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We have been talking about the Tree of life that God caused to grow in

the garden and that this tree is a pathway in the love of God, a pathway
of grace, a pathway to receive God’s grace into the faith of God, the faith
of Christ in the vessel of honour called faith that is activated in us when
we are born again.

There were two trees in the Garden and the Tree of life was and is a
pathway in the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus that leads to living in Him in
eternal life.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was and is a pathway in the
mind of man, living from a mind that does not acknowledge God. It is a
pathway that leads to death because it is a pathway of sin, sin is living
from a mind that does not honour God, does not recognise God, it’s root
is unbelief, a mind that does not believe God, but believes in himself as
the way to live life, but in actual fact it is leading to eternal death.

We choose the pathway we take

Matthew 7:13-14 Enter by the narrow gate

Here Jesus is talking about the two pathways of the Tree of life and the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil

And He says Enter by the narrow gate, the narrow gate is difficult
because it is hard on the flesh, the natural soul does not want to
acknowledge God, the soul wants to be the God of our life and this
thinking we received from the one who wants to rise above God, satan
who wants to enslave us in his wicked way.

But God always provides a way out and the gate or door to the way out
is Jesus the gate or door to the narrow way, Jesus said I am the door for
the sheep, so when we acknowledge Him with our faith confession and
we are born again, we can enter through the gate, the door into Christ.

He then makes it easy, He says take my yoke my burden is light

because in His light, in His blood, He is going to lead and guide us all
the way into eternal life, if we stay in Him.
In Him it is absolutely certain that we will live in an incredible eternal life
if we stay in Him if we stay in faith, If we live in our faith, just as God told
us four times, the Just shall live by and in their faith.

But we have to understand how we live in and by faith, because it is not

by natural understanding, natural thinking, which is superficial and
passing away, but by supernatural understanding, revelation.

Ephesians 1:17 [I always pray] that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Father of glory, may grant you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation [that
gives you a deep and personal and intimate insight] into the true
knowledge of Him [for we know the Father through the Son].

To live by revelation in faith, It can only be through the Holy Spirit who is
going to bring revelation of God’s word, God’s grace to us, to be
deposited in our faith container our faith vessel of honour, revealing
more of Christ,more of grace, so that we can then live by faith, by the
revelation of His word, Christ revealed in us, our hope of glory.

We also spoke about how on the inside of our mind, there are places
which we called containers and the bible calls vessels. There are
vessels some of honour and there are vessels or containers of the
knowledge of good and evil, our own self knowledge that we gained from
the world.

2 Timothy 2:20 some to honor and some to dishonor.

Paul spoke spoke about this when He said that the whole Church was
God’s house or temple and we also are God’s house or temple.

1 Corinthians 3:16 Do you not discern and understand that you [the
whole church at Corinth]

We know that man is made up of body, soul and spirit. In a natural man
or woman that does not acknowledge God, it is His soul, his mind will
and emotions that leads him through life, thinking from the information in
the containers of their mind

These containers are vessels of honour and dishonour in their mind,a

collection of the worlds knowledge of good and evil which is mainly sin
because it does not acknowledge Our Father in heaven, it is not ac
collected in the containers in their mind and unfortunately this also the
case with many Christians.

But God wants to take us to the place where the spirit leads us through
life and the soul and body is willingly under the spirits mission, submitted
because we are fully persuaded that the spirit follows God’s will and plan
for our lives.

In what we call the Old testament, Moses and david built a tabernacle to
God, comprising three sections, the outer court, the holy place and the
holy of holies. The outer court was the place of preparation where
sacrifices were made and sin was dealt with, the holy place with a Table,
Lampstand, and Altar of Incense and the The Holy of holies containing the
ark of the covenant.

The apostle Paul referred to man as the temple of God making the body
or flesh a type of the outer court, the holy place is the soul; and the holy
of holies is the spirit where Christ dwells.

Hebrews 10:19 by the blood of Jesus,

The vessel of faith in our soul is surrounded in the blood of Jesus which
allows us to enter and commune with the Father by faith through His
blood. We have a blood bought right to enter and with confidence draw
near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to
help in time of need.

Romans 3:25 God set forth Yeshua as an atonement, through faith in

His blood,
The grace that we find at the throne is grace, His word, Christ, that we
bring back into our faith to apply to every situation, grace by faith will
take us through all and lead us home.

