Advice Young Researchers

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spreadsheets,” J. Comput. Applicat. Eng. Edu., vol. AUTHOR INFORMATION Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

11, no. 1, pp. 6–12, 2003. Nourdine Aliane (nourdine.aliane@ He is currently a professor of control
[17] A. El-Hajj, S. Karaki, and Y.K. Karim, “A
nonlinear control system simulation toolbox obtained the electrical engi- engineering and robotics at the Univer-
using spreadsheets,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Modelling neering degree in 1990 from the École sidad Europea de Madrid, Spain. His
and Simulation, Pittsburgh, U.S.A, 2001, pp. 83–87.
[18] COCT workbook [Online]. Available:
Nationale Polytechnique d’Alger and interests include control systems, the Ph.D. in physics in 1995 from the robotics, and education.

Advice to Young Researchers


A wise man can learn from anyone, A BASIC RULE ing as well as mnemonics for impor-
even from a fool, but a fool can Work hard and do good work! There is tant results. But drawings are also
learn from no one, not even no substitute for this nor compensat- fraught with dangers, since it is often
from a wise man. ing factors. Also, to do really good very difficult to interpret signs cor-
—Jewish proverb work, you must be a little crazy. As rectly from drawings. The misinter-
the Romans said: nullum magnum inge- pretations can sometimes be very
It is easier to give advice than to nium sine mixtura dementiae fuit (there subtle. When my calculation almost
bear one’s own problems. has not been great genius without an “works” except for a sign inconsisten-
—Euripides (480–406 BCE) admixture of insanity), which need cy that I think I can fix later, that is
not imply that if you are a bit crazy, usually the time for me to start doing
new researcher in any discipline you will become a great genius, but it the algebra microscopically. A word

A is often at sea without a com-

pass. He may have demonstrat-
ed tremendous skill already as a
helps. But genius is not enough. My
own career is certainly proof that per-
sistence and hard work can compen-
to the wise…
Put not thy trust in others! Never
trust a published formula. Always
graduate student in the ability to sate for lack of genius, unless one rederive it yourself. Not only do pub-
achieve new results in research, but is accepts Edison’s definition of genius lished formulas sometimes contain
unaware of the ethical requirements as one percent inspiration and ninety- errors (mea culpa), but we often under-
of research or of many activities that nine percent perspiration, although stand the range of application of a for-
can improve the quality of his work my own ratio is certainly much poorer mula only by deriving it ourselves and
and protect that work to a degree than Edison’s. seeing then the hidden assumptions. If
from serious errors. I am sorry to say an article is not particularly well writ-
that too many supposedly seasoned RESEARCH ten, be prepared that there may be
researchers are unaware of these Be focused! It is important, certainly, communication problems in the results
errors or choose to ignore them. For that your research have breadth. If you as well. Always save your notes.
the engineer there is the additional are just starting out, breadth will get Be real! The best research often
requirement that his research should you better job offers, or present you comes from real problems. I think that
have some connection to the real with a greater range of areas in which much academic research is, well, aca-
world, particularly on how one finds to obtain research funding, but proven demic. If you are a young academi-
research problems in it. The present depth is more likely to get you fame. If cian, form close ties with a local
essay is not intended as a survivor’s you are a young academician, both company or with a government facil-
manual. It has loftier goals for those will help you get tenure. It is impor- ity. You may find that your best ideas,
young creative researchers who, to tant that there be at least one area even general theoretical ideas, arise
steal a phrase from Faulkner [1], will where you have real depth, although it from their needs. (My most important
not only survive but prevail, whether may take a long time to develop. research has often been research and
in industry, government, or academia. Put not thy trust in drawings! development.) These contacts may
The present article is adapted from Drawings are very helpful in research. also become a good source of research
part of an earlier article [2]. They excite our visual perception of funding, summer salaries, and jobs for
the problem at hand, give us new your students.
insights, and are excellent ancillary Don’t always be practical! Some-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCS.2008.929065 devices for communication and teach- times impractical research can be very

