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Trial Examination, 2021

Class: XII Subject: Chemistry

Time: 3 hours Full Mark: 100



Question 1 (1 x25)

(a) For each question, there are four alternatives A, B, C and D. Choose the correct
i. The preparation of soap in laboratory is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1The by-product of the reaction is

• triglyceride.
• glycerol.
• ethanol.
• sodium stearate.

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ii. Which one of the following is not a colligative property.
• Freezing point
• Depression in freezing point
• Elevation in boiling point
• Lowering of vapour pressure

iii. Assuming that the solutions behave ideally, the solution with the lowest freezing point is

• 10gram in 100ml water

• 20gram in 100ml water
• 5gram in 100 ml water
• 15gram in 100ml water
iv. A student performed a volumetric titration in which 25 mL of 0.25 M barium
hydroxide are required to fully titrate 50 mL solution of sulphuric acid. The initial
concentration of sulphuric acid would be
• 0.125 M.
• 0.135M.
• 0.145M.
• 0.155M.
v. A chemist in Army Welfare Project distillery in Gelephu mixes 0.25 mole of ethyl
alcoholwith 0.5 mole of water to formulate a brand of whisky. The mole fraction of
alcohol in the formulation is
• 0.30
• 0.31
• 0.34
• 0.33.
vi. A chemist calculates the pH of a solution containing hydronium ion concentration [H3O+]
=10-4 M. The pH of the solution is
• 4.
• -4.
• 8.
• -8.
vii. Karma attempted to formulate a coolant to be used in the car radiator. The main

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chemical composition of coolant may be
• acid and water.
• ethylene glycol and water.
• Ethyl alcohol and water.
• glycerol and water.
viii. Sonam applies his knowledge to formulate a buffer that may be used in dialysis solution.
The dialysis solution should have pH similar to that of body fluids. The buffer in dialysis
solutionis a
• Weak acid and its conjugate base.
• Strong acid and its conjugate base.
• Weak acid and strong base.
• Weak base and strong acid.

ix. A student was investigating acid-base equilibria in which it was found that the value
of Ka for a weak acid was 2.0 × 10-4. The value of Kb for its conjugate base is
[A] 5.0 x 10-6.

• 2.0 x 10-7.
• 2.0 x10-8.
• 2.0 x 10-10
x. A human body fluid has a H+ concentration of 1 x 10-7. The pH of the fluid will be
• 7
• 6
• 8
• 4
xi. An experiment was carried out by a team of students to design a device that can produce
maximum emf by referring the standard electrode potential data given in Table 1.

Table : 1

Cathode (reduction) Standard potential

Half reaction E0 volts

Mg2+(aq) + 2e- → Mg(s) -2.38

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Zn2+(aq) + 2e- → Zn(s) -0.76

Fe3+(aq) + 3e- → Fe(s) -0.04

2H+(aq) + 2e- → H2(g) 0.00

Cu2+(aq) + 2e- → Cu(s) 0.34

The maximum emf can be produced by the combination of

• Mg and Cu half cells.

• Zn and Cu half cells.
• Fe and Cu half cells.
• Zn and Fe half cells
xii. A student was asked to carry out an experiment to test two compounds, formaldehyde and
benzaldehyde. Which of the following reagents will help to differentiate between the two?
• Tollen’s reagent
• Fehling’s solution
• Schiff’s reagent
• 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine
xiii. The method of determining the age of rocks with the help of radioactive isotopes is called
• Radio carbon dating
• Isotopic dating
• Radioactivity
• Bombardment of elements

xiv. A student conducted an experiment to investigate the rate of reaction. A graph

was plottedfor volume of hydrogen gas formed vs time taken as shown in Figure

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0 1 2 5 6
time / minutes

The reaction is fastest between

• 0 and 1 minute.

• 1 and 2 minutes.

• 2 and 3 minutes.
• 7 and 8 minutes.
xv. Benzyl alcohol undergoes oxidation in presence of alkaline solution of potassium
permanganate to form product X, which is a white crystalline solid and reacts with
alcohol to form ester. Identify the product X.
• Oxalic acid
• Acetic acid
• Formic acid
• Benzoic acid
xvi. A student carried out the reduction of benzaldehyde using NaBH4 in the laboratory.
On analysis, the major product formed was found to be

• amino benzene.
• benzoic acid.
• benzyl alcohol.

