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3 steps of writing the letter before you send it to specified international organization :

Step 1: Planning business messages. To plan any message, first analyze the situation by defining your
purpose and developing a profile of your audience. When you’re sure what you need to accomplish with
your message, gather the information that will meet your audience’s needs. Next, select the best
combination of medium and channel to deliver your message. Then organize the information by defining
your main idea, limiting your scope, selecting the direct or indirect approach, and outlining your content.
Planning messages is the focus of this chapter.

Step 2: Writing business messages. After you’ve planned your message, adapt to your audience by using
sensitivity, relationship skills, and an appropriate writing style. Then you’re ready to compose your
message by choosing strong words, creating effective sentences, and developing coherent paragraphs.

Step 3: Completing business messages. After writing your first draft, revise your message by evaluating
the content, reviewing readability, and editing and rewrit-ing until your message comes across concisely
and clearly, with correct grammar, proper punctuation, and effective format. Next, produce your message.
Put it into the form that your audience will receive and review all design and layout decisions for an
attractive, professional appearance. Proofread the final product to ensure high quality and then distribute
your message.
December 1, 2022
Sarah Al-Faruq
Lamlagang, Banda Aceh 23111

Monique Matheson
Chief Human Resources Officer
Nike, Inc
One Bowerman Drive Beaverton, Oregon 97701

RE : Store Marketing Manager

Dear Ms. Matheson,

I made this Job Application Latter based on job vacancy information on the Nike Careers
website and it certify the Nike company is looking for Store Marketing Manager. In my pursuit
of new creative endeavors, I was excited to find the Store Marketing Manager opportunity with
Nike Corporation, Oregon. As a progressive professional with sales experience, I believe that I
can bring valuable contributions to your team.

Identifying innovative approaches and improved solutions to business challenges both motivate
and drive me. Observation, inspiration, and determination are my foundation for success. My
philosophy is that introducing fresh perspectives and new techniques allow businesses to
evolve and grow. Similar to Nike Corporation, Oregon, my goal is to remain on the cutting-
edge of advancements.

Formerly in my Marketing Assistant role, my successes have stemmed from essential skills,
including marketing and advertising and brand development. I have enhanced my
communication abilities and cultivated a reputation as a major contributor through innovation
and collaboration. I am a collaborative team player who is always searching for opportunities
to impart valuable insights. With these qualities, I am able to facilitate positive change and
impacting outcomes.

For a greater presentation of my background and qualifications, please review my attached

resume. I am eager to speak with you and greatly appreciate your consideration.


Sarah Al-Faruq

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