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I have been on a few weddings.

I want to tell you about my

wedding. My wedding was passed in the yard of the bride’s house.
On that day my friends went to me to help me with preparing. We
decorated cars and then we went to the bride. According to
Russian custom, a ransom for the bride is held before marriage
registration. It is a very interesting and funny event. In front of the
entrance to the courtyard of the bride's house, the bride’s friends
met us. They made us to do various tasks, for example, they made
me speak sweet words to the bride at every step or they showed
me handprints and I had to guess which print belongs to my
fiancee. When I could not complete some task, I had to pay them
with coins and small bills.
Then we went for marriage registration. After registration, we
have visited the city's sights and then we returned to the bride’s
house to celebrate our wedding. The people were dressed in
beautiful clothes. They were very happy and they presented us
with a lot of gifts. Someone presented us with money, someone
presented us with various useful things for our home. My bride
was dressed in a lovely white wedding dress and I was dressed in
a black suit and white shirt.

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