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Fundamental attribution error is likely to explain people's behavior with refers to the internal factors

alone, such as a person's personality or disposition, with no consideration to the external influences
factors, such as the environment or the situation that cause the person's behavior. Sometimes we tend
to misinterpret someone's actions and behavior because we solely base our opinions and discernment
on pieces of information without looking at the whole picture. Incorrect assumptions about someone's
characteristics and attributes cause problems and delays that prevent them from building more
excellent social relationships. Fundamental attribution errors can happen in workplaces, schools, and
other sectors of society. The misapprehension of our actions gives us lousy feedback and reviews, which
tend to make us question ourselves. The Fundamental attribution error can cause someone's behavior in
judgment which cause them to break good relations with other people. However, learning how to
handle it helps people improve their relationships in work and other areas to increase overall
productivity and association.

Attribution theory explains the tendency to describe someone's behavior by ascribing the cause
of it. Even with this, sometimes, we create mistakes in our interpretations. Several reasons cause the
Fundamental Attribution Error to happen. People may base their assumptions on their perspective. The
lack of information about someone's characteristics partially explains their actions and behavior, which
causes fundamental attribution errors. Your viewpoint can sometimes hinder you from looking and
spending time learning to understand and comprehend the outside external stimuli that can be the
cause of someone's action. For example, a student comes late to class, and his teacher overthinks that
he doesn't want the subject his teacher is teaching when other situational factors might cause him to be
late, like family emergencies or traffic jams. Another reason to cause FAE is emotions. Emotions can
affect someone's capacity to process information. Due to high feelings of anger, disappointment, and
tiredness, we accidentally raise our voices, or sometimes we quickly get annoyed. Others might interpret
this projection as our nature of identity and behavior. For instance, there are external driving forces, and
we tend to lose control of our emotions due to the situational factors we experience. Regarding this, an
employee of a company has scolded by his manager and the others who witnessed the event, assuming
that their boss was rude and cruel for making embarrassing the employee without considering the
reason for his emotions. Maybe there are specific reasons for his anger, such as a break-up with his
girlfriend, or perhaps a client rejects his project proposal, causing him to be disappointed with himself,
which is the reason for his actions. The mood may sometimes be the cause of the Fundamental
Attribution Error to the people. The emotions that we feel may go wild and embrace our whole system,
which can cause misunderstanding among others.

Fundamental Attribution Error can cause large disturbances and problems in building
relationships with others. There are practices and methods that are vital to minimize it. Practicing
empathy is a great approach to avoiding FAE. By being empathetic and putting yourself in other shoes,
you can have a better understanding of other people's emotions and feelings. Empathizing can help you
to identify the true nature of an individual, allowing you to assess correctly without making
assumptions. Learning how to listen can help you to build the skills of empathy. Another approach is to
improve your relationships with others. Having in-depth connections with others can usually gain an
excellent understanding of their character and personality. For instance, you are aware that your friends
are respectful and kind to others. Somehow, there are certain situations in that you notice changes in
their personality, but you won't make any judgment against them because you know that there are
certain situational factors that cause their internal attributes. Your strong relationships with them help
you to understand their behavior. Reflecting on your perceptions and feelings can also help to minimize
the Fundamental attribution error. By making a self-analysis of your perceptions and feelings, you can
develop an awareness of how you think and process information which is vital to understand when
making a judgment. Using divergent thought processes can help to create and form logical solutions.
Being diverse in your thought can help a person to expand their perspective on why a person is behaving
this way. Also improving social awareness can also help to determine someone's behavior. Social
awareness can identify and understand the body language and cues that someone is experiencing
difficulty in life. All these approaches can be a great help in avoiding FAE. Although we cannot
completely avoid this from happening, we have plenty of methods to box it.

The misconceptions about others' behavior and personalities can be subject to problems and
chaos, which is not helpful in building communication and relationships. Fundamental Attribution Error
is the tendency to overthink and correlate someone's behavior based on their internal attributes with no
regard to external factors. There are certain reasons cause FAE, and these are based on different
perceptions of how we interpret things and on the emotions that we feel. Due to our different
perceptions and interpretations of many things, we tend to misjudge someone's actions. Also, our
emotions rule us to project unexpected behavior toward others which forms bad impressions on us.
However, there are certain approaches to minimize the Fundamental Attribution Error, such as being
empathetic, improving social relationships, reflecting on your perceptions and feelings, using divergent
thought processes, and improving social awareness. Sometimes, we need to be more understanding and
patient with others because we are not witnessing the whole story of their situations. We know half a
slice about them. Assumptions can never be justified by what we perceive on a particular matter.
Rather, it can be avoided by knowing how to listen to others' reasons. To form healthy relationships, we
need to allow ourselves to give others a chance to explain their side and be mutual with our feelings and
judgment. Everyone would be in harmony if each of us could be more empathetic and understanding
towards each other!

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