In the containers in our soul are filled all aspects of our memory in
different containers or vessels, memories of childhood, memories of
family, memories of our experiences growing up and some are
containers of dishonour, memories that dishonour the Lord, memories
when we acted without reference to God, when we acted in fear or
unbelief. When we acted and relied on our own ability, in our knowledge
of good and evil.

But God wants us to begin to access the power of grace by faith for
every situation.

The same way we were born again by a faith confession which brought
grace to save us,is the same way God wants us to deal with every
situation in life.

To leave behind the old way of thinking all the time in every other
container outside of the vessel of honour the container of faith.

Paul told us about this when he related how before he received Jesus
Christ, he lived out of containers of dishonour in his mind, how he hated
Christians and how he made it his mission to hunt them down and kill
them, after He was born again, he could not escape living out of these
containers of old thinking, so he called out to the Lord asking who could
help him.

And the answer came back through the Holy Spirit, thanks be God
through Jesus Christ our Lord! We know that our old self was crucified
with Him so that the body of sin might be rendered powerless, that we
should no longer be slaves to sin.

Then he received the revelation that he had a container in his mind

which he was not accessing and that was his container of faith, the
vessel of honour that God had gifted to him a container full of grace, full
Christ who is grace.

But that he had not up until that point had revelation of what was in his
container, but then he receives through the Holy Spirit his great
revelation, my accessing faith always brings the spirit of life in Christ
Jesus which makes me free from the law of sin and death.

I no longer am bound to thinking in someone else’s ungodly thoughts, I

can think with the mind of Christ in faith!
The spirit of life in Christ Jesus that is in my faith container will make me
free from living by every other container in my mind, the vessels of
dishonour in my soul, it will free me from the vessels of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil.

Acts 9:15 Is telling us that Saul was a chosen faith vessel of God to bear
his name. God used a murderous, persecutor to write the majority of the
New Testament and to spread the Gospel. And, Ananias was the
disciple and chosen faith vessel to lead Saul to his destiny through the
Holy Spirit.

We who are born again are also a chosen faith vessel, so lets look at
how the power of faith operates.

You would be amazed at the number of people who think that living by
faith is just believing God, believing that He will do everything whilst they
just sit back and coast along leaving God in control to do it all.

And God will do it all, He will do it all by doing everything in us, but there
is a condition, we must willingly and with Joy allow Him to do everything
in us, we must ask him from a heart that is earnestly desiring to be
taught by Him.

Romans 12:2 tells us that we are the ones to get transformation to get
the renewing of our mind by asking. Ask and you shall find seek firs tthe
kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you, what things,
the revelation of grace shall be added to you.

Romans 12:2 be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.

That scripture is telling us that now we are born again, we have a task
set before us, a responsibility that we are now the ones who have to get
all that God has for us. We have to get His grace as revelation
knowledge, deposited into our mind, into our faith container the vessel of
Honour within us called faith.

This is the process that happened to Apollos. When he was born again,
he started preaching in the synagogue from his knowledge container of
Johns baptism teaching, but two people Priscilla and Aquila took him
aside and began to teach him through the Holy Spirit the gospel of

Acts 18:26 full gospel.

Apollos welcomed their teaching and received it with joy, so he was the
one who had to get revealed grace into his faith container from the Holy
Spirit, speaking through Priscilla and Aquila.

What they were saying to Apollos was that what you were preaching was
good, the baptism of John, but it was information, not revelation from the
Holy Spirit, it was knowledge, but there is a more excellent way, the way
of revealed knowledge from the Holy Spirit, revealing to us the gospel of

What Priscilla and Aquila were saying to Apollos was that knowledge of
God is good, but what we need is revealed knowledge by the Holy Spirit
to fill our faith container.

Ephesians 4:13 until we all reach oneness in the faith

Only Christ has the full measure of faith, but He is willing to impart His
faith in us, the amount of the growth of faith in us is the amount that His
faith, His grace is revealed.

We need to have more and more revealed in our faith container so that
we become empowered by grace to live in newness of life.

That is our vision, our goal is to be filled with the revelation of the full
measure of faith that is Christ. That was pauls prayer for us

Ephesians 3:19 flooded and filled

So how do we do it? well, lets go to the beginning

Proverbs 4:7 wisdom is the principle thing but not the only thing, wisdom
is a part of Gods love expressed as His grace, Christ.
Wisdom is revealed knowledge of the word of God that can be applied to
every situation, knowing what to do, when you don’t know what to do.

So how do we get revelation, understanding, remember Jesus said

about the parable of the sower, ‘Do you not understand this parable,
how will you understand all the parables, understanding, revelation is the
key to applying faith.

