State the names of the two other kingdoms. + ..Fungh Protoctist (2) (c) State one advantage of using bacteria in genetic engineering. They...repreduce quickly... a oe Name: Class: ‘ CONFIDENTIAL (d) Fig. 5.2 shows part of the nitrogen cycle. proteins in proteins in animals plants animal wast] Fig. 5.2 (i) Describe processes A, B and C in Fig. 5.2. trogen. fi 5 nitrogen. In atmesphere ecome f te i) Jn process By whl Name: Class: 13 ‘CONFIDENTIAL ‘ 6. Cheetahs, Acinonyx jubatus, are carnivores found in the dry grasslands and woodlands of ; ‘southern Africa, Cheetahs hunt for food during the day. They eat deer and antelope. ‘The cheetah isthe fastest mammal on land but can only run at high speed (sprint) over @ short distance. Its hunting strategy is fo creep up on prey and then sprint to catch them. Fig. 6.1 is a photograph of a cheetah in its natural habitat. Fig. 6.1 (a) Suggest how these ‘2daptive features enable cheetahs to survive in their natural environment. streamlined body shape Allow cheetah 4 ‘CONFIDENTIAL (6) The king cheetah is a rare variety of A. jubatus that has inherited striped fur markings. Fig. 6.2 shows a cheetah with spots and a king cheetah, Fig. 6.2 Fig. 6.3 shows a pedigree diagram of a population of cheetahs. & 1 12. ol 15] 46) fy Fig. 6.3 female king cheetah © feria an male king cheetah male cheetah with spots Ba. (i) Predict the probability of cheetah 14 being a king cheetah. Describe how a breeder could determine the genotype of cheetah 17. eetoh 17 ii) (iv) When the king cheetah was first discovered it was thought that it was a new species. Pedigree diagrams of cheetahs proved it was not a new species. Piants are also sensitive to gravity. (b) () Define the term sensitivity. The ability to detect and res ponse to (ii) Explain the role of plant hormones in gravitropism. (iii) Gravitropism enables plants to survive in their environment. Explain how gravitropism enables a plant to survive. to cbtarn |s ight: Name: Class: CONFIDENTIAL 1 (c)_ Reflexes in animals are also an example of sensitivity. Describe how reflexes in animals differ from sensitivity in plants, fast iG eto react but sens (d) Reflex actions allow the body to respond rapidly to changes in the external environment. Outline the pathway in a reflex arc in response to shining a bright light into the eye. The... stimu) tothe optic nerve and radsal muscle via e Greular muse

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