Integrity Essay Submission

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Isaac Villegas

Mrs. Schneck


23 March 2023

Integrity essay
The Cars film series is truly a work of art and a masterpiece in the history of film. We see

how we humans are represented in the form of Cars every single character with a unique

personality. Throughout the course of the series, we see new areas, meet new cars, and see how

the main character Lightning Mcqueen develops and those around him. The course of life can be

unpredictable and uncertain but the cars' films demonstrate this same idea as we wouldn’t have

met all these cars had lightning Mcqueen not gotten lost on route 66 and stumbled upon a town

named Radiator Springs. The Cars franchise is truly exemplary and can relate to everyone in

some form or another. Truly representative of those who surround us and ourselves as well.


A specific character Guido, a small little Italian car, is representative of the structure of

my life and would suggest it is similar to the framework of my plan because Guido is a hard

worker, always calm and has a plan in mind especially being quick at pit stops and finishing

under fast times. One time I had to complete a puzzle in under 30 min with my cousin because

we were about to leave and head back home since the holidays just ended. Just like that we

zoned in and divided the work and started hacking away at solving the puzzle. As each min

passed we got closer and closer until the last min we put the last piece together. Right before my

parents told me that we were leaving, the sense of accomplishment and relief we finished was

worth it. Similar to Guido we were quick and smart, got to work without wasting time, and

accomplished our task.


The style of my life has never been consistent with the constant moving I experienced

throughout my childhood. Snot Rod is an accurate representative example that is similar to the

uniqueness of my life because my life has led me to unexpected places where I never thought I’d

be located. When I was 5, I first got the news that I was moving to Okinawa, Japan. I was

saddened at first but then excited just due to going to a new place completely foreign to me.

Once in Okinawa, we visited places such as American village, pineapple land, and other local

areas. My dad had coworkers who showed him and us cool areas and eats in Okinawa which

were some of the best moments. While Okinawa was a permanent stay for 3 years of my life, I

visited places such as Seattle, Salem, and San Francisco on the way back from Japan because of

the convenience of the flight home and had a road trip throughout the West Coast. Which I

would’ve never visited had we not moved to Japan. My experience moving to Japan and how it

allowed me to experience so many cool and unique things about the island and my experience

coming back to America relates to snot rod due to his unique character and how he travels across

the interstates at blazing speeds just like 3 years went by fast but I experienced a lot.


The cohesiveness of my life can be attributed to one specific person and the character

from Cars I choose to represent them is Mack. As Mack is similar to the ingredient that connects

everything together and creates wholeness in my life because Mack is the character that tries to

be empathic and understand the reason and is liked by everybody. He creates a sense of

understanding between Lightning Mcqueen’s mistake and punishment. Mack ultimately connects

the whole town of Radiator springs together. On a certain day, I wasn’t doing so hot but when I

got home from school I just talked about how my day went to my mom. She is very

understanding of the issues that occur and it puts me in a more relaxed mood. She offers advice

and sometimes makes me something to eat to lighten up my mood. Mack, similar to how he

brings this wholeness to the town of radiator springs, I believe my mom is the person who

creates that wholeness in my life as she helps me out when I’m not doing my best.


Strength comes in many ways but it can also be derived from those around you and the

support they give you throughout the course of your life. Doc Hudson is similar to the things that

protect me from the stressors of life because Doc tells Lightning McQueen to relax and not be so

hasty. Doc teaches Mcqueen how to become a better racer, but also a better person and get rid of

his attitude. My family always tries to steer me in the right direction. Sometimes I make dumb

mistakes or can’t think rationally. An example would be when I was stressing about making the

soccer team in fifth grade because they couldn’t fit all the kids on the team. I wasn’t necessarily

the best at soccer but I loved playing the game. I tried out for the team I thought I did alright but

I still knew some kids were better than me. My family told me not to worry about it and that I

could still play soccer with friends at school even if I didn’t make the team. My parents could tell

I was overstressing and that I couldn’t focus on anything else. So my dad took me out to play

soccer with him and I felt much more relieved and at ease. After two more days of anxiously

waiting, I had made the team it was a good moment finally knowing I made the team and getting

rid of the stress entirely of waiting for the results.Doc Hudson the mentor and guide to Lightning

Mcqueen is really similar to my family as they try to guide me in the right direction and alleviate

unnecessary stress that comes along in my life.


The durability of our lives is based on our ability to plan ahead and make sure everything

goes well. I'd like to introduce the next character Sarge who fits this role quite well. Sarge is

similar to the guarantee that my plan in life is enduring because he is a character who is strict and

sets out a planned trip for lightning Mcqueen and Mater to follow when they go on a camping

trip. A time in my life when I had to plan something ahead of time was when my friends and I

decided to go hike and see a view early in the morning. We started by brainstorming ideas on

how to meet up. We then settled that sleeping over at the person's house closest to the trail was

ideal as no one would be late or be unable to show up. Then set the time we would depart at 5 am

so we could see the sunrise. A simple plan ahead of time guaranteed all of us that we would view

the sunrise and just like that we started the next morning looking at a magnificent view. Similar

to Sarge he doesn’t go on spontaneous trips, he instead plans them out with careful thought so

that everything goes exactly as planned as we did to view the sunrise on the hiking trail.


Without direction, our lives steer off course and we need to guide ourselves and as well as

rely on the aid of those around us, a mixed healthy balance so that we can do our best and

succeed. Lightning McQueen is similar to what motivates me to make planes a reality because he

never gives up and always aims to be the best and hypes himself up with his iconic catchphrase

“I am speed.” An example of when I didn’t give up and made a plan come to fruition. While I

don’t go to the gym often I have friends who do and the times I go with them they hype me up

for a personal record on lifts. I warm up the day before to put me in a better position to hit a

personal record. The environment that is created when I go with friends is entirely different and I

go for it but I struggle in my mind, the idea of hitting a personal record allowed me to hit a

personal record on the bench press. Similar to Lightning Mcqueen he hates the idea of failure

and not being able to be the best that he can be similar to me wanting to hit a personal record and

doing so through preparation and motivation.

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