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System Administrator

 What is Meta title and meta keyword while creating a page.

 To get the password of the assigned user we have to remember the userID and email so that
it can generate a password for us through our email.
 In the manage link under permission= we use this inly for those thematic specialist who are
assigned a double job
 Role based and name based permission got me confused? Read the srs
 Set compliant timescale in the system administration part is to set a day that the complaint
is going to be resolved, but if the compliant is not resolved within the specific time the
system admin will get notification

CMS(going to be Tested by Mr. Tamerat.)

Compliant manager
(Procurement compliant)

Complain management will be accessed by all thematic specialists. The federal level can only
view and the ULG can edit and send the complain

Nature of compliant can be payment, process of complain

The complaint source can be changed by the system Administrator

For a regional user compliant we should login into by the Regional user account and go to
the procurement compliant under compliant manager.

By login into the federal account the user can only view the procurement complaints from
the regional and the user.


So we should enter to the ulg users account.

The region can be able to see the apa complain of the ULG.
But regions can only view there respective ULG’s
But federal can see all the APA complain of all ULG’S

We should login into The region account to get into RIA complain

Grievances complaint

We enter/ lpgin into the ULG user

Complain assignment

Login into federal user and under complain management we will get into
complain assignment.

For staff evaluation each level of the gov’t will do their own evaluation no sending data from
ulg to region region to federal or viseversal.
Eg suppose there is a program coordinator in one ulg their will be teams under him(non
thematic area) and they will evaluate each other and them selves and next the subordinates
means the teams evaluating the program coordinator

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