I can understand something with my natural mind when I am told about

something, but that is natural understanding which is temporary and
passing away, but then there is supernatural understanding,
understanding above the natural, to understand by revelation which
comes by one source.

Isaiah 11:1-2 Spirit of understanding

Wisdom is the principle part of grace but there are many more aspects of

1 Corinthians 1:30

The only one who can bring supernatural revelation, understanding into
our faith vessel is the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:12 that we might understand (not in notes, a late entry)

We need to ask and invite the Holy Spirit to teach us grace but more
importantly the revelation of grace, Holy Spirit understanding of grace,
who is Christ.

James 1:5 If any man lacks

John 14:26 He will teach you all things

Christ will speak to us through His Holy Spirit who is in us, we will know
His voice for He will always speak in line with scripture.
But not always chapter and verse but the concept of the chapter and
verse. It for us to then go and find the verses He is referring to and by
the Holy Spirit, gain understanding, rightly divide the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study and be eager and do your utmost

When we ask the Holy Spirit, the Lord speaks to us by the Holy Spirit,
we go to the word of God and study what the Lord is saying and Holy
Spirit understanding, revelation comes, understanding will be confirmed
by a witness in my spirit from the spirit of understanding, the Holy Spirit
which will rise into my human mind transforming my thinking, my faith
vessel to the renewing of my mind.

I will never forget the moment when I knew that the Lord spoke to me
and said ‘The sower sows the word” I knew because I had a witness in
my spirit from the Holy Spirit that this was Christ in me my hope of glory
speaking to me.

But then I had to Go and get the word, find the word that He spoke to me
and study and study by asking the Holy Spirit to bring revelation of what
grace was saying.

I am still pouring over that word to this day because now I have
revelation that if I can understand this parable by revelation, I can
receive revelation, understanding of all parables.

I can by the Holy Spirit receive revelation, supernatural understanding of

grace, His word, Christ.

This is how He will build His church, which is you and I, by revelation
through grace, Christ Jesus Himself.

Read Matthew 16:18 And I tell you, you are Peter

And who is the rock, Jesus Christ and what is the rock upon which He
will build His Church us, revelation of Christ, grace Himself revealed in
our faith container, grace flooding and filling our innermost being to the
building of His Church and by faith, the gates of hell will be sealed up
By faith through the Holy Spirit, who is in our faith container, is how we
communicate with our heavenly Father, to receive revelation by the Holy
Spirit senses, which are supernatural, they are above the natural.

But notice in the level of faith we talked about before, great faith comes
by hearing and hearing by the word of God it comes by grace and the
route is praying in the Holy Spirit.

So how we renew our mind is to speak to, or pray in the Holy Spirit by
faith, the faith word is that He will lead and guide us into all truth all
grace just as He said that He would.

When we ask Him, by faith He will speak to us and begin to teach us the
senses of grace that we can apply to our everyday lives

Lets look at some of Christs spirit senses that He enables us to apply to

situations by faith.

Look at this small chart in your scripture notes.

In this chart at the top we see that God, Christ, the Holy Spirit are One,
present in the Holy Spirit in our born again spirit
And that revelation of the word of God comes from God through the Holy
Spirit into our faith container in our mind, our soul.

Revelation comes into our faith container, which is sealed in the blood of
Jesus, preventing any sin from accessing our faith container.
When we choose to live by faith we access all the revealed wisdom of
Christ of grace and apply that to every situation of life.

But at the bottom of the chart we see that our body and brain have
access to all the corrupt information of the world and if we allow it, it will
pour into our mind containers of dishonour.

That is where the choosing comes in, if we allow it to come in, and we
pay attention to it,
it will persuade us to live by fear instead of faith,that is what Adam said
to the Lord, I hid myself because I was afraid.

We need to begin to block this information in Jesus Name, not allowing it

to get into the container of dishonour.

Then by continually living by our faith container we grow in faith and this
will starve the containers of dishonour rendering them of no effect, we
become dead to sin, no longer controlled by the sin nature.

Faith is a vessel within you, the vessel of honour being filled to become
your most holy faith on which you believe and act.

Ephesians 3:19 flooded and filled

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace (every favor and
earthly blessing) come to you in abundance

And Amazing Grace will lead us home by faith and God the Father will
be well pleased with us and we will hear the Amazing words, ‘well done
my good and faithful servant, Enter into the joy of your Lord’.

Lets pray,

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