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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Define possessive pronoun;
b. construct a sentence using possessive pronoun; and
c. be aware the use of possessive pronouns in everyday use.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Grammar
Sub-Topic: Possessive Pronouns
Materials: Charts, Video Clip, Laptop
References: English for Life 7

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Classroom Management
Opening prayer
Good Morning Class Good Morning Sir!

Cleanliness and Orderliness

Kindly pick up the pieces of papers
under your chair please.

Thank you and you may sit everyone

Checking of Attendance None Sir!

Class, who are absent today?

Very good!

B. Review of the past Lesson

Who among you here can still recall of Sir!
what we had discussed last time? We had discussed about Pronouns
yesterday Sir.
Very Good!
Specifically what pronouns? We had discussed about subjective
and possessive adjective pronouns.
That’s right!

C. Motivation
Students are going to sing with the
Show them the video clip about video.
possessive pronoun song.
Class, do you have an idea about our -It’s about possessive pronouns.
lesson for today?

Very Good!
Yes, Sir!
Did you like it?

So, Let us sing again together class!

D. Presentation of the Lesson

Our lesson for today is about
Possessive Pronouns.
Who wants to read its definition? Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns are a part of
speech that replaces a noun(s).
Possessive pronouns demonstrate

E. Lesson Proper

Take a look at the chart here

(The teacher will show the chart that
contains pronouns)

D. Last time we learned about

subjective pronouns and
possessive adjectives and
here they are:
Subjective Pronouns
I, He, She ,It, You, We ,They

Possessive Adjectives

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