1066-033X/08/$25.00©2008IEEE OCTOBER 2008 « IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE 113

enlightening about the foundations of contract or graduate-student timetables. statement is not altogether true for us,
one’s field and even about the nature Don’t necessarily give your most origi- but there is much truth in it nonetheless.
of real applications, but don’t let nal ideas to a Ph.D. student, unless you Check your work! This doesn’t mean
impractical research become your are certain that the student is at least as only not finding errors when you
dominant research theme. smart and as imaginative as you, reread your derivation or your com-
A wise man can learn from anyone. Lis- because then the work will be done on puter program. Make certain that your
ten carefully to others, especially, to the the student’s timetable and at the stu- new equations agree with trusted
questions of people struggling to dent’s level of competence and creativi- known results in special cases. In
understand your work. Sometimes their ty. To make the computer simulations a derivations, if you are able, derive your
difficulties stem from situations not master’s thesis after the theory has been result in more than one way. In your
considered in your work or contain the worked out completely is another thing. computer output, check intermediate
germ of an important new idea. This Research cannot all be part of the busi- results. Check any properties your
has been the case for me in both Physics ness of being a professor. Some of it results should have. In simulation, test
and Engineering. Keep in mind that the must be a truly joyous personal activity for simple models for which you know
famous cameraman Gregg Toland vol- not easily given to a subordinate. If we the answers or can easily calculate
unteered his services on Citizen Kane to forget this, then we risk making them by hand. Never just say: “I coded
the untried director Orson Welles, research just a job. my equations, and this is what I got.”
because, he said, beginners had always Be unreasonable sometimes! Being In a batch estimation problem, for
provided him with the best new ideas. unrelentingly reasonable or political- example, do your estimate errors
It is better to be right than “practical.” ly correct in life (and in research) decrease inversely as the square root of
Wrong work is not “practical,” just makes Jack a dull boy. Sometimes N, as N, the number of measurements,
because you can describe it simply ethics forces us to go out on a limb, becomes large? Are two-thirds of the
without equations. Rigorous mathe- and our quest for truth forces us to estimation errors smaller than the theo-
matical work is not “only of theoreti- explore territory that others would retical one sigma in magnitude?
cal interest,” just because it requires a rather we avoid. Shakespeare’s Polo- Have courage! Do not be afraid to
lot of equations. Do not let yourself be nius in Hamlet definitely had some- examine a topic, just because a
influenced by the kind of person who thing to say here. respected colleague thinks such work
favors simplicity over correctness. Knowledge is infinite; humans are is silly or that the problem has been
Pay attention to small details! Some- finite. While it is good to study just settled. On the other hand, if you dis-
times small items of no obvious con- to acquire knowledge, keep in mind cover nothing important, move on.
sequence can lead to important that there is no limit to the amount of Most of my own early efforts in Astro-
research. Be especially watchful of background one can acquire on a nautics did not lead to a publication.
steps that you must gloss over in a particular topic. Don’t wait until you Carpe diem! Seize the day, said the
research paper, which you think are have complete knowledge of a topic Roman poet Horace (Quintus
intuitively obvious, but which you before you begin to develop your Horatius Flaccus, 65–8 BCE). Do not
don’t know how to show. They may own ideas. Usually, the idea comes procrastinate in your work. Above all,
be a sign of hidden gold for future (or first. We often learn what things we do not procrastinate when it comes to
current) research. Also, they may really need to learn as we do working independently. When one
indicate that your earlier intuitive research. Sometimes it is even more arrives at a faculty as a new assistant
assumptions weren’t quite right. efficient simply to “reinvent the professor or even post-doctoral fellow,
Develop intuition! We avoid mis- wheel.” Learning too much about a it is natural to want to be helpful to
takes by having good intuition. We topic can make us unoriginal, your new colleagues, or to become a
develop intuition by making mistakes. because we will get stuck in the rut secondary contributor to their work,
Not all work is valuable. Just because of previous work, even our own. which you may rightly regard as
a work is correct doesn’t mean that it The most important research is often better than anything that you can do.
is valuable. It must be really useful or about finding questions, not about finding Your rôle, however, is not to be effec-
increase our understanding or pose a answers. As engineers or scientists, not tively another graduate student for
new problem as well. In a word, it only must we find the answers to impor- senior faculty, even if you have much
must be truly worthwhile. Regret- tant questions, we must find the impor- to learn from them. Participate in their
tably, valueless research sometimes tant questions too. Computers and work, make yourself useful. It will not
(often?) gets published. simulation can only be part of research. hurt your chances for tenure that some
Be a dilettante! It is worthwhile to As Picasso once said, “Computers are highly respected member of the facul-
approach some research as a dilettante, useless. They can only give you ty acknowledges a debt to you. But
that is, to do the work on your own, on answers.” (Los ordenatores son inútiles. you must also give your department a
your own schedule and not be tied to Sólo pueden darte respuestas.) That real reason to give you tenure. You