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• benzene.

xvii. Sonam investigated the properties of an organic compound Y. The compound

has the following properties.

• It is colourless crystalline solid.

• It is highly soluble in alcohol but poorly soluble in water.
• It reacts with alcohol to form pleasant smelling compound.
• It produces effervescence when it reacts with NaHCO3.
The compound Y could be

• benzoic acid.
• benzaldehyde.
• benzyl alcohol.
• benzene.

xviii. The amine in which the two hydrogen atoms are replaced by alkyl groups are called..
• Primary amine
• Secondary amine
• Tertiary amine
• Amines

xix. The boiling point of carboxylic acid is higher than those of hydrocarbons and alcohols
of comparable molecular masses. This is due to
• intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
• dipole-dipole interaction.
• van der Waals’ forces.
• coordinate bonding.
xx. Which one of the following is true about ideal solutions
• Change in volume on mixing (Δvmix ) = zero
• Change in enthalpy (ΔHmix ) ≠zero
• Change in volume on mixing (Δvmix ) ≠ zero
• PA ≠ P0 XA and PB ≠ P0 XB

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xxi. Reaction between carboxylic acids and alcohols in presence of H2SO4 forms
• Corresponding salts
• Esters
• Amines
• Fats
xxii. A student prepared a buffer with a weak acid and its salt with a strong base.The buffer
produced by the student is
• Basic buffer
• Acidic buffer
• Solution of single substance
• Solution of mixtures

xxiii. Identify the bimolecular reaction from the following list

• PCl5 PCl3 + Cl2
• N2+2 O2 2NO
• N2 +3H2 2NH3
• H2+ Cl2 2HCl

xxiv. An element X has transformed to element Y after emitting radioactive radiations.

Element Y has mass number less by 8 units and atomic number less by 4 units. The
element X has emitted
• One α particle and one β particle
• Two α particles
• One α particle one β particle
• Two β particles

xxv. Reactions involving the change in the nucleus of an atom is called

• Thermal reactions
• Nuclear reactions
• Displacement reactions
• Substitution reaction

(b) Match the following (5marks)

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Table 2
Column A Column B
i. Cell potential at any concentration a. Cannizaro reaction
ii. Molecule carrying both negative and b. Zero order reaction
iii. Weak electrolyte c. Hinderson’s equation

iv. p= x1p10+ x2p20 d. Nernst equation

v. Formaldehyde e. CH3COOH
f. Zwitter ion

(c) Fill in the blanks (5 marks)

(i) An amino acid was analysed using gel electrophoresis. It was
observed that at a particular pH amino acid molecules did not
migrate to any of the electrodes. This particular pH is called
(ii) As wine ages, some of the acids react with ethanol to produce a
pleasant smelling compound. The compound produced is
(iii) An element emits a radioactive radiation and changes to a new element.
This new element is called …………..
(iv) Solutions have higher boiling point and lower melting point than pure
solvent. This property of the solutions that depend on number of solute
particles is called………
(v). The law that expresses the relationship between the rate of dissociation
with dilution is called ..................

(a) Write whether the following statements are True or False ( 5marks)
(i) The stability of a nuclide is determined by n/p ratio.
(ii) Benzaldehyde undergoes Cannizzaro reaction.
(iii) In a chemical reaction, the slowest step determines the rate of reaction.
(iv) A strong acid has a low Ka value.
(v) The salt bridge contains strong electrolyte whose ions will not react
with other ions in solution or with the electrodes.

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Section B

Attempt any six questions (60 Marks)

Question 2

(a) A solution of containing 1.7g of cane sugar in 100ml water begins to

freeze at -0.093 degree Celsius .The molal depression constant for water
is 1.86kgmol-1.
With reference to the above experiment, answer the following questions.

(i) Calculate the molar mass of the cane sugar. [2]

(ii) What is a colligative property? [2]
(iii) Freezing point is not a colligative property but depression in
freezing point is.Explain. [2]
(iv) Mention two applications of colligative property. [2]
(v) What would happen to the vapour pressure of a substance if more
solute is added to the substance? [2]

Question 3.

(a) Karma carried out titrations using 0.1M HCl acid solution and
NaOH solutions.
The observation is recorded in Table 3

Table 3

Sl no Volume of HCl acid (mL) Volume ofNaOH used(mL)

1 20 19.1

2 20 19.0

3 20 19.0

Use the data in Table 3 to answer the following questions.

