Religion Cheat Sheet

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Test Review

True or false
10 marks
Know the avenues and roadblocks
Know the difference between vocal and verbal language
“Vocal” refers to spoken communication, while “verbal” refers to any form of communication and can include such things
as sign language or gesturing.
Know stereotyping
any statement which puts someone into a role or category denies their dignity as a person. Stereotyping disregards the
person’s individuality and judges him/her on the basis of preconceived ideas
Catholic social teachings
1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person
2. Family, community, Participation
3. Rights and Responsibilities
4. Option for the Poor
5. Dignity of work and rights of workers
6. Global solidarity
7. Care for God's creation
Know Justice and injustice- the difference
JUSTICE - striving to ensure the well-being of others as well as ourselves
INJUSTICE - both the lack of concern for, and the violation of the well-being of others or oneself
Corporal works of mercy and spiritual works of mercy
to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to visit the imprisoned, to shelter the homeless, to visit
the sick, to bury the dead
These are also known as the "Corporal Works of Mercy"
- to admonish the sinner, to instruct the ignorant, to counsel the doubtful
to comfort the sorrowful, to forgive injuries, to bear wrongs patiently,to pray for the living and the dead
These are also known as the "Spiritual Works of Mercy"
Know your developmental tasks
1.-What sense do I have of myself?
2. Becoming autonomous -to become more independent physically, financially, intellectually, emotionally
3. Constructing and living out a value system - childhood values directed by parents, school, church are challenged to
direct their own lives using their own values
4. Being capable of a loving commitment -slow in their ability to sustain and commit themselves to a stable loving
relationship with one person
5. Reflecting on religion - many reject. religious practices that have been part of their lives. Must make a personal search
for a religious practice that expresses their faith.
6. Making friends and living with intimacy -wide range of emotional and intellectual experiences to share
7. Integrating sexuality -developing a set of values to guide sexual expression and appreciate the role of sex in life
8. Gaining competence -in intellectual, physical, relational skills
9. Selecting a career and taking an adult job -preparing for a career, developing structured career skills
10. Using leisure time for renewal -need to determine how to use leisure time in the best way for them
11. Taking part in the broader community - at 18 can vote -7 influence local, provincial and national politics and question
their role in the world community
Know factors for identity that are out of your control
Multiple choice
Know characteristics of a modern day profit
The first characteristic of the true prophet is that he must have an enduement of power from God. In the Bible all true
prophets possessed power from God as a result of a personal relationship with God
Know difference between morality and ethics
Morals refer to a sense of right or wrong. Ethics, on the other hand, refer more to principles of "good" versus "evil" that
are generally agreed upon by a community
Know what a you and I message is
state observation, feelings, thoughts and wishes They express the speaker’s concern, but they leave the other
person free to respond. Ex. When you stop me while I’m speaking, I don’t feel listened to. “I” messages imply a
willingness to take responsibility for one’s own responses
tend to imply negative judgments of the other
Person. They seem to want to annoy and/or anger the other Ex. You should listen more carefully “you” messages force
people to defend
Know the 4 ways to resolve conflict: do unto others how you would want done to u, go to the source, get the facts
straight,take a problem solving approach.
Know 4 different types of identity traits (ex. Sanguine)
The Choleric The Natural Leader. Determined, energetic, goal-oriented(Trump). The Melancholic The
Sensitive, thoughtful, quiet.The Phlegmatic The Peacemaker.Easy-going, calm, chill(john wick). The Sanguine The
Life of the Party. Enthusiastic, fun-loving, outgoing.(sid the sloth)
Know your developmental tasks of the transitional periods
1 Shaping an identity - Who am I?
2. Becoming autonomous
3. Constructing and living out a value system
4. Being capable of a loving commitment
5. Reflecting on religion
6. Making friends and living with intimacy
7. Integrating sexuality
8. Gaining competence
9. Selecting a career and taking an adult job
10. Using leisure time for renewal
11. Taking part in the broader community
different types of sin
Sins of Commission: Active Sin; we sin by doing
something that hurts someone e.g., physical or verbal abuse, stealing, cheating, slander,
Manslaughter Sins of Omission: Passive Sin; Sin not by doing, failure to love.e.g., failing to feed the hungry, shelter the
homeless, look after the sick. Personal Sin: the result of an individual knowingly, willingly doing something that hurts the
relationship with God, self, neighbor or nature
Philosophical branches- utilitarianism is what’s best for the majority of people
Virtue approach
Know 4 different types of Justice
Communication 28 marks
Survival and thrival right
SURVIVAL RIGHTS: basic needs, such as food, shelter, water, basic health care, and nurturing our young
things needed to foster the full potential of God's creation, such as respect, privacy, freedom of speech, religious liberty,
education, meaningful work and time for recreations:
4 factors of identity:
1. Cosmic - e.g. your birth, God
2. Genetic - genes have a strong influence on who you are
3. Cultural - you had no control over the culture you were born and raised in
4. Circumstances - e.g. major historical events, accidents, chance meetings etc. Occurrences that seem to be pure luck
or pure misfortune
Handling conflict
1.Do unto others
Do you like it when people are condescending? Why they try to compromise? They probably feel the same way as you
2. Go to the source
Speak to the person with whom you are in a conflict with. Involving a third party leads to more confusion and makes the
problem worse.
3. Get the facts straight
Don't act on rumours, take time to find out the truth.
4. Take a problem solving approach
State the problem clearly. Brainstorm for possible solutions.
Principles of Catholic social teachings 3-4 know at least
The Life & Dignity of the Human Person-every life is sacred and all people are worthy of respect, no matter who they are
or where they live, The Common Good-you do it for the benefit or advantage of everyone, Subsidiarity-to guarantee a
degree of independence for a lower authority in relation to a higher body or for a local authority in relation to central
government, Solidarity- unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on community of interests, objectives,
and standards

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