must take the initiative in doing inde- which presented a great mass of mate- one is best by simulation tests. Just
pendent research. Don’t procrastinate. rial (two hundred years worth, in fact) because your residual errors con-
You can find a million excuses to put from a unified point of view with con- verge to zero or some small value
this off. Remember the Nike commer- sistent notation and conventions. doesn’t mean that your work is cor-
cial and just do it! If you are working When I submitted it, I told my friends rect. The correct approach may con-
in industry, and your boss asks you to that I had just submitted my most verge faster or to a smaller value, or
do something, but you think you have unoriginal paper, and which, I said, the asymptotic error level may be
a better idea, do first what he asks— would become my most cited paper. I very different from what it should be
you don’t want to get a reputation of was right. The most important quality as a result of errors in the approxi-
being uncooperative, which could get of good research is that it helps others mation. Simulations to “verify” theo-
you fired or at least a poor raise—and rather than just satisfying one’s own retical results should not just show
then work out your own approach as intellectual gratification. that the errors become very small but
well, but only if it can be done quickly. Research ideas sometimes come from that they have the anticipated values.
And don’t show off afterward. the strangest places. I have found that Not all simulations are equal. Some-
Keep it simple. Not all research is long-distance driving, walks in the times I see illustrative simulation
equal, and not all of it is valuable. mall, music, novels, poetry, and which simply repeats the steps of the
The best research discovers simple cooking sometimes stimulate author’s ad hoc prescription, and
things, which are often the hardest to research ideas. The list is endless. illustrates only that the author has
find. It is easy simply to extend an Read my earlier article on “The Arts programmed the simulations cor-
existing piece of work to treat a small and Engineering” in IEEE Control rectly, although the model that was
variation of a model or of a set of Systems Magazine [3]. programmed may be wrong. Avoid
assumptions, or which consists most- this. Also, do not perform simula-
ly of simulations. Such work can be SIMULATION IN RESEARCH tions which simply show the inner
valuable, but the simple things are Simulation is a valuable tool. Simula- consistency of your work while
often the most important. Above all, tion is valuable as a partial verifica- avoiding numerical comparisons of
avoid making a career out of publish- tion of your work, since simulation your work with a known correct or
ing endless variations of your disser- failure indicates that something is more complete theory.
tation or some other research work. wrong somewhere. It is valuable also
Your dissertation may contain for illustrating your results and for PUBLISHING
unmined gold, but recognize when determining the computational bur- Write as you go! I have discovered
the vein has run out. Don’t expend den of an algorithm in real applica- that writing up my work may be my
enormous effort just to develop a tions. In real-world applications, in most important research tool. Gener-
new methodology which is five per- which analytical verification often is ally, it is when I write that I discover
cent better than an existing one. No not easily attainable in available time, the things which I should have done
one will care except you. simulation may be the best we can do that I didn’t consider doing originally
Be useful. Not every piece of work to gain some (if not complete) confi- or just didn’t know how to do (but
we do can be a breakthrough, but dence in a method. Keep in mind, thought I did).
every piece of work should be useful. however, that simulation experience Don’t rush to publication! I find that
If not of immediate practical use, it is data, not insight or intuition, which my publications in progress generally
should improve our understanding or come from physical or mathematical improve with age, provided I contin-
provide an intermediate step to some- understanding. However, it is often ue to revise them. If you are an assis-
thing useful and not simply demon- the pathway to insight and intuition. tant professor seeking tenure, this
strate the brilliance of the researcher. Thinking is better than computing. tactic may not work for you. All the
Sometimes, we discover something Often a simple analytical example is same, walk, don’t run.
new and end up changing a research more illustrative and explains more Use clear and systematic notation! Do
area. But most research is not path- than a numerical example. not introduce new notation just to be
breaking. Sometimes, a piece of Simulation is not a proof. I see too different. Using 0 for an index of an
research simply carries out a more much shoddy work, sometimes even array is also inadvisable, since not
basic and thorough analysis of previ- in the journals, “proved” by simula- every programming language permits
ous work, not necessarily your own. tions. The worst sort of article, in my a row or column index to have that
Sometimes, one publishes after- opinion, is the kind in which the value. Always enclosing the symbol
thoughts about special cases. Some- writer proposes arbitrarily several for every rectangular matrix in brack-
times, one publishes a survey or a different solutions to a problem, ets (once standard because of the
tutorial. My most cited article isn’t none of which is obviously correct limitations of typewriters) is also a
research at all but a survey paper, mathematically, and decides which bad idea, although it can add clarity in


special circumstances, as can any other Not quantity but quality! In Latin: your paper, always cite them fully
delimiter. Likewise for underscoring non multa sed multum, or in Ancient and unambiguously, making clear
the symbol for every column or row Greek: ου πολλα' αλλα' πολυ' (literally, what parts of your paper are taken
matrix. This occurs less frequently in in both languages, “not many but from theirs. It is always better to err
the IEEE Controls arena than in other much”). The ancients already had it on the side of being overly scrupu-
disciplines, such as Aerospace Engi- right. Don’t publish trivial or repeti- lous. Always check for earlier work
neering, where I work mostly. tive work or publish your work piece- before you publish a result. Given the
Do not build permanent monuments meal just to get more publications. To bibliographic resources provided by
to bad work! Conferences are a good do so in order to be able to attend a the Internet, especially (in 2008) the
place to present incomplete or not yet conference is excusable, but even AIAA, IEEE, Google, and Google
completely justifiable work; journals there, when I see a chain of papers Scholar Web sites, there is no excuse
are not. (No place is a good place for with few new results in each, bloated for being unaware of any important
work you know is incorrect.) by unenlightening simulations, I am related work published in the last two
Don’t defend your mistakes! If you not impressed. At the same time, decades. When I see an article that has
have made a grievous error in a publi- putting too many topics in one long no references more recent than 20
cation, especially in a journal article, paper can make it opaque. In that years ago, I become suspicious that
don’t try to cover up the mistake or, case, it can often be made clearer by the research is old and obsolete or
even worse, persist in it out of pride. dividing it into two (or more) shorter that a superior similar article by
A backlog of respect from previous publications. I have tended to err on someone else has already appeared.
good work may be squandered if you the side of articles that covered too Pride goeth before a fall. (approx.
do, and you may be remembered many topics. Proverbs [16:18]). Lack of pride goes
more for your persistence in error Be pedagogical in your papers! My nowhere. Worry not only about the
than for more extensive good work. papers most often have a strong tutor- value and correctness of your work.
Better to publish an erratum or give ial element (meant largely for me), Be concerned also with its presenta-
notice of the error and correct it in a and I have often been accused of writ- tion, the writing, the drawings, the
succeeding publication. I have done ing a textbook in the journals. That plots. Learn to write clearly. Every
one or the other numerous times. No accusation may be justified, but I also technical writer should read Strunk &
one will respect you less for having get a lot of citations. It is easy to over- White [4] once a year. Streamline and
been honest. do pedagogy, and hard to find the simplify the mathematics as much as
The world will remember only your right amount. Work at it. When you possible. If you typeset your work,
archival publications. With rare excep- write a paper, you are not only report- learn good typesetting style. The
tions conference proceedings are ing what you did but also teaching Chicago Manual of Style [5] is the com-
eventually forgotten. Few people will your readers how to do what you did. mon standard. Read extensively out-
go to the trouble of purchasing copies The journey, one might say, is part of side Engineering. The quality of
from the professional organization the result. This may be too much to expression from non-engineers is usu-
after the conference. If you wish your ask of young researchers, but it is ally much better than ours. Remem-
work to be remembered, publish it in worth a try. ber, that when you write a paper, you
a reputable journal. Note also that Good cooks leave good recipes. Also are telling a story. A good paper, like
conferences do not review papers care- helpful when presenting a very new a good short story or a good film, has
fully. Don’t betray your inexperience method is to give a detailed bulleted a clear beginning, middle, and end.
by boasting that your paper was pre- prescription in a later section or in an Writing a scientific paper is not like
sented at a “refereed” conference. appendix where the steps are summa- writing the great American novel, nor
Good ideas often come quickly; good rized one by one. Don’t repeat long is it like ordering a pizza.
publications always require a lot of work. equations, but simply refer to them by Non illigitimi carborundum est! Do
Some of my ideas come quickly, number in the main text. Except in not let yourself be overly angered by
although I may spend a lot of time rare instances, publishing code in unfavorable reviews of your submit-
making the math come out right. Matlab or C is probably not a good ted articles. Most reviewers are care-
(Nonetheless, my first significant idea, and a typographical error may ful and thoughtful. Occasionally,
researches in any new area were long, make enemies for you down the road. there is the mean-spirited review. If a
arduous, and frustrating.) Writing a Descriptive code is safer, and reading reviewer has misunderstood your
journal article (and often a conference your paper should not be an experi- paper, you should examine the review
article) takes me forever. Good writ- ence similar to puzzling out a carefully in order to decide whether
ing is actually part of the research. computer program. he was simply unequipped to review
You don’t understand a result until Always give credit where credit is due! your paper (this happens) or your
you can present it well. If you use someone else’s results in presentation wasn’t clear enough (this


happens more often). Innovative is subject, therefore, to the inequities Research has always been an impor-
work is not always recognized right of any human endeavor. To work tant part of my life, but other aspects
away. It is better to rewrite your arti- hard and to do good work is often the of my career, which were mostly
cle to make the nature or value of best we can do. The most important development or management, have
your innovation more apparent than praise we receive comes from within been just as rewarding if not more so.
to argue with the reviewer. The (and stays there). If we constantly When in doubt, do the right thing. We
reviewer will probably not be the only produce work of high quality and almost always know what the right
reader to miss your point. Detailed have respect for ourselves, then even- thing is. Our moral dilemma generally
reviews are worth gold, even if they tually others will come to respect us. is that we would rather, usually for
are negative. There is no other way. selfish reasons, do something else.
Don’t let the blues get you down! It is Morality requires courage and a will-
TEACHING a truism that the most creative people ingness to give up something in order
Good teaching in Engineering is are often the most susceptible to to do what is right. Loyalty, efficiency,
Research. In the words of the philoso- depression or even manic-depression. and expediency are fine attributes, but
pher Columbanus Sutor: Docendo This is more frequent in the Arts than they are not moral attributes. If we are
discimus, by teaching we learn, and in Science, Engineering, and Mathe- to seek the truth, we must also be
learning is certainly part of research. matics, but it happens to us all the truthful ourselves in all things. Make
Preparing a course in your area of same. If you become depressed during the world a better place.
research is very much a research-like a dry period, occupy yourself with Take all advice with caution. All
activity, if you do it right, and a other tasks, such as some less exciting advice is based on the giver’s personal
source of ideas. This advice is almost work that has been on your shelf for experience and prejudices, the present
a corollary of the statement that good some time, writing up unpublished advice no exception, and no advice
writing is part of research. If you work, studying a topic for which you can anticipate all situations. My advice
acquire a reputation as a great had not previously found the time, includes practices that have worked
teacher, you will also make valuable writing a review of some research area for me and some others, and also
friends among both students and fac- (not necessarily your own and, per- warns against practices that I have
ulty. One of my most valuable journal haps, never to be published), develop- found to lead to work which, in my
articles came from trying to motivate ing software, or preparing a new opinion, is of diminished quality.
an algorithm for course presentation. course. All activities which lead to a Many of my close colleagues do not
desirable result stimulate us and cre- agree with every one of these items.
THE DARK SIDE OF RESEARCH ate the endorphins which will take us Some things one must simply learn for
We all screw up. This is true of the out of the blues. Freud always con- oneself—the hard way. No writings
great and the small. Some of my most tended that work is the best therapy. can protect you from every disaster. If
admirable colleagues and even the my counsels have made you think
author have violated many of these LAST WORDS more about what you do, and espe-
items of advice, mostly in our youth. Research isn’t everything. When we are cially if they have given you encour-
It is my least admirable colleagues engaged in research, especially when agement, then I am very pleased.
who continue to violate most of them, we are working on our dissertations, Above all, be happy in your work!
even in their mature years. The sky we think that research is everything, Readers of my generation will recognize
will not fall if you decide that you but it is not. There is joy in discover- here the mantra of the Japanese com-
have made a mistake, even several ing a new result, but I think research mandant of the prisoner-of-war camp in
mistakes. Life and work require con- (in Engineering especially) is most the film The Bridge on the River Kwai,
stant adjustment. satisfying when it serves some imme- who hardly created a happy work envi-
Life is not fair. No one said that diate practical purpose as well. I have ronment. Research should be a source of
research would be easy. Don’t give up done a lot of Engineering research, joy, of exhilaration, and, in many ways,
too easily on a problem, and don’t mostly in industry, all of it very satis- an act of love. If it isn’t, then it may be
work on an unyielding problem for fying; but, if I look back at more than difficult to endure the hardships that
too long without doing other things as thirty years in Engineering, my happi- research entails. I abandoned a produc-
well. Be prepared that you may not est were the first few, when research tive career in Nuclear Physics thirty
always be rewarded as you deserve, was not my objective nor part of my years ago, largely because it stopped
and sometimes colleagues resentful of job description. Even for academics being fun. I never expected to do
your abilities and accomplishments today, research is often only the icing research in Astronautics—I was even
may consciously try to do you dam- on the cake, eaten in haste, and looking forward to a break from
age or try to take credit for your work. spoiled by deadlines, bureaucratic
Research is carried out by people and paperwork, and proposal writing. (continued on page 148)




To be included in the conference calen- ▲ CONFERENCE ON AND CONTROL CONFERENCE
dar, send announcements to: CONTROL APPLICATIONS (DSCC 2008)
3–5 September, San Antonio, 20–22 October, Ann Arbor,
John Watkins Texas, USA Michigan, USA General Chair: Oscar R. Gonzalez General Chair: Galip Ulsoy
Program Chair: Gary Balas Program Chair: Eduardo Misawa
▲ Indicates CSS-sponsored conference
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The complete and current list of CSS- SYSTEMS DESIGN CONTROL
sponsored and cosponsored confer- 3–5 September, 9–11 December,
ences is available at the CSS Web site, San Antonio, Texas, USA Cancun, Mexico General Chair: Oscar R. Gonzalez General Chair: Chaouki Abdallah
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cacsd/cacsd_index.htm CDC08/
» 2008
(CONTROL 2008) General Chair: Oscar R. Gonzalez 17–20 December, Hanoi, Vietnam
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Program Chairs: John O. Gray, isic/
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3–5 September, San Antonio, 10–14 October, Seoul, Korea ▲ 2009 AMERICAN
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General Chair: Oscar R. Gonzales Program Chair: Doo Yong Lee 10–12 June, St. Louis,
Program Chairs: Gary Balas (CCA), Missouri, USA
Marco Lovera (CACSD), General Chair: K. Hoo
Kevin L. Moore (ISIC)

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCS.2008.927315

» FOCUS ON EDUCATION (continued from page 117)

research—but, it seems, research was [2] M.D. Shuster, “In my estimation” J. Astro- of research in theoretical Nuclear
nautical Sci., vol. 54, nos. 3–4, pp. 273–297,
unavoidable; it’s my nature. May Physics, he wanted to do something
July–Dec. 2006.
research bring you these same joys. [3] M.D. Shuster, “The arts and engineering,”
different and spent the next 30 years
IEEE Control Syst. Mag., vol. 28, pp. 96–98, mostly in the aerospace industry,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Aug. 2008. where he quickly found himself doing
[4] W. Strunk, Jr., E.B. White, and R.R. Angell, The research again. More extensive author
Elements of Style, 4th ed. New York and London:
CORDE IPSO DIONYSIO ELECTRO Longman, 2000. information can be found in a previ-
MVLTIBVS EMMENDATIONIBVS [5] The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. Chicago, ous article in the IEEE Control Systems
GRATIAS AGIT. IL:: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2003. Magazine (August 2008). He can be
contacted at Acme Space Company,
REFERENCES AUTHOR INFORMATION 13017 Wisteria Drive, Box 328,
[1] W.C. Faulkner, “Nobel speech,” in The Malcolm Shuster (mdshuster@ com- Germantown, MD 20874; http//
Faulkner Reader. New York: Random House,
1954; reissue: The Modern Library (a division of is director of Research for
Random House) 1977. Acme Space Company. After a decade


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