(i) Calculate the molarity of NaOH solution. [2.5]

(ii) Calculate the strength of NaOH solution. [2.5]
(iii) What is the specific name given to titrations? [1]

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(iv) Name the indicator used in the titration. [1]
(v) Mention two precautions for the experiment. [2]
(vi) List down one characteristics of a good indicator [1]

Question 4

(a) Sonam designs a device similar to the one shown in Figure 10. This
device can be used topower electronic gadgets. Given that E0 for Zn2+ = -
0.76V and E0 for Mn2+ = 0.74.

Figure 2

With reference to the device, answer the questions i-iv.

(i) Identify the cathode and the anode. [2]

(ii) Calculate the emf of the cell. [2]
(iii) Write equation for the overall reaction when the cell discharges. [2]
(iv) State one environmental disadvantage of this device. [1]
(v) Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration of an acid whose pH value is 3.
(vi) What is radioactivity ? [1]

Question 5

a. A student obtains the following data for the reaction

2A +B 3C and the data is recorded in Table 4.

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Table 4

Experiment [A] (mol/L) [B] (mol/L) Initial


1 0.10 0.10 2.0 ×10-4

2 0.30 0.30 6.0 ×10-4

3 0.10 0.30 2.0 ×10-4

4 0.20 0.40 6.0 ×10-4

Use the data to answer the following questions.

(i) Determine the rate law. [2]

(ii) What is the overall order of reaction. [2]
(iii) Calculate the value of k for the reaction. [2]
(iv) Define order of reaction. [2]
b. Describe the buffer action of an acidic buffer [2]

Question 6

(a) Uranium disintegrates to form thorium and thorium disintegrates to form

actinium due to radioactive disintegration. The disintegration is shown by
the following equations.

92U238 90Th234 + 2He4

90Th234 91Ac234 + -1β0

With reference to the above information, answer the following questions.

(i) State the radioactive law demonstrated by the above equations. [2]
(ii) How many alpha and beta particles are emitted when 90Th232 is
converted into 85Pb220?
(iii) An atomic nucleus 40 A82 emits a beta particle and changes to new
nucleus C? What is the composition of nucleus C?

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(iv) How is natural radioactivity different from induced radioactivity?
Mention two points .
(v) Determine the mass number and the nuclear charge of 88Ra218 after
emission of 3 alpha and 1 beta particles.

Question 7

i. Freezing point of a solvent is 1500 C.0.5m of a solution of urea in the

solvent decreases the freezing point by 20C.Calculate the value of molal
depression constant(Kf) . [2]
(i) How can you further decrease the freezing point of the solvent ? [2]
i.Calculate the pH of the solution containing 0.003M HCl [2]
ii.Why titration of weak acid vs weak base cannot be accurately
performed ? [2]
iii.Blood is an example of buffer solution. Explain how blood resist the
change in its pH number . [2]
(c) Buffer solutions are considered to be important substances. Support the statement
with two applications of buffer solution. [2]
Question 8
(i) What do you observe when formaldehyde is warmed with Tollen’s
reagent? [2]
(ii) Write a balanced equation for the above reaction. [2]
(iii) Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution having the pH
of 6?[2]
(iv) What would happen to the pH of the solution if an acid is added to it [2]
(v) Mention one natural source formaldehyde. [1]
(vi) Carbonyl compounds are dipolar in nature. Justify. [1]

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Question 9
a. The table below shows the Kb for different amines.
i. Arrange the amines in increasingorder of their basicity. [2]
Table 5

Name Formula Kb

Ammonia NH3 1.8 × 10-5

Methyl amine CH3NH2 4.38×10-4

Ethyl amine C2H5NH2 5.6 ×10-4

Aniline C6H5NH2 3.8 ×10-10

ii. Why is aniline less basic than other amines? [2]

b. Study the electrode potentials of the different electrodes and answer the following
Table 6
Electrode Electrode potentials
Zn/Zn2+ -0.76
Cu2+/Cu +0.34

i. Which electrodes can be used as anode and cathode? [2]

ii. Calculate the standard electrode potential of the cell. [2]
iii. 0.25 moles of solute X is dissolved in 250gm of water. Calculate the molality
of the solution. [2]

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