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Francis Miguel V.

San Mateo

Activity 2 : Analysis

Examine: Research one these artists. Try to observe how they used paint in their works. Simply focus on
the techniques.

Ang Kiukok - From researching the artist and observing them, the artworks that I saw have subjects that
are screaming like they are trying to get help or want to be heard. It uses subjects that is like disturbing
that you may think what’s happening on that painting. This agree to Artnet (2022) that he often chose
dynamic or disturbing subject matter, frequently depicting rabid dogs, crucifixions, and screaming figures
in an abstracted geometric style. When asked why he often chose subjects full of such angry he once
replied "Why not? Open your eyes. Look around you. So much anger, sorrow, ugliness. And also

Analysis: Seeing their paintings which given is unique, Jackson Pollock treat his materials with an
Nonrepresentational art which in the first place we see it is like just a random paining but this is created
with the artist with his emotions and expression, Rembrandt is uses reprsentational what we actually see
and this is the artist that amaze me because of the detai, Vicente Manansala uses also abstract art where
shapes are usually seen which is also great in a way of while seeing this shape create a figure, and “Ang
Kiukok” where also abstract art though unlike Manansala has , the shapes here are not that noticeable but
this art makes me disturbed which the artist trying